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Funny/Awesome Videos tiem.

I just found this video of a Youtuber, basically reading someone's post on Reddit about playing the same game of Civilization II for ten years!!
Three nations are left and in constant war for 1700 years, most of the world is destroyed by nuclear warfare and radiation, people are starving, the poles of the world have molten several times due to the bombing....Jesus Christ, imagine that kind of world!

(sorry for the double-post mods!)

I might've posted clips of him before, but I just love him! Bill Burr, everybody!

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(sorry for the apparent triple-post - so sad nobody shares videos here)

South Korean women react to a proper manly food: American BBQ, done in Korea by US standards!

Haven't been here for a while, the vids lag too much on mobile o_O. Suprised so varied opinion on the brisket, but everyone always loves ribs, so good ^_^
What smart Game Bosses with overwhelming powah would do:
Something else FF7 related:
Sorry for the double-post, but.....new Bill Burr! XD

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I just witnessed a funny, yet also wonderful bonding experience of a guy playing CS: GO with his girlfriend, sharing the controls:

An old, but gold PSA from Riot Games for League of Legends players:

I am fond of watching funny stuff. My top videos i prefer to download from youtube with using one and make own collection of it. Lately I like to watch some traveling bloggers. It is interesting to know about cultural things of other countries and cultures. Plus there are some funny moments too.
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