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ADV [ saboten] [ サボテン ] Stella's Sex Harass Working -I'm Giving Off A Pheromone!?- / ステラのセクハラワーキング~みんなHになっちゃうお色気フェロモン発生中!?~ RE121915 RJ121915

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Re: [RJ121915] ステラのセクハラワーキング~みんなHになっちゃうお色気フェロ&a

I will not be listing down those NPCs walking around. Basically, as long as your pheromone gauge is at max, all the males should attack you automatically. Sprite sex should happen when you are nude.

Central Map
Ear cleaner(gauge1、lust60) all attires

North Map
Trash collector(gauge1、lust60) all attires
Trash collector(gauge2) Bloomer
Idol live(gauge7) Idol
Idol live(gauge7、lust) Idol
Pool(Gauge3) School swimsuit
Pool(Gauge3、Lusty) School swimsuit

East Map
Delivery(Gauge3、lust40) All attires
Tuition(gauge3) School uniform
Tuition(gauge3、Lusty) School uniform
Maid(gauge5、lust60、virgin) Maid
Maid(gauge5、lust60、non-virgin) Maid
Maid(gauge5、lust60、Lusty) Maid
Novel assistant(night、gauge4) Bondage
Novel assistant(worked at least twice、day、gauge4、lust40、virgin) Bondage
Novel assistant(worked at least twice、day、gauge4、lust40、non-virgin) Bondage
Novelist(worked at least twice、day、gauge4、lust40、Lusty) Bondage

South Map
Bakery(gauge3、lust60) all attires
Bookshop(gauge4、lust60) all attires
Antique shop(gauge2、lust60)  all attires
Cafe(gauge3、lust40) Waitress
Cafe(gauge3、lust40、Lusty) Waitress
Model(gauge4、lust20) Nipple-less

West Map
Bar(shame below40、gauge4、lust40) Dancer
Bar(shame below40、gauge4、lust40、Lusty) Dancer
Hotel(shame below30、gauge2、virgin) Fashion
Hotel(shame below30、gauge2、non-virgin) Fashion
Hotel3(shame below30、gauge2、Lusty) Fashion
Prostitute(gauge0、virgin) Hentai underwear
Prostitute(gauge0、non-virgin) Hentai underwear
Prostitute(gauge0、Lusty) Hentai underwear
Secret Restaurant(gauge5、virgin) Exposing waitress outfit
Secret Restaurant(gauge5、non-virgin) Exposing waitress outfit
Secret Restaurant(gauge5、Lusty) Exposing waitress outfit

Mission vs Goblin
Mission vs Goblin (Lusty status)
Mission vs Kraken
Mission vs Kraken (Lusty status)
Mission vs Thief
Mission vs Thief (Lusty status)
Mission vs Cerberus
Mission vs Cerberus (Lusty status)
Mission vs Mad Scientist
Mission vs Mad Scientist (Lusty status)

Other Events
Bath House(on 水曜日)
1.shame below 20
2.shame below 20、lust60
3.shame below 20、Lusty
4.Shame below 20、lust60、Lusty

Massage House
1st round
2nd round
3rd round
1st round(Lusty)
2nd round(Lusty)
3rd round(Lusty)

Merry(the succubus)
1.Visit the deserted building in the west within the first 3 nights
2.Work at the soap house with gauge MAX and lust above 80.
3.Work at the soap house with gauge MAX, lust above 80 and Lusty status.
4.Find her randomly at the park, the east mansion, or the female toilet during the day

Happy End: Raised 1,000,000 and maintained a virgin
Normal End: Raised 1,000,000
Bad End: Unable to raise the required amount
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Re: [RJ121915] ステラのセクハラワーキング~みんなHになっちゃうお色気フェロ&#

I absolutely need a menu translation. I don't know what stuff is. For everything I have to check etigoyas post.

I really should learn japanese :(
Re: [RJ121915] ステラのセクハラワーキング~みんなHになっちゃうお色気フェロ&#

I haven't played this game since finishing the first time, the game's good but it does get repetitive. Been playing other games to "rest". Does anybody knows the requirements to get the alt scene with the "final" boss? (mad scientist). Or if the Muffler has any "H" use? :O
Re: [RJ121915] ステラのセクハラワーキング~みんなHになっちゃうお色気フェロ&a

hey, what does the costume stats mean exactly?
Re: [RJ121915] ステラのセクハラワーキング~みんなHになっちゃうお色気フェロ&a

Hey anyone know exactly what i have to do to get cat-ear bikini costume? The three costume guides seem to confuse the lacey underwear (sexy underwear?) with the purple latex costume (fashion?)

I've already got the idol costume for the prostitute scene using the lacey underwear at the brothel but it seems like the other costume (purple latex) wont trigger a scene at the far left building in the west side. I've tried using the guides earlier in this thread - says "Fashion" , 2 bars of lust, under 30 shame (which i'm assuming is the sexual arousal part) and i've tried all this both day and night in the hotel (furthest building to the left) wearing purple latex. I've also tried it with different levels of the lust bars.

Is there a particular day it must be on to trigger the scene and unlock the outfit? Any idea what i'm missing? Thanks.

Edit: Argh just got it to work, if anyone's interested, cat ears unlock by going to love jungle in purple latex, i had 0 shame and no gauge and it was at night on tent looking letter day.
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Re: [RJ121915] ステラのセクハラワーキング~みんなHになっちゃうお色気フェロ&a

Merry(the succubus)
2.Work at the soap house with gauge MAX and lust above 80.
3.Work at the soap house with gauge MAX, lust above 80 and Lusty status.

Is there a certain time period for this? I assume you mean the onsen in the north, although that could be wrong, as I only get the option to bathe no matter what?
Re: [RJ121915] ステラのセクハラワーキング~みんなHになっちゃうお色気フェロ&#

nope. i was referring to the 泡天女 in the west. u can only work there in the night
Re: [RJ121915] ステラのセクハラワーキング~みんなHになっちゃうお色気フェロ&#

Another Saboten game? Darn it! I still have some I haven't started! Let alone finished!
Re: [RJ121915] ステラのセクハラワーキング~みんなHになっちゃうお色気フェロ&#

Anyone happen to have a save for either v1.0 or v1.04? The one etigoya posted sadly doesn't work for me.
Re: [RJ121915] ステラのセクハラワーキング~みんなHになっちゃうお色気フェロ&a

Guide on all equipable attires:

Nude: Available from the start
Casual: Available from the start
Sailor: 2500G at item shop
Waitress: 6000G at item shop
Dancer: 30000G at item shop
Fashion: 60000G at item shop
Hentai underwear: 100000G at item shop
Bondage: 200000G at item shop
Maid: Work part-time as tuition teacher (east map)
Bloomer: Work part-time as trash collector (north map)
Nipple-less: Receive as a free gift after using the massage service (south map)
Cat-ear Bikini: Prostitute at the hotel (west map)
Idol: Work part-time at the soap house (west map)
Muffler: Work part-time at the live house (north map)
School swimsuit: Have bloomer, Lust status, and at least 2 pheromone gauge. Work part-time as trash collector twice (north map)
Exposing Waitress outfit: Activate event at cafe 9 times (south map)
I don't understand why I can not wear certain clothes D:
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Re: [RJ121915] ステラのセクハラワーキング~みんなHになっちゃうお色気フェロ&a

I don't understand why I can not wear certain clothes D:

Check ur Shame bar it needs to be the same digit or lower than your shame to wear the item
Re: [RJ121915] ステラのセクハラワーキング~みんなHになっちゃうお色気フェロ&a

Here it is:


hey guys, is there any problem with part5 mega link, coz i downloaded part 1~4 just fine, but when i try to download part 5, i got "temporary error, retrying" error for already 2 days. :(

please help T.T
Re: [RJ121915] ステラのセクハラワーキング~みんなHになっちゃうお色気フェロ&a

Anyone happen to have a save for either v1.0 or v1.04? The one etigoya posted sadly doesn't work for me.

Any savefiles?
Re: [RJ121915] ステラのセクハラワーキング~みんなHになっちゃうお色気フェロ&#

uh ... this game already released, right ?
why it still marked as [Incomplete] ?
dunno what type of RPG it is tough (haven't play it) :confused:
shouldn't it marked as RPG Maker. Wolf RPG or something ?

BTW, please fix the link for latest DL ... much appreciated ... ;)


  • Save.zip
    208.5 KB · Views: 174
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Re: [RJ121915] ステラのセクハラワーキング~みんなHになっちゃうお色気フェロ&#

Sorry for the necro but does anyone still have a link for this game the MEGA are dead and Anime sharing as wel
Re: [RJ121915] ステラのセクハラワーキング~みんなHになっちゃうお色気フェロ&#

same i second asa request haha i have been wanting to collect saboten games for a while
Re: [RJ121915] ステラのセクハラワーキング~みんなHになっちゃうお色気フェロ&#

There's probably still links somewhere on eyny.
Op does not meet standard for old OPs. Thread locked. PM a mod with an update to the OP to get this thread unlocked.
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