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How can I protect my privacy?

Chuck the smartphone, credit cards, uninstall win 10, learn how the technology you use actually works and just generally don't be an idiot.
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I used to think in this way and I used to check my credit cards often enough. I downloaded Avast and Veepn to work in internet safely. I haven't been ever attacked by hackers yet but I hope thees adds would protect my personal data anyway
Protecting your privacy from companies like Microsoft and Google and protecting yourself from crackers/scammers are two very different things. Although if you're doing the first, doing the second shouldn't be too hard.
Protecting your privacy from companies like Microsoft and Google and protecting yourself from crackers/scammers are two very different things. Although if you're doing the first, doing the second shouldn't be too hard.
fully agree but is it possible to protect yourself from google or microsoft? :D I don't think so
I give you advice, use "DuckDuckGo" for the search engine.
But if you want even more privacy, well I suggest you VPNs.
DO NOT USE TOR IT IS DANGEROUS, if you are not an internet expert.

I give suggestions, then you decide with your heads. But think about it, it's not something to be taken lightly on VPNs.
Instead DuckDuckGo is a search engine for privacy protection.
You may come across unpleasant sites if you do not use them properly.
Above all, TOR is facing many difficulties in maintaining privacy (of what I heard, then I don't know if they solved it).

If instead you want to use it to see Netflix type, I do not recommend it because of its slow connection, due to its p2p connection.

If you want to use TOR, do it with caution.

PS: Turrican's background is beautiful!
DuckDuckGo is not 100% private
But it's more private than Google or Bing, and so still a good recommendation

Personally I recommend adblockers and a noscript addon for whatever browser you use- Disable the tracking cookies and tracking scripts. As a bonus you'll find that some websites load a lot faster and you have a better experience without ads
fully agree but is it possible to protect yourself from google or microsoft? :D I don't think so
As long as you stay away from any MS or Google products, use adblocker and script blocker, and are mindful of what you post and where, it's just about possible. A pain in the ass, but still doable.
Arguably if you steal internet on a computer into which you don't input any information that could be associated with you, you can remain completely anonymous. Sure they'll be able to build a profile of the user of said computer, but without a name or face to tie it to that doesn't do them alot of good.
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Why TOR is dangerous ?

According to my (admittedly limited) understanding of TOR, it tunnels your internet through other TOR users who have set up their computers to be TOR portals. That's how the anonymous function works, as Authorities would have a difficult time telling who is responsible for the data passing through the portal. However, because your internet is going through someone else's computer, anything that's not encrypted can be wiretapped. In addition, anyone can set up a TOR portal, including the CIA, and they have done so in the past (and may still be doing it).