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Natalie (OAMP)


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Name: Natalie Enns
Age: 22
Level 0 Trait: Sword Expertise
Description (Clothes, looks, etc. This can be an image or a short bit of text, either is fine.): Natalie is 5'9, athletic, and fit. Long black hair held in a pony tail that reaches just below her shoulders.

Natalie has always been a bit of a trouble maker, even engaging in petty crime from time to time. This is not out of need, but because she is easily bored. As such, it did not take long for Natalie to pounce upon the EGG as an interesting chance for some fun.

Natalie reach the place were the Chamber Corp was, expecting to find something fun to do in her weekend, as she go toward the door she notice a young scientist reading some papers seated in a bench close the entrance, quickly he stand up rtying to maintain his composture " Welcome to Chamber Corp we where waiting for you..." he make a brief pause to her spech as try to find the sheet of the tester "...Miss Natalie Enns, right? plese folow me im Chris Roland i will be your guide."

They walk toward some rooms filled with computers and weirds machines, probably prototipes until finally he opens a door and invites her inside. Within the room is a lone desk and chair, and a rather odd looking bit of machinery that takes up a large portion of the room.

"This is the EGG chamber, if you'd please take a seat inside?"

Natalie does so and after a few moments, Chris pops his head down and gives her a thumbs up. "Okay you're good to go, just follow the instructions on the screen."

The door on the machine shuts, leaving Natalie in darkness for a moment. Then several screens light up in front of her and she is prompted with several questions.

Greetings PLAYER, please select the settings for your world generation:

Humans: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5 where 1 is rarely and 5 is often)
Male/Female: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Female/Female: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Pregnancy: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Birthing: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Non Consent Sex: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
BDSM: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Slavery: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Monsters (Tentacles & Slimes & Likewise): Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Roughness: (How gentle are the monsters when you lose?):

After she filled out that set, she was prompted to choose a difficulty setting:

Difficulty (?): Easy | =Normal= | Hard | Insanity

After selecting that, she was presented with a list of options for gameplay type and location. There are two types, though the first is grayed out. Offensive and Defensive.

Offensive Levels(?)

Defensive Levels(?)
Tower of Shapeshifters(?)
Water Temple(?)
Forest Tomb(?)
________(?) (Enter your own level preference)
Re: Natalie (OAMP)

(You said this was in part to improve your English, do you want me to make corrections for you as well? I may not spell the best all the time, but I've gotten really good marks in college for English, especially grammar)

Natalie hummed lightly to herself as she waited, then looked at the form. She skimmed, at first slightly confused, but then smirking. She assumed she'd be in charge of the world, and thus saw no reason to go lightly on the settings, even if this was a bit different then she had imagined. She began to input her selections.

Humans: Y-3
Male/Female: Y-3
Female/Female: Y-3
Pregnancy: N
Birthing: N
Non Consent Sex: Y-4
Slavery: Y-3
Monsters (Tentacles & Slimes & Likewise): Y-2
Roughness: 5

She kept the numbers near the middle for most settings, wanting some variety in her encounters. She decided to turn of pregnancy, because that seemed like something that could only apply to herself, and she wasn't to eager on it. She flicked the difficulty to Hard, because she was no whimp, either. Then, the level selection choice was to be made. Natalie furrowed her brow a bit, not having much in the way of opinion, but finally settled on the Water Temple. Finalizing her choices, she leaned back, relaxed, and waited for the next step.
Re: Natalie (OAMP)

(sure,just try to dont be so strict please T-T)

Natalie punches in the choices for the game, watching as the screens disappear and the world becomes black around her, feeling weightless as if all sense of everything was gone.

She watches as the world flashes white and starts to build itself around her. She feels as her clothes change to a somewhat armored version, fairly modest, honestly, with a used sword in her hand. She was in front of an ancient temple surrounded by a by a lake,she can look than there was a nearly collapsed bridge behind her the floor's bridge was made by erode stones and ropes than certainly will torn apart with the weight of the girl.

In front of her was a nearly open door made of wood and she can see than there was some torches inside.

Just then one moment of broken immersion when a screen popped up, saying "Game Start!".
Re: Natalie (OAMP)

(I won't point out too many things per post :p This time, it's eroded not erode. Also, make sure you do not change verb tense in the middle of a sentence, that seems to be your biggest problem. I know like it may seem like I do it, but that's really a rather advanced function of the language, I might explain it later)

Natalie idlely twisted her face around as she waited on the world to form, making small, approving noises as she felt some of the changes around her. She was getting a bit tired of the setup, though, when she all of a sudden found herself ready to go. "Ah, about time." She took a moment to glance around, chuckling at the obvious mechanism to prevent exploring the larger world, then flinching at the annoying voice. Looking forward, Natalie assumed the door was the way ahead. There might be a side, secret path, but she didn't want to make life too easy, not until she judged this world a little better. Slowly, she poked through the door, looking around carefully before advancing.
Re: Natalie (OAMP)

(Ok, do you want to see the dice rolls?)

As Natalie go to look inside the temple she notice than she have a backpack, maybe she don't noted it later by the low weight compared to her armor. Cautiously she open slowly the door than make a low creak noise and she start to look around the room.

She can see than it was a short corridor,there were cobwebs on the ceiling and the torches were close to go out. There was two doors in the right side as well in the left. She cant heard nothing of importance.
Re: Natalie (OAMP)

(Eh, I'll trust your honesty, unless something BS happens. Dice can break immersion sometimes. Also, I think you may have taken my verb tense comment too harshly.)

Sliding along the left wall, Natalie would cautiously peek through the door, glancing the other direction to make sure nothing sneaked up on her. She did not yet grab her sword and ready it, the metal noise made by preparing possibily giving her location away.
Re: Natalie (OAMP)

( No problem, i want to learn. Also, im going out in 30 minutes and i will come back in 5 hours, )

She have luck this time as there was not any foe or visible trap, it was like nobody have used this room in a long time ago. But, certainly there was something than was not right.

At least, she is close enough to notice than the doors were of different materials, 2 old wood to the left and in the other side one metal door and another made of stone with some symbols.
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Re: Natalie (OAMP)

(Errr, did you leave off some? I'm not quite sure what you're trying to say at first)
Re: Natalie (OAMP)

The metal doors seemed interesting, but Natalie was closer to the wooden ones. She'd make a mental note to investigate later. With that in mind, Natalie would slip through the closest door, taking a cautious look at the room beyond.
Re: Natalie (OAMP)

(I change it as i know if you want to continue it after know than 64 will dont post anymore in the egg, at last say me in a PM what more i need to put to post in these kind of posts)

Cautiously she opens the door a little enough to look inside, the light of the torches illuminate the nearly deep darkness of the next corridor and Natalie can note some humanoid pictures and symbols in the walls, also a pair of feet's afar the passage start to go below to a door nearly cover in a liquid like water, but maybe the more interesting is than there is another passage over that door 3 feet's above, she can note than there is a rope just over the pond than can be use to take that passage.

Just then she noted than she step over a spider's web thread and after a moment she can note than the insect noise start to increase outside the temple and all the spider's web of the room start to move.