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RPG RPG Maker Localization [Gaptax] 女騎士ラーシャ~淫靡なる肉棒の呪い~ / FEMALE KNIGHT RASIA ~The Lewd Curse of Penis~ (RJ224679, RE224679)


Aug 31, 2013
Reputation score

For the past month,
after I finished the translations for the Zansenki Exuer and Bewitched! demos,
I have been working on translating another game by GapTax, which I have now finished:

(Female Knight Rasia ~The Curse of the Lewd Penis~)

Main themes/situations: futanari, masturbation, corruption, prostitution

It's a bit of an older one, but with the upcoming release of Zansenki Exuer, I figured another futanari game by the same developer would be nice to get out there.
Translation has been done 100% by myself without using online translation tools.

The game follows the story of Rasia who is on a quest to recover a sword stolen from her kingdom's treasury. However, when she corners the bandits who stole it, she is caught in a trap formed by a plethora of magic items, causing her to become a futanari. Though she has recovered the blade she sought, she now has to find a away to break out of an enemy nation to safely get home.

Her futanari curse slowly corrupts her, and reacts to monsters, demanding her to relieve her erections in one way or another. With every battle she slowly becomes more and more erect, which severely reduces her strength, eventually forcing her to masturbate in a dungeon.

Beyond the system above, and a futanari-stats counter, the game is a standard RPG Maker MV affair.

As mentioned above, the game was not translated using translation tools and is available now on DLsite.
I'm hoping this will give even more exposure to an excellent developer, and help their upcoming futanari title become even more successful than it doubtlessly will.

You can check the other stuff I've translated (including the demo of GapTax's upcoming futa game) at my site here:

If you do get the game, please consider leaving a review on DLsite so that others know the game has been translated.
The top review currently on the product page is an old review saying the game needed a translation which... may be misleading for others.
Thank you for your cooperation!

Thanks again for checking out my thread, supporting the developer, and the futanari genre!
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thanks a lot really wanted to play this one with a proper translation since it came out, I hope you translate Zansenki Exuer as well when it comes out in the future.
Hey, thanks for the post!

Hopefully, GapTax will release the patch/update soon. They're busy drawing up HCGs for Zansenki Exuer at the moment, so it may take some time. However,
if it takes a while, I'll be sure to contact them so I can get an updated time/date to pass on.

Speaking of Exuer: I was hoping someone like Kagura Games might pick it up (like they did with Asuka/Raiohgar), given the increased English-speaking interest.
But, I don't think I've seen them do a futanari game before. So, considering I've already translated about 10-ish H-scenes already (from the demo), I'll probably translate
it when it's released, but I'd be willing to hand it over if someone bigger wanted to pick it up.

For now, though, I'm working on バッドエンドストーリー. It's much shorter than Rasia, so I should be finished sooner.
I'll make a new thread on it once I have made a bit more progress!
Hey, thanks for the post!

Hopefully, GapTax will release the patch/update soon. They're busy drawing up HCGs for Zansenki Exuer at the moment, so it may take some time. However,
if it takes a while, I'll be sure to contact them so I can get an updated time/date to pass on.

Speaking of Exuer: I was hoping someone like Kagura Games might pick it up (like they did with Asuka/Raiohgar), given the increased English-speaking interest.
But, I don't think I've seen them do a futanari game before. So, considering I've already translated about 10-ish H-scenes already (from the demo), I'll probably translate
it when it's released, but I'd be willing to hand it over if someone bigger wanted to pick it up.

For now, though, I'm working on バッドエンドストーリー. It's much shorter than Rasia, so I should be finished sooner.
I'll make a new thread on it once I have made a bit more progress!
thanks a bunch for the reply that makes a a lot of sense,I noticed that too kagura games hasn't touched futanari games so it is a bit disappointing since its my favorite genre, on the other hand hopefully your patch for Rasia gets uploaded soon,either way its really nice you translate games that contain futa,most translators dont like to touch futa games.
This thread has been locked as it does not provide any sort of link to the translation. If you wish to reopen the thread, please PM a moderator with the relevant information.
Thread unlocked.
Thanks for unlocking!
Update: GapTax informed me they will release the patch through DLsite today!
Quick update: GapTax has updated their Ci-en page with info on the translation:

Apparently things were a little slow on DLsite's side, but it is up now!
It has been a few days since release and I've yet to hear any bug/errors in regards to the translation.
With this in mind, I believe I can now consider this translation to be complete!

There has been a nice bump in sales for the developer over on DLsite, so I'd like to thank everyone who went and purchased it!

I am now working on another game titled 淫魔と失われた聖杯 by ドライドリーム, which, hopefully, I will be able to
finish translating and send off to the developer soon. I try to post weekly updates on my progress on my Twitter, so, if you're curious, you can found out more there.
After this, I'm hoping I can find another great futanari-themed game that I can translate, so if anyone has any suggestions, please let me know.

Thank you all, again, for supporting this amazing developer!

Edit: If anyone who purchased the game could leave a quick review on the product page, that would be amazing. The top review on DLsite right now says "This game needs a translation" which... would be rather confusing/misleading for anyone who was interested in getting it. Thank you for your time!
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This thread has been moved to the H-Section to be locked due to a lack of gameplay information. Since this is the official translation of the game, it is considered a localization thread, and subject to game OP rules.

If you wish to preserve this thread, please PM a moderator with an updated OP.
OP updated, thread unlocked.
This thread is trying to survive harder than the game is trying to survive.