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Cappys Situational-Horror Chat-Game


Well-known member
Apr 9, 2010
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SH, or Situational Horror, is a chat game I'm starting up on Rachels chat;

Or, trying to anyways, It's a non-erotic Role-Play, where you *GASP* play as yourself, or rather, as the normal guy you want to be in the situation at hand.

In SH the game is never the same twice, ever, unless a different person is playing it, or you specifically ask to re-try a game that you never got to win, each of these games will show-case different unique situations with catches, that you have to figure out, by either investigating or guessing wildly.

These games are designed to be difficult, and surprising, and eery in nature.
It might not appeal to everyone, but right now I have four "Episodes", or situations to play out, I'll give out a seemingly random list of numbers out to a player, and that player will choose a number and that determines which situation they play out, each situation has winning conditions, and *very* unique challenges that will require different approaches each time you try, in order to figure out what's making things go wrong.

In some of these situations, the enemies are merely darker dreams I have had, and figured out the meanings of, I sincerely want to see if I can convey out these situations to somebody, and see just how much it takes to overcome true horror at its face.

Now, I can't explain it without really showing it, so what I really want for this, is a willing beta tester, preferably one with an interest in horror in general, psychological horror in specific, not the "OH NO GHOSTS" shit, that isn't scary at all. It's a NON-EROTIC RP for those of you who haven't figured that out yet so I may well be wasting my time, but I sincerely hope somebody will drop on by at Rachels chat and toss me a PM if I'm there, somebody familiar with chat RPs is also encouraged though not required, if somebody who is new to said chat RPs wants to try, I won't turn em' down.

So anyhow, thanks for taking time out of your day to listen to this, even if you decide you aren't interested, because honestly, I doubt many will bite for this, though I would kick myself over and over again if I didn't try.
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Re: Cappys Situational-Horror Chat-Game

I'll gladly give it a go. Then I'll ruin your game by sharing your secrets with the world!! or not.
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Re: Cappys Situational-Horror Chat-Game

So I was going into the chat to troll Cappy, but I ended up playing through the RP. It really does get good and the guy keeps a really open mind with the actions you take. The only problem so far is, like he said to me earlier, that we need to fix the pace it goes at. Since I was writing my actions as carefully as possible, I was constantly editing what I said before I action pressed enter. Cappy, in response, had to improvise the situation accordingly. It took a pretty long time, but I didn't really notice how long it went because it was genuinely interesting.

So good job. You got a troll to actually go through with the game.
Re: Cappys Situational-Horror Chat-Game

To both Oni and Bartnum, sorry I disconnected while you guys where playing, internet cut off so there wasn't much I could do about it.

And thanks to Darkfire for kind words said :p.