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Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

Charm: 1d20+15 = 8+15 = 23 vs 29 = 12+17 = 12+1d20 -> Xetal loses

Neither guard seemed to have keys on their person, but the chest with all the rest of the gear turned out to have several spare keys as well.

Unfortunately, the attempt to influence the mind of the slave went poorly. If anything her voice lost some confusion, and grew more determined. On the other hand, she continued giving quiet answers to Xetal's questions, and didn't make any effort either to struggle against her or to offer her bonds for removal. "Horses are bridled and tied up even if they are good, obedient horses. Free Samples is a slave. It is right and proper to treat her like other livestock."

The key didn't seem to work on the girl's collar, but in short order all her other bonds were off. Not that it seemed to matter to the slave - she remained kneeling in place, arms behind her back, staring at the wagon's floor.

Xetal: 186/106 EP;

Jessica, Betty, Michelle: Left with Jake/Serene.

Jake, Serene: Left in partial bondage, guarded by the slimes.
Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

"Alright, Free Samples, you want to be bound, that is fine. I am your new Mistress and you will follow my orders. Get up and out of the wagon. Stay quiet." She put a gag in Free Samples mouth and dragged the woman out of the carriage. She kept one tentacle looped around her and moved to the other wagon. "Hello again. This time we aren't going to waste any time. Come with me if you want to be free." She undid May's bonds and helped her up. She turned to the other slave and sent feelings of good will towards her. "You deserve to be free. Come with me and I'll make sure these men never hurt you again." She slowly undid the restraints and tried to get the third slave to come with them. She would blindfold the guards and use her psionic powers once more to erase every memory that had from the moment Xetal arrived to the present.
Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

Grapple: Auto-win. Free Samples sucks at grapple enough that you can have your way with her.
Charm: 1d20+15 = 1+15 = 16 vs 34 = 15+19 = 15+1d20 -> Failure

Given this failure, I'm not executing the rest of your plan in this post.

Free Samples did remain quiet, but set herself stubbornly at the suggestion that Xetal was her mistress now, and the slime had to drag her out of the wagon. Fortunately, the slave seemed utterly unable to wriggle out of Xetal's grip, and even once removed and gagged didn't try to make a sound.

The other two slaves looked much as they had when Xetal first saw them. Collared, bound, and gagged. Their clothes looked even worse, both 'dresses' now rags that fell far short of providing any decency.

May nodded, and as soon as her collar was no longer leashed to the wagon, and her hands unbound, she scrambled out of the cage. She immediately started trying to pry at her gag, to no avail. The blonde, though, proved a little more trouble. She shook her head at the offer of freedom, and Xetal's attempt to influence the slave's opinion of herself failed miserably. She backed as far into the wagon as she could, terrified.

Xetal: 180/106 EP
Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

Xetal sighed, irritated. "Fine then, I hope you enjoy what follows. They won't be happy and are going to vent their anger however they can." She would retie the third slave to the wagon. Then she would put the guards on the wagon with the slave, blindfold them, and push enough energy into her powers to make sure it succeeded. Then she returned with the two slaves to her servants. She would drag Free Samples along but just lead May. Hopefully she could move with at least some speed. She had to hurry. At least one of the slavers was bound to have some skill in tracking.

She met her servants and said "I've brought something new but bad people are coming so we have to leave." She gave orders for her servants to grab Jake and Serene and to gather the supplies she had managed to steal. She was planning on heading farther into the wilderness to make it harder for the slavers to follow. She was sure they were going to anyway but Xetal wanted some time. She was looking for a cave or somewhere else to make shelter. Jake and Serene were to be bound using the better equipment and Free Samples was to join them. She wasn't going to transform May, she needed someone that still had their brain. "May, I would ask that you watch over these three. Do not worry, not harm will come to them. Please feed them and make sure they are as comfortable as they can be but if they cannot be allowed to escape. Do you understand?"

I'm going to repeat memory erasure until it succeeds
Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

Erase Guard1's memory: 1d20+15 = 16+15 = 31 vs 22 = 15+7 = 15+1d20 -> Success!
Erase Guard2's memory: 1d20+15 = 19+15 = 34 vs 16 = 15+1 = 15+1d20 -> Success!
Erase blonde's memory: 1d20+15 = 4+15 = 19 vs 34 = 15+19 = 15+1d20 -> Failure
Erase Blonde's memory: 1d20+15 = 15+15 = 30 vs 28 = 15+13 = 15+1d20 -> Success!

The blonde slave put up an effort as Xetal focused her will on wiping the last few minutes out of the woman's mind, but the slavers were less resistant. In the end all three were left unconscious and locked in the cage, while she, the slaves, and a box of slavers gear all went back into the woods.

She hadn't been gone a minute when a shout from the wagons suggested that at least one of the other slavers had returned. Fortunately, that was all she heard from them before she got back to the others.

And found them more-or-less as she'd left them. All three new slimes looked a little better fed, and both humans much more ragged, with a thin layer of glistening slime around their genitals making the reasons clear. In their weakened and already bound state, getting each outfitted like Free Samples - a collar, a ball gag, hands cuffed behind their backs, and legs held together by a thin two-foot chain that made running very difficult - wasn't hard.

Together, they went further into the wilderness, until the would-be queen found a small cave that suited her needs. It was only one room, dark and damp, but there was only one narrow way in or out, and it was big enough for a party three or four times the size of her own, in a pinch.

Now that she had a minute free, Xetal was able to look through the equipment she'd looted. There were something like a dozen sets, all told, of collars, gags, and arm and leg cuffs. Plus a few more odds and ends. Whips, crops, paddles, dildos and butt plugs plus a pair of odd belts obviously meant to hold them locked inside a woman. And more. Some even to have minor enchantments, to shock or vibrate. Everything needed, in short, to fill a couple wagons with women, hold them in place, and even train them, to a certain extent. The only thing that was really missing was the key to the collars.

May looked at the slaves, biting her lit and shifting uncertainly. "I... guess I can watch them for a while. But you said..." The brunette reached up to her collar, tugging on it.

Xetal: 148/106 EP

Jessica, Betty, and Michelle: All three slimes are now at about 1.5x EP.
Jake and Serene: fucked almost senseless. Bound in slavers gear.
Free Samples: Fine, bound in slavers gear.
May: Fine, wearing rags and a slave collar.
Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

Xetal nods. "Of course, how could I forget? One moment." She search the equipment carefully. "Unfortunately, it seems the guards had the key. But I will get you out of that collar. I don't think the brute force approach will work so we'll have to do something else." She cleared some space and lay down some bedding. Once everything was ready, she would beckon the slave over. "May, lay down and relax. I am going to attempt to get you free of the collar." Xetal lay down beside her and grasped May's prone form. Her hands began to move.

Xetal's plan was simple, at least in the basics. First she had to drain May of her energy. That was the easy part. Then came the hard part. She would use her power to duplicate May's memories. She didn't want to hold on to them, though. Instead, as May's mind began to go as she turned into a slime, Xetal would replace the memories, hopefully keeping May sane and able. It was going to be tricky but there was no way to find out if she was ready other than to try.
Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

The wording on Mind Worm is pretty clear. You explicitly can't copy a person's entire mind. Of course, Xetal doesn't *know* that... but she also doesn't know that trying is a bad idea. Even an expert would take weeks and thousands of EP to succeed. Xetal... I rolled a die to see how much EP she'd spend (on top of what she stole from May), and another to see what form of insanity the may-slime would get. "Nothing happens" was actually the second-best result.

May did as she was told, relaxing on the ground, hardly flinching back as Xetal moved over her. She did struggle a little as the slime slid inside her, but soon enough her back was arching and the last of her energy was pouring into the slime queen.

It didn't end there, of course. The tendril inside May's cunt stayed, changing slightly to start excreting slime. And Xetal pressed herself against the slave's forehead, looking inside. With the girl unconscious - not to mention the manner of unconsciousness - there was little resistance, and memory after memory was copied out of May's mind and into the slime's body. Memory after memory - names, faces, words, all a blur.

And it wasn't enough. It wasn't a fraction of what the mind held. Xetal pulled out more. And more. She could feel the girl changing below her, but if she stopped there would be no going back. Xetal's head was full to bursting by the time the conversion reached May's own mind. She couldn't have held more if she'd had a week to practice. And as soon as parts of the mind turned to goo, she poured the memories back in, frantically trying to copy what was left in the human part before it was gone.

Some time later, she pulled herself free of the slime that had been May. It pulled itself together, into an image of the girl and... blinked. "I... I'm hungry."

Xetal: 135/106 EP

Jessica, Betty, and Michelle: All three slimes are now at about 1.5x EP.
May: new slime - half EP. Appears to be
Jake and Serene: fucked almost senseless. Bound in slavers gear.
Free Samples: Fine, bound in slavers gear..
Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

Xetal sighs. "Alright. So that didn't work. Didn't even come close to working. Could have been bad. I either need more control and energy or, more realistically, go for a smaller target." She pondered this for a few moments before shaking her head. "Alright, your name is May. My name is Xetal. As long as you obey me, you'll always have food. This girl here is your first meal." She led her over to Free Samples. "Jessica! Show her how to eat. You can have a little yourself as a reward but May needs it the most." Now that she had a large enough group, it was time for delegation.

She counted what she had gained so far. Three food slaves in appropriate gear and enough food for them. Four slimes of dubious usefulness, one of them newly born. She needed her subjects to become more capable. Every time she left them alone, she was worried that they would run into a situation they weren't ready for. So, it was time to begin training. Xetal would teach her subjects some basics, including how to at least put up some kind of fight. This would last one week.

During this time, she'd use Mind Worm repeatedly on Free Samples to brainwash the slave into becoming Xetal's feedstock manager (via the ritual). She would be in charge of keeping the captives clean, fed, and healthy as well as keeping herself the same. She would also change her name. Free Samples may have been descriptive but it just sounded too silly. Her new name would be Hestia. Since she was still herself, she would probably be more useful. She would instill absolute loyalty in Hestia to Xetal and to the growing slime nation in second.

She also had to keep her captives healthy. To prevent them from getting too weak, she would set up feeding times that were far enough apart to grant the slaves time to recover.

After a few days, she'd visit the town, attempting to glean information via eavesdropping. She wondered if her attempt had succeeded and turned people against the slavers or if the slavers had managed to convince the people of what had truly happened.
Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

So, food requirements. A typical human will feed up to 2 slimes, but this leaves basically nothing for emergency reserves, healing, or mass EP expenditure. A particularly exceptional human might provide for more... and I might also give you an improved slime if you transform them.

You currently have 2 proper slaves (Hestia needing not to be fucked senseless in order to function as a manager) and 4 subservient slimes. Plus Xetal herself. We can assume Xetal feeds of Hestia during the ritual (just maintaining her EP) so you're not in trouble yet... but you're going to need more livestock before you make more slimes, or they'll start starving.

I'm also assuming you generally want to leave your slimes (and Xetal, for that matter) at about 2x EP - at 3x they'll automatically split, and the newborn won't always be friendly to you.

With the slavers' gear, a supply of both human and slime 'food', and more careful application of her skills over a full week, Xetal's second major mental working went better than the first. The change wasn't a particularly large one, either. Free Samples was already dedicated to her masters. Mostly it was a matter of changing who she considered her master, and convincing her that all humans - not just the current slaves - were properly food or property of Xetal's new empire. Even changing her name wasn't difficult - she'd not been born Free Samples, and the change of name even seemed to cement the rest of the work. By the end of the week Hestia was Xetal's devoted slave, and all four of her slimes were at least moderately experienced and reasonably large.

The town hadn't changed much. There was gossip around the town - several girls who had gone missing, with the slavers likely to blame. It seemed they came through regularly, and this wasn't the first time someone had gone missing. They'd be back in another day or two, wagons full. Likely the village and farm girls wouldn't be inside. And even if they were... if the slavers didn't return to the Tower, there would be hell to pay. And worse if any returned to say exactly who had attacked them.

Xetal: 135/106 EP

Jessica, Betty, May, and Michelle: All three slimes are now at about 2x EP.
Jake and Serene: Bound in slavers gear, managed by Hestia.
Hestia: Fine, Managing the other slaves.
Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

Right! This was more like it! Xetal now had most of a core to work with. She just needed two more things to really get started: A lieutenant and land. It was time to leave their temporary housing. People might start searching the area and they needed to be gone. "Hestia, do you have any idea of a place we could go? Somewhere isolated would be helpful but anywhere with less people would be a good start."
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Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

Hestia frowned. "I'm sorry, Mistress, but I don't know the area. Our wagon stopped at a black tower a few hours before the town, on the other side of the river. My old masters sold about six slaves there, but I only saw one free person. Before that it was perhaps a week since our last stop?"

The woman looked embarrassed. "Mistress, I know very little about anywhere. I've spent almost all my life in one cage or another, and my owners didn't like questions."
Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

"A black tower? Hmmm..." That probably meant they were a wizard of some kind. Maybe they needed the slaves for experimentation? It might be worth it to check it out but it would probably be dangerous. On the other hand, it was the only lead Xetal had at the moment. "Alright, Hestia, we'll go to that black tower." Xetal would set off with her band to the black tower, seeking, as she had since birth, power.
Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

Unfortunately, between Xetal and the supposed tower was the river. It would be no problem for the would-be queen herself, of course, and the other new slimes would likely 'swim' as well as she. The human slaves were another matter, however. Even if they could swim, it would be very difficult to keep them under guard while they did. And Hestia, as it turned out, had never been in water deeper than her calves in her life. Since the villagers didn't seem likely to allow the party to pass on the ferry, Hestia suggested trying moving north along the river bank.

It took most of a day's travel to find a safe place to cross, where the water was shallow and slow enough to walk through, and as much time to return to the road.

By the time the group finally reached a round tower of dull, dark stone rising from the landscape, supplies were starting to run low. There was still a little food for the slaves, but they spent the whole day and night on the edge of consciousness from feedings. It meant they could hardly even think of escape, but it was also clear that this was barely enough to maintain the current size of Xetal's army - in terms of both numbers and mass. If she wanted her empire to grow, she'd need more slaves as well as slimes. And if anything happened to the slaves she did have...

It was nearly dusk when they reached the tower. Which turned out to be of considerable size. The first floor was about the size of one of the farmhouses that Xetal had raided earlier, and it might easily be ten stories high, each a little narrower than the last. A single solid door of dark wood stood facing the road.
Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

Xetal was worried about the state of her group. She needed a way to feed the slaves and really keep them captured, rather than the state they were in now. There was only so much time she had, not to mention the fact that Xetal herself couldn't feed as much as she wanted. So, when she saw an opportunity in the state of the black tower, she was going to take it, even if it cost her something. "Everyone, you stay here. I'm going to see if I can get us a home." She wanted them to stay quite a ways back while she scouted out the tower from the outside, checking for guards, windows, or anything else of note.
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Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

The tower was surprisingly quiet. No guards outside. No ground level windows. Just a large double-door of some dark wood amid well-fitted stones of solid, almost shiny black. It was perhaps as far around as one of the farmhouses she'd seen back outside the town but four or five times higher, growing slightly narrower as it went up. At the top there were crenelations. And lower down, a few very narrow windows, no two at the same height, and none less than two stories up.

As close as the slime dared get there wasn't sound or vibration from the tower. Though reaching out with other, less developed senses, Xetal could sense... something. Magic, but not exactly the form she was starting to get familiar with.
Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

What was the expression? "Quiet, too quiet?" Yeah, that was the one. Xetal viewed the tower with that phrase dug up from her memories. There were probably several traps, just waiting for some poor schlub to trigger. But caution would get her nowhere and the need of finding a base pressed on her. The surface was probably coated in something that would react negatively to someone attempting to climb on it. So despite being a dangerous option, Xetal went for the front door, oozing underneath it. Maybe it would only trigger if someone opened the door. She would attempt to get her head in first, to try and get a better look at the place.
Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

The door was extremely well made, and fit its frame well. But it wasn't quite airtight, and so while Xetal had to squeeze herself much thinner than usual, she did find a way through. And almost immediately pressed against the magic she'd sensed earlier. She passed through. It was complex and not anything like her burgeoning specialty, but its purpose - or at least one purpose - became clear when she was on the other side.

Suddenly she couldn't hear outside. Not the wind, or the trees or the river, not in the slightest. She also couldn't feel the natural flow of magic through the world, always present.

Instead, she could hear movement further up in the tower. A rhythmic slapping sound. Moans of feminine pleasure. And then, suddenly, a scream of pain and horror. And she could feel magic. From outside the tower had felt like a dead spot. Inside it practically *oozed* magic, mostly from down below.

Once she was enough in to reform her head and see, the tower still looked empty. There were glowing lights in places along the walls, and a great black spiral staircase that went both up and down, but the area on the other side of the doors was a large open space, nowhere near the height of the tower, with just a couple small tables with two chairs each, and what seemed to be a couple decorative suits of armor. Though there was something odd about those, in a way that wasn't immediately obvious.
Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

"Hmmm..." The slime rotated her head. First she looked at the armor, then upstairs, then downstairs. The most enticing sounds were coming from upstairs but downstairs would probably be more substantial. The suits of armor were... odd but she couldn't tell what to do with them. Maybe they were guardians? Perhaps by squeezing in, she had managed not to set them off. Perhaps if she ignored them, they wouldn't do anything. She moved over to the staircase. So... which way?

Eventually, Xetal decided on going upstairs. There was no real way to know which choice was correct, after all, and if she went downstairs she would be trapped. She was cautious about the staircase, first poking it, then carefully moving her full body onto it.
Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

The staircase itself was broad and open. Which made it easy to see at least one floor upward, perhaps more if one were willing to lean out over the railing. But also practically impossible to hide on, even for a slime.

The first full turn was empty, but after that doors started appearing regularly. The doors were all more or less the same. Heavy wood, tightly fitted, surrounded by a border of stone on a small landing. And next to the door, on each level, another of the suits of armor, same as the lower ones.

The first door was quiet, basically silent. Up closer Xetal was able to tell that the sounds - a quiet sobbing for a few moments, then the slapping resumed, this time with cries more desperate and pained than the first time, slowing mounting in volume - came from the third door. From her position on the staircase there was no way to tell how many doors there would be going up, and the sounds from the third door overwhelmed any that might be coming from the second.
Re: Destined to be Queen (YoukaiFan) GMed by thetwo

Hmmm... the suits of armor were probably guardians but unless they had weapons that were enchanted for it, they probably wouldn't be able to hurt her too bad. Plus, she might even be able to get out of their reach. Hopefully they weren't enchanted enough to follow her everywhere.

The stairs though... that was a problem. After all, she didn't want to have to fight the guardians or anyone else for that matter, regardless of whether or not she would be able to win the fight or escape. She'd check each door, seeing first if she could simply squeeze through enough to take a look inside. She wanted as few things as possible to catch her from behind.