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Path of Ashes 2.0: Electric Boogaloo


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Because the last time I wrote this was SOO unreadable. That and I actually need to make it readable, what with my last attempt at this.

---General Rules---

-Relating to Dice-

--Natural Criticals--

Natural Criticals take place when calculating a dice and upon reaching the maximum volume, an additional dice equal to the one is rolled alongside. Only one Natural Critical is allowed per dice rolled.

--Critical Failures--

Critical Failures come to play when it comes to Skill and Combat Checks. The failure is already assured thanks to the low number of the roll, however the Critical Failure invokes the character’s bad luck to include a further detrimental effect. This may entail fatigue gain, health lost, and so on, depending on the action on hand and all that.

--Damage Criticals and Critical Rolls--

Much like Natural Criticals, Damage Criticals are similar, however, Damage Criticals have the (unlikely to reach but possible) cap of 3 Damage Criticals PER DICE. In addition, some weapons may add additional Critical Rolls should the player do something specific, or should a weapon be used against a target weak to the weapon’s damage type.

-Skill Checks-

Much of Path of Ashes is based off the following formula, which is how all checks against skills are calculated:


X is the skill in question’s amount based off the character, Y is the difficulty modifier decided on by the DM. A roll of 9 or above means the player passes.
There is 6 Difficulty Modifiers involved in Path of Ashes, with EXP gained based on the success rate:

Easy - Simplest of Challenges, Y is -1, and 1 EXP is loss on Failure
Moderate - Yon average task, Y is -2, 1 EXP is gained on success
Hard - Slightly challenging tasks, Y is -4, 2 EXP is gained on success
Very Hard - Not quite inprobable but pretty close, Y is -8, 4 EXP is gained on success
Impossible - Tasks only the experts can do, Y is -10, 8 EXP is gained on success
Godly - No mortal can hope to do this unaided by luck, Y is -15, 16 EXP is gained on success



Initiative in combat is based off the following formula, and effects all combatants at the start of a combat phase.

Character’s Agility (Or Aim at ranged) + (Initiative Modifier for current active weapon) + 1d10

Equal Initiatives are tie broken via the character’s Agility. If Agility is equal, the PCs and allied NPCs have priority. If an allied NPC and a PC are tied, the PC has priority.

-Melee Combat Formula-

Attacker 1d10 + BDY vs. Defender 1d10 + BDY
Attacker beats Defender, calculate damage
Attacker less or equal, defender blocks the damage

-Ranged Combat Formula-

Ranged Combat is very similar to an Aim check, with difficulty modifiers based off the range of the target being fired at. Range is discussed after the formula.

1d10 + AIM - RANGE - Difficulty (as needed)

A roll of 9 or above means the player succeeds and damage is calculated as normal. This must be rolled for every projectile fired from a weapon.

Range modifier distances:
0-20 Meters. = 0
20-40 Meters. = -2
40-60 Meters. = -4
60-80 Meters. = -6
80-100 Meters. = -8
100+ Meters. = -10

-Called Shots-

Called Shots are allowed when using a ranged weapon, and equate to aiming at a specific part of an enemy target or scenery piece. This dictates a Moderate, Hard, or Very Hard difficulty modifier on the attack with the ranged weapon, which the difficulty is dependent on the size of the target involved. Some weapons may make this action easier, or reward successful Called Shots.

-Reloading and Ammo-

There are two styles of reloading in PoA: Incremental and Clip-Style. Both can be done out of combat without any fuss, and the only difference comes from ammo management, which is treated via real-world style.

Clip-Style - Based off any weapon armed with clips, magazines, or bandoliers, these weapons are Hard to Combat Reload, however are easier to predict the amount of rounds reloaded. Ammo in Clips may be transferred to a separate clip, but not in combat. Empty Clips and Magazines can be freely discarded, as thanks to the power of video games there will never be a unclipped bullet designed for a clip weapon.

Incremental - Based off shotgun shells, crossbow bolts, or bows, Incremental weapons are only Moderate to reload, although unreliable in the amount of ammo reloaded during a Combat Reload. If a Combat Reload succeeds, an additional roll is done on a dice equal to the weapon’s capacity, to dictate how much ammo is reloaded. (Single-shot weapons need not take this roll, and more ammo then the weapon’s max can be reloaded). If an Incremental weapon has Free Reload, it must still roll for amount loaded in combat.

Combat Reloads are a Moderate or Hard difficulty check on the player’s Tech skill, with an additional modifier for the weapon’s Initiative bonus (this makes heavier weapons much harder to reload in battle).

1d10 + Tech - Difficulty - Weapon Initiative
9 and above is success.

-Smexy Tiem (aka Forced Pleasure)-

Sexual Pleasure gained is similar to typical melee, however due to the many sources involved; the implementing stat varies depending on enemies. For generic, however, Body is used when a player is giving pleasure physically, Aim is used in relation to tentacles and other appendages, and Brains or Mystic is used for psi-based or magic-based pleasure.

Attacker 1d10 + Stat Related vs. 1d10 + Player’s Body

Like melee, Attacker beating defender will result in pleasure gain, and Defender beating attacker will result in some screwup that doesn’t transfer pleasure. If Attacker and Defender tie, however, pleasure rolls for the implement are not calculated, though any side effects resulting from said implement may still come into play.

Should a character be forced to orgasm, they suffer Focus Point damage equal to any overdraw of PP, they are Stunned for the next combat round, and then suffer three rounds of being Fatigued, which makes actions relating to all stats a difficulty harder to do (and ignore modifying abilities), and lose 1d6 FP for the duration of the effect. For the most part, Monsters are effected as well by this, however some may have inbuilt immunities, especially sexual predators.

Should a player be forced to experience multiple orgasms, the effects stacks, and enemies may be more encouraged to continue the assault after they recover.


-How Armor Works-

Not quite done yet

-Armor Damage-

Not quite done yet

---Sanity System---

-How Sanity Works-

Sanity is something I’m experimenting with in this version of PoA. Traumatic experiences, apocalypses, long lines at the grocery stores, natural disasters... All these tend to bring out the best in most people, and the worse in others. In the case of PoA, Sanity is a constantly sliding scale, which may do everything from simply irritate with basic, small detriments to the character, to severe issues that make the player question whether the world they are in is real, or if it’s their own mind toying with them.

As players experience trauma of various kinds, their Sanity stat will be affected, either positively or negatively. Positively will ensure your character is unmaimed and unaffected. However, should Sanity start sliding into the negatives, the character begin to suffer from Sanity Effects.

Sanity is lost in a variety of ways, such as spells and powers, to severe transformation, to exhaustion via sexings, and so on. The list of how sanity is broken is still WIP, although there is ways to positively increase Sanity as well, such as resting, defeating enemies, and certain abilities, spells, and so on.

-Sanity Failures-

Upon reaching -5 Sanity, and every -5 after, the player gains a random Lesser Sanity Failure, which appears in the Active Status. Lesser Sanity Failures will usually be a minor to moderate negative to player stats, or luck of their rolls, or roll modifiers for certain situations.

Every -20 in Sanity, however, the player gains a Greater Sanity Failure. These aren’t actively reported in the character’s status until they experience the effect for the first time, and very often form in visions, mental effects, and character personality shifts (note, anything that is detrimental to how a character visibly acts or behaves will be noted upon its obtainment). Greater Sanity Failures can be anything from mental breakdowns, freezing up in combat, compulsively searching, speech impediments, and even hallucinations.

-Sanity Failure List-

Not ready yet...

---Character Growth---


Experience is gained in a variety of ways, mostly in the form of a small trickle from doing everyday tasks, like searching or dodging. While combat formulas do not count for skill-check experience, each enemy type also rewards the player with varying bounties of EXP as well.

-Spending your EXP-

In order to spend EXP, the player must be able to rest in a secure location, translating to an area where enemies are not currently inhabiting and won’t be disturbed. Upon resting, the player will be able to gain any skills or abilities earned via EXP, as well as regenerate HP, FP, calm PP, and regain Sanity.

---EXP Catalog---

-Stat Buffs-

Stat buffs cost 50 EXP, and equate to either +5 Depleteable Stats or +1 Character Stats


Null - 100 EXP - Nulls are a special group of people, with the advantage of being entirely immune to Psyonics of all kinds. This is not without downsides, however, as they may not use any Psyonics as well. This may not be taken by any character that starts psyonicly active.

Contortionist - 50 EXP -Gymnast, professional acting, or maybe just really handy with a sex swing, either way your ability to flex and twist makes you able to do Agility-based Skill Checks easier.

Marksman - 50 EXP - Gun nut, aficionados, or other training has made your eyes and an iron sight one. You now have an easier time with Aim-based Skill Checks. This does not affect ranged combat.

Body Builder - 50 EXP - Hitting the gym one too many times has actually paid off, and you are now able to have an easier time with Body-based Skill Checks.

Enhanced Mentality - 50 EXP - Due to much learning, extended research, and so on, your mind is able to take much more advanced thinking. As a result, you have an easier time with Brains-based Skill Checks.

Gifted - 50 EXP - Skilled in the arcane arts or Psyonics, Gifted individuals have an easier time with Mystic-based Skill Checks. This does not affect spells, however.

Tech Savvy - 50 EXP - A truly gifted one of modern computing and engineering, Tech Savvy people have an easier time with Tech-based Skill Checks

Experienced - 100 EXP - Your sordid past has left many a one-night-stand, or a string of lovesick hearts, and maybe a few less antsy stallions, however your knowledge of mortal pleasures means that you take reduced pleasure damage from ‘natural’ sources.

Tentacle Pleaser - 100 EXP - Due to past experiences that would give a Cryptozoologist a raging boner, or a healthy dose of hentai, this character is experienced at taking pleasure from non-natural sources, and will take reduced PP damage as a result in these cases.

Meatshield - 100 EXP - You’ve gotten rather good at taking blunt force trauma. As a result, you take less damage from physical damage sources.

Medic - 100 EXP - This skill offers a slight bonus when using health-increasing devices, and doubles the effect of positive buffs when using these devices

Escape Artist - 100 EXP - This character is adept at getting out of sticky situations, and as a result gets a bonus when trying to escape restraints

Akimbo Assassin - 100 EXP - Action movie aficionados or highly-experienced gunmen will receive no penalties for using two firearm weapons in each hand.

Transformation Immunity - 10 EXP - Happy with how your character is? Take this relatively cheap skill, and you will be immune to any permanent mutation effects.

Sniper Eye - 100 EXP - You have experience in pulling off once-in-a-lifetime shots with relative ease. As a result, you get a bonus Critical Dice with any Called Shots.

Double Attack - 200 EXP - A high amount of agility allows you to pull off extra attacks with single-handed melee weapons.


Not quite done yet...
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Re: Path of Ashes 2.0: Electric Boogaloo


-Ranged Weapons-


-Melee Weapons-

Scalpel - Stab Damagetype - One-Handed - 1d4 Damage - +4 Initiative
Passives: Sneak Attack
Actives: N/A​

-Grenades and Deploy Items-





-General Use-


---Weapon Skills and Effects---

-Weapon Passives-


-Weapon Actives-

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Re: Path of Ashes 2.0: Electric Boogaloo

-=-=-=-Character Databank Fields-=-=-=-


-Base Races-


-Slight Mutations-


-Heavily Mutated-



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Re: Path of Ashes 2.0: Electric Boogaloo

I am clearly nuts, for I am poking this onto for easier mocking and craziness. Probably will copypaste all the various ideas I had thus far and maybe even poke at it some more.
Path of Ashes 3.0: The Re-Resysteming

Ohlook, a third version/update!

Pretty much a lot of streamlining on some of the brainwreacking things, such as turning the huge race clusterfuck into simply a 'make points set up as you will', a balance change to make it easier (changing around difficulty modifiers when it was brought to my attention that even on Easy a baseline human would only succeed 40% of the time or so...) and just some other basic fixes and complications.

Still got a few things to do- making up special attacks, doing more weapons, abilities and a few monsters.