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Building a Campaign: Mirafar

Re: Building a Campaign: Mirafar

Yep, creepy plants that eat you and spit out a zombie in your likeness + vines. Good times.

Yeah, figured you'd like that. Those are actually from the Magic card game. Best thing I could find. Might want to make them so bony and that ugly if your going to keep the woman aroused. XD
Re: Building a Campaign: Mirafar

General Edward Duke

Are you sure you don't mean 'General Edmund Duke'?

Re: Building a Campaign: Mirafar

Character Backgrounds

I guess I should make this clear. I haven't written everything about the world. It is mostly a blank canvas. Your characters come from all sorts of places, but are heirs to the Kingdom of Mirafar. You have ancestry that came from there, and you have burning desire to go back to it and make it yours again.

That said, there are innumerable origins your characters can have and to encourage flushed out characters I'll be awarding extra traits or skills based upon your character backgrounds. Write a well developed background, and I may give you some stuff, on top of either 4 skill points, or 2 skill points and a trait or specialization. But to get the ball rolling, here's some examples:

War Profiteer
You didn't fight in the war. You made things so that others could fight in the war.
Your character gets a ranks in Artisan and specialization (Metal-woking) and one additional rank in Persuasion.

Veteran Soldier
You fought in the war. It didn't win. Because combat was your bread and butter, you can to pick two Combat specializations in either weapons or monsters, or one of those and specialization in Medicine (First Aid)

Mind Worm Host
You were a zombie slave to the hive mind until the mind worms became teh suckz. You've got a nasty scar were it went in, and some creepy purple veins showing. This makes you a bit more Intimidating, granting you an additional rank. It also grants two more ranks in Perception, and another in Athletics, cause Black Moon likes it's minions perceptive and mobile.

Street Rat
You grew up in the alleys, were every one is a jerk. Your immune to common diseases cause you've had them all already. You gain one rank in Larceny and Survival, as well as specialization in Survival (Gathering).

The Black Moon wanted to move into the neighbourhood. You wouldn't stand for that, so you left. Pick two specializations fro the Survival skill.

Raised by the Wilderness
You were left in the woods as a baby, either your parents killed next to you, or abandoned you for some reason. In either case, wild animals found you, but you were so cute that they adopted you instead of eating you, and you grew up with then. Then you went to this village and reclaimed your birthright as a sentient creature by learning to speak. You get two ranks in survival, and specialization in Animal Ken (Wild Animals).

Experimental Stock
You or your parents were the experimental subjects of some hair brained wizard. This gives you a very unusual trait, something from the physical corruption chart, in addition to whatever skill boosts I can come up with.


Well, since all the most creative parts are done, we'll just have to wait for me to finish the encounter tables.
Re: Building a Campaign: Mirafar

Two things:

  1. Could you either post a link to a description or a description itself of what the different corruptions do? (For example: does 'endowment' increase a character's attributes, or does it enlarge certain choice bits of their anatomy?)
  2. Put two ' experimental stocks' with the 'covered in slime' corruption together: instant slime wrestling.
Re: Building a Campaign: Mirafar

Two things:

  1. Could you either post a link to a description or a description itself of what the different corruptions do? (For example: does 'endowment' increase a character's attributes, or does it enlarge certain choice bits of their anatomy?)
  2. Put two ' experimental stocks' with the 'covered in slime' corruption together: instant slime wrestling.

  1. I'm updating the post with the corruption table to include descriptions of the physical manifestations. I'm gonna ditch the mental effects chart, and just set you up with a simple chance to gain a Master Passion equal to 3+Corruption-Edge out of 12.
  2. Your gonna play this character, aren't you? Awesome.
Re: Building a Campaign: Mirafar

Well, as things are looking now, I am likely going to grab an experimental stock with something from the slime tree at least.
Re: Building a Campaign: Mirafar

Updated the [post=145468]Corruption Table Post[/post]. Added the descriptions of the effects of corruption.
Re: Building a Campaign: Mirafar

Mooore questions.

- I'm assuming its "yes", but you can have multiple corruptions, right? Demonic 2, Fey 1, like. Would the corruption effects still be cumulative - like, +6 towards my physical corruption roll, or just +4 or +2 depending on type? +3 or +2/1 for Master Passion?

- The Lich King badass of Mirafar. How much Edge, Potence and Corruption did he have? ...Mostly I'm asking this because I tried building an arch-nemesis. The concept was "terrifying ogre super-warlock", and I ended up bloating him up to like 16 strength including perma-giant-size and Elder Potence. That's enough to like soak a nuke or something, right? ...Basically, I guess I'm asking what power-scale would you recommend for an arch-nemesis? I'm sure you'd prefer to build them, but... I dunno, it's kinda hard for me to judge how badass a character is, since it's not as clear-cut as, say, DnD is, with it's levels and shit. tl;dr

- Was your idea for the celestial's magic holy-and-fire or cold-and-lightning? I thought it was the latter, but I think I might be misremembering, cuz' I couldn't find anything on that when I looked again.

- Do the specifics of the races go public, or do you only get hard numbers with them after you've settled and made the character?
Hair Loss
Your character non longer has hair. Anywhere. Yawl's begin with this trait and must re-roll.
My god, they have no nose hairs, brows or eyelashes? That is spooky.

Anyway, I'm excited for it too. I was sorta dicking around with a celestial and a googirl concept, but I'm favoring an uncorrupted character. Figure I'd post it them in case someone else might want some ideas or whatever.

None of the stock aWoD Sorceries really fit a celestial character, I think. For the celestial, I ended up thinking up a "Litanies" discipline, where he could start up a chant that did stuff, bard-style, and could extend them as a free, or maybe simple action. The discipline's passive effect would make the user's voice carry clearer, further, over louder noises. The first power I thought up was a "Litany of Unity", which'd make a sort of hive-mind for the hearers, that intuitively let those hearing it know when others needed them or whatever, making them work like a "well-oiled machine".

Also for the one, it reflected the character turning into a googirl - resilient, shapechanging, and made of horrible acidpoisoncrap. I'm not so sure what to do about it's passive effects, but I'd think +1 to death threshold (which uh I assume is used when you're KO'd with all lethal wounds and determines if you die?), +1 survival, and maybe +1 to resist acids, poisons, and diseases. Though, most of the powers give outright immunities anyway, and thematically gaining immunity to poison when you start producing poison is pretty alright, too.

Instead of from scratch, I sorta just glued a bunch of stuff from different disciplines together. Basically, basic = Lure of Destruction's basics. Advanced = Abyss of the Body (diseases! Magic ones, especially. That's kinda like poison, right?), Blood of Acid, and maybe stuff that uses water, like Water Prison, refluffing it to say it uses your body/slime instead of any old pool of water. And Elder - which would require Total Viscosity, at least? - could give you Giant Size and maybe some powers that let manipulate your body - making it hard and sharp like steel, denser or lighter, hotter or colder, that sorta thing. Also splitting yourself into clones regular slimes or whatever. Basically, elder level turns you into a Queen Slime, except not handicapped with super-bloat, maybe.

Their dong becomes a bit longer, but most importantly prehensile. With practice, they can learn to do origami with it!
Oh god but what about papercuts.

Reading these effects is enjoyable. :3 Does one get to choose should they get endowment, or will that be rolled too?

Regarding the empty spot... a beak? Egg-laying? I'd suggest reverse-joint legs, but that'd apply to a lot of other stuff as well. Satyr goat-legs, demon goat-legs.

How about just making 'em glow with shiny holy aura? Make them have a second halo, that shows up behind them instead of on their head, like how a halo around the sun goes. Less sneakability, but you act as a light source and maybe harm demonic/necromantic stuff with your aura.
Last edited:
Re: Building a Campaign: Mirafar

Mooore questions.

Mooore answers.

- I'm assuming its "yes", but you can have multiple corruptions, right? Demonic 2, Fey 1, like. Would the corruption effects still be cumulative - like, +6 towards my physical corruption roll, or just +4 or +2 depending on type? +3 or +2/1 for Master Passion?

Yep, each corruption is tracked separately. And rolling for master passions is rolled separately too. So if you've got 6 angel corruption, then get gang raped by a tentacled horror and gain 1 Fey corruption, you'll only get a basic Tier 1 effect, and not gain a Master Passion.

That said, if you get the same effect from different corruption they'll stack up. So if you obtained corruptions Demonic 1, Fey 1 and Angelic 1, and you rolled up vestigial horns each time, you'll have rank three and have a natural Horn Attack.

- The Lich King badass of Mirafar. How much Edge, Potence and Corruption did he have? ...Mostly I'm asking this because I tried building an arch-nemesis. The concept was "terrifying ogre super-warlock", and I ended up bloating him up to like 16 strength including perma-giant-size and Elder Potence. That's enough to like soak a nuke or something, right? ...Basically, I guess I'm asking what power-scale would you recommend for an arch-nemesis? I'm sure you'd prefer to build them, but... I dunno, it's kinda hard for me to judge how badass a character is, since it's not as clear-cut as, say, DnD is, with it's levels and shit. tl;dr

The Lich King Mirafar was badass enough to forge a kingdom out of a backwater wilderness town and maintain it for nearly nine-hundred years. Other Exalted have tried many power schemes, but they usually mess up at King Mirafar's #1 rule: Don't attack another kingdom if people will miss it.

In terms of his power level, he benefited from Necromancy and held 15 corruption in it, as well as 15 corruption in Demonic and Fey magic. He also filled out his attributes to the max. He reached a point where he was so far ahead of any new exalted that they just wouldn't be able to catch up. Also, he was bat shit crazy, what with all the master passions he was suffering from.

- Was your idea for the celestial's magic holy-and-fire or cold-and-lightning? I thought it was the latter, but I think I might be misremembering, cuz' I couldn't find anything on that when I looked again.

I didn't set one. There's no reason you can't have rock angels, or fire angels, or water angels, or butter and biscuit angels, since you can have all those kinds of demons too. Angels have all kinds of crazy powers and come in as many crazy flavours as demons, fey and undead. Go nuts.

- Do the specifics of the races go public, or do you only get hard numbers with them after you've settled and made the character?

Races do not affect attributes or skills. Some of them have some corruption effects built in, but they are as a whole not gonna break the game. There's no reason you can't have fully effective Orc mages or Goblin juggernauts, or even Elf blacksmiths. You background affects your skills, your race ties into your background. The races section is done.

Anyway, I'm excited for it too. I was sorta dicking around with a celestial and a googirl concept, but I'm favoring an uncorrupted character. Figure I'd post it them in case someone else might want some ideas or whatever.

None of the stock aWoD Sorceries really fit a celestial character, I think. For the celestial, I ended up thinking up a "Litanies" discipline, where he could start up a chant that did stuff, bard-style, and could extend them as a free, or maybe simple action. The discipline's passive effect would make the user's voice carry clearer, further, over louder noises. The first power I thought up was a "Litany of Unity", which'd make a sort of hive-mind for the hearers, that intuitively let those hearing it know when others needed them or whatever, making them work like a "well-oiled machine".

Also for the one, it reflected the character turning into a googirl - resilient, shapechanging, and made of horrible acidpoisoncrap. I'm not so sure what to do about it's passive effects, but I'd think +1 to death threshold (which uh I assume is used when you're KO'd with all lethal wounds and determines if you die?), +1 survival, and maybe +1 to resist acids, poisons, and diseases. Though, most of the powers give outright immunities anyway, and thematically gaining immunity to poison when you start producing poison is pretty alright, too.

Instead of from scratch, I sorta just glued a bunch of stuff from different disciplines together. Basically, basic = Lure of Destruction's basics. Advanced = Abyss of the Body (diseases! Magic ones, especially. That's kinda like poison, right?), Blood of Acid, and maybe stuff that uses water, like Water Prison, refluffing it to say it uses your body/slime instead of any old pool of water. And Elder - which would require Total Viscosity, at least? - could give you Giant Size and maybe some powers that let manipulate your body - making it hard and sharp like steel, denser or lighter, hotter or colder, that sorta thing. Also splitting yourself into clones regular slimes or whatever. Basically, elder level turns you into a Queen Slime, except not handicapped with super-bloat, maybe.

I'm sorry. My head keeps spinning every time I read those. I'll get back to figuring out what your are trying to ask tomorrow.

Their dong becomes a bit longer, but most importantly prehensile. With practice, they can learn to do origami with it!
Oh god but what about papercuts.

Reading these effects is enjoyable. :3 Does one get to choose should they get endowment, or will that be rolled too?

Most definitely maybe.

Regarding the empty spot... a beak? Egg-laying?

You win. Egg laying it is.

How about just making 'em glow with shiny holy aura? Make them have a second halo, that shows up behind them instead of on their head, like how a halo around the sun goes. Less sneakability, but you act as a light source and maybe harm demonic/necromantic stuff with your aura.

There will be no wheel of super effective where something wins over something else because of stupid. Angelic magic will not inherently be super effective against Demonic magic, nor will Necromantic magic be super effective against Fey magic. All evils will be equal.
Re: Building a Campaign: Mirafar

I'm sorry. My head keeps spinning every time I read those. I'll get back to figuring out what your are trying to ask tomorrow.

Ah, sorry. That was less a question and more me just throwing out something I was trying with the system. I don't think I'm going to use it, so I thought to post it for one reason or another.

I was editing that post a lot, so it's all unorganized.

I'll stop now goodnight
Re: Building a Campaign: Mirafar

Ah, sorry. That was less a question and more me just throwing out something I was trying with the system. I don't think I'm going to use it, so I thought to post it for one reason or another.

I was editing that post a lot, so it's all unorganized.

Fair enough.


I've updated the corruption table, added the Egg Laying and description. I also added another endowment effect. If anyone has any suggestions for more perverted endowments, bring 'em out. Please no horrifying things like guru or scat.
Re: Building a Campaign: Mirafar

First Layer of encounter tables are done. Nunu has been sent a PM requesting a sub-forum, and the interest thread is now open.

[B]Interest get![/B]
Re: Building a Campaign: Mirafar

Shouldn't this thread get moved into the sub-forum as well?
Re: Building a Campaign: Mirafar

Shouldn't this thread get moved into the sub-forum as well?

Don't think so. This is the concept thread. Kinda like a "Behind the Scenes" thing, of a movie or something.