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RPG RPG Maker [ Ressentiment ] [ルさんちまん] The World Reforming Adventure of Queen Iris / 王女アイリスの世直し冒険記 RE186234 RJ186234

Re: [ルさんちまん] 王女アイリスの世直し冒険記

Giga new year necro : Jan 1st blog post about some SRPG and possibly a screenshot from their next game (already) ?
Re: [ルさんちまん] 王女アイリスの世直し冒険記

Giga new year necro : Jan 1st blog post about some SRPG and possibly a screenshot from their next game (already) ?

Seems he's trying his hand at the Fire Emblem style game.

Which I frankly have little expectations for. All the works using that style have been horrendously slow and usually aren't well balanced.

Basically the equivalent of those RPGMaker games where all you do is grind between zones and follow a straight path to the next CG.
Re: [ルさんちまん] 王女アイリスの世直し冒険記

can anyone explain what this game's plot is? Why did I suddenly end up in jail after beating the gangster hideout? I got the translation to work but none of the dialogue was translated so a quick summary would be awesome. thanks!

also why is she getting it on with the fat dude willingly in the house scene right after escaping jail?
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Re: [ルさんちまん] 王女アイリスの世直し冒険記

can anyone explain what this game's plot is? Why did I suddenly end up in jail after beating the gangster hideout? I got the translation to work but none of the dialogue was translated so a quick summary would be awesome. thanks!

also why is she getting it on with the fat dude willingly in the house scene right after escaping jail?

They went to subjugate bandits.

Forgot the bit with the priestess.

Anyway, they checked out the bandits' storehouse and there's a ring with demon in it.

Demon got loose, casted some curse that weaken all of them and at night they get horny and if they don't have sex it might get worse and put them into permanent coma.

So at first the old man offered to help

Then turns out he's the mastermind behind the bandit group, as well as the one who put that bandit there.

And the succubus curse have some effect where the first person to cum inside the girl will be something of a slave master to them.

He also already raped the knight as well (the reason the curse didn't act up the first day, since the curse is shared on the 4 so as long as one of them do it the others don't have to)

I kinda stopped somewhere mid-way so no idea after that.
Re: [ルさんちまん] 王女アイリスの世直し冒険記

They went to subjugate bandits.

Forgot the bit with the priestess.

Anyway, they checked out the bandits' storehouse and there's a ring with demon in it.

Demon got loose, casted some curse that weaken all of them and at night they get horny and if they don't have sex it might get worse and put them into permanent coma.

So at first the old man offered to help

Then turns out he's the mastermind behind the bandit group, as well as the one who put that bandit there.

And the succubus curse have some effect where the first person to cum inside the girl will be something of a slave master to them.

He also already raped the knight as well (the reason the curse didn't act up the first day, since the curse is shared on the 4 so as long as one of them do it the others don't have to)

I kinda stopped somewhere mid-way so no idea after that.

lol fat dude's a genius.
Re: [ルさんちまん] 王女アイリスの世直し冒険記

alright. just finished the game and am a bit confused about what happened.

So I beat the demon, then the fat guy + soldiers came to fight me. Then I beat them and a bunch of cutscenes happened. The ending I got was Iris walking into the room seeing Sasha making out with the fat guy.

So a few questions if anyone can answer...
1) what was the fat guy's end goal?? I mean, was he trying to help the girls after the demon ran off or what? And why was he attacking them at the end?

2) why did Sasha end up with the fat guy in the end even after the curse was lifted?

Re: [ルさんちまん] 王女アイリスの世直し冒険記

alright. just finished the game and am a bit confused about what happened.

So I beat the demon, then the fat guy + soldiers came to fight me. Then I beat them and a bunch of cutscenes happened. The ending I got was Iris walking into the room seeing Sasha making out with the fat guy.

So a few questions if anyone can answer...
1) what was the fat guy's end goal?? I mean, was he trying to help the girls after the demon ran off or what? And why was he attacking them at the end?

2) why did Sasha end up with the fat guy in the end even after the curse was lifted?


At the end of the game...

It's machine translated, so I might not have some of the specifics right...

After defeating the demon, Iris is surprised when Cain and Abel enter; she'd heard they were badly injured at the start of the game. They act shocked that Iris and her party beat the demon, and realise the jig is up. They are actually spies from an enemy nation, that has been attempting to subvert the kingdom from the inside so they could take it over. It was their plan to have Iris fall into degradation so that she would be unable to ascend to the throne, whilst brainwashing soldiers and important personnel. They're not finished yet, though; they call upon their brainwashed minions (including Gerald, the fat man) and attack Iris!

Iris and her party beat back the attack. Cain and Abel pull out their final trump card; a magical hourglass that will let the user travel back in time. Sylvia reacts quickly and knocks it from their hands before they can use it. Cursing, the beaten soldiers reveal their whole plan. By brainwashing Gerald they could obtain pictures of Iris' humiliation, and throw the country into turmoil. At the moment Gerald comes around; it seems the fight managed to awaken him from his brainwashing. Sobbing, he reveals that his weakness led to his undoing. Several months ago, he was called before the king - it seemed the knight Lock had found evidence of Gerald taking large amounts of money from the treasury, clearly to be used as bribes! Gerald was torn. The real reason he'd taken the money was to reimburse the people who had suffered damages as a result of Iris' over exuberant style of rescuing people, but he didn't want to betray that to the king as he knew Iris had her heart set on being a knight, so he remained silent. Taking this as an admission of guilt, the King and Lock proclaimed that he would shortly be forced to stop working as Iris and Sasha's teacher when they returned from their trip, and Lock would take Iris in hand once he married her. Gerald knew this was unfair; he'd worked tirelessly to clean up corruption in the castle, and now he was being treated as a corrupt official. He left to drown his sorrows in the bar, where Cain ran into him. Cain listened to his story, then stirred up the hatred for the King and Lock in his heart, telling him that he would be exiled in secret, that would never see Sasha and Iris again. But Cain had a plan for revenge. Gerald resisted, but Cain told him to look into his eyes... with the anger in his heart and the potion Cain had slipped into his drink, Gerald fell under their brainwashing magic. Cain told him that their country was poised to attack. That the men would be killed, the women sold as sex slaves; but there was a position for a minister, if Gerald wanted the role... Gerald resisted, though, and refused to go along with it. But it was too late; the potion took effect and he was unable to disobey them. At that point Abel came in, and reported that he'd found the bracelet with the sealed demon king to act as a decoy whilst they completed their plans... And that is as far as Gerald remembered.

Back in the present, Iris admits that the hatred in Gerald's heart probably made it easier for them to brainwash him, but that the actions he did under their hypnosis weren't his fault. Still, they have to face the fact that the images of their sexual humiliation have been disseminated, and the spreading rumours could still bring Cain and Abel's plan to fruition. At that point Sasha has a good idea. They can use the magic hourglass to go back in time and prevent the recent events before they happen! There is a problem, though; the time turner can usually only go back a few hours. With Iris' strong magic they can extend that a little (3 days, 5 hours and 17 minutes, as Rayden quickly works out). Then Lillia has a brainwave... Using the demon's magic amplification tool and magic circle, they should be able to boost Iris' magic just enough to go back to the day where the demon was first released from the bracelet!

And, so it works out. They head back to that time, and quickly knock out and apprehend Cain and Abel before they manage to plant the bracelet. The crisis was averted. They head to the inn, and pushing past the brainwashed Gerald Iris smashes the recording crystal before it can take any pictures. She then hits Gerald in the head as hard as she can to try and snap him out of the hypnosis.

A few weeks later, Iris has gathered a group of pirates, to tell them they are pardoned and can now receive honest work in the kingdom. It seems she will continue trying to make the world a better place like this.

Roll credits...

You see a few scenes here. Sasha has made Gerald a meal, and Iris is carefully watching over them to make sure nothing happens. Since they went back in time obviously Gerald has no memories of what happened, but Iris is concerned by how much attention Sasha is showing him. Iris did intercede on Gerald's behalf with the king, so now he will not be dismissed. Then we see Iris continuing her sword training with Sylvia. She feels a little flushed still looking at Sylvia, and says it's okay if Sylvia visits her room at night sometimes to talk; Sylvia jumps at the chance. Finally we see Iris saying farewell to Leiden/Rayden/whatever and Lillia, who are going to continue their journeys; Lillia has already heard of a new group of bandits she hopes to convert.

Post credits, you get a message saying all scenes have been opened, and get to control Iris. Walking into Gerald's room, Iris find him having sex with Sasha! Iris is about to attack, when Sasha explains that she seduced Gerald; after having so much sex with him she fell in love, and couldn't think of doing it with anyone else. Gerald cums inside her as Iris watches; she thinks to herself that even though they've gone back in time, they can still remember the pleasure they felt. Maybe she'll call Sylvia and Lillia... Or perhaps it's her turn to use Gerald now!
Re: [ルさんちまん] 王女アイリスの世直し冒険記

At the end of the game...

It's machine translated, so I might not have some of the specifics right...

After defeating the demon, Iris is surprised when Cain and Abel enter; she'd heard they were badly injured at the start of the game. They act shocked that Iris and her party beat the demon, and realise the jig is up. They are actually spies from an enemy nation, that has been attempting to subvert the kingdom from the inside so they could take it over. It was their plan to have Iris fall into degradation so that she would be unable to ascend to the throne, whilst brainwashing soldiers and important personnel. They're not finished yet, though; they call upon their brainwashed minions (including Gerald, the fat man) and attack Iris!

Iris and her party beat back the attack. Cain and Abel pull out their final trump card; a magical hourglass that will let the user travel back in time. Sylvia reacts quickly and knocks it from their hands before they can use it. Cursing, the beaten soldiers reveal their whole plan. By brainwashing Gerald they could obtain pictures of Iris' humiliation, and throw the country into turmoil. At the moment Gerald comes around; it seems the fight managed to awaken him from his brainwashing. Sobbing, he reveals that his weakness led to his undoing. Several months ago, he was called before the king - it seemed the knight Lock had found evidence of Gerald taking large amounts of money from the treasury, clearly to be used as bribes! Gerald was torn. The real reason he'd taken the money was to reimburse the people who had suffered damages as a result of Iris' over exuberant style of rescuing people, but he didn't want to betray that to the king as he knew Iris had her heart set on being a knight, so he remained silent. Taking this as an admission of guilt, the King and Lock proclaimed that he would shortly be forced to stop working as Iris and Sasha's teacher when they returned from their trip, and Lock would take Iris in hand once he married her. Gerald knew this was unfair; he'd worked tirelessly to clean up corruption in the castle, and now he was being treated as a corrupt official. He left to drown his sorrows in the bar, where Cain ran into him. Cain listened to his story, then stirred up the hatred for the King and Lock in his heart, telling him that he would be exiled in secret, that would never see Sasha and Iris again. But Cain had a plan for revenge. Gerald resisted, but Cain told him to look into his eyes... with the anger in his heart and the potion Cain had slipped into his drink, Gerald fell under their brainwashing magic. Cain told him that their country was poised to attack. That the men would be killed, the women sold as sex slaves; but there was a position for a minister, if Gerald wanted the role... Gerald resisted, though, and refused to go along with it. But it was too late; the potion took effect and he was unable to disobey them. At that point Abel came in, and reported that he'd found the bracelet with the sealed demon king to act as a decoy whilst they completed their plans... And that is as far as Gerald remembered.

Back in the present, Iris admits that the hatred in Gerald's heart probably made it easier for them to brainwash him, but that the actions he did under their hypnosis weren't his fault. Still, they have to face the fact that the images of their sexual humiliation have been disseminated, and the spreading rumours could still bring Cain and Abel's plan to fruition. At that point Sasha has a good idea. They can use the magic hourglass to go back in time and prevent the recent events before they happen! There is a problem, though; the time turner can usually only go back a few hours. With Iris' strong magic they can extend that a little (3 days, 5 hours and 17 minutes, as Rayden quickly works out). Then Lillia has a brainwave... Using the demon's magic amplification tool and magic circle, they should be able to boost Iris' magic just enough to go back to the day where the demon was first released from the bracelet!

And, so it works out. They head back to that time, and quickly knock out and apprehend Cain and Abel before they manage to plant the bracelet. The crisis was averted. They head to the inn, and pushing past the brainwashed Gerald Iris smashes the recording crystal before it can take any pictures. She then hits Gerald in the head as hard as she can to try and snap him out of the hypnosis.

A few weeks later, Iris has gathered a group of pirates, to tell them they are pardoned and can now receive honest work in the kingdom. It seems she will continue trying to make the world a better place like this.

Roll credits...

You see a few scenes here. Sasha has made Gerald a meal, and Iris is carefully watching over them to make sure nothing happens. Since they went back in time obviously Gerald has no memories of what happened, but Iris is concerned by how much attention Sasha is showing him. Iris did intercede on Gerald's behalf with the king, so now he will not be dismissed. Then we see Iris continuing her sword training with Sylvia. She feels a little flushed still looking at Sylvia, and says it's okay if Sylvia visits her room at night sometimes to talk; Sylvia jumps at the chance. Finally we see Iris saying farewell to Leiden/Rayden/whatever and Lillia, who are going to continue their journeys; Lillia has already heard of a new group of bandits she hopes to convert.

Post credits, you get a message saying all scenes have been opened, and get to control Iris. Walking into Gerald's room, Iris find him having sex with Sasha! Iris is about to attack, when Sasha explains that she seduced Gerald; after having so much sex with him she fell in love, and couldn't think of doing it with anyone else. Gerald cums inside her as Iris watches; she thinks to herself that even though they've gone back in time, they can still remember the pleasure they felt. Maybe she'll call Sylvia and Lillia... Or perhaps it's her turn to use Gerald now!

That's one hell of a twist.
Re: [ルさんちまん] 王女アイリスの世直し冒険記

Anyone else ever get a bug or something at the prostitution guy in the tavern? I select the one I want to do (it's not gray) and it gives me the "yes or no" choice, but both of them work as "no". Is this a bug or is there something I'm supposed to do first or something? Should also note that I can still move around for some reason when the yes/no choice is on screen.
Re: [ルさんちまん] 王女アイリスの世直し冒険記

At the end of the game...

It's machine translated, so I might not have some of the specifics right...

After defeating the demon, Iris is surprised when Cain and Abel enter; she'd heard they were badly injured at the start of the game. They act shocked that Iris and her party beat the demon, and realise the jig is up. They are actually spies from an enemy nation, that has been attempting to subvert the kingdom from the inside so they could take it over. It was their plan to have Iris fall into degradation so that she would be unable to ascend to the throne, whilst brainwashing soldiers and important personnel. They're not finished yet, though; they call upon their brainwashed minions (including Gerald, the fat man) and attack Iris!

Iris and her party beat back the attack. Cain and Abel pull out their final trump card; a magical hourglass that will let the user travel back in time. Sylvia reacts quickly and knocks it from their hands before they can use it. Cursing, the beaten soldiers reveal their whole plan. By brainwashing Gerald they could obtain pictures of Iris' humiliation, and throw the country into turmoil. At the moment Gerald comes around; it seems the fight managed to awaken him from his brainwashing. Sobbing, he reveals that his weakness led to his undoing. Several months ago, he was called before the king - it seemed the knight Lock had found evidence of Gerald taking large amounts of money from the treasury, clearly to be used as bribes! Gerald was torn. The real reason he'd taken the money was to reimburse the people who had suffered damages as a result of Iris' over exuberant style of rescuing people, but he didn't want to betray that to the king as he knew Iris had her heart set on being a knight, so he remained silent. Taking this as an admission of guilt, the King and Lock proclaimed that he would shortly be forced to stop working as Iris and Sasha's teacher when they returned from their trip, and Lock would take Iris in hand once he married her. Gerald knew this was unfair; he'd worked tirelessly to clean up corruption in the castle, and now he was being treated as a corrupt official. He left to drown his sorrows in the bar, where Cain ran into him. Cain listened to his story, then stirred up the hatred for the King and Lock in his heart, telling him that he would be exiled in secret, that would never see Sasha and Iris again. But Cain had a plan for revenge. Gerald resisted, but Cain told him to look into his eyes... with the anger in his heart and the potion Cain had slipped into his drink, Gerald fell under their brainwashing magic. Cain told him that their country was poised to attack. That the men would be killed, the women sold as sex slaves; but there was a position for a minister, if Gerald wanted the role... Gerald resisted, though, and refused to go along with it. But it was too late; the potion took effect and he was unable to disobey them. At that point Abel came in, and reported that he'd found the bracelet with the sealed demon king to act as a decoy whilst they completed their plans... And that is as far as Gerald remembered.

Back in the present, Iris admits that the hatred in Gerald's heart probably made it easier for them to brainwash him, but that the actions he did under their hypnosis weren't his fault. Still, they have to face the fact that the images of their sexual humiliation have been disseminated, and the spreading rumours could still bring Cain and Abel's plan to fruition. At that point Sasha has a good idea. They can use the magic hourglass to go back in time and prevent the recent events before they happen! There is a problem, though; the time turner can usually only go back a few hours. With Iris' strong magic they can extend that a little (3 days, 5 hours and 17 minutes, as Rayden quickly works out). Then Lillia has a brainwave... Using the demon's magic amplification tool and magic circle, they should be able to boost Iris' magic just enough to go back to the day where the demon was first released from the bracelet!

And, so it works out. They head back to that time, and quickly knock out and apprehend Cain and Abel before they manage to plant the bracelet. The crisis was averted. They head to the inn, and pushing past the brainwashed Gerald Iris smashes the recording crystal before it can take any pictures. She then hits Gerald in the head as hard as she can to try and snap him out of the hypnosis.

A few weeks later, Iris has gathered a group of pirates, to tell them they are pardoned and can now receive honest work in the kingdom. It seems she will continue trying to make the world a better place like this.

Roll credits...

You see a few scenes here. Sasha has made Gerald a meal, and Iris is carefully watching over them to make sure nothing happens. Since they went back in time obviously Gerald has no memories of what happened, but Iris is concerned by how much attention Sasha is showing him. Iris did intercede on Gerald's behalf with the king, so now he will not be dismissed. Then we see Iris continuing her sword training with Sylvia. She feels a little flushed still looking at Sylvia, and says it's okay if Sylvia visits her room at night sometimes to talk; Sylvia jumps at the chance. Finally we see Iris saying farewell to Leiden/Rayden/whatever and Lillia, who are going to continue their journeys; Lillia has already heard of a new group of bandits she hopes to convert.

Post credits, you get a message saying all scenes have been opened, and get to control Iris. Walking into Gerald's room, Iris find him having sex with Sasha! Iris is about to attack, when Sasha explains that she seduced Gerald; after having so much sex with him she fell in love, and couldn't think of doing it with anyone else. Gerald cums inside her as Iris watches; she thinks to herself that even though they've gone back in time, they can still remember the pleasure they felt. Maybe she'll call Sylvia and Lillia... Or perhaps it's her turn to use Gerald now!

thanks man. and yeah, that's one hell of a twist lol. that's some pretty legit plot for a h-game. wish my translator worked for other games so I don't miss out on these good stuff.

@zaji1911 spam yes fast enough and you'll be able to go through. worked for me.
Re: [ルさんちまん] 王女アイリスの世直し冒険記

Anyone else ever get a bug or something at the prostitution guy in the tavern? I select the one I want to do (it's not gray) and it gives me the "yes or no" choice, but both of them work as "no". Is this a bug or is there something I'm supposed to do first or something? Should also note that I can still move around for some reason when the yes/no choice is on screen.

It's a bug with the way the text hooker is set up. You need to go into DEFAULT FOLDER\www\js\plugins\Clipboard_llule.js and change WantChoiceSeparator = true; to false.
Re: [ルさんちまん] 王女アイリスの世直し冒険記

@zaji1911 spam yes fast enough and you'll be able to go through. worked for me.

That worked. Thanks.

@djweish When I try to do that it gives me Error: 'Bitmap' is undefined
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Re: [ルさんちまん] 王女アイリスの世直し冒険記

It's a bug with the way the text hooker is set up. You need to go into DEFAULT FOLDER\www\js\plugins\Clipboard_llule.js and change WantChoiceSeparator = true; to false.

corrected that bug some version ago :eek: ( ... but i forget that this game have his own way as to how his plugins work, so the intallation from the patcher didn't worked ><

corrected it (, you can now install from the patcher and have access to all option that go with the WantChoiceSeparator, no more bug =)
Re: [ルさんちまん] 王女アイリスの世直し冒険記

Sorry for the slight necro, but I didn't notice this mentioned anywhere.

After unpacking the game (to apply the partial) I noticed a few cgs that were not in the in-game cg gallery, and I can't figure out how to get them in the game. Titled "ero_06_01_01" through "ero_06_01_06", they seem to be for the bandana character in Iris's party maybe?

Does anyone know what kind of hidden event these cgs are for? Or are they not even accessible in the game?
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does anyone know how to use the synthesis in this game?
Does anyone still have the partial translation for this game? The link on the official thread is not working anymore, and the thread is closed.