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Out From The Dark (Courage Wolf)

Re: Out From The Dark (Courage Wolf)

Vanessa felt a strange feeling of contentment as she reached up and stroked a finger along the bud and stem that woven through her hair. Not overtly pleasurable but a relaxing sensation.

Nonetheless she finally gathered her wits after her strange encounter and made her way away from the surface, realizing the incredible bounty that lay hidden within the strange dungeon she found herself or perhaps more darkly the 'danger' that hid around each corner. She found as she advanced a small room within which a young woman sat cross legged, smiling as she entered. "Hello traveler, would you like the play a game?"

A set of cards sat in front of her, the room was otherwise barren, stone walls adorned it, and the usual dirt acted as the flooring.

The woman herself was young and attracted, long hair stretching past her shoulders, dressed in what seemed like oddly priestly garb.
Re: Out From The Dark (Courage Wolf)

Vanessa paused when she saw the woman, wondering what else the plantlady had done to her while she regarded the... priestess? It was slightly confusing, as was the request to play a game of some kind.

She... honestly had no idea how to take that, it wasn't an overt threat, she was attractive sure but she wasn't trying to just Fuck her. This was honestly the safest seeming thing she'd found. Even her skull buddy had seemed less safe then this.

With the ogre behind and forgotten for now, she sighed and sat down across from the woman. What kind of Game? she asked, tilting her head and brushing her hair away from her face.
Re: Out From The Dark (Courage Wolf)

The girl smiled. "A good question. Sort of...a game of fates? I suppose that's the easiest way to approach it. To determine...your importance?"

She giggled once, perhaps at a joke that Vanessa had no hope of knowing the source of.

"You had to have wondered at some point while you wandered this dreary place, 'why me'. Haven't you? Perhaps you've been a bit preoccupied..." She shrugged helplessly. "Who could blame you."

"I will preform a reading of your fates, if you are fortunate, you may find your freedom easier. If you are...unlucky, you may find a hardy journey awaits your escape."

"Perhaps this game changes nothing? I leave this choice to you. Forgive me choice of riddles, it's simply my way." She gave Vanessa a beaming smile.
Re: Out From The Dark (Courage Wolf)

Vanessa just.... sat there for a moment blinking at the crazy person, before setting skullbuddy on the ground in front of the priestess. I'd given up looking for answers. The skull talks. I'll believe anything at this point. Read away. she said, shrugging.
Re: Out From The Dark (Courage Wolf)

She laughed. "I think maybe you'll come to see the world has a little more sense to it, even if you do manage to escape from here." Could she read her mind or was her incredulity more than a little obvious?

She solemnly began to deal cards and laid a set out in front of her.

She began to flip the first.

Question: How much is left of Vanessa's climb to the top?

1, so close she can taste it!

10, the journey has just begun! She's unlikely to ever make it out of here!
Re: Out From The Dark (Courage Wolf)

Vanessa tilted her head and pointed at the skull. I like him but it's still a talking skull. If there's sense here I've yet to see it. she said, still incredulously incredulous.

The card that was being flipped was flipped, and Vanessa now had to wonder how in the FUCK she'd even gotten down here!

10. why not, make an odyssey of it. She will travel over the river, through the woods, set grandma's house on fire, find the forsaken islands, trick a cyclops, etc etc etc ad infinitum.
Re: Out From The Dark (Courage Wolf)

She turned over a card, a long dark foreboding yet crumbling tower depicted, no words were on the card. The woman went silent for a moment, vaguely ashen color. She studied the card, as if waiting for it to change or waver. "I see," she said, and nothing else before looking up to Vanessa and smiling. "Are you sure you wish to continue...?"

She knew that she would, but the choice had to be given, especially after an omen like that.

She reached for the next card.

A reassessment of our opening 'yes' 'no' segment. You can either leave it as it was, update it, or more simply give me a top ten list? Man did we really start this thread in February!?
Re: Out From The Dark (Courage Wolf)

Vannesa smiled and tilted her head. Don't worry about me, this place will break me or I'll break it, some legends are told, some turn to dust or to gold, but you will remember me. For Centuries. she said, smiling.

The original list as it stands is fine.
The basic exceptions from me about what isn't ok though to avoid a situation like before.
Ogres, not ok.
Orks, not nearly as bad, but I don't like them, like I said, I'll go out of my way to kill them.
no scat, or guro etc.
Soft Vore is a personal favourite, flesh walls are also lotsa fun.
Re: Out From The Dark (Courage Wolf)

She nodded. "Confidence, that will serve you well," she said as she flipped over the next card. Two bodies intertwined, twinned together in a passionate embrace. A smirk passed across her lips, but only faintly. She said nothing about this one, but instead reached for the next card.

Is there any change you want to make to your character? Picture, personality, powers, talent, past? Anything at all? Is there anything you'd like to see her become?
Re: Out From The Dark (Courage Wolf)

I have to wonder how the hell I got into this place to be honest. But outside that I just have to live with the situation don't I.

Hrm.. Let's keep it fluid and organic. She'll change as this place changes her, instead of something on rails where we drive towards something specific. We've already established her temper is too extreme so I'll be dialing that back. but outside that, no, everything is fine.
Re: Out From The Dark (Courage Wolf)

"Is that what you want to know? I'm curious, what's more important to you, to escape? Or to understand why you're really here?" She smiled as she flipped the face of a king, ruling with sceptor in hand gazing into the distance.

"A good omen, if nothing else."

A final card lay, she reached towards it.

Any last comments or concerns going forward? I intend to mix it up a bit from the format of floors/exploration, if you're fine with that. Otherwise, feel free to give any feedback you wish!
Re: Out From The Dark (Courage Wolf)

They both concern me in equal measure. If I escape this place without ever knowing why I wound up in it, whats to stop it from happening again to someone else? If I find out but never escape then I've accomplished nothing but the truth. One without the other is meaningless in the end from where I stand... But I'm certainly not gonna pass up the chance to get the hell out of here if it presents itself. she said, tilting her head back and forth while the priestess reached for the last card.

Let the dice fall where they may! THE TOWER OF DRUGA HAS AN ANGRY SWORD SWINGING OCCUPANT. Who's portrait of choice has her ballgagged in a straightjacket. Such is life.
Re: Out From The Dark (Courage Wolf)

"A real hero type huhn?" She smiled and revealed to her the final card, a man in ornate garb standing atop of a precipice, over should shoulder is a long stick with a bag on the end, a dog pursues him. She smiled and nodded, hummed and hawed and looked over the cards. "You have a long strange journey ahead of you, you've friends with a talking skull but I fear that may be the least of it. Steel your conviction, and don't give up hope, don't be afraid to change, but know deep down who you are and who you wish to become. It will be easy to lose yourself in this place."

She held out her hands to take Vanessa's and looked deep into her eyes. Vanessa found herself suddenly drawn by the woman across from her. She hadn't noticed it before but she was beautiful, breathtakingly so, every moment she looked at her face she found some new detail to admire, some new feature to find herself lost in as if she was being drawn in, not unpleasant but consider her journey so far perhaps caution was important.

Did she fight to break the gaze?
Re: Out From The Dark (Courage Wolf)

I'll manage. Hero, Villian. I'm just vanessa. she answered, before finding it hard to look away from the woman. She sighed, before closing her eyes. Very kind of you to read the cards. I'll be moving on. she said, trying to stand and walk away, not opening her eyes again until she'd turned from the woman.
Re: Out From The Dark (Courage Wolf)

She smiled as she drew her gaze away moving to stand. The woman did as well, and placed a gentle hand on her shoulder that radiated a sort of warmth that made Vanessa feel at ease. "Be safe," she breathed and Vanessa felt a weight of something dropped into her pocket as the woman made her way to the entrance Vanessa had come in from, slowly everything that the woman had laid before her faded into the very air itself.

In her pocket was a small gemstone, beautiful and glowing with its own sort of radiance when she touched it. She knew at the touch that it held a certain kind of impressive power, one that while limited in its own she might be able to draw on in some time of need.

If she looked around or tried to find the woman she found no trace.

Ahead of, through the darkness which lifted in the light of the stone she found a staircase lead up into the peering dark.

"Chief...I can't exactly say I know what was going on," the voice breaks through the sudden quiet. "But I have to say...uh. Thanks. For taking me with you. I think I might have a guess if you're interested. Otherwise, I suppose, upwards and onwards."
Re: Out From The Dark (Courage Wolf)

You have a guess? Shoot then. Vanessa said, sighing as the woman vanished. And be safe yourself. she muttered to the air, rubbing her tummy gently and looking down. while she held, whatever had been dropped in her pocket in one hand, and the skull in the other, pausing for a moment to hear what he had to say, curious.

Near as I can tell, I've either passed on, and gone the way of dante, trying to escape my own special hell, or somehow I've been dumped into the tower of babel. Either way we're semi screwed my fine, shiny bonewhite compadre. she said, peering up the staircase and waiting for him to speak before moving on.
Re: Out From The Dark (Courage Wolf)

"Magic, boss. Something nasty. Think it's supposed to be some kind of test, but for what, I couldn't tell you. Maybe it's just for some bored magicians kicks, but whatevers able to make something like this has a lot of juice." The skull paused for a moment. "As for that gemstone, capital 'm' on Magic. Whoever we just met, you're lucky if you can consider them a friend. Try saving it for a really important moment."

"Your guesses ain't bad, but pretty terrifying all the same. Ah well, things have only gotten better since you showed up for me. If I couldn't make it, I'd be happy to help you make it out instead." It said, oddly cheerily. They made their way up the stairs, and as they went soon all light escaped but still they climbed.

Soon the scent of the dungeon faded and found itself replaced with a sterile smell, they emerged from the steps woven into stone to strange alternating white and black tiles into white walled room, dimly lit by glowing ceiling panels. Windows lined the wall, but outside of them she could see nothing. The area extended left and right.

"...Well, this beats me boss."

It made no sense, that these two rooms could be extended in some way to the floor below her, and yet here she was.
Re: Out From The Dark (Courage Wolf)

As she regarded the new floor, Vanessa had to simply admit that this place didn't Need to make sense. It was a magical trap she'd been dragged to and her Ass was the treasure the things in here wanted to claim, among her sanity, soul, and life.

Rubbing her fingers over the gem, she stayed quiet, stowing her rapier so she could focus on dodging a surprise attack. She'd draw quickly if she had to. But as a woman wearing only a large shirt, she was pretty vulnerable. She'd have to be careful.

Sighing as she looked out of the windows and found nothing but the blackness of the void, she'd mutter a qoute, and then turn left. Go west young man, and my evil go east.