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Mar 28, 2009
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The '[]' section after every entry denotes some of the content in the story. If nothing is given it's probably standard stuff. That or I forgot it. Which is actually more likely.

Dojin, 88.24MB:

Something in Moonspeak involving both Samus and the cat-chick from Darkstalkers (in separate parts, not together), as well as others I can't identify [tentacles, streight]
Something with Samus and a dog-boy, another chapter has goo monsters [tentacles, straight, furry 20-30%]
Something supposedly involving the girl from Secret of Mana, though it's been a long time since I've played it so I can't identify her [futa]
Some gifs by Pornthulu [monster girls/boys]
Tilt Mode, I think there may be another chapter but I haven't looked for it yet [futa]
Something called Bitter and Sweet, though I don't know if that's the book's title, or the chapters, or what-have-you [futa, interesting things with food]
A chapter called Haruka's Revenge from a book I didn't get the name of [mind control, exhibitionism]
Something Futanari [guess]
Something in Moonspeak with a... fox-girl, I believe [furry 15-25%, there might be something else it's been awhile]
Exorcism Maiden Exorcistor (appears to be a one-off) [futa, angels & demons, tentacles though they play a lesser role]

Partial + Unordered + Were-Slut Dojinshi, 74.45MB:

Were-slut [nothing to do with werebeasts, more to do with magical-girl-esque secret identity-ing]
Malboro, might not be the real name, looks like it comes from something else but I don't know what [futa, tentacles]
Something in Moonspeak about what seems to be a circus [cat-girl, bestiality, exhibitionism]

In the unordered section:
Pages from that monster encyclopaedia someone (I think it was Lurker) posted, only these ones weren’t in the collection they uploaded (all are in moonspeak though) [monster girls]
Couple of moonspeak pages about a futa and a tentacle monster, missing most of the pages [futa, tentacles]
Couple of pages about a succubus futa and tentacles, missing most of the pages [futa, tentacles, also futa on futa]
Part of Cooking with Shardfire, stoped getting them after a few cause they just got annoying [110% furry, everyone's a futa]
Tentacle x futa one again, also missing most of the pages [futa, tentacles]
Dunalahem story in moonspeak, no ero in these pages but I thought it might get that way so they're in there. It does get ero at some point, but I can't find anything worth looking at and I can't be bothered to re zip the file.
book 'Ding Ding second volume', story 'fallen dragon'. It's out of order and I may be missing a few pages.

Less liked, old style, (don't let the name deter you, that's just my opinion. I had to group them by something to get them to fit.) 95.86MB:

Three very similar dojin that are all in moonspeak, one looks like it's Final Fantasy 7
Two different Bleach dojin, one in English the other moonspeak
Two dojin in moonspeak, apparently called happy-go-lucky
A ton of Duke Nukem stuff by this guy from some other site, several long moving gifs are included (so don't just skip over them quickly) although one or two seem to have problems and only reach a certain point before freezing [tentacles, monsters, Duke Nukem stuff DURRRRRR]
Colour Classic 1&2, no words, looks like it might be Dragon Quest but I've not played them [tentacles, rape]

Because I don't feel like making a whole new thread just for one collection, there's also:
pics, 69.12MB:

Note: I've tired hard to exclude anything I've gotten from the forum, but there may still be something there. I've also tried to get rid of duplicates, but there were many and I may have missed some. Also ignore the weird naming, I got those pictures from many places and needed to know where to put them back to.


A lot of futa stuff, reptiles, monster girls, some gifs, tentacles, there may be one or two pictures that are not hentai which slipped through be accident (also note one picture that involves several underage participants, but the picture is missing the middle section with all the bad stuff. I actually got that while torrenting impatiently, I opened the half done first page and found it had apparently censored itself. It was funny enough to save separately)

In the folder called 'pic':
This was a collection of pictures LAN'd off of someone else's computer. There were many duplicates and the picture quality varied greatly. To the best of my ability I have split it into subcategories based on how good they are, but there is some bleedthrough and cases where your mileage may vary. In general, something good could be mediocre, and something mediocre could be crap, but only crap things can be really crap.
The crap section is exactly that - it's less about ero and more about how long you can go without closing it. The whole collection features many childhood cartoons - Flintstones, Jetsons, Pokemon, Digimon, etc. You have been warned. There was this one picture in crap that was so crap I actually deleted it, before I realised I could use it to scare people.
Also some yaoi, both in the crap section and in it's own section. At least one of the yaoi pics makes me lol, but two are actually verifiably 'good'.
Also there's a section for non-hentai from it as well, it wasn't taking up much space so I figured I'd add it.

There is one more, containing all the loli stuff I took out of the other sections. Now, I have been very liberal with my removal of loli, so there shouldn't be any in the other collections. However I have been so liberal in the removal of loli that I believe I may have removed much normal stuff as well. As I will not keep legal hentai from someone, if you ask for the collection you will receive it, so that you may root out all the actual loli and keep the remaining stuff. Because we all know how bad loli is. (I'm not kidding about being liberal in my censorship, though. You might want this pack even if you don't like loli.) The details are below:

loli dojinshi + pics, 110.33MB

Features: (all mentions of 'loli and 'underage' are taken in a liberal view.)
Two different schoolgirl futa dojinshi, both English, as well as some incomplete sections with the same theme of schoolgirl futa
Three collections of loli with ridiculous stretching, not for the faint of heart (but no guro as such)
Some underage yaoi, also some underage futa on male, including two different futa x male dojinshi
Hot Tails, another futa schoolgirl dojinshi involving a female doctor
Various pics of potentially underage people from the 'crap/moderate/good' collection, still in their different rankings, usually involves children's cartoon characters

These collections are now outdated by about one or two extra dojin, also there’re several that I’ve had for so long I forgot to add them. If someone reminds me I’ll pack them all up and add them in, too.
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Re: Host's Collected Dojinshi

+rep for legendary doujin dump.

I've only looked at the first pack so far, but I love it all :D

Especially the exorcist girl one. There's something about involuntary futanari...
Re: Host's Collected Dojinshi

which is the best? :3
Re: Host's Collected Dojinshi

which is the best? :3

Unhelpful answer: Read the opening post! =P

Helpful Answer: Dojin pack, as long as you don't mind futanari. ...Actually, if you mind futanari, this whole dump probably isn't for you.
Re: Host's Collected Dojinshi

Unhelpful answer: Read the opening post! =P

Helpful Answer: Dojin pack, as long as you don't mind futanari. ...Actually, if you mind futanari, this whole dump probably isn't for you.

don't worry, I don't mind :D
Re: Host's Collected Dojinshi

Ah, slight update, some of these will have been broken for a while - I accidentally deleted them a while ago while making space. Thankfully they're still packed up for re-upload, but I won't bother doing so unless someone wants them. Also, a new bunch may be coming soon...
Re: Host's Collected Dojinshi

Please repost ze links.
Re: Host's Collected Dojinshi

These are the reuplaoded links (original post has also been modified - or will be in about two seconds)


Partial + Were-slut + Unordered

The others are fine. (The loli one too, if anyone wants it.)

EDIT: Alright, so a bit more than two seconds, but nevermind - it's done, and that's what matters.
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Re: Host's Collected Dojinshi

Ooooooh, Were-Slut. Back in my early hentai days that was one of my favourites. Still a classic I like to look at every-so-often.
Re: Host's Collected Dojinshi

Ooooooh, Were-Slut. Back in my early hentai days that was one of my favourites. Still a classic I like to look at every-so-often.
That's how we like our hentai, classic. It makes it all that more special.
Re: Host's Collected Dojinshi

This was a long time coming, but come it has. Everything in here is pretty much guaranteed to be futa. Read them right to left unless stated otherwise… not like it’s hard to figure it out, though. While I do know the list below is long, you may want to go through it anyway. Particularly, a sensitive person may want to delete everything marked with a “WARNING!” before reading it.

Here are the links for those who don’t want to read through all the crap below before downloading:

Dulice 1 (87MB):

Dulice 2 (96MB):

Dulice 3 (47MB):

English (83MB):

Kaerfatuf's Gallery 1 (79MB):

Kaerfatuf's Gallery 2 (88MB):

Kaerfatuf's Gallery 3 (84MB):

Kaerfatuf's Gallery 4 (99MB):

(Loli packs will have to be PM’d for, unfortunately. Although they’re also going to Oni by default.)

Pictures 1 (29MB):

Pictures 2 (71MB):

Including the loli stuff, this is just shy of 1GB. Not including it, this is 749MB, almost ¾ of a GB.

My general scale of artwork grading, from lowest to highest: Okay, Alright, Good, Quite Good, and Very Good. There would be lower levels, but nothing managed to suck to any real extent.

Because I can’t stop myself from making notes; these are generally not high quality. This is an indiscriminate upload, containing every dojin and picture from a futa archive. While there are certainly good ones in there, and I *have* mentioned which ones they are, the remaining 90% is only average, at best, and you will have to download them with the good ones. In hindsight, I would have much rather sorted them by quality than alphabetical order… but by the time I realised that I’d already archived them and uploaded some. I suggest you think of it as a chance to conduct a study of the way average dojinshi authors draw in contrast to good dojinshi authors… or simply liberally delete the ones you don’t want to keep.

Kaerfatuf's Gallery, pt1 – 79mb.

3 Way Roayal – don’t look at me, that’s how they spelt it. Jap. Two bondage-d futas, one other woman subjecting them to what looks like slave training. Rough but very good artwork.

3+1 – Jap. One of the Final Fantasies, only Mithras present (catgirls, basically). One of the girls is futa, which apparently is contagious... and the method of catching it is exactly what one would expect for a hentai. Artwork is okay.

5 Five – Jap. No idea what this is supposed to be. One futa and one female. Artwork is good.

Aki-Akane Zenpen – Jap. Bleach dojinshi. Contains Orihime (futa), the ninja shinigami that seems to always be in hentai (futa), and her second in command (fem). Copious breasts and fluids ensue. Artwork is very good, though the characters look halfway insane a lot of the time (of course, that’s probably the point).

Andorogynous Vol.9 – Jap. Part of a series that I don’t have all of (missing all from one to 8 and any beyond 10). Two futa. Artwork is alright.

Andorogynous Vol.10 – Jap. Part of the same series as above. Story looks like it would be good (if I could understand it). Artwork is alright.

Angel Paradise – Jap. Galaxy Angels dojinshi, contains Milfieule (however the hell that’s supposed to be spelt) and a girl I haven’t seen before (or can’t remember, it’s been awhile since I saw the show). It might be a grown-up version of Mint. Contains something akin to anal beads. Artwork is astronomically good. Bordering on Loli.

B R Hapsody – Jap. Evangelion, Ray (futa) and Asuka (fem). Contains Bukkake. Artwork is rough and bearable, but only barely. (Har. Har.)

B*F*D – Jap. Zero No Tsukaima, Kirche (fem) blue-haired-glasses-girl (why can’t I remember names!?) (futa). Artwork is alright. Blue-haired-girl is approaching loli.

Kaerfatuf's Gallery, pt2 – 88mb.

Beach Piper – Jap. Seems to be part of a series of dojinshi, though there’s probably no relation between different issues. Has one not-a-loli-but-sort-of-close. Artwork is good.

Beat Blip Every Trip – Jap. Good. Contains copious amounts of tit-fucking. Artwork is quite good.

Blaech Soifonx Yoruichi – I SWARE I didn’t name that. Jap. If you remember the Bleach dojinshi from a while up, those two in the title are the characters I couldn’t name. In this, both are futa. I’d change the other one to include the character names, but, considering how they spelt ‘Bleach’… WARNING: Contains a *very* painful-looking scene. Artwork is almost good.

Bousougetto – Jap. Apparently it’s Tohou, I’ll be damned if I can recognise any of the characters though. One girl with rabbit ears (fem) and one in a nurse’s outfit (futa after taking pill). From what I can tell, Bunny-ears seems to have had sudden overnight breast expansion. Strangely, no loli. Artwork is good.

Breaking the Girl – Jap. Page 5 jumps out of nowhere like a ‘shock’ image, you have been warned. Contains bondage, probably rape, and one use of strap-ons. Also has one stand-alone page of bukkake. Art style seems to change, probably multiple artists. In general it’s good. One almost-loli-but-not.

Bumstead – Tsukihime – Jap. Don’t know the series, so I can’t place the characters; one’s a light haired futa and the other’s a dark-haired glasses-girl. Artwork is rough and good.

C1 – Jap. Two girls and a snake that one uses to turn futa (a wizard did it). Fairly interesting, contains beastiality (a snake, duuurr), urinating, and oversized breasts. Also one’s an elf. Artwork is good.

Deep Love – Jap. Looks like Fate Stay Night – No, I’m not even going to try and list the characters. The first 9 pages are of a game of (probably) mahjong, the rest is Saber (futa) and two others (fem). Artwork is very good.

Fallen Angel – Jap. Code Geas. No, I’m not going to place the characters. Features ridiculously huge breasts. Artwork is alright, featuring excessive use of some sort of fudge tool.

Futa Portals Eden – Jap. Abuse of portal physics for sexual purposes. WARNING: Contains a very painful-looking scene at the start. Artwork is reasonably good.

Haruseka – Jap. Haruhi, containing the usual cast of a Haruhi H-dojinshi. Artwork is okay. There may be a painful looking act part way through, I can’t tell.

Himenosunotari-Kamigami – Jap. A number of futa females and in one instance, tentacles. Artwork is good.

Hustle Pafupafu – Jap. Dragon Quest, with the girl that always gets into Dragon Quest H-dojinshi (futa). Bukakke. Artwork is very good.

Kaerfatuf's Gallery, pt3 – 84mb.

Jump Ultimate Bitches – Jap. It’s a mashup of characters from what I can tell. I’m not going to try placing them. Artwork is scratchy and reasonable.

Kaku Musume 8 – Jap. Street Fighter. I don’t know the series well enough to place characters. Artwork is good.

Kanojo no kimochi ha, dare nimo wakaranai – Jap. Might be from something, but I can’t recognise it. Artwork is good.

Kimitoita Memory – Jap. One of the Final Fantasies, probably the online one with the catgirls. May be related to that earlier Final Fantasy Dojinshi because the art style on some characters and the jokes are similar (in so far as I could understand them). Artwork is considerably good.

KS Extra 4 – Jap. Probably part of a series, and if so, I want the rest. Contains lactation… though I think several others have too and I just haven’t mentioned it. Artwork is very good.

Level 01 – Jap. This seems to be something RPG based, though it may not be a real RPG. Contains catgirls. Artwork is quite good, though the last few pages seem a bit fudged.

Mikutame – Jap. Haruhi dojinshi. The expected female trio is present. Artwork is good.

Milk Piper – Jap. Related to the other ‘Piper’ dojinshi. Bukkake. Artwork is alright.

Nikomark-Daioh – Jap. Fairly obviously, an Azumanga-Daioh dojinshi. Cannot remember names, but it contains the girl that liked cats (futa) and the girl that liked her (normal). Artwork is quite good.

Onoroke – Jap. Naruto dojinshi. Has the main male (futa) and female (futa) characters, also one other. Artwork is good.

Otometic – Jap. Mai-Hime dojinshi (or something related to it, anyway). Very borderline loli with all characters. Has a few individual pages of tentacle on girl that interest me more then the rest of the dojinshi. Artwork is alright.

Panon no Zakkayasan – Jap. Involves two female elves and a magic dildo of futa-ising. Artwork is quite good.

Piper 1 & 2 – Jap. Street Fighter dojinshi, based on what little I can recognise of the games on sight. Made by Studio Huan, apparently, though I don’t see much resemblance to their other works. A whole lot of characters. Both have good artwork.

Resona – Jap. Naruto dojinshi. Artwork is Okay.

Ruridou Gahou Ichi – Jap. Some magical girl thing, drawn in an old style. Artwork is alright.

Silent Sea Vol.2 – Jap. One Piece dojinshi. I can only make out the main character (only for one panel) and the main female (female, main character of the dojinshi). There are two other futa and another female besides. Artwork is very good.

Sketches of Desire 2K7 – Jap. To Love Ru dojinshi, if I’m not mistaken. Contains a lot of words (Japanese though, obviously). Artwork is very sketchy, but also very good.

Sweet Folk Music – Jap. Bleach dojinshi. Orihime is futa’d. Everything is blue. Artwork is good.

SxR – Jap. Fate/Stay Night dojinshi. Saber and a woman I can’t place. Artwork is good.

Kaerfatuf's Gallery, pt4 – 99mb.

The Maiden Raping My Sister – Jap. Has a Futa with a penis almost longer than her body. Artwork is good.

Uchi no pet wa aka dragon!! – Jap. Too bad I can’t understand what’s going on… Artwork is good.

Xanarkand – Jap. I think it’s taking from multiple sources. Bondage. Artwork is quite good.

Yagokoro – Jap. Has a bunny-girl futa and a bit of ganging. Artwork is good.

Yukisei – Jap. Haruhi dojinshi. Has Nagato, as usual. Artwork is quite good.

Yume Wadachi – Jap. Judging by the presence of (what I presume are) some original characters, this may have been made by the same person as the two Final Fantasy dojinshi I noticed.

Zig Zig 4 say the magic word – Jap. Pretty short. Artwork is fuzzy but still alright.

Also included are the CG sets:

BehindMoon CG set – Contains Hand-Maid May (seems to be only a cameo) and the characters of Dulice Report. Artwork is Okay.

FT – Fate Stay Night CG set. Witch girl and blindfold summon are futa. Saber’s in there, and I can’t place any others. Artwork is very good.

Futabu! Settings – Jap. Artwork collection for the Futabu series. Artwork is good.

Oh my Goddess Futanari CG sets – No words (I think, cursory check only). Nurse and Bunny outfits for the first and second parts, respectively. Artwork is good.

In total, my computer tells me that the Kaerfatuf’s Gallery is 342mb.

Loli/Shota pt1 – 93mb.

Acid and Sweet – Jap. Seems to be two stories, no futa in the first one. More’n two loli. Artwork is good.

Androgynous School Life 2 – Jap. Might be by the same artist as the ‘Andorogynous’ dojinshi, though the art styles look markedly different. If it is the same person/people, the artwork has improved somewhat. Loli.

ASL01 PLUS – Jap. Part of the ‘Androgynous School Life’ series, which could itself be likely related to the ‘Andorogynous’ series. Loli. Artwork is good, bordering on quite good.

Blue Gale – Jap. I’m not so sure that it’s a futa and not just a guy (never takes her/his clothes off). Contains cat-futa/boy, and probably-rape, Loli/Shota, and a maid. Artwork is quite good.

Click! vol.3 – Jap. Love Hina parody. I’m not even going to try and name the characters, but going by their roles – we have the main love interest (futa), the drunk pervert (futa) and the loli that isn’t hyper (fem – but turns futa in the last panel of the last page). She isn’t quite as loli in this as she is in the anime… but I’ll be on the safe side.

Doki Pretty – Jap. I can’t tell how many characters there are, though at least one and probably more are futas. One is definitely a loli. Artwork is quite good.

Dokodemo Issho – Jap. It’s definitely a parody of a final fantasy, looks like there’s a lilty in it, though not in any of the sex. A lot of the dojinshi will make no sense if you can’t understand Japanese (like me T_T), it looks like it’s full of puns. There’s an obviously-shota moogle-boy near the end. Artwork is very good.

Dronuma Kyoudai – Jap. Apparently a FF7 dojinshi. First part is a guy and a girl, second part is Tifa (futa) and some others. … WARNING: Contains a *very* painful-looking scene (second half). Artwork is very good.

English – There is a folder containing two English loli dojinshi in Loli pt 1; they are the two directly below.

Sex Education – Eng, and right to left. Lage female (eventually all futa) school orgy. Dialogue is good. Artwork is good.

Trouble Drug – Eng, and left to right. Loli. One I really like. Wording and dialogue are very good, intentionally or not. Artwork is good.

Erup Puru to Super Robotto – Jap. Very much straddling the line between loli and not; put in loli for safety’s sake. Three different stories, each not very long. Artwork is good.

Fingertip KISS – Jap. Squid becomes a woman’s futa cock, very similar in nature to the snake one earlier. One is too close to loli for me to risk. Artwork is quite good.

Futabu 4 – Jap. From that series that’s everywhere. Definitely has a loli. Artwork is a bit scratchy at the start, like the guy forgot to finish them, but that’s not really too much of a problem and the rest is good.

Futabu! 3 – Jap. Same series as above, obviously. Definitely has a loli. I believe I have this in Eng somewhere else, or in my previous set… no matter, this one has tons of art after the story that I don’t remember having seen before. Artwork is good.

Haya Hina – Jap. Futa on male. Most definitely contains a shota and a loli. Artwork is reasonably good.

Himitu Tosoyokan – Jap. One loli, one futa, one female, from what I can tell (half asleep while writing this one). Artwork is good.

Loli pt2 – 83mb.

I Doll Fancy – Jap. Rozen Maiden, with the two sei-seki’s. Artwork is Okay and scratchy but understandable.

Liquid Piper – Jap. One of a number of ‘X piper’ dojinshi that are most probably related. The first scene is using Card Captor Sakura characters, and one is a loli – yes, only one… and while she’s in it, it isn’t Sakura.

Love Zawa Sakuya – Jap. Male on futa. Characters remind me of Combat Butler Hayate for some reason… though I don’t think they’re from it. Too close to underage, in the case of the male at the very least. Artwork is quite good.

Magic Girls Secrets – Jap. Likely a collaborative work as the art style varies significantly between stories (there are 4 or so). At least some of it is Touhou, some of it is tentacles, and pretty much all of it is loli. Artwork is alright for basically every artist.

Maria-sama Ga Po Mite'ru 2 – Jap. One character is just slightly too close to loli for me to add to the normal section. Artwork is alright.

Massho – Jap. Fate/Whatchamacallit dojinshi. The only character I can ever recognise from the series, Saber, is in it, as well as some other woman. Artwork is quite good.

Milk WO – Jap. Futa on male. Both the futa and the boy are loli/shota. Artwork is good.

New Experiences – Eng. Digimon dojinshi. Characters are loli, even if only because I know their real ages would make them so. Dialogue is alright. Artwork is alright, though for one page at least it becomes quite good, others it fluxgates to just Okay.

NomJap-1 – Jap. Made by the same dojin as the piper ones. Undeniably loli. Artwork varies between quite good on the occasional page, good for most of it and alright for most of the second story.

Nyokyoushi Futanari Sailor Fuku – Jap. Two too-close-to-loli’s. two futas, a male and a female. Artwork is good.

Otenba Koi Musume No Aruteimetto Daibouken – Jap. Touhou dojinshi. Tentacles and lolis… sounds like a recipe for fun. Artwork is quite good.

Over Drive – Jap. Might be a dojinshi of something, I can’t tell. Main female looks annoyingly like a male. Second story has a fairly definite loli. Artwork is good, if indistinct.

Loli pt3 – 73mb.

All the individual loli pictures are in this part.

PPGZH2 – Jap. Powepuff Girls Z dojinshi (don’t confuse that with the normal Powerpuff Girls, now. Z is a different show and far more suited to hentai). It’s
Powerpuff Girls, so there’s obviously loli. Artwork is fuzzy but quite good.

Project Ako – Jap. I saw a black mage in one panel; it may be something Final Fantasy-ish. There’s a female humanoid with a muzzle. Main female is loli. Artwork is alright.

Rurinene – Jap. Page clutter is quite excessive, more so then most other manga. May be a dojinshi of something, but I don’t know what. Catgirls. One loli. Artwork is good bar the clutter.

Seraphita Vol 4 & 5 –Jap. Mostly just pictures, very little story. Art style varies, most are alright but some are only okay. Lolis in both.

SEXiyo – Jap. Four females – I think it’s 2 futa 2 normal. Artwork is quite good.

Shameless Girls – Jap. Touhou dojinshi. No one particularly loli looking, but Touhou basically gets auto chucked into the loli basket. Artwork is good.

St.lily's Dey – Jap. Not my naming. Magical girl Lyrical Nanoha dojinshi, at least according to the cover (I haven’t seen the show). Characters are distinctly loli. Artwork is good.

st.Lily's Day 02 – Jap. Also not my naming. Basically the same as above, but the artwork drops to alright on occasion. Also, the characters aren’t really loli enough to go into the loli category anymore, but it was better off putting them together.

Striker S – Jap. Lyrical Nanoha Strikers S dojinshi, again according to the cover. Contains a loli. Artwork is okay.

Tamata – Jap. Has a loli-futa and a female. Artwork is alright.

The End of Century Girl X – Jap. One maybe-loli. Artwork is good.

Time Pokaan – Jap. Magical Pokaan dojinshi. The vampire is undeniably loli, same with the magical girl. (I can’t believe I even forgot their names…) Artwork is very good.

Twin Berry 2 – Jap. Rozen Maiden dojinshi. The two sei-seki’s again. Artwork is very good.

Uchuu Denpa II – Jap. Galaxy angel. Mint appears topless in one panel of one page, forcing this into the loli category. It’s mainly Ranpha and the other one that isn’t Milfeulle. Fuck I suck with names… Artwork is alright.

V.COLOR 2 – Jap. Haruhi dojinshi. Nagato is too much of a loli in this one to not add this to the loli category. Artwork is good.

Yumeria De Futanari – Jap. Just loli-futa sketches and some text. Artwork is quite good.

My computer tells me that the Loli parts are 243mb in total.


Delusion Allergy – Eng, still right to left though. Guy turns into a futa after drinking some stuff. Then gets raped by males. The main character, and most of the other females - who are only seen briefly – are incredibly ugly. Despite that, the artwork is good; the style just makes characters look repulsive… which actually may have been the point.

Dickgirl Balls-Z – Eng, and I think it’s supposed to be read left to right. 18 (futa) Trunks (male), Videl (fem). One panel of all but one page is animated. Artwork is good, in general.

Oiroke – Eng, but read right to left anyway. Naruto dojinshi. Gender switched Naruto, Sakura and some other characters. Honestly, I’m ashamed I can actually recognise that many by name… The last couple of pages are in colour. No one is quite loli enough for me to shove it into that category. Artwork is good.

Peach Pie 2007 – Eng. Humorously bad, somewhat scarring. Dialogue is so bad it goes beyond so ‘bad it’s good’ and straight into ‘so bad it’s horrible’ territory. Artwork is Okay at the best of times.

Pink Cherry – Eng. Fate/Stay Night dojinshi, but read right to left. Wording is good. Artwork is quite good.

Semen Sprinkler J – Eng, but right to left. Dialogue is alright. Artwork is good, most of the time.

Spunky Knight #4 – Eng, and read left to right. Want the rest of these. Dialogue is good, artwork is quite good.

Sweet Silky You – Eng, but again, right to left. Guy randomly wakes up as a girl; girl randomly wakes up as a futa. Artwork is quite good, dialogue is also good.

IN-DG.com – (I noted that several of the English dojinshi were in the same style and from the same website, so I grouped them together. That way if you don’t like one you can just ignore/delete all the ones in the folder. Assume you read them left to right unless otherwise mentioned.)

Autumn – Eng. Left to right. 2 futa. Wording is humorously poor. Artwork is… how to put it… ‘western’? Or maybe ‘blocky’? ‘Colourful’? Whatever, you should understand when you look at it. The artwork is bearable.

Christine's Vacation – Eng. Left to right. 1 futa 1 fem. Wording is fairly poor but there’s less of it to make up for that. Artwork is like the above and actually almost good, certainly better than Autumn’s was.

Fitting Room – Eng. Left to right. 1 futa 1 fem. Wording is fairly poor but there’s less of it to make up for that. Artwork is bearable.

Irish Extacy – Eng. Left to right. Again, not my naming. Wording is humorously poor. Artwork is bearable.

Physical Training – Eng. Plot isn’t as bad as usual, strangely. Artwork is alright.

Physical Training Revenge – Eng. If this is a sequel to the previous, they’ve done a piss poor job of it. Wording is as poor as the worst of times. Artwork is only barely bearable.

PREMIERE – Eng. The worst IN-GD piece so far. Dialogue is poor, what little there is of it, and the artwork is complete crap.

The Car Wash – Eng. Artwork is okay, dialogue is annoying.

The Direct Sales – Eng. Artwork is alright, dialogue is okay.

The Fight Club – Eng. Artwork is okay, dialogue is less so.

Threesome Chillin – Eng. Dialogue is okay, artwork is less so.

English is 83mb big.

Dulce Report – A mostly English dojinshi of considerable size. 1-6 are in Eng and 9 is in Jap. Story about a guy turned into a futa and mind controlled to take over the world, turning others into futa mind-slaves through - what else - semen. Unusual, because it keeps switching between putting the futas in a good light and making them the villains. Artwork is good, story is reasonable, and unfortunately, I don’t have the last three. Number nine is Jap, but I put it in Eng with the rest. Now, there are points of futa on male, but it’s generally possible to ignore them without any trouble.

Dulce Report pt1 – contains the first three chapters. 87mb.

Dulce Report pt2 – contains the fourth and fifth chapters. 96mb.

Dulce Report pt1 – contains the sixth and Japanese ninth chapters. 47mb.

Total of, according to my computer, 225mb.

Then there’s the pictures that came with the site. Picture sorting ranks are: Bad, Average, Good, Very Good. (For Loli pictures, which are in the third loli pack, it is just Normal or Better.) There are also two other folders; ‘Pain’ for things that I perceive as looking painful and ‘Err’ for the really gender bent ones or the ones that may be males and not futas. Err is in the loli pic pack as most were loli. Download the first or second part first entirely depending on whether you want the better stuff first or after you’ve gotten through the worse stuff.

Pictures pt1 – contains the average, bad and pain folders. 29mb.

Pictures pt2 – contains the Good and Very Good folders. 71mb.

My computer tells me that’s a total of 98mb… but the bites add up to over 100mb. Sucky slight differences in the measurement of data…

In total, the entire download is 992mb, just shy of a gig. And there’s another 600~mb still to be uploaded…

…And because there’s a good chance you’ll have forgotten; the links are at the top of the post.
Re: Host's Collected Dojinshi

(Loli packs will have to be PM’d for, unfortunately. Although they’re also going to Oni by default.)[/B]

This made me lol, you know me so well XD

But seriously, thanks dude, I'll get to DL'ing these when I have plenty of time on the intertubes.