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Corporate Compliance - Charsheets


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
Reputation score
-For now assume you live in a world just like ours, with maybe capitalist corporations having a little too much power.-

Please post your character sheet below containing the following:
-A cute picture
-A brief backstory, not too short or long, a bit of an idea of your character, your occupation and etc.
-To help with this, answer the additional questions:
1. Why does your character distrust our glorious corporate masters?
2. How would your character run a corporation?
3. What is the one big thing your character is afraid of and why?
4. What superhero would your character idolize?
5. What is your characters favourite hobby/past time/timewaster?

-Your characters Strengths, pick 3; ideally related to the backround For example: A character can be a marathon runner, a martial artist, a hacker.. or just really good at memorizing things.
-Your characters Weaknesses, pick 2; Same idea as the above, but a negative attribute, For example the character can be physically weak, anti-social, paranoid...

-Finally, rather than list fetishes or the such, what do you hope might happen to your character?
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Jessie Roland
Female, Age 22, Light-blonde hair, Amber eyes

The androgynously named but quite feminine Jessie Roland is a technophile, both philosophically and literally. Coming from a wealthy household, with her older brother being groomed to continue the family business, she used her family's funds to breeze through college, majoring in computer science and a minor in art studies. Used to an easy life, she is a big spender, new hardware and toys, software, online gaming... She is currently "freelancing" as in unemployed, and makes some money at the side by tinkering with code for others. Behind her spoiled facade, however, beats the heart of an idealist. Convinced that digitization and especially AI would lead to a post-scarcity utopia, Jessie eagerly follows news of AI developments and pours scorn - and DDOS attacks - on all the neoluddites she encounters on her web-voyages. To her, only an AI could possibly solve mankind's problems...
Jessie does consider herself a capitalist, though she has enough experience "working" with corporate software to know that even big mega-corporations are not the pinnacle of efficiency and productivity they claim to be. Boasting a selfish and individualistic streak, she does not play well with others in a corporate environment. Said individualist tendency clashes somewhat with her robotization fetish, and she often strokes herself to release while dreaming of being turned into a drone...
If she was ever put into a position of power, she would try to automate as much as possible, reducing human input to a minimum.
Jessie is mildly agoraphobic, getting uneasy in large, open spaces or big crowds. In addition, she is strongly afraid of drowning and somewhat averse to water, though she still goes lap swimming to keep her figure. Her favorite heroes would be Harold Finch and John Greer from Person of Interest, or more classically, Alfred the Butler from Batman.
Her favorite pastimes are social media, especially obscure forums, and competitive online gaming, especially Real Time Strategy and First Person Shooters. She also rides heavy motorcycles for fun and writes her own malware.

Strengths: Very good with computers, both hardware and software, can drive almost any vehicle, especially heavy motorcycles, has access to considerable amounts of money.
Weaknesses: very spoiled, fickle and weak-willed, quite easily excited and prone to overestimating her own intelligence.

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Samantha (Sam) Davids Samatha Davids.jpg
Sam is a young starry-eyed socialist. She grew up in an average suburban home. Her school life was easy enough, attending a private high school and finding herself easily making friends all the way. In high school, she came to two life-changing decisions.
First, she was a lesbian. Having played around with both, she found herself more drawn to the gentle love and support of a girl. Though she wouldn't admit it to her partners, she harbored fantasies of being sown up in tight leather and sucking cock lick a slut.
The second was she joined the school's journalism club and got a taste for reporting. The idea of exposing the truth to the reader was a hight she enjoyed.
She holds the strong belief that capitalism is the root of evil. It encourages greed and hatred in humanity. She would make exposing their evil practices to the world her life gaol, and, now armed with a journalism degree, she sets out for her first big story, exposing the effects of corporate propaganda, and how it brainwashes the masses into docile compliance.
1. Why does your character distrust our glorious corporate masters?: Why would she put her faith in a broken system like capitalism? The corps use their money and influence into brainwashing the population into docile obedience!
2. How would your character run a corporation?:
She would make sure that everything is run using earth-friendly means, she would make sure that everyone is paid equally regardless of gender, and position.
3. What is one thing your character is afraid of and why?:
She fears being alone. Stemming from a time when she was accidentally locked outside her house at a young age she hates the idea of having no one she can turn to.
4. What superhero would your character idolize?:
Superman. He is strong enough to stand up for what's right even if it goes against the grain.
5. What are your characters favorite hobby/past time/timewaster?:
Taking a break from work she often finds herself drawn to reading. She will often read stories that excite her sexually, and recently, she had been fascinated with the idea of girls getting reprogrammed like robots.
1: Tenacious. She doesn't give up easily.
2: Sociable. She can get along well with others.
3: Agile. She has a small frame and keeps in shape.

1: Gullible. She has a habit of taking things at face value.
2: Weak. She doesn't have much strength at all.
Abilities unlocked:
- (Super Strength adds +10 to your D20 roll to all strength-related checks)
1) She gets shown some of the 'propoganda' and gets convinced of the glory of capitalism!
2) She gets punished for being a bad little journalist, and get reprogrammed to be more usful for the corp.
3) She gets spliced with an animal to make her a good little pet.
also this.
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25021 Via Valentina

Via is an excelent scientist, and someone with great vision. She worked with the corp, but sadly she was fired in the early developement stages of the project.
She will have her revenge, making them realize how wrong it was to kick her out of the project that would have been the magnum opus of her carreer!

1. Why does your character distrust our glorious corporate masters? See above!
2. How would your character run a corporation? She wouldn't have fired herself. But most importantly, it shouldn't be about making some supersoldiers...those things could change the world!
3. What is the one big thing your character is afraid of and why? Being the subject of those things she used to make...because she knows possible side effects!
4. What superhero would your character idolize? Lex Luthor! What you mean he isn't a superhero...
5. What is your characters favourite hobby/past time/timewaster? Punishing her lab assistant for not being competent enough!

Strengths: Knowledgable about science things, Manipulating ppl, and generally being smart?
Weaknesses: Overconfident and arrogant, and not very agile.


vampire___63_by_johngate2014_dcn0l6f-pre.jpg Sister Aurora

Today humanity worships only profit...however there are still those who believe in the old gods. Aurora believes in the goddess of love....and caring is sharing! If those greedy silly people can't understand that, then she will have to ignore the laws and do what she is right. She will infiltrate the greedy corp, she is going to steal the good things they are producing, and she is going to make them available for everyone!

1. Why does your character distrust our glorious corporate masters? See above!
2. How would your character run a corporation? She wouldn't share everything with everyone, and not work for profit!
3. What is the one big thing your character is afraid of and why? Getting corrupted into becoming greedy, and forgetting her ideals! What a nightmare!
4. What superhero would your character idolize? Most of them...they are all good people who work for improving the world for everyone, without being greedy!
5. What is your characters favourite hobby/past time/timewaster? Praying for the future of humanity! Playing the matchmaker! Maybe some wine drinking...

Strengths: Iron willed, persuasive, high endurance
Weaknesses: Not very smart, and lusty