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Broken world


Mar 4, 2010
Reputation score
In two weeks ill have a break from school its about a month long and i want a hobby well ive always kinda wanted to make a H-RPG maker game so let me state a few things
1. What ever i get done ill post in two weeks ill post weekly updates to show you guys my progress
2. Now I know this forum is filled with people going im going to make a game and post it. o ill post a link soon and then never do. I'm not going to do that
and to prove to you my faithfulness i give you(http://www.mediafire.com/?ahz4gbrf6fa21dp{the rules to linking im not sure about i haven't posted in ever so if i did this wrong let me know and ill edit it}) {downloading this is a waste of your time there isn't much yet Ive like just started literally)

3. This is kinda like a learning experience for me so there's going to be a shit load of randomness and well simply its going to go though changes. One week it may be one way then i may learn something that could improve the whole game.

4. I will drop this project more then likely. I may do this before the month is up and in that case ill start a new one or i may wait till the end of the month.

Last I'm driven by praise and constructive criticism. So if you know a way to make something better let me know and ill be happy to do that but to simply say well that some crap well fuck you too. I didnt put my time and effort into this for that and if thats all i get then im done sharing ill find somewhere else.

Now im not sure if ill get any comments now or later but when i start posting (the real game) and you download it please leave some kind of feed back even a thanks is nice. Let me know its being seen.

So with out further to do heres the plot and ideas

(im inspired by the H-RPGs ive been playing so ill try to learn how they do it. )

Plot- A young women maid has decided to break free of the bonds of being control and wishes to be an adventurer. So she heads to an island where only the bravest woman go to.
Unfortunaly there arent many women let there and the men are well let just say there hunger. Along with strang monsters and a evil cult. Can Mena the maid become a hero and survive this adventure without becoming a sex slave. Find out in "The Broken World"
{the plot may change(cough improve)}

Workload (heavy)

Shadow smile (10%)
Desperate man
Zombie Dog
Zombie boss (tenitcle)
Giant Insect (fly)
Giant Insect (bee)
Giant Insect (worm)
Female rapist
cult women
cult male
If i get though these ill add more

poor town (45%)
pub (25%)
inn (30%)
house (60%)
zombie town (35%)
Zombie house 1 (20)
Zombie house 2 (15%)
zombie house 3
underground path way (10%)
old cult center (zombie area2)

Forest of the cultist
tower of the cultist
dungeon of the cultist

(if i get done with these ill add more)

I need to make lots
cum on hand(finished)
hand job 1(finished)
zombie (10%)
i have the resources that were easy to find but if any one has more i would love them as well as guides or advice to making your own.

Well thank-you for your time and hope to read your comments ill be updating in two weeks
finals will be consuming my time these next two weeks (when i say two im including this one)

Update- ( ) 12/17/2010

UPDATE 12/17/10

Okay so this is still far from a good solid game like way far away.

Most of this week was spent on learning more about the program there is some new stuff and some things are bound to change. But for now the game is how it is.
There is a hand job scene in the pub and im preparing more scenes. If you use the stange semen a pic showing her drink it appears

theres a new enemy which Wont kill you but will rape you once you fall to a certain health. But I havent made this scene. I'm thinking of course of making the hand job scene way better.

I also want to make some more sex skills for both you and the enemies. I'm learning so much so this is going to take time to get a more solid update.

I've been trying to find a balance between enemies being hard or too easy.

Please enjoy this simple thing.

Please leave comments on how to improve the game or what might make it cooler as well as things that might help me make the game.

Thank-you for playing

I'm posting this here as well its my first project and its no were near done but please enjoy