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Ongoing Projects for Translators

Re: Ongoing Projects for Translators

Thanks for the tips guys. I think I tried using RPGmaker Trans once, but never got it right. I could be doing something wrong so I was just kind of throwing stuff through online translators and then pasting it back into RPG maker itself. Kinda rough, but it worked in some instances.
Re: Ongoing Projects for Translators

When i translate i have Translator Aggreagator and ChiiTrans2 up on the right side and RPGMaker on the left and just copy names so it translates them ;p

but i swear to god, more and more games are using weird slang or something that the translators go apeshit on, its kinda funny and it really sucks cause then im like ... ok so wtf is this :confused: and either make something up or harass yugi :p
Re: Ongoing Projects for Translators

Well, in the case that your machine translators cannot cope with some text, you may want to investigate using Rikaichan/Rikaikun. These are Firefox/Chrome extensions respectively which basically do a dictionary lookup on any Japanese that you point them at - and their fairly good at slang (not at slurred speech, which is also sometimes popular). I find them pretty useful, because while I can read Japanese (more-or-less), I do have to look up a lot of kanji. (Also, again, this is mainly useful in a workflow where you can dump events to files which Firefox/Chrome can open, so, uh, again, probably RPGMaker Trans based. I suppose using the various versioning utilities to dump the files to YAML is also an option though...)
Re: Ongoing Projects for Translators

Rikaikun looks interesting, but it doesnt translate stuff at all, just reads it in japanese, so it doesnt help at all.

or maybe i just dont get how it would help with slang :p it just seems to read each symbol and not the entire thing together.
Re: Ongoing Projects for Translators

Uh, it provides an instant translation of each word that you point it at. Even without knowing Japanese grammar, translating each word should be enough to give you the gist of each sentence. The advantage over a machine translator is that the machine translator will choke and produce gibberish for the entire sentence when it encounters unusual slang, dialect or word order. Rikaichan/Rikaikun will still be able to provide a translation of all the words, and you should (theoretically) be able to take it from there.

(On an aside note: does this forum need a thread to discus translation methods? We've gone from WIP translations to discussing how to translate...)
Re: Ongoing Projects for Translators

As a test i was using ... 姉かせぎ ... i cant get it to tell me what it is, it splits the first character and the last 3 apart and if i highlight them it does the same.

Hm topic for how to / different ways to might be good :p
Re: Ongoing Projects for Translators

Not sure what's going on for you then - Rikaichan in Firefox is providing translations of the components of what you posted. Maybe you didn't install the correct dictionary (dictionary files are seperate extensions, at least on Rikaichan. I don't use Chrome, so I can't comment on Rikaikun)? Alternately, Rikaikun might not work on txt files for some reason...

Anyhow, 姉 = Sister, かせぎ=Earnings. I've no idea if that makes sense in context, and Japanese can be ambiguous sometimes - so I'd recommend going over the entire thing with Rikaichan/kun.
Re: Ongoing Projects for Translators

Btw, cmiiw, but isn't there an english translation for this game?

Re: Ongoing Projects for Translators

Btw, cmiiw, but isn't there an english translation for this game?

There is a full translation, you find on the partial thread or the game thread should should have the link.