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Monster Girl Research (Zoltan)

Re: Monster Girl Research (Zoltan)

Roxy and the golem followed Zoltan's lead, the golem leaping down from rock to rock with minimal concern for damage she might receive from the fall, which she received none. But when Zoltan took her in his arms instead, she rose her arms up to hold over her chest, looking up at him almost like a daughter holding envy to her father.

Roxy followed a step behind, so as not to lose Zoltan, while the angels did not cease their persistent attack. They held no regard for the trees, firing at the group whenever they could be seen, or even just to take a blind shot past the leaves and branches. Arrows landed all around them, some too close for comfort. "They're like annoying insects!" Roxy complained, before holding an arm back, and sending an intense rush of flame towards them, the rising heat drawing the angels back a small ways, and immediately making them worried of a forest fire, stopping to use their magic to put out the flames, letting the trio make their way to the edge of the water, where the prison sat on an island within the wide river, before their wings opened, taking flight over the blue aquatic land below them.

"The source of magic is unmoving, master." the golem announced to Zoltan, as she reached up her arms to cling her fingers to his shirt. "I suspect she is being held in a prison cell."

"Let's go in from the roof! Seems like we can get in that way!" Roxy shouted, flapping her wings to gain lift.
Re: Monster Girl Research (Zoltan)

Zoltan clutched the living doll of a petite golem to him as they flew through the woods. Arrows flew around them and some clipped parts of his robes off in near misses. One managed to nick Zoltan in his right arm but it was only a mere cut. It was a welcome relief to not be shot at as Roxy created a distraction with the flames and the woods itself so they could lose the angels.

When Roxy made her suggestion he thought how that would sound like a decent idea at first but if angels did have a way into a prison from the roof then why would that not be guarded? He had to wonder a bit if there was another way in but he looked to Roxy "You think that they would neglect the roof like that?" He would think on it for a moment as he spreads his own wings and follows Roxy in suit. "Well if they are still after us and still distracted by the Baphomet, I suppose it makes sense the prison is not at the moment expecting anyone to actually head there. But just to be safe. From here on in be as quiet as possible."

Zoltan made his mind up on this since the succubus was sure of herself. Zoltan would chant soft figuring the best route to take was a illusion spell of invisibility. The idea was to make it so it didn't look like they wee there. That those who looked at them would see right through them as if they were not there. It wouldn't be fool proof of course if someone happens to touch them or see a door or such open up nor did it mask sounds. But it would at the very least mask their approach to the prison visibly.

Heading for the roof he would look about quickly for any places that looked like a hatch or such that leads down into the prison itself but also for any lookout towers seeking that it would be to stay clear of them. He would look for a way down being as close as he could to the magical source that the golem was locked onto. From there it was a matter of getting inside as quickly as possible without drawing any unwanted attention anymore then they had already.
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Re: Monster Girl Research (Zoltan)

Zoltan's group was only a minor concern, it seemed, as the majority of noise, shouting, and sounds of battle came from the Baphomet's location at the front gates. Guards were missing. All signs of the prison's masonry that suggested it's walls were to be manned a hundred strong, revealed the truth that many of the battlehands had rushed to assist the other's in fighting the Baphomet's forces. As such, Zoltan and the other two landed on the roof without coming under attack. Amidst the four watch towers, and a square formation of stone, which displayed a single door that lead down into the lower levels, they seemed to be alone on the prison ceiling.

"Two floors below," the golem announced to Zoltan when they landed. She adjusted her legs, and stood on her own feet, before running at a jog towards the door that hid stairs from view. "Please follow me," she requested of her two companions.

Roxy chuckled at what she perceived as enthusiasm from the golem. "Well, I suppose now's when we hide our aura, just in case those angels from before start snooping for us again." she noted. "So far we haven't gotten much trouble. You have to admit, making deals with devils has it's merits." she giggled, before following the golem into the prison.

Though they hid their magical presence within their bodies, their footsteps echoed loudly through the hallways, no matter what they did to try and hide it. Roxy's priceless, sexuality enhancing boots clicked loudly, "I'm not walking in bare feet," she announced. The golem's heavy feet slapped noisily on the hard, flat ground, apologizing when she couldn't meet Zoltan's call for stealth. But, though they were loud, they still didn't encounter anyone on their way down the stairs, and through the hallways.

Smooth was a great way to describe their journey in the prison. Lead by the golem, they were there, then right in front of Naznia's cell in the blink of an eye.

Stepping in front of her cell, the trio saw Naznia, white wings folded on her back, sleeping soundly on her prison bed, even though the sounds of battle echoed in through her window. Upon seeing that they had found Naznia, Roxy wordlessly lifted her finger towards the lock on the cell, before her threads reached out slowly, not releasing too much strength, and bent the lock into a heart shape, warping it, so the bolt that kept it in place could easily fall loose. And it did, once she pulled at it with her long finger nail.

With a loud creak, the rusted metal cell door slowly opened, a loud noise that echoed through the hall, causing Naznia's eyes to open slightly, a noisy groan coming from the sleeping angel, who was disturbed by the noise of her unlocked cell.
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Re: Monster Girl Research (Zoltan)

It was absolutely amazing this amount of fortune they were having in this break in of an angels prison. Granted they were all distracted and such but the noised they made was seemingly enough to wake the dead. Yet they encountered nothing what so ever. They soon arrived at the gate to where Naznia was visibly held and asleep and when the door opened up he realized she had already been cured of her illness that Roxy had inflicted upon her. He had to wonder why this was the case.

"Naznia?" Zoltan seemed totally dumbstruck in getting her attention before he was probably ushered forward by either Roxy or the Golem. "How is this possible? The last time I saw you you were.. And now you're back to normal??" The sinking sensation in his stomach led him to think that this had been all for nothing for the most part save for Naznia. And that was okay but... What the hell was he thinking! Of course this was worth it! "Naznia we need to get out of this place." He wasn't too sure on why she was there but more then likely she had tried as a fallen angel to take over heaven and failed and was going to be executed for it.

He knew they would have to go but how were the going to get out? Well the way they came in would be a start one would suppose as subtlety was shot to hell so it was best to take the fastest route out so they could get into the air. He knew he was probably gonna get an earful from Naznia about plenty of things he had done but now was not the time for it. Zoltan was having a bad series of events and it just seemed like it wasn't going to stop until they got out of that place and talked things through. It seemed to be the only option at the moment and he was not going to hesitate on this moment to get out of there.
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Re: Monster Girl Research (Zoltan)

Once they had arrived in front of the cell, Roxy seemed as confused as Zoltan when they arrived. Neither the golem nor Roxy would usher Zoltan forward, as the golem stood silently by his side, and Roxy actually took several steps back when Naznia awoke. Naznia herself, upon awaking, looked at Zoltan with slight shock, but not nearly as much shock as he displayed. "Zoltan?" she called his name back after he called her's. Looking at him, she blinked several times, but knew why he was here.

"Listen..." she began after he questioned what possibly could have happened to have changed her back into a normal state. "I'm sorry for attacking you. I wasn't of a right mind. All I felt was anger, among other things, and... I mean... Vengeance isn't something I agree with at all... So... I truly wasn't myself." she tried to explain to him.

However, she was quick to agree with Zoltan, getting out of her bed, and walking towards him, before her eyes went wide at the sight of Roxy. Almost immediately, she brought her hands together, and magical threads worked quickly to create a beam of heat that rushed at, and slammed into Roxy's abdomen, burning the demon's skin, and creating enough force of air from the heat to slam her back into the bars of the cell across from her own.

Roxy cried with pain, until she landed with a thud on the ground, hurt from Naznia's sudden attack. "Z-Zoltan!" Naznia cried his name desperately, "Kill her!" she demanded of him, not caring why she was there, simply wanting the demoness to no longer be there at all.
Re: Monster Girl Research (Zoltan)

Zoltan was surprised by what Naznia did even though he really should not be considering the fact that it was Roxy that infected Naznia to begin with. The energy that Naznia produced went past him and harmed Roxy. He could tell that much at least. He turned about to face Roxy and he shook his head for a moment. He really should have seen that coming.

The choices were plain as the sun, either kill Roxy and betray her and the trust he had built with her and all he endured with her. Or not kill Roxy and possibly betray Naznia's trust to the point where she would not accompany him. Betraying Roxy and slaying her in his mind was most assuredly evil after everything endured. He could understand Naznia's reasoning behind it but... this felt wrong. In an instant the choice was made, and either way it was a painful one to make after all that was done to get to Naznia.

Walking over to Roxy he knelt down and would try to explain this. He wasn't sure if she would listen but he was going to try anyway. As he spoke quietly with a soft blue glow coming from his hand. "Sano... Vigoratas." Threads of magic would be woven as his desire to heal Roxy of her injury was going to be dealt with. "Please listen to me Naznia. I'm not going to kill Roxy. Do you remember what happened when you were a demon? You would have killed me had Roxy not intervened." He half expected to be attacked by Naznia or have her flee from him.

"And had I not healed her I probably would have never reached you either." It was going to be hard enough for Naznia to trust him but he figured to at least be honest in this endeavor and to nip another problem in the bud. "Roxy don't attack her either." He didn't say however she could defend herself as he then continued explaining to Naznia "She helped me because I had her enter a pact with me." He gave a sigh before speaking with reassurance to the angel "I made you a promise and I am going to keep it Naznia."
Re: Monster Girl Research (Zoltan)

Naznia took several steps away from Zoltan as he healed Roxy, and told her of his alliance with the demon. Her eyes wide, she looked betrayed. "How can you say this!?" she exclaimed. "I thought you were a human who wouldn't become the property of women, monster or demon! I don't care if it was to save me, selling you soul into a contract with a demon is wrong!"

She swings her arm, directing at the field outside, "Zoltan, this is your doing, isn't it!? How could you cause such a thing to happen!? You... Your soul is lost to the demons!" she shouted, before directing both of her palms towards Zoltan, and another beam of pure light fired at him this time. "Even though circumstances were to cause my execution, I won't forgive anyone who causes harm to my people!"

Stepping in front of Zoltan, the small golem held up her hand, with a small, blue sapphire in her palm. "You shall not harm the master." she announced calmly, before Naznia's beam collided with the golem, and nearly knocked her over, while a majority was absorbed into her crystal. Keeping her hand raised, suddenly, the beam attack that the golem absorbed reflected back at Naznia. The angel could only gasp before it collided against her, and smashed her through the prison wall, blasting Naznia outside of the prison.

Landing on the bridge to the prison, just over the large body of water, Naznia's figure collapsed onto the solid stone.

"Zoltan!" Roxy shouted, pointing her hand back towards the forest in view, where they came from previously. In the distance, a group of angels, lead by their heavily armored leader, were quickly approaching. "This is very bad. At this rate, we'll be forced into confrontation." she informs him.

In the distance, a victorious, evil laugh echoed from the angelic castle. Looking to the source, the sight of the Baphomet came into view, holding her staff high over her head in a victorious stance. "The castle is our's! All hail the demon lord!" she roared triumphantly, just as the realization would sink into everyone's minds.

The angels had lost.
Re: Monster Girl Research (Zoltan)

It was only his golem's intervention that saved him. Because he didn't even defend himself from it. Naznia had managed to completely disarm him and now "Damnit...." Zoltan just looked on dumbstruck at all this as he shook his head quietly. He had heard the Baphomet's proclamation and what was going on. Somehow he felt absolutely tricked beyond all measure. Looking at the collapsed form of Naznia, everything that had been done right now was all for naught. Now what was he to do. "So that's it then..."

It was only until Roxy had snapped him out of his rather silent and shocked state he would hear her words and then says "We have to take Naznia with us for now." They needed to escape but he would not just leave Naznia to her fate whatever it might be. Grabbing hold of the Golem and Naznia he and Roxy would have to flee. "Wings... dont fail me now"

He wasn't sure of what was to be or if Roxy would be happy with this result but... he wasn't and he knew he had caused a lot of pain just for a single promise. And all it seems he did turned to ash. He was starting to wonder if anything was worth the effort. "Now what do we do?" Zoltan asked since he really was at a loss now. Every time he tried to set things right he wound up making things even worse. What kind of sick twisted fate was it to fail at everything he put his efforts into!? Wherever they seek refuge or wherever they went Zoltan was going to have a lot on his mind and probably a lot less to speak on.
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Re: Monster Girl Research (Zoltan)

Roxy stepped forward, her wings unfolding, "You still have another promise to keep." she tells him, looking on to the fast approaching angels. "I'll have an angel!" she shouted, before swooping down, flying towards where Naznia landed, again using her as bait to acquire what she wanted, just as she had when Zoltan first met her.

Soaring down, and landing on the bridge in front of them, the angel and her two guards looked on to the man, golem, and devil standing over the fallen angel. "Humans assisting devils!" she spat with utter disgust at the sight of Zoltan. "In my dying breath, I shall have your heads, you shameless MONSTERS!"

On either side of Zoltan, the three of them standing on the bridge, facing off with the other trio of warriors, the golem, and Roxy stood at the ready, their eyes fixed on the leader's two cohorts, looking up to Zoltan with a nod, ready to leave the toughest fighter to him.
Re: Monster Girl Research (Zoltan)

Zoltan just pinches the bridge of his nose as Roxys priorities still remained and the angels continued to be so damn black and white about things. "Well thats rather harsh. Guess thats what I get for trying to save heaven and prevent an angel from turning." As expected every time Zoltan has tried doing something good it backfires splendidly. He doubted they would listen to reason either so the direct course of action was needed in this manner then. "Just tell me one thing. How are you going to stop the Baphomet now?" Zoltan asked his temper growing tremendously short with this rather elaborate conga of humiliation and pointless run around for nothing. He wanted something to go right for him just once.

Zoltan's first move however was a simplistic one. He wanted to tire the angel out and give her a nice distraction for that purpose. So if she attacks Zoltan he would weave a spell focusing upon an illusion based upon himself fighting her with his magic so as to drain her own resources. At the same time Zoltan would keep his real body protected by rendering himself invisible. He was still going to be there but the naked eye wouldn't spot him. He would clasp his hands together one the threads were primed and readied as if one makes patterns with string. He then triggers both effects simultaneously so that both illusions would be effective.

Zoltan the illusion now "stood" before the angel still casting as the "threads of magic" spark and form lightning within his hands as the first wave of assault is readied. "Do you still wish to face me and put heaven one step further into damnation?" The false Zoltan spoke to her his voice carrying annoyance and anger in his emotions with teeth starting to clench tight.

The true Zoltan quietly backed away now to get out of harms way and watch the spectacle to see just how long his illusion holds up. His eyes remained fast upon the illusion to keep direct control and help make this more believable rather then have it act by a standard set of instructions and give it away too soon. Hopefully this works better then a lot of other things Zoltan has attempted within the last day or so.
Re: Monster Girl Research (Zoltan)

"Are you gloating?" the angel snapped angrily, "Even if this kingdom is lost, by my honor, I will fight it's invaders until my dying breath."

Roxy and her opponent took flight, the angel sending a wave of cutting air through the sky, as Roxy flips over it, snapping her tail like a whip as she suddenly sends a shocking bolt of lightning towards the angel, which seemed to wash over the shield the angel rose to defend herself.

The angel fighting the golem both, at the same time, released a sudden barrage of their own spell. The golem sent a hail of spiked ice, defended by the angel, who suddenly sent a splashing wave of lava towards her. Splashing over the golem, once the lava washed away, a hard spherical crest surrounded where the golem stood, hardened lava. And like a ball, suddenly lifted, and came crashing towards the angel, the golem inside using it as a weapon.

"You're an amateur." the angel suddenly announced, looking at Zoltan, "I CAN SEE YOU!" she shouted, her eyes fixed upon Zoltan's supposedly hidden image, and directed the tip of her blade at him, firing a sudden beam of concentrated sunlight to draw him out. "Against the magically inept, your magic trick probably would have worked. But trying to make yourself invisible right in front of me, did you think I wouldn't see you weaving your spell? Even a green horn would be able to see your threads."
Re: Monster Girl Research (Zoltan)

Zoltan was completely silent as she spoke for the moment however when she began to declare that she could see him he had to react when she pointed at him. Yes it was a VERY blatant move and she really should have acted more carefully if that was so blatant to begin with. He brings another set of threads over something in his right hand as her blast was streaking straight for him. As the beam makes contact the angel would soon realize her blow did not connect cleanly. Zoltan's hand was outstretched as he had used his magic bring forth into reality a kind of shield against the angel's holy magic. It was a potent barrier and one that could save him from the onslaught. "As a matter of fact. I did."

"I'm not gloating. I'm asking you a question. Either way I'm not standing for this outcome for Heaven either." Zoltan's left hand crackles with the angels now diminished attack his sleeve sun bleached and his hand blistered but soon was being used to summon magic once more. "Pain and purpose grant power, Trial and focus yield to triumph..." What sounds like a speech is actually a potent spell. Two fingers spread into a "V" and then electrical energy courses down the arm causing a shock wave to fan out towards the angel in an attempt to return the favor for Zoltan's now pained hand. The energy shaves stone and rips through the air towards her.

Zoltan wasn't going to stop at just one attack as the uninjured right hand rises up and grips tightly as flames streak forward arcing over head towards the angel that was attacking him. Twisting and bending it tries to touch her figure with it's hostile heat and injure her. Whilst these spells try and reach their mark Zoltan was using a sash to bind his left forearm and hand so as to give some quick treatment to it for now.
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