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Re: Ahroxha Ashnest - Dark Elf Kingdom (Shrike7)

Ahroxha leans back in her throne, the feel of which she is still unaccustomed to. She is accustomed to such decadence, but the seat was originally made to fit another, and doesn't as yet conform to her curves. Perhaps a replacement is in order, however the potent reminder of her recent victory may aid her dealings. With a small sigh, she decides to leave it for now, and attend to other matters, turning her focus to the attendant in front of her.

"Hmm... Pass word that the slaves shall begin construction of watch towers, as well as a surface mine, at once. The main farm of the area should have at least 3 units assigned to it as well, enough to keep it productive, but too few to promote slacking off. The Woodsmen's guild should be kept busy as well." She states casually, her gaze slipping to the book of magic sitting by her side for a moment before returning.

"Let it also be known that there will be a Mages' Guild established in the capital in short order. It will be quite useful to have competent colleagues around that I can pull resources from, should the need arise. Set whoever else isn't currently useful to the militia, if you must. Can't have them having spare time to waste away their lives doing nothing. Give everyone the standard rations, if only to keep them more complacent than usual.

Send messengers to these southern factions, I wish to see if any of these lesser females wish to ally themselves immediately and perhaps stand a bit taller when the reborn Dark Elf kingdom is once again united. We will leave the humans be for the time being, though not for long, if all turns well.

As for personal staff, I could do well with a general, someone to watch this burgeoning army. I find swinging swords and such to be so boring, And I wish to have as little to do with it as possible. Now, is there anything else you wish to bring to my attention?