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Dark Fantasy character creation


H-Section Moderator
H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
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So, as I work along on 'War of the Damned' another little story has been letting its tendrils creep along my imagination like a thick mist. Basically a dark fantasy setting that I'll be using to play around with action sequences over story telling.

However, I'm also offering to the various users of this fine forum to create a character to appear within the story. Just remember it's a dark fantasy setting, and within those boundaries I'd like some somewhat realistic entries, however feel free to let yer imagination run wild beyond that simple restriction. It'd be interesting to see what people come up with if they wish.

There is no guarantee I'll use your character, but I'll try to use as many as I can in big or small ways.

Also I don't need hugely detailed characters if you don't want to, but the more details the better. Still anything you leave out I'll make up as I go along.
Re: Dark Fantasy character creation

Happy to try. Since it's your story though I'd ask a few things...

Male or Female protagonist? (Or is the tale to be told from several viewpoints?)

High, low or no magic? (Prevalence of spell-casters/will workers in your world?)

Tech level of your world? (Bronze Age, Iron Age, Medieval, Augmented by Magic?)

Any importance lain upon class distinction, if so to what degree?

Any particular central theme?
Re: Dark Fantasy character creation

Happy to try. Since it's your story though I'd ask a few things...

Male or Female protagonist? (Or is the tale to be told from several viewpoints?)

High, low or no magic? (Prevalence of spell-casters/will workers in your world?)

Tech level of your world? (Bronze Age, Iron Age, Medieval, Augmented by Magic?)

Any importance lain upon class distinction, if so to what degree?

Any particular central theme?

The main protaganist of the story is female, but that shouldn't affect other characters.

Quite low magic. I have a few magic characters in mind but its subtle and they are not common at all.

Tech level would be Medieval mostly. Dark Ages though some armour designs from the later medieval periods.

No importance really upon class distinction.

Central theme is really just a pulpy dark/low fantasy... kinda like the stories of Conan.