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Mariliths! (A Xiombarg repost)


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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For a good time, call 'Xiombarg' on 4chan's /rs/. Her stories are under 'Xiombarg's Stories', I'm pretty sure.

This is me basically posting the entirety of one - specifically "The Culling".


I have discovered Firefox now comes with a spellchecker. And I stole the password to the computer. So, now my posts at work will have minimal spelling errors.

Because if I write without spelling errors, no one believes it's really me.

As requested by anon, for anon, lesbian mariliths....prompted by the Chaotic Evil thread.

The sound of wings preceded the arrival of the candidates. Soon, shrieks or pain and fear, maniacal laughter, and the sound of tearing flesh and the thud of fallen bodies could be made out. They came as a horde, an entire flight of beautiful bat winged women, tails lashing and talons bloodied as they claws and slashed at one another in order to gain the least advantage. The succubi were fleeing the vulture-like vrock and the fly-like chasme, who had gathered and chased them into the dark realm of Halcyon (a name that did no credit to the place's true nature) for a single purpose.

Here there was only a slender space between the thick and impenetrable clouds and the twisted, gnarled tress below that the succubi could fly. The clouds above harbored things ancient even by demonkind's span of years, things even the grand balor would hesitate to combat. Below, the twisted trunks of the trees hid the grasping tentacles of the spawn of the Black Goat, resembling baobab trees given hideous life as well as ever-hungry bebilith and retrievers send to capture new servitors. Jealous lilitu awaited as well, slaying those they could catch or charm from the sky, or driving other demons to take the lives of those who once they were like.

And here and there, greater beings lurked, watching, judging, seeking those who could be put to greater purpose than toys of the great and corruptors of men and women.

Culling Time had come.

The succubi were not interested in participating. No sane being would be, which was why the physically powerful vrock and the deadly, cruel chasme were herding them. Lagging behind would lead to punishing blows or even crippling tears or bites, or worse; to fall to the ground was to be subject to the horrors that lived in this place both as food and as playthings. None attempted the clouds.

Even teleportation was folly; it lead directly into the clouds, where shrieks of terror were followed by the rain of blood and gobbets of flesh. One succubus actually caught an entire head as it fell from the clouds above. She kissed the bloody, terrified face and threw the head at another of her compatriots, who faltered in her flight; tentacles reached, grabbed, and dragged the beauty into open maws and rending talons.

Below, one of the sets of eyes scanned the flight with intent beyond self gratification and hunger. Those were there, of course, as no demon could deny those base impulses that made them what they were. A purpose existed in this gaze, and the piercing sight saw far more than supple flesh and elegant bodies to possess, or blood and meat and bone to consume. Darkness possessed a radiance of its own to the True sight, and the radiance she saw was grand and vast. The succubus the eyes chose was a shining beacon of corrupted souls; she'd feasted on a glut of the decadent, the weak, the addicted. Her form shone with power, and it was that sort of power that was needed for the War.

Silent mental orders flashed from the owner of those piercing eyes to certain vrock and chasme; she did not bother informing them they would be receiving help form others. The Culling encompassed all who participated, even those who performed duties. Failure suffered, success gained. The vrocks and chasme herded the succubus towards the eyes that watched and waited.

Kia'nassi flitted between her sisters with skill belying her youthful face and body. She was smaller, but not by much; heavy breasts and wide hips appealed to the mortal soul, but for this, a slender - though still feminine! - form was safer, faster and more nimble. She darted between tentacles of one of the horrific dark-young, allowing them to snatch the succubus that had tried to grasp her ankle and fling her back to the following fly-demons. The horrid crack of bone and the soft rip of leather brought a smile to Kia'nassi's lips as her sister's wings were torn from her and her body stuffed into a gaping, toothless maw, still shrieking.

Kia'nassi saw a vrock and a chasme gaining upon her and she whipped around, ignoring the way they clawed and snapped at one another. They would cease their bickering if she allowed them to get too close; she did not want the attentions of the sadistic chasme or the salacious vrock...presuming they simply did not push her to the claws of a passing bebilith or the grasping hunger of the young. Seeing their prey turning tail, the twain turned their attentions upon Kia'nassi and flew all the harder, driving themselves to the limit of their twisted bodies.

She flew faster than both, her tail lashing angrily back and forth. She'd collected many more souls than her sisters had, and she needed more to achieve greater power. She would become something more than them, perhaps a lilitu or maybe even something new and more beautiful and deadly. She laughed, a manic, gleeful creature, and grabbed the tail of one of her sisters and pulled herself over her body, forcing the other succubus down. She received a new set of bloody slices, but the chasme grabbed onto the other succubus rather than Kia'nassi. The grappled demonette shrieked as the monstrous fly demon stung and bit while they tumbled towards the ground.

The delicate demon flew faster, seeking to escape her other pursuer. She flitted between the branches of one of the gnarled trees, and the vrock screeched at her, the branches blasted from the tree and the air shuddering about her. She gasped and flew harder, making her way towards another tree....

Which lifted one limb with terrible speed and impaled her upon the barbed sword that slipped between her legs, then drove her to the stony ground in a spray of blood.

The vrock back-pedaled desperately, the massive creature that had struck down the demonette a monster the likes of which he feared. The creature almost casually sliced his belly open and speared him through a wing, even as it reached out and grabbed a chasme that tried to steal the prize. That one was torn in two, the terrifying demon flinging the still squirming halves away as it tossed the vrock to one of the nearby dark young.

Kia'nassi pushed herself up, the sword's barbs gripping her roiling insides tightly. It burned worse than acid, felt like poison, and she struggled to extricate herself, tail twitching and wings fluttering helplessly. A forked spear slammed into the rock next to her, pinning her wing to the ground and eliciting a cry of pain as the iron burned her skin with cold fire. A long handled halberd chopped into her other wing, and she shrieked as bone and leather tore and left her helpless to flee. The sword was pushed further into her body and she writhed, turning her head to look up at her tormentor over her shoulder.

The demon smiled down at her, full lips in a heart shaped face crowned with blue-black silk. Eyes of dull orange-gold gleamed with unholy fire, slit pupils glittering with malevolent intent. Large breasts heaved as the demon lifted two sets of arms, hefting four more harpoons. Her beautiful face scanned the heavens as Kia'nassi's eyes slipped down to the marilith's reptilian torso and snakelike body, the gold-green of her scales beautiful even in this dark and forbidding place. Her remaining two arms kept Kia'nassi pinned, one twisting the barbed sword inside the delicate she-demon's body in a gross parody of sexual communion, the other pressing the forked spear against the bones of Kia'nassi's unbroken wing.

The marilith scanned the sky for a long moment, seeking what she needed. Promises of protection and succor brought several of the succubi closer, and she smiled cruelly as she loosed the harpoons, spearing a trio of beauties. One was torn from her grasp by a spidery bebilith, who began eating the shrieking demonette alive. The other two she dragged to her with the chains of the enchanted iron harpoons, heedless of their screams or struggles. One teleported away, and the marilith hissed disapprovingly. An utter loss - the fearsome obrylith that inhabited the Clouds of Halcyon would destroy her to the essence and consume even that. The third one she brought close and wrapped in deadly coils, half crushing the life from the corrupter and driving it into a semblance of sleep.

Kia'nassi struggled despite the enchanted iron that pinned her, trying to work her body free of the penetration. The irony of it was not lost on her, and she squirmed, the weird, burn alien and yet familiar....she started to cry, heart-wracking sobs that could have driven a saint to kiss her. The marilith ignored her cries and her struggles, intent on snaring another victim for her unknowable purposes.

The sword jerked inside her as the marilith hurled her remaining harpoons, spearing two more succubi. The tip of the sword ripped through her belly and black ichor spurted from the new wound, as well as from between her legs where it pierced her to ruins. Kia'nassi cried out, and grasped the cold iron with both hands, pushing back upon it. The metal did more than cut - it seared her flesh and she shrieked, though she struggled all the harder. Somehow the marilith had enchanted the weapons beyond the metal, changed them into holy weapons as well as magical iron. Only such a thing could cause this much damage and pain.

Vsaqui dropped the spare succubus to the ground nearby as she pinned her new catch to the stone next to Kia'nassi. The delicate demonette struggled for unneeded breaths as she watched the snake-demoness lower herself to the other obscenity spewing succubus....and rip one of her arms from her body with an unholy laugh.

Kia'nassi did not care that her sisters were being torn apart. All her efforts were now put towards escaping the impaling blade. Even her wing could be sacrificed - would have to be sacrificed. the delicate demonette grabbed the shattered bones that jutted from her left shoulder, and with a scream she ripped the leather of her skin and the tendons that had once driven the mighty pinion apart, tearing the remnants of her wing away. She gasped for breath as the marilith continued her gruesome work, depriving the other succubi of her arms and then tossing the still-living demons away to survive or die on their own.

With a keening cry Kia'nassi grabbed the still intact bone of her right wing and pulled, feeling flesh and bone and ligament give in her back as she hauled at her living flesh. She pulled harder, feeling the joint slip free and her muscles start to tear. Oddly there was little pain; all of the sensation she could feel was the agony of the cold metal pushed through her body, shifting every few seconds as the marilith moved. Even when she ripped her wing whole from her back, the pain was a muted and distant sensation compared to holy metal shoved through what had been the ultimate goal of so many mortals to enjoy.

The Marilith laughed at her, the massive demoness looming over the battered, bleeding succubus.

The succubus felt despair as she saw the pile of limbs next to her, still oozing varicolored ichors and twitching strangely. Strangely they did not dissolve of corrode as they should have; Kia'nassi did not spare much thought for the reason as Vsaqui pressed one massive hand on her back and tore the barbed blade from her body with a gout of black ichor. She screamed, though the noise was superfluous. Even in the other demoness' mind she did not beg for mercy or plead for an end to the torment. She threatened, cajoled, offered souls and servitude to be spared utter destruction. Torment and pain was existence, existence was survival, survival was the path to revenge and power.

The marilith licked ichor from the blade, amused by the offers. Some were quite good; but the Abyss needed more from the pretty demonette and Vsaqui was its tool. She leaned over the naked demonette, and stroked her tail, amused when Kia'nassi wrapped it about her wrist and slid the tip of it across her breast, enticing and suggestive. The coil of leathery tail about her wrist made ripping it from the succubus' spine a great deal easier. She hissed laughter as the pinned succubus shrieked and cascaded epithets and curses into her mind.

The legs were harder; the marilith took a tight grip about the slender demonette's waist with one set of hands, and a soft, firm thigh in one each of a second set. Of the remainder, one pressed on Kia'nassi's back to keep her in place, while the sixth stroked her golden hair in an obscenely kind gesture that did not comfort or soothe.

The explosion of liquids that accompanied the removal of Kia'nassi's legs was much larger and messier than it perhaps should have been. Vsaqui smiled, the glimmer of the souls that the demonette had collected fading slowly as she burned more and more of their essence to maintain her unholy existence. The marilith understood this. All Kia'nassi knew was that she was being torn apart and not allowed to disperse into the abyssal chaos she was formed from. Her shuddering, writhing torso was lifted by the massive demoness, and Vsaqui ran her hands along the soft, warm flesh, enjoying the feel of the supple creature's body.

Or what remained of it, anyways.

Only wordless pain erupted from Kia'nassi's mind to Vsaqui's as the marilith ripped chunks of flesh from her sides, close to the joints of her wings. She did finish removing the succubus' left wing, allowing herself a slow lick of the empty hole that remained when she was finished. With a stately slither she took the demonette's helpless torso to the Pool of Typhon, ignoring the agonized cries both mental and physical from the ichor smeared and demolished Kia'nassi.

Vsaqui reached up and slipped her hand into the ruins of the succubus' sex, clearing the last remnants of her skin from the bloody mess that had been her prized tool in conquest spiritual. Kia'nassi implied several things about Vsaqui's desires and the demoness hissed laughter, still not answering the demonette's wordless accusations or offers. The pool seethed, and the marilith turned all her attention towards it, gripping the spear and the wickedly barbed sword in two hands each as she let ichor ooze from the succubus' violated body into the pool.

It was not long at all before the offering had garnered the attention Vsaqui sought; she could see with her piercing sight the wastriliths that lived in the pool surging up from the depths. She gripped her weapons harder, preparing herself. As several of the massive things reared up from the water she clutched Kia'nassi to her breasts, ignoring the demonette's relatively tiny talons ripping into her flesh and scales. The damage was so minimal that she hardly noticed it. The monstrous things that swayed and danced before her were another matter. She slashed and stabbed, fending off their clutching arms and snapping mouths, slapping aside the larger beasts in favor of allowing the smallest to come close.

She isolated the one she wanted and grabbed it with two of her arms, receiving a great deal of pain and bloodied flesh for her trouble. The others she fended off with threat and weapon; the power imbued into the cold iron wounded and burned with holy energies stolen from the deities themselves - the most potent weapon in the marilith's arsenal of magics.

She retreated slowly, the most aggressive of the water-demons surging onto land for a short distance, lashing with talon and fang, her prize held fast and struggling. It was a dainty specimen, compared to the things which were larger even than Vsaqui herself was. Idly she noted that Kia'nassi was no longer fighting her but hugging her tightly, staring at the gruesome monstrosity that was part eel, part serpent, and part unholy abomination. The wastrilith threatened, cursed and cajoled, right up until Vsaqui wrenched it's head from it's body.

Kia'nassi's mind snapped.

The marilith laid the thrashing body of the wastrilith upon the cold stone of Halcyon using her coils to stretch it out and hold it even as she laid Kia'nassi before it. The comatose succubus shuddered and stared into the sky where her sisters still flew, no longer chased but now battling and punishing the creatures which had herded them there, numbers finally overcoming power after terrible tolls had been taken by all.

Vsaqui ignored the rain of blood, ichor and flesh, all her attention on molding the soft skin and delicate torso of the demonette to fit into the stump of the young wastrilith's neck. Tearing, molding, ripping and dripping her own blood into the forsaken flesh and the faintly shimmering remnants of the succubus, she added to the monstrous conglomeration the arms she'd taken from still living succubi, sisters of the pretty demonette. Vsaqui had no concern for the existences of the demons she'd maimed for this work; they existed to serve her purposes, as she existed to serve that of the Abyss. As she finished her crude sculpting she leaned over the horrific thing, her eyes gazing into the eyes of the mad succubus she'd tortured into catatonia.

Opening her mouth she exhaled, breathing a dark mist onto the upturned face of what had once been Kia'nassi. More soul stuff, infused by demonic and diabolic essences Vsaqui had consumed, poured onto and over the sculpture, changing it, altering it. Slowly the molded flesh sealed, the gaping wounds spurting gouts of ichor no longer black but deep scarlet laced with green, much as Vsaqui's own ichor was. The wastrilith's fins and limbs atrophied, fell away, scales surging out of the flesh and settling into a snakelike body. The gaping holes where once wings had been shifted, closed about the shoulders of the arms that had been crudely shoved into the holes, and shifted, moving to appropriate locations. The delicate features remained in part, though now stronger, more flush with muscle and strength. The body swelled a little, growing in size, but not quite to that of Vsaqui's. Too much of the succubus' essences and collected souls had been lost in her remaking to make her entirely equal to Vsaqui - which suited the marilith just fine.

Vsaqui leaned back, looking down at the golden-haired marilith she'd crafted. The eyes blinked slowly, the soft, human green changing, becoming a hot blue-green color; the pupils flattened and spread until they were tiny slits in glowing eyes. The new-made demoness shuddered all over and Vsaqui leaned down, taken by a sudden desire. She pinned the other's arms, grasping soft pale flesh with dusky gold, binding her and forcing a cruel, greedy kiss upon the creature she'd formed, taking what she wished because she was stronger and desired to do so.

Ksanei shuddered, her coils thrashing languidly, still dazed from her ordeals. She accepted the kiss slowly, opening her mouth, feeling the long tongue sliding to meet hers and thrusting her own serpentine tongue deep into the throat of the other, heedless of fangs slicing into her new flesh. Their breasts pressed together, moved, scales slipping along one another as their lower bodies coiled slowly.

Vsaqui relented, wondering if some remnant of Ksanei's previous existence colored her reaction to the kiss. It did not stop her from pinning the golden-haired beauty's lower arms with her middle arms or gasping two sets of wrists in a hand each. One of her upper arms slid between their breasts and she felt the soft skin of the other, marveling at the texture of the other marilith. It would soon harden and become as impenetrable as her own, but for now she felt more like the succubus she had been than another marilith. The middle hand that was free slid down, tracing the smooth, navel-less belly to caress the place where she would have had hips...and then lower, to slip between the belly scales into the vent hidden there.

Ksanei gasped and arched into the shocking caress, Her new body not yet accustomed to any sensation, much less the raw sensation of being violated.

Ksanei gasped, her tongue wrapping about the other's more tightly, her mouth working against the kiss, fangs delicately cutting tiny grooves into both of their slippery tongues. Two, three fingers slipped into her vent, her sex, her cunt, sliding in thick and smooth and clawed. She pressed harder into the fingers, her serpentine body tightening about Vsaqui's as a thumb crushed her clitoris cruelly. Ksanei arched under the other marilith, blue-black silk caressing her face as she moaned into the thick-tongued kiss. Vsaqui responded by sliding the foot-and-a-half of her tongue from the sweet mouth of the newest warlord, and laughing at her struggles and eagerness.

Ksanei hissed and thrashed harder, only to arch into the new additions to the fingers in her vent; Vsaqui forced all four fingers into the tight hole of the demoness' cunt, spreading her lengthwise as she pushed her hand in up to the knuckles. Only her thumb remained outside, pressed along the engorged spike of Ksanei's large clitoris, mashing it as she thrust her fingers in and out of the demoness.

When Ksanei started to struggle harder - either to escape or intensify the pleasure, Vsaqui could not tell and did not care - the older marilith pulled her fingers from the tight, slick hole, and forced them into the soft, hot mouth of the marilith before her. She laughed, sibilant hisses of amusement as Ksanei bit down, unable to tear through the unholy flesh with her new body yet. Her other free hand moved down, forcing dry and unprepared fingers - all of them - into the tight hole, slick with desire and excitement. She pushed harder, making the new marilith take all of her hand, enjoying the slick tightness as it engulfed her fingers, her knuckles, her wrist. She shuddered when a thick, hard spike of tail pushed at her own vent, slipped inside her to fill the burning heat that had developed there.

Silently she encouraged Ksanei's assault, urged the other marilith to push more of her tail inside the tight vent. Her last lover had been a molydeus, sex for the service of one of the Abyss' guardians. She'd taken the entirety of his snake's head into her body, and could take more of that pathetic stump of a tail.

Her cruel comments worked; Ksanei brutally used her tail, fucking the soft, hot depths of Vsaqui's body. The older marilith groaned, audibly, as she forced the other to accept her fist again and again, sliding all of her hand free only to force it entirely in again. Ksanei, new-bodied and bound, came first, her lusty nature still imprinted upon her nascent consciousness. She heaved violently, her coils crushing the other marilith's, though harmlessly. Vsaqui was not far behind and sank her fangs into the soft neck of the other, marking her deeply and painfully as she felt her body shudder in pleasure.

When at last they parted, sliding free of one another's coils, sweat sheened and satisfied, Vsaqui performed the final rite to welcome her new sister. She took the halberd and two of the harpoons, and gave them to Ksanei, providing her with half of the weaponry she needed to become a true general of the grand Abyssal warlords. The new born marilith accepted the tool of her trade graciously....and immediately attacked her maker with them.

Laughing, Vsaqui took the new-made marilith's assault with aplomb, blocking with her own weapons and counterattacking; the battle was a fierce as their lusts had been. Ksanei had all the instincts and desires of her kind, and the skills to back them with. She was smaller still, and weaker as yet; she would not be fully grown for another few hours at least and Vsaqui would remain near her to protect her until she could do the same for herself. Too much effort had gone into her making for a bebilith or a wandering dark-young to take her apart. She joined the battle eagerly, her sword and her spear accompanied by the remaining harpoon; three weapons against three. Experience was Vsaqui's advantage.

The battle would end in much the same way as Ksanei's life had begun, Vsaqui was sure, with Ksanei under her, bleeding, bloodied, and free for the taking....
