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Pheonix (Pheonix Alugere)

Re: Pheonix (Pheonix Alugere)

(True, but how do I manufacture a game over scenario if you're getting that kind of candy all the time? XD)

Pheonix got a squawk for his impudence as the woman's ass perked up, though she didn't seem interested in getting fucked a second time in such quick succession.

Rising up into the air, the man found that aside from the occasional streamer of smoke, there wasn't a lot in the way of landmarks to guide him by. The river was close, and that wafting mana was definitely compelling...
Re: Pheonix (Pheonix Alugere)

Well, let's go see what that river's all about then. Probably should get cleaned off, too. Pheonix says as he moves up into the air and in the direction of the river. I'll check the smoke later. Still, this game is a lot more realistic than I thought they could make. I wonder how they're doing this.

(Yeah... for a while the thought has been hitting me that instead of the eggs being simulators, they're all actually fling the character to a new place permanently.)
Re: Pheonix (Pheonix Alugere)

As Pheonix came closer to the river, he felt the mana concentration begin to rise and rise, until his wings were all but solid... it appeared that this particular mana went like to like, and was filling his feathers with an extra potency.

For a moment, nothing happened. Then a whirlwind scooped the phoenix-man up and neatly deposited him in the river in a massive downdraft. Floating along in the chilly, but thankfully not freezing water, the man didn't realize that he'd just been affected by those pesky Changewinds... of course, he wouldn't notice this until he discovered that 'he' had become, completely, a 'she'! There were more important things to do just now, though, like swimming to the river bank, for one...
Re: Pheonix (Pheonix Alugere)

Gah! Cold! Pheonix mentally shouts before swimming back towards the shore. Through the swim, Pheonix started noticing something was off. He had odd bits of extra buoyancy in some place and different amounts of drag in others. Struggling through the water, Pheonix stays stomach down in order to keep his surprisingly solid wings from catching the water, something he had never had to do before.

(Question, is the gender change the only change?)
Re: Pheonix (Pheonix Alugere)

(At the moment, yup. :p Not saying it's going to stay that way forever, but for now I wanted to start small.)

Finding himself (herself, whatever) with his stomach down, Pheonix was able to paddle to the shore, though not before he was whisked down stream a fair ways. Not like he was trying to go anywhere in particular, thankfully! He found the ground beneath him gravely as his feet hit the ground... closer to the shore than he might have expected. Hmm, either the river was steeper than he'd thought, or he was shorter, too! At least the bank was sandy, pleasant enough to collapse on to regain his breath!
Re: Pheonix (Pheonix Alugere)

Finally sitting down to rest after the swim, Pheonix sits down to rest. Immediately he notices something different or rather two things different. Wha...? I'm...? Well, this out to be interesting at least. Odd...*odd mental noise* Well, then, this is a most wonderful time to inspect things, yes? Good good, wait, I wonder how thorough the transformation has been, yep yep. Pheonix starts thinking before experiencing one of the odd mental jerks accompanying a personality shift. Soon, a single hand slide down to the woman's new sex, rubbing the small nub at the top as the hand slides down to cover it. Oh! That's a notable change, yes? Fun fun! maybe I should find someone to help me test out the new change, mm-hm. The woman then stands back up with a bit of bounce to her movement before looking about for some sign of movement.
Re: Pheonix (Pheonix Alugere)


As Pheonix begins wandering down the shore, not having spotted any sign of movement as yet, she realizes that one of those smoke-plumes is rather surprisingly nearby. Maybe she floated down the river further than she'd thought! Growing closer yet, she comes to a stand of brush and, peering through the other side, sees several people of all different shapes and sizes moving around some kind of tribal village. She also notices a board nailed to some of the trees, though the writing is illegible, written in a language she doesn't recognize.
Re: Pheonix (Pheonix Alugere)

Hmmmm.... People! Maybe one of them will want to help me explore my new body, yep yep! Pheonix thinks as she starts to skip into the village. Of course, given that she didn't wear a bra when she was male, this put an additional bit of bounce into her movement, that discomfort of which force her back into a bouncy walk instead.
Re: Pheonix (Pheonix Alugere)

The first to turn and notice Pheonix enter the clearing was a large, blue and purple-scaled creature with large, claw like feet. The second, shorter than the first (though that wasn't hard) seemed to be reared up on two legs though it looked more comfortable on all fours. Both were carrying baskets of some sort, though they didn't take long to settle them as the redhead came bouncing into view.

"Hey, you!" the blue and purple woman (no, wait, judging by that loincloth, probably a creature of similar gender to the one who'd introduced him to this land!) called, standing to her full height, looking rather menacing. "Whadda you think you're doing in our village?!"

"Damned flappies," the second added. It looked like someone had taken an alligator, a sphinx and a wolf and combined the three together... not to hideous results, thankfully. Dropping to all fours, she (? It was hard to tell around here!) made a face. Her breasts dangled close to the ground as she trotted forward. "GIT!" She barked, despite her humanoid face. She looked like a dog trying to stir up a chicken coop!
Re: Pheonix (Pheonix Alugere)

Instead of backing away from the aggression, Pheonix just tilts her head to the left before responding. Why do you want me to leave? I just got here, yep yep. I was flying down to the river to check out the mana flowing off the water when a down traft knocked me into the water, yes? Then I drifted for a while as I swam back to shore where I found I was different, mm-hm. I just came over here because I was curious, yep, and wanted to see if someone would have fun with me, yep yep. She says in a cheerfully, demented fashion.
Re: Pheonix (Pheonix Alugere)

The two look at one another, feral grins crossing their faces, before they look at her. "That so, huh?" the bipedal one asks. "You're not from the tribe of flappies, huh?"

"Think we should take her up on her proposition," the quadrupedal one supplies, slinking forward and circling closely around her. Pheonix can feel her fur brushing against her body, though the creature gives a shiver of surprise. "Oh, you're just chalk full of mana, aren't you, pretty little thing~?"

With that, she butts the phoenix-girl, shoving her to her hands and knees. The second, scaled hermaphrodite takes a length of rope and begins to tie Pheonix's hands behind her back, grinning down at the girl the entire time. "We'll have some fun with you," she tells Pheonix. "Lots and lots of fun~"
Re: Pheonix (Pheonix Alugere)

We get to lots of fun then, yes? Good, yep yep! Pheonix replies cheerfully, not quite understanding what the others are saying. What are flappies, hmmm? She asks with another tilt of her head. During this her ethereal wings had begun to waft back and forth in a playful manner, occasionally rubbing against or possibly even passing through the women.
Re: Pheonix (Pheonix Alugere)

Cinching her arms close, the tall woman chuckles. "Flappies are your kind. The ones with the wings," she adds, her grin widening as Pheonix's tingle through her gently. Turning the redhead around, she presses Pheonix's shoulders so that the woman is bending over the sphinx's soft, scaled back, her arms draped over the sphinx's other side. "Well isn't that nice, you're female through and through! Aren't you lucky!" she notices, running a finger along Pheonix's folds, gleaning any wetness that might linger there. With a light spank, she begins toying with Pheonix in earnest. "Lots of fun," she tells the woman, exchanging a grin with her currently quadrupedal partner.
Re: Pheonix (Pheonix Alugere)

Oh! Pheonix gasps out at the feelings of the tall woman's hand, Well, if I'm having fun, you should, too, yep yep. She says before trying to send her hands to the sphinx's crotch.Are we doing it out here or in a building, yes? She asks, wondering where they could start their play.
Re: Pheonix (Pheonix Alugere)

"What, you think flappies get the privilege of being taken in good and proper?" The scaled woman asked, sounding both sarcastic and incredulous. "You're either nuts or you're as new to this place as a babe, Red!"

"Gotta earn i--oh!" the sphinx was about to join in on the teasing, when Pheonix had found her crotch. The newly-formed woman's fingers were pressed back upon as the creature arched her back, her damp cunt pressing back against Pheonix's hand. "Now that's a good start!" she crowed.

The winged woman found her own hips grabbed and lifted to the point where her toes no longer touched the ground, distracted as she was with the sphinx! "Trying to get the jump on us, huh? You part of an advanced raiding party or what?" the scaled woman asked, voice gone from teasing to sultry and maybe even a little menacing, all at once. Suddenly, Pheonix felt the woman's bare cock pressed up against her, between her legs as that loin cloth was pushed out of the way... it was a new sensation, but definitely not a bad one. Maybe this was what it'd felt like for that goshawk woman a while ago, getting toyed with like this...?

Pheonix: 1/5 PP
Sphinx: 1/3 PP
Dragon: 0/3 PP
Re: Pheonix (Pheonix Alugere)

That feel's different. Good, though. Yep yep! Pheonix responds while trying to play with her new friends. Given that her hands are still tied together, the woman didn't have much freedom to play with her hands, but she could still try. Sliding her hands as far back as they can go along the sphinx without uncovering the woman's folds, Pheonix let's a pinky drift over to the sphinx's clitoris to start doing lazy circles around the sensative nub. At the same time, she uses other fingers on that hand to gently play around the edges of the woman's vagina, never fully penetrating, just openning and closing the petals. Her other hand slowly triest to stretch to the woman's anus. If it can reach, it starts slow circles around the rim, tickling the flesh with ethereal feathers, otherwise, it contents itself to rub the skin between vagina and anus as well as the thighs closest to the sphinx's wet hole.

On the other end, wanting to try the new sensations, Pheonix wraps her legs around the tall woman's waist and slowly pulls her in. During this, she starts experimenting with her new muscles down in her altered nether region, clenching and unclenching.