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Seek, Seek Fortune (Astarte)

Re: Seek, Seek Fortune (Astarte)

Logs 9.

The first burst of cum into her mouth sent a shivering wave of euphoria rushing through Euria's body, wiping away her shame in blinding bliss as the sweet substance flooded her mouth. It tasted like ambrosia to her, despite her distaste for having resorted to this tactic, but even as she tried to swallow its volume proved too great. It was forced out, left splattering her face in its release, and blast after blast came and coated her alongside all the others even if it did mostly seem to aim for her mouth. One eye was forced to stay shut as a rope splattered across it from cheek to brow, another rope crossed her nose, two more splattered against her right cheek, and the last four all centered across her lips, shooting as much as possible into her mouth.

The scent of it surrounded her, her sensitive nose flooded with the flavor of its seed just as her mouth was. Disgusted as she was on a psychological level, feeling it on her skin, swallowing it, tasting it... All of it served to ignite some deep seated need inside of her, and try as she might Euria couldn't fully suppress it. Her body remained frozen, so for any efforts she might make to gather its seed and bring more of it into her mouth, though that could easily be what she had partially blinding her.

It would take several long moments before she could get a hold of herself again, and even then arousal flushed her body, made her limbs feel leaden where adrenaline should have given them strength. Fortunately, the tentacle beast was seemingly satiated, at least for the moment, and offered only the light caresses and an occasional tentacle covered in cum gathered from her shapely frame, pushed lightly in front of her face. The sword was close at hand, and only a few uninterrupted feet of crawling allowed her to take it up... But what would she try to do now?


Trying to swallow the creature's cum proved to be a mistake, but by the time she realized that it was already too late. Maybe she'd simply been too far gone already to notice it before, but whatever the slime was doing to her, swallowing its cum did that and more. It was fortunate that she hadn't been able to take any more, as she was left only barely able to stop herself from pouncing on those tentacles once again as they began to back off. Its scent was all she could smell, its taste lingering on her tongue even after she'd managed to swallow what had remained in her mouth, the thought of spitting it out never even crossing her mind now.

She fell onto all fours, desperately trying to keep suppress her raging desires, but it was just too much. Euria could only be grateful that she seemed to have satisfied the beast for now, she didn't think she'd be able to stop it if it tried to take her again. She couldn't even concentrate enough to form her ice armour again to protect herself, she was totally helpless until she could get herself under control again. The next few minutes were agonizing, both for the side of her that wanted nothing more than to jump into the mass of tentacles and let them sate this raging desire and the side that was panicking over how helpless she was like this, as they warred for dominance within her.

Eventually reason won out, the nymph managing to suppress her raging lust at least enough to let her function again. She shuddered as another of the tentacles caressed her body in a surprisingly gentle gesture that might of seemed affectionate if it hadn't already raped her so brutally. Her path was clear, relatively at least, and she forced herself to move. She crawled through the veritable sea of tentacles, the discarded belt and the sword it held the only things on her mind now.

When she finally reached it she took a moment to examine it, judging if it could still be worn. If it could she would carefully fasten it around her waist, ensuring it was tight enough to fit despite her lack of clothes, and if not she would simply unfasten the scabbard and take that. She recalled the blade glowing, and she didn't want to do anything to draw attention until she had to. From there her next goal was the frost gem, if it looked like she could safely reach it, and her shield if that was nearby, though she wouldn't risk going too far out of her way for it. The gem had hurt it badly, the wound it had left still only just healing. If she could break it out of the ice that had formed around it, she might even be able to lodge it inside the unhealed wound, and that would surely wound it gravely.


Picking up and sheathing the sword was one thing. It came free from its sheath easily and let out a soft white glow that caused the elven woman to stir, eyes squinting at the sudden glow. Even so, it felt uncomfortable in her hand somehow, moreso than it would have simply because it wasn't a type of weapon that she favored. It was as if the weapon itself didn't like her, and even holding it was vaguely disconcerting. The blade itself gleamed like polished silver, though it looked far too sharp to be made of so inadequate a metal, and given where she'd found it the thing obviously carried an enchantment of some kind.

Her shield was lying next to her spear, now only ten or so feet away, and now that she was mostly beyond the immediate reach of the nearest tentacles there was little to prevent her from grabbing. The ice gem, however, would be another problem. There was literally several feet of ice and frozen gore between her and it, in addition to the wide stretch of empty space, and though she had gotten here only mildly molested Euria could hear the main beast itself stirring. It was unlikely that she would have time to dig through all that, assuming that she even could at all, before the tentacle beast started attacking her again.


Euria took a moment to test the blade in her hand, it still feeling distinctly uncomfortable in her grip. It wasn't just unfamiliarity, or the fact that it was metal, something just felt wrong about it. No, it wasn't that something was wrong with the blade, it was simply... incompatible with her. Something about it was simply opposed to her on a basic level. It wasn't painful though, not like holding an iron blade would be, and she was confident she could use it. She wasn't sure if it would be more useful than her spear since she still didn't know what sort of enchantment it held, but anything was worth trying.

Unfortunately the frost gem seemed like it would be too difficult to find in the time she'd bought herself, so she would have to forget that idea. A shame, since it had worked well before, but with her energy recovered and the creature already wounded she might not need it. She wasn't entirely confident in her chances, and fearful of what awaited if she failed again, but what other choice did she have? Escape would be difficult, she was certain it would be paying the most attention to the only way out of the room, and having to crawl through that narrow passage meant that it could easily drag her back out if she tried.

Holding her blade ready and creeping carefully toward her fallen shield, Euria kept a close eye on the mostly dormant beast. Her spear was there as well, so she made certain to remember where it was in case she needed to grab it later. Unfortunately without any other way to carry either weapon naked as she was, she couldn't take both. If she made it unmolested she would quickly take up her shield again, and then finally began to draw on her inner power again. Ice formed into an approximation of armoured plates across her body, hopefully enough to protect her and keep her out of its grip. She wasn't certain if it would take notice or not, if it was sensitive enough to such powers to notice them being used, since this was a significantly greater expenditure than her minor distortion effect, but she braced for an attack regardless. If it hadn't noticed she could hopefully get the drop on it, but if it had she wanted to be ready.
((If she can safely get to the shield and pick it up, using Frost Armor X=8, for 4 Upkeep, assuming it's still as cold here as it was before. Including Distortion, that brings her to 24 AV, 10d10+29 Base Dodge (11d10+57 with her shield), +24 Cold damage on attacks, 46 Cold resistance if it matters, and 7d10+34 Grapple to escape))

The farther she moved, the less dormant the beast seemed. By the time she got to her shield its tentacles were all waving slowly, and it was obviously roused to action with one of its “prey” apparently thinking to try and escape. Her frost armor rose up her body as she turned to face it, coating her body in layers of ice that didn't cause her the pain that it would have if something else tried to make a grab for her.

The beast lunged for her, dozens of limbs reaching out toward her, but they were warded away by her shield, blade, armor and agility. It was gathering itself, however, more of its deft appendages coming to life, though for now it was still a little sluggish. If she wished to strike, now was her best chance.

Euria: HP = 59, PP = 42, EP = 39/47, Status = Fine, Distortion at half effect, Frost Armor X = 8, Upkeep = 4


The beast seemed to be growing more restless by the second, and Euria could only hope she'd bought herself enough time. She did manage to reach her shield, quickly taking up a defensive posture with it as the tentacles continued to stir. She had only just finished forming her icy armour when it lunged at her, but she was ready for it. She managed to ward off a few with her shield, ignoring the lingering ache in her arm as they impacted, dodging around a few others while yet more simply failed to find purchase on the slippery surface of her armour.

So subtlety was no longer an option then. That only left attacking it head-on, the confines of the room and the creature's reach making her typical fighting strategies impossible. Hoping to take advantage of its still only half-active state, Euria pressed ahead, dodging past tentacles and using her shield or blade to try to ward off those that got too close, aiming for the large wound on the main body. If she could strike it there she could try to go straight for whatever sort of vitals it had.

As she reached it Euria slashed into the already torn flesh with her sword, hoping her inexperience with this sort of weapon wouldn't hamper her too much, following up by driving the edge of her shield into the existing wound. She needed to be fast about this. She could only keep the icy armour protecting her up for so long, at least at this strength, and that limit had been her downfall before. She could go a while longer yet, but she needed to make certain it was dead before she ran dry again.

((Making a sword attack and a shield bash with defensive fighting for 2 dice, 7d10+20 attack with the sword, 2d6+22 Damage (Plus 24 Cold Damage) as a standard one-handed sword, plus whatever effects it has. Shield attack is 11d10+14, doing 3d4+17 Damage, plus 24 Cold damage.
Loses 5 Dodge for shield bashing but gains 2d10 from defensive fighting and 1d10+3 from Skirmisher, bringing her up to 14d10+55))


The sword, uncomfortable as it felt in her hands, still possessed an edge more than sharp enough to cut through the swarm of tendrils in her path. Her agility and the strength left in her shield arm saw her through it, and within moments Euria had arrived at the wounded creature's main body. The weapon seemed to ignite with power, its glow turning pure white as she drew closer and made to swing at its body, hacking through its soft flesh like a hot knife through butter and leaving the edges of its wounds seared even as ichor poured forth onto the floor, her own aura quickly causing it to freeze.

Her footing was sound even then however, allowing Euria to dance aside and try to smash open its injury. Unfortunately this time a barrage of its limbs spaced themselves between her and its main body, preventing her from closing in. She was forced back, but only just so, and none of them managed to get a solid hold on her. She was close now, close enough to keep striking, to try and hit something vital or simply bleed it to death, but she would have to decide now if it was worth extending the fight and risking them getting a hold of her or if she wanted to keep striking at it in the most hasty manner possible.

Euria: HP = 59, PP = 42, EP = 35/47, Status = Fine, Distortion at half effect, Frost Armor X = 8, Upkeep = 4
Last edited:
Re: Seek, Seek Fortune (Astarte)

Logs 10 (Edited part of these into last post for anyone following these.)

This sword still felt wrong in her hand, but she couldn't deny how effective it had been. Whatever was driving the power in this sword seemed to hate this creature even more than her, the blade glowing almost blindingly bright and seeming to burn through flesh as much as cut it. She couldn't help but grin despite the dangerous situation as its blood poured from the wound, quickly crystallizing in the cold she was projecting. Unfortunately she wasn't able to follow up, her attempt to tear the wound open further with her shield blocked by tentacles intervening themselves.

She quickly retreated as more struck at her, slapping one particularly close tentacle away with her shield. She frowned as she was forced back, diving to the side to avoid yet another grab at her and taking a swing at another tentacle with her sword to ward it off lest it get cleaved in two. She tensed for a moment, dropping into a more stable stance with her shield at the ready to fend off the next attempted grab, and used that opening to dash forward again, dodging around and ducking under the intervening tentacles to strike at the main body again, sword poised to impale it, trying to cause as severe a wound as she could as she dragged the blade out. She once again followed with a bash from her shield, hoping to keep aggravating its existing wounds. She'd already seen that it could bleed, maybe she could just keep wearing it down...

((Backing off and then charging back in, going for the same strategy as last round.))


Backing off rather than continuing her assault, aiming to keep mobile so that they tendrils don't manage to get a hold of her, Euria moved as quickly as her feet could carry her across the increasingly slick ground. The beast's blood froze as it hit the floor, her aura trailing after her, and as the tentacles reacted to try and catch her she hastily redirected. For a moment it seemed like her gambit would pay off, that she would fool it into overextending so she could assault its main body again... But then she actually got close. She slid across its frozen ichor, keeping her balance perfectly, and hammered her shield into its wound.

Its flesh froze and cracked, exposing a pulsating organ within its innards, but as she raised her sword to plunge it into that vulnerable point Euria felt a tendril wrap around her waist. She was dragged backwards, pulled into the air, and more tentacles coiled around her every limb. Her arms were tugged out wide and then pulled over her head, and then her legs were dragged in and forced to fold until her ankles were pressed against her thighs.

Ice spread across the tentacles holding her, frosty slime and dying muscle leaving the limbs rigid, but that didn't make it any easier to escape. Not yet anyway... Unfortunately, for now Euria had other problems. As cold emanated from her body, Euria's captor sought the only source of warmth that it could find, and unfortunately for her the earlier rush of euphoria she had received from swallowing its seed had made her fully ready to receive it.

The tendril that plunged into her soft folds, spreading her inner walls, was thicker than the others that had all taken her at once, not filling her as much on its own but still hitting all of her sweet spots. The line of ridges just beneath the phallic tip sent pleasure exploding behind her eyes, and it changed things up again by starting to rapidly pump into her depths over and over and over. She was tilted backwards, hear head and hair hanging as she was halfway towards upside down, her knees drawn up against herso that she couldn't move her legs to interrupt the steady thrusts.

This one hadn't found release with the others, it seemed, and already Euria could tract it towards a lump that was advancing towards her... But she could also trace lines of frost traveling up the ones holding her, a potentially fatal chill that might finally end it after the wounds she'd inflicted.... But if it didn't outlast its own demise, it might very well leave her something to remember it by if the potion had already run out.

Euria: HP = 54/59, PP = 21/42, EP = 23/47, Status = Fine, Distortion at half effect, Frost Armor X = 8, Upkeep = 4, Grappled, Penetrated


Euria dashed nimbly through the sea of tentacles, ducking under and around the tentacles that had moved to track her as she made another pass at what they'd been guarding. It was obviously wounded badly, but the creature's alien physiology made it impossible for her to tell how close it was to death. Its flesh was freezing and dying in patches where she'd struck it, and a good strike from her shield cracked one such patch open, revealing what she could only assume was some sort of vital organ.

That was it! That was exactly what she needed! She brought her sword to bear on it, intending to stab right through whatever it was, but in her haste she'd neglected to watch her back as well as she should have. Just as she began to thrust with her blade she was jerked back by a tentacle that had snuck past her defenses, nearly losing her grip on her weapon in shock. She tried to free herself, to cut herself free before it could capitalize on her mistake, but it reacted too fast. Before she could recover her balance other tentacles had already grabbed her limbs, pulling them wide and lifting her into the air.

"No... Not again!" She thrashed and kicked, only to have the tentacles force her legs to fold back and wrap themselves around, holding them there and making it all but impossible for her to fend off its other tentacles as they joined. With her arms held above her head and her legs pulled to the side and bent back as they were, she was helpless to resist as yet another tentacle drew close, this one with a distinctly phallic tip. "No, please... not again" The nymph whimpered, but she knew that her begging would have been fruitless if it could have understood her. She struggled as hard as she could, but she simply couldn't break the grip it had on her.

This time there were no clothes to delay it, and only a sharp gasp from Euria signaled the thick tentacle sliding inside of her. It was bigger than any she could remember had been before, though fortunately still not as thick as three combined had been. She did her best to fight back the sheer pleasure it had instantly evoked in her, her will threatening to give out right then and there. It was too good, her body had been aching for this since she'd swallowed some of its cum again, and she didn't think she could last much longer before she started to drown in the mindless lust again.

Even worse, she wasn't even certain this monster felt pain. The tentacles holding her had already begun to freeze solid, a process that would have surely been painful—at least until it numbed all feeling—but it didn't seem affected at all. As it began to pump into her the tentacles holding her body in the air tilted her backwards, each powerful thrust rocking her entire body in this position. Her breasts bounced around lewdly each time it bottomed out and her hair and tail swayed as they hung beneath her.

"Aaahhh... Stop... Please! I can't..." She could barely keep herself from giving in any longer, her body practically begging for her to give in even as she futilely begged the creature to stop. She was momentarily snapped out of the haze of lust that was clouding her mind as she noticed a very familiar bulge traveling along the length of the tentacle. Not again! She didn't even know if the potion she'd taken earlier would still be working, and she wasn't sure she could keep resisting if it came inside of her again, even if it wasn't as much as before.

She put one last burst of effort into twisting her body in its grip, trying desperately to wrench even one of her limbs free from its grip. Anything, she just needed to stop it before it could try to plant its seed inside of her again...


The rapid pumps of the tentacle plunging into her depths came faster and faster, lightly tapping her cervix and flooding Euria's frame with raw pleasure every time that ribbed section thrashed against her g-spot. Her breasts jiggled with every thrust that rocked her suspended frame, and after a moment the swinging orbs were grabbed by a pair of tentacles. They coiled around her swinging breasts, squeezing them before pointed tips began to flick back and forth over the tips of her breasts, forcing the sensitive nubs to full hardness and even greater sensitivity.

Her legs were forced to tense, and her toes to curl inwards as the vigor of the one thrusting tentacle grew and grew and grew. The pleasure was maddening, intoxicating, and for all of her pleading her voice was made to croon with it as the tendril plunged deep, threatening to send her nymphic frame into full on heat. The blob of tentacle cum was getting closer, now a little faster than the ice was spreading back towards it, and the very idea of it pumping into her depths fed into a terrifyingly pleasant sense of euphoria. Two more tendrils approached, opening like those that had come before, advancing upon her breasts. She could see the countless cylia, tiny tentacles that would stimulate her in ways no natural partner could, and seconds later she felt their first intoxicating brush against her sensitive tips as they prepared to settle like suction cups onto her shaking bosom...

With a desperate surge of strength and a lucky twist, Euria managed to both pull an arm free and get her chest out of reach of the suction cups trying to clamp onto her. The tendrils around her flailed, trying to recapture her limb even as ice spread across the assorted limbs emanating from where they gripped her body. She foiled them all, however, avoiding their grip with subtle shifts of her body even as the main tentacle continued to pound into her increasingly sopping pussy.

The nymph had no choice if she wished to prevent both her own orgasm and the release of another explosion of potent cum into her now unprotected depths, she had to reach down with her only free limb and grasp the tendril sliding into her folds, had to pull it out. She managed to get a grip on it, but the momentary stillness allowed several tentacles to wrap around her arm... Or it would have, if any of the slimy limbs could get a real grip over her icy armor. That same armor allowed her to get a grip despite the sliminess of the squirming appendage between her fingers, stopping its thrusting just as it bottomed out into her as it began to freeze.

Unfortunately, Euria had to pull it out inch by inch, as it refused to relinquish its presence in her hot, wet depths easily. It was an agonizing struggle, but one that she ultimately one... Though not before one last bout of wild squirming that had its ridges grinding against her g-spot intensely almost drove her over the edge and ripped all strength from her arm. It slipped out of her depths with a soft pop, and immediately began to squirm against her hold, trying to push itself back inside of her as its bulge of cream continued to advance towards her, albeit at a much slower pace without stimulation.

Ice continued to spread down its limbs, closer and closer to its main body. That advance would end as well if she ended all contact of course, but such might allow her to take up arms again... Or she could try to wait it out, hoping that her spreading frost would kill it before it could break her grip again.

Euria: HP = 54/59, PP = 21/42, EP = 19/47, Status = Fine, Distortion at half effect, Frost Armor X = 8, Upkeep = 4, Grappled


She kept her death grip on that tentacle as if her life depended on it once she finally managed to pull it out entirely, but despite the effort that had taken her she couldn't stop there. There were others still, and it still had her mostly restrained. She couldn't avoid being grabbed again so easily while still holding this tentacle either. She put as much strength as she could muster into her other arm, trying to tear it free as well so that she could free her legs. Using the range of movement opened by freeing one arm, even if it was still limited, she twisted her body and pulled with her still-trapped arm, hoping that the creeping frost had weakened the appendage holding her enough to break free. If she could get her other arm free she'd hopefully be able to use that free hand to free her legs too...


(Euria rolls an 87, impressively.... Too bad the tentacle beast rolls 125. Euria takes 22 PP and orgasms. Next round she takes 29 and ends up at 13 PP remaining. Euria makes her resistance check the first round that makes her cum and the second round after to avoid becoming Horny.)

Writhing her still bound arm as best she could, trying desperately to pry the limbs away so she could fully free herself, Euria's split attention would spell her doom. As her concentration wavered her grip slipped, and the slimy tendril slid several inches through her fingers before she could make any significant headway in freeing her other arm. Her petals yielded easily, even accepting the tendril as it plunged back into her undefended folds, its ribbed surface sending a spike of pleasure exploding up her spine. Her nymphic heritage demanded, even begged that she surrender, to let it plunge into her as it willed and give her body the raging satisfaction that it was crying for, all because the squirming tendril drove itself halfway into her.

The ground it claimed was more than enough to let it hit her sweet spot, however, and though her grip tightened to stop it from pumping into her Euria was still left with explosions of pleasure blasting up behind her eyes. What little movement it could achieve had several of its ridges grinding right against her g-spot, and every push made her mind strain to remember why she was fighting the vile slimy beast. The distraction ruined her concentration, and her grip loosened further after a few seconds and the full plunge sent a surge of bliss blasting through Euria that completely overwhelmed her will.

The tentacle once more began to pump rapidly into her tight, wet folds, every one of the countless ridges along its length adding extra drag along her sensitive inner walls and enrapturing the nymph in raw ecstasy. Her grip only weakened as the pleasure built, letting it go faster and faster while using her fingers as an additional orifice. Soon her honey coated it as thickly as its slime, and her frame began to shake again as it bounced her back and forth, leaving the building pleasure to rise to ultimately overwhelm her ability to resist it.

Orgasm ripped through her, a powerful explosion of raw sensation that had her honey squirting from the pressure against her g-spot. Her peak only seemed to spur the creature on harder, making it pump deeper and deeper and faster and faster into her spasming depths. By the time her orgasm faded it was pumping into her from labia to cervix and back at a pace that no mortal man could have achieved without magic. Ecstasy continued to power through her, leaving her fingers barely able to exert any pressure, but even with that most intense form of pleasure fading only to build anew moments later.

Then she felt it, that hot bulge pressing against her fingers, and a look down between her jiggling breasts revealed that the fattened lump containing the tentacle monster's semen was pressed against her fingers. A quick tightening of her grip paused it, made it build up, and she could feel the heat of it even through the beast's already warm flesh. Its pace grew furious, however, and suddenly she could barely stop her toes from curling and her body from going into yet another orgasm. Her grip only stopped it for a moment, and she felt heat passing under her palm, small bursts of cum escaping past her blockage, and then a portion of that bulge forced its way through. It went up to her petals, and began to push in, preceded by several smaller quantities of sperm rich fluid that were who knows how deep into her along its squirming shaft.

She had seconds before it came inside of her, and with the pleasure thrumming through her Euria knew she would cum too as soon as it exploded into her. If she didn't do anything fast....

Euria: HP = 33/59, PP = 21/42, EP = 11/47, Status = Fine, Distortion at half effect, Frost Armor X = 8, Upkeep = 4, Grappled, Penetrated, About to Orgasm


All it took was one slip, one moment where her grip faltered while she focused on trying to free her other hand. The creature wasted no time in taking advantage of her momentary lapse, the few inches of the slick appendage that slipped through her fingers enough for it to plunge into her again. Unfortunately those few inches were also enough to push her so very close to that orgasm she had only barely stopped. She couldn't muster the strength to pull it back again, only hold it in place, but its squirming was more than enough stimulation to make her arms feel like jelly. It was getting harder and harder just to keep her grip, much less focus on freeing her other arm.

Another few inches slipped through her weakening grip and everything went white for a moment, the explosion of pleasure so intense after having been resisting for so long that everything around her seemed to fade from her mind. Her grip slipped even further, leaving the tentacle free to plunge in deep once again, leaving her suspended body twisting helplessly in the throes of a powerful orgasm, her attempts at resistance momentarily forgotten. It was managing to strike every sensitive spot, relentless even as she writhed helplessly in its grip, finally succumbing to the pleasure.

No... She needed to focus. She blinked a few times, trying to clear the growing haze from her mind, the oh so tempting desire to just forget about everything and give in to her physical lusts. She couldn't let it win. No matter how tantalizing the prospect was. She was jolted back to awareness only as she felt something large and warm pressing against her hand still gripping the tentacle, instinctively squeezing it tighter as she desperately fought to hold back what she new was coming without having to look. She couldn't hold it back like this though, not entirely... and not with how frantically it was still pumping into her, her own body seemingly eager to betray her now, barely able to resist the mounting pleasure once again.

With a grunt of effort she put as much strength as she could muster into her aching limbs, trying to both twist her body enough to pull away from the tentacle violating her and to pull it away with her one free arm. She was desperate now, thrashing in its grip as she tried to pull free at the last moment, before it succeeded in what it had been trying to do for so long now. If she could manage to pull her still restrained arm close enough, she even opened her mouth and bit down on the tentacle holding it, hoping that the creature could feel pain despite so many signs to the contrary, her canine teeth easily sharp enough to potentially puncture its flesh. She just needed to do something, anything, to free herself before she finally lost to the nearly overwhelming pleasure... she didn't think she'd be lucky enough to avoid having it impregnate her a second time.


(Euria fails to make the tentacle monster pull out in time, orgasms, feels the pleasure of being cummed inside, then fails one of the resistance checks to avoid becoming horny. That deactivates her aura... On the same turn that the tentacle monster dies from its frost damage.)

The harder she squeezed, the harder the pressure built, and the harder the tendril thrashed inside of her. Intoxicating pleasure blasted up her spine again and again and again, every wild thrust of the inhuman member relentlessly striking at her every nerve, and the overwhelming explosions just kept coming. It ultimately robbed the nymph of the strength she needed to pry the tentacle from her quivering folds, and the terrible knowledge that some of its potent cream was about to be delivered deep inside of her didn't offer her the push of will she needed in order to muscle the appendage out of her. Another chunk of the bulge forced itself past her fingers, towards her pussy, and she could feel the first bulge to escape into her getting deeper by the moment.

Then the quivering tentacle sent a blast of white hot seed into Euria's folds, and the feel of that glorious liquid heat burning inside of her sparked the nymph's own orgasm, the second even more intense than the first since the creature had forced itself into her. Even through yet another orgasm, the wolf-featured nymph could feel the bulge adding a bit of extra girth down the shaft on its final approach to the tip, and after a moment it drove in to give her cervix one final, fateful kiss. Then the explosion of lava into her depths as that bulge escaped into her redoubled the power of her climax and left her every muscle twitching and weak save the ones desperately sucking on the tentacle plunging into her pussy.

Euria's womb was utterly flooded over the course of the tentacle's release, every spurt forcing her to remain enraptured to it as it seeded her, and it most definitely had a lot to give. She didn't get the massive bath that had coated her before, only the limb inside of her cumming, but that was more than enough to leave the nymph wrapped in euphoria for well over a minute while it flooded her pussy with cum. Her innermost chamber was totally full by the time it had finished, and her tight folds had squeezed out blast after blast to ooze down over the cheeks of her ass and pitter patter down onto the floor.

It had done it. It had cum inside of her, flooding her with its seed, and there was no telling if her potion was still in effect. A pleasurable haze settled over her, and as it began to pump into her Euria found herself unwittingly welcoming it. The lust boiling in her blood, emphasized by the slime coating her and the chemicals laced into its cum, took control of her, and the ice surrounding her faded as it began to wildly pump in and out of her one last time.... Only to slow. And stop. And pull out limply as she realized she had just been dropped by slack limbs.

Black ice covered the tentacle beast's main body, and Euria could see it gripping the beating organ she had gimpsed in its open wound. That organ had gone still, and every last limb had gone limp along with it. The beast was dead, its threat to her ended, but at least at first all Euria would be able to think about would be finding some satisfaction from the lust it had left her with.

Euria: HP = 24/59, PP = 5/42, EP = 3/47, Status = Horny, Exhausted, About to Orgasm
Re: Seek, Seek Fortune (Astarte)

Logs 11

No matter how hard she tried, Euria simply couldn't keep the beast at bay. Whether she was simply weakening after so much strain or the creature had gained some surge of strength as it came close to death she didn't know, but in the end it didn't really matter. All that mattered is that she was losing, both to the beast raping her and to her own body's urges. She couldn't keep control much longer. If she couldn't stop its release... she didn't think she'd be able to resist giving in. And she already knew she couldn't stop it now.

She could feel the bulge forcing its way inside of her, stretching her lips open as it moved, agonizingly slowly. Her whole body tensed as it neared her deepest point, pressing briefly against the entrance to her womb... and then there was only sheer bliss as it released its first load inside of her, finally overcoming her resistance and drowning her in a wave of pleasure. Everything became a blur from there, her entire world became nothing but an insatiable need for more, and it seemed more than happy to oblige. She simply lost herself in the pleasure.

She only began to come back to her senses when she was dropped to the stone floor, cold with a thin sheet of frost that had formed beneath her before her powers had faded. At first, all she could think about was how close she'd been yet again... why had it stopped? Too lost in the endless sea of lust that her world had become she didn't spare more than a brief thought to the reasons, the only thing that mattered was satisfying this desperate need. Her fingers desperately tried to finish what the tentacles had begun, heedless of the sheer volume of the creature's seed that was now oozing from her abused folds, the slight bump that had formed in her stomach slowly returning to normal as her overfull body forced it out.

It wasn't until many minutes later that she began to come back to her senses, lying almost bathed in the monster's seed. She staggered to her feet, ready to put what little remained of her strained spirit's energy to use in finally ending the beast... only to realize that it had finally succumbed. After everything it had put her through, it was finally dead. Not without leaving her one final gift though, she thought with disgust, hand going to her stomach as she felt a little more of the creature's seed trickle out. No, she refused to let it win. She had no idea how much time had passed, whether she was still protected by the potion she'd taken in the morning or not. She'd been told not to take them too often or there might be side effects, but a little unpleasantness was worth eliminating that risk.

She searched around the room until she found where her bag had been discarded, fishing through it for the last of her potions and drinking it down. Now she needed to gather her scattered possessions, maybe head back to that underground stream she'd found earlier to clean herself up. She didn't want to spend any longer than she had to covered in the beast's seed as she was. As she was picking up her pack though, she remembered one important fact, immediately beelining across the chamber to check on the woman who had been captured by the creature before her. She'd managed to forget after everything that had happened, but she needed to see if the other woman was okay...


The scattered remnants of her camouflaged clothes littered the ruinous chamber's floor, and the rest of her belongings were similarly scattered about. The tentacle beast hadn't seemingly taken any interest in her stuff, and Euria would be able to retrieve everything – including the precious potion – in short order. Downing another of the ill flavored draughts left her stomach rumbling unpleasantly. She hadn't eaten anything but cum for a while now and the potion probably hadn't helped with that, but there likely wasn't much she could do about it now.

The elf was lying on her side, in a pile of filthy rags of unknown origins. Her eyes were open but unfocused, and she simply seemed to be staring at the wall when Euria came over to check up on her. The sore nymph, having sated her remaining lusts with her fingers after the tentacle beast had died, was left with the choice on what she wanted to do and how she wanted to do it. The trip out through the narrow tunnel would be difficult for the obviously pregnant elf, and there was no telling when she might end up releasing the spawn no doubt growing in her womb. There was also the very real possibility that some of the creature's crawling spawn might still be lurking about, and Euria would have to figure out just how she wanted to try and prepare herself for that threat.


Euria frowned as she looked over the elven woman. She was seemingly conscious, but... unresponsive. How long had she been trapped down here for this to happen to her? How long had that beast been using her to bear its spawn, over and over again? She shuddered at the thought, knowing just how close she had come to such a fate herself, as she looked down to the elf's obvious pregnancy. That was a concern as well, but she didn't know of anything she could do to help, not without potentially harming the woman as well. She could ask the orcs upstairs for aid... but would they help? The woman was obviously an elf, one of their enemies, and they were well known for taking slaves. They might be able to help, but what would happen to her afterwards?

Pushing such thoughts from her mind, Euria went about gathering the rest of her belongings that had been scattered around the room, not bothering to try to get her armour into serviceable condition this time, only gathering the torn pieces and packing them away. There was too much damage for a patch job this time, and the chill air didn't particularly bother her. The exposure did, as more of the smaller creatures might still be lurking around here, but there was nothing she could do about that now. The frost gem was going to be a bit tricky to retrieve, but she set to chipping away the ice to retrieve the gem, again packing it safely away if successful.

She checked on the elf woman again, hoping for some sign that she even noticed the nymph's presence, but if she didn't Euria would simply sigh and turn to the beast's corpse. While she wanted nothing more to do with the creature, clenching her fists tighter as she approached, memories of everything it had just done to her coming unbidden. Still, she would take some satisfaction in this. The smaller ones held something unusual inside of them that she had collected, it stood to reason that the larger one would too.

((If the elf still shows no signs of responding after retrieving all of her own things, Euria is going to go carve the tentacle monster up some more, then give the room a look over for anything else worth taking. Just can't resist looking for loot, even if she'd really like to be done with the place.))


Digging through the ice chunk would take well over an hour and a great deal of work, not least of all because Euria lacked the proper tools for such an endeavor. She ended up having to use the sword or her spear, or perhaps a rock, but luckily it didn't try to refreeze on her in the process. The gem burned her as she touched it, frost spreading painfully across her fingers, but she got it wrapped in cloth where it stabilized and could stow it into her backpack.

The dead creature was another fun mess for her to deal with, and one bath of ichor and gore later she came free of its corpse with something to show for her ordeal. A bright red gem, rough and uncut and chalky beneath the goo still coating it, lay in her arms. It was the size of her head, roughly, and more or less spherical despite its rough texture.

The elf was still immobile when Euria approached her next, now with her two prizes retrieved. She looked up when the nymph came near, however, and whined lightly. She reached out a hand and pawed at Euria's leg, She was filthy, though perhaps no less so than Euria herself was by that point, but her empty eyes spoke of a deep need, and she glanced hopefully from the nymph to the dead beast, then back, confused.


Euria frowned, the reaction she finally got out of the elven woman not the sort she'd been hoping for. It was all too familiar, the sense of losing oneself that she saw reflected it the woman's actions, even simply by looking at her face. There was expression there, but it was hollow. This wasn't like what happened to her, to all her kind, that was fleeting, a temporary loss of control. To be like this even now... how long had she been in the creature's clutches? Was there even anything she could do? Could the elf still be brought back to her senses, or was there nothing left to restore?

Looking at the woman though, she was as covered in grime and various fluids as Euria herself had become, if not more. She couldn't simply leave the elf here after all, and she'd planned to do something to get herself cleaned off anyway, thinking back to the room she'd found with an underground stream running through it. It might be a little cold for one less accustomed to such than herself, but she could at least try to help her get cleaned up as well. The only complication would be if more of the smaller beasts still lurked around.

The safest option would be to go back up to the keep, warn the orcs of what she'd found, and use the stream there to clean herself again afterwards. Where did that leave the woman she'd rescued, though? She wasn't sure she could convince the orcs to just let her go, and unless she could recover from this state she was in she wouldn't be able to do much for herself. There was also the matter of the monster's spawn still inside of her, and Euria could see no realistic option other than allowing nature to take its course on the matter. She could deal with them afterwards, if she needed to, but she had precious little knowledge of medicine. There was nothing she could do before then, not safely.

"Can you understand me?" She spoke softly and slowly, kneeling next to the elven woman but gently deflecting the hand that was pawing at her. She wasn't certain if the woman would speak the common Crolian tongue even if she was in a coherent enough state to communicate. Still, she needed try, needed to decide what she was going to do about all of this...


No spark of recognition shown in the woman's eyes, no flaring of intelligence or dawning look of understanding. She just continued to paw at Euria and glance from the nymph to the dead beast and back. Her gaze became increasingly frantic in the process, ad after a moment she gripped Euria by the ankle and set her gaze onto the tentacle beast, tears welling up in her eyes. She began to shiver, and her grip on Euria's leg strengthened briefly only to begin to go slack after a few moments.


Euria's frown deepened as she observed the girl's reactions. There was no look of confusion that might indicate she recognized speech but not the language, and she was becoming increasingly frantic by the moment. She seemed distraught by the creature's death, perhaps only now understanding what had happened to it... Had it created some sort of dependence on it? Maybe extended exposure to its fluids had such an effect, they had seemed quite potent... or was it purely mental? If her mind had broken down to such an extent, she might have simply latched onto the only other living creature around, no matter how cruel it had been to her.

Sighing, Euria took a moment to secure her weapon to her pack, strapping her belt back on, even if the rest of her clothes were unusable, for the sake of keeping the sword at least within easy reach since her hands were going to be full. With that done, she reached down, grasping the woman under her legs and behind her back to lift her off of the ground. Not only did she still wish to head to the water, it might be better to move the elf somewhere she couldn't see the corpse. If she didn't protest too much to being lifted, Euria would begin the process of making her way back to the first room she'd checked, eyes and ears alert for any sign of danger along the way.

Unfortunately, the narrow tunnel she'd had to crawl through to get into this chamber in the first place made carrying the elf impossible, so she settled for taking the lead and trying to ease the other woman through as well as she could. She kept herself in the front though, and wary for anything that might be lurking on the other side. Not paying enough attention on her first time through here was what had got her into this mess, after all...


The elf squirmed as Euria knelt down and lifted her, but not much and not enough to prevent the athletic nymph from picking her dainty frame up. She stopped squirming and stared over the nymph's shoulder, at the dead monster, as she headed over to the tunnel through which she had entered the chamber. It was there that she would have to settle the elf down, and she promptly flopped onto her side and gazed back at the dead monster again, then back at Euria, and back to her rapist.

It would take some coaxing to even get her crawling, her distended belly not exactly making that task easy, and it would be a few minutes before Euria got her to follow into the tunnel. Of course, that left the elf effectively staring straight at the nymph's ass from a scant few inches away, a sight that more than a few had certainly found perfectly alluring in the past. Whether she had never had such tendencies to begin with or her present state didn't allow for them, however, the woman didn't do anything to Euria while they crawled through the tunnel.

Once they emerged beyond it, Euria found herself in a blessedly empty corridor and could help the elf to her feet. She seemed both uncertain and unstable, but with some further prodding would follow back towards the entrance... And would be shivering violently before they were halfway there. Euria might be able to stomach Crolia's frigid chill while naked, but the still mortal woman clearly could not, at least not for too long. They arrived at the small channel of water running through the fort in short order, but whether or not Euria was actually willing to coax her into those icy waters was up to her. The woman she'd rescued would mindlessly go along with anything she demanded of her, but doing so would almost certainly endanger her life further.


Euria paused at the door to the first room she'd checked down her, still hearing the water flowing on the other side, but it seemed that her plans of getting herself and the elf cleaned up a little were going to have to wait. She had perhaps underestimated how cold it was down here for an ordinary person after all. She'd known that the water would be too cold for someone without her resistance to it, but she'd hoped to at least try to wipe some of the accumulated grime from the elf's body, she still had some rags she could soak for that purpose.

Judging by how much she had started to shiver already though, getting her wet at all was probably dangerous. Unfortunately her own clothes had been ruined, and her only blanket was being used to contain the frost gem, it would be far too cold by now to wrap the girl in it. With her natural resistance to the cold Euria didn't need to pack much in the way of cold-weather equipment like a human might in her position. Her single blanket and a campfire were generally all she needed to be comfortable on even the coldest nights.

As much as she didn't like it, too unfamiliar with orcish culture to guess how they would react, they seemed like her only hope of helping the girl. She simply didn't have what she needed, and they did. She could only hope they'd be willing to help, and not want to simply kill the woman or keep her as a slave. She'd heard a little of what the orcs did to captured enemies, though she wasn't sure how much of it was true. Turning back to the woman she'd been helping along, Euria once again lifted her into her arms, hoping her own body heat might do at least a little to help with the chill air.

She steeled herself as she approached the door leading back up onto the ground level. This was going to take some explaining, and probably more than a little convincing. She had to prepare for the worst, and decide how far she was willing to go to protect this woman. Would she fight for her, if it came to that? The nymph had several ways to escape if she needed to, she'd prepared for that when she first followed Torguk inside, scoping out the fort and where to go if she needed to run, but it would be considerably more difficult to bring the elf along with her if she needed to use them. She could only hope they'd be more amicable than she was fearing.


As she carried the shivering, whining elf towards the stairs she'd come down to reach this level, Euria heard voices echoing down the walls. The portcullis was still closed, but she quickly recognized one of the voices as belonging to Elena. The female orc – with extra equipment down below – sounded annoyed, and was seemingly talking to a man who was trying to keep her from opening the gate.

“... -ammit, get out of my way! I'm not going to let some monster come up while we're asleep, I'll close the gate again as soon as I'm on the other side!”

“No. We're all agreed 'cept you and Torguk and Nils, nobody goes after, no matter how cute her little tail is.”

She recognized the voice of the man as she got nearer, she'd heard it grunting into her ear for long enough. He'd been the one to rip her bottoms down, and also the one to take her in the ass for the very first time, though she hadn't ever caught his name.

“Oh for the love of... What's it matter if I go down there, huh? Who's it going to hurt besides me? I'll be back in half an hour tops, whether I find her or not!”

Elena's frustration didn't seem to pass on to the man she was talking to, who calmly replied; “It'd hurt all of us, we'd have to pick up the slack if you get caught by something, or risk going after you.”


Euria paused as she reached the gate blocking the lower level from the upper, surprised to hear some sort of argument going on, and about her no less. It did make sense, she'd been down there much longer than she'd intended, but she was a little surprised that such an argument had sprung up over her. She hadn't been sure if anyone would have come looking for her if she hadn't managed to kill or escape the creature, but apparently a few of them had. She felt a little guilty now about having used her powers on their first meeting, if he was still acting like this so long after the effects had worn off. She was already readying herself to do the same again though, just in case the other was going to cause trouble... She didn't like manipulating people like this, but it was a comparably harmless way of dealing with her current problem if he proved confrontational.

"No need, I'm right here." She called up to them somewhat tiredly. "Think you could help me with this gate, Elena? Ran into a little... problem, and I've got my hands full." Hopefully Elena would be approachable with regards to the elf. She didn't know any of the orcs well, but she'd liked Elena, and hearing that she'd been willing to come after her only gave her more hope that she'd be willing to listen.


Elena was the only one standing directly in line of sight when Euria came around the corner, but the other orc poked his head 'round the corner as Elena's next complaint died on her lips and both orcs went silent. They both looked understandably surprised at the nude nymph with a nude, pregnant elf in her arms, but neither opted to ask any questions just yet and Elena jumped on the crank that opened the portcullis. It slid upwards with a grating noise as Euria climbed the stairs, moving slowly burdened as she was, but as soon as the nymph was through Elena began turning the crank in the opposite direction, closing the gate behind her.

“Told yah,” she heard the orcish man mutter next to Elena before moving to stand in front of Euria, helping her set the elf down if that was her desire. “So... You were gone for a day and a half, I'm guessing you found.... Something down there,” he said to the nymph, eyes flitting up and down her naked, dirtied frame. “What happened?”


"Something, yes... A very big something." Euria breathed a sigh of relief, setting the elf down now that she was inside the fort again. She turned back to the orc, entirely unbothered by her own nudity, though a little by how terrible she probably looked right now. "I'm not really sure what it was. Big, lots of tentacles, that's where I found her. It's dead now, but it didn't go down easily." She pointedly avoided mention of what exactly had happened to her, not really wanting to talk about that right now, but the orc might be able to guess simply from the time she took and the condition she was in. "I'd still be careful if you go down there though. Were a few little ones too, might still be more of them."

"I... wasn't really sure what to do with her," Euria motioned to the elf she'd brought back with her, "She's been like... this the whole time. I think she's been down there for a long time now."


“Mmmm, sounds messy,” he replied, glancing down between Euria's legs, at the cum stains running down her thighs. His eyes quickly returned to her face, however, and he nodded in response to her warning. “Looks like we're going to have to go down there and clean up after all... Don't want those coming up into the main hall while we're all asleep.”

Then he glanced at the elf, who was shivering and curled up around her pregnant belly, frowning darkly, and Elena joined them. “I'm guessing what's going to come out of her is going to be tentacly too?” Elena said, eyeing the elf and then pulling off her cloak and throwing it over the naked woman, who didn't seem to understand what to do with that. “Is she... Uhhh... We got here a month ago... How long do you think she was down there?”


"Probably." Euria nodded to Elena's question, a frown tugging at her lips again. She didn't give any outward reaction to the other orc's brief examination of her, but it only further fuelled her desire to get herself cleaned off. The sooner she could do that, the sooner she could try to pretend this had never happened at all.

"I didn't see any other way in or out down there, though I never got to finish looking, so unless she managed to sneak by you all and into your basement, she must have been here longer than you all. It... well, it certainly seems like it's been a long time. I've tried to talk to her, tried to get some sort of response... it's like she's not all there any more, almost like an... animal, I guess. That doesn't happen in a week or two." The nymph shook her head sadly, looking down at the elf again. "I... really don't know what to do with her. I just didn't want to just leave her down there to die, but I don't think there's anything I can do about this."


“Well, she's your problem,” Elena replied, piking the elf with her toe, prompting the filthy woman to curl up a little further. “You found her, so she's your prize... If you could even call one so broken a prize. We won't mind helping you feed her, but... You probably shouldn't expect much more than that.”


"Yeah... I guess I'll need to figure this out," Euria wasn't to comfortable with the idea of the elf being a "prize", but she wasn't going to argue if it would ensure the orcs would mostly leave her alone. What was she going to do about this, though? Euria wasn't sure if there were any elven communities still in the area, but returning her to her people might be the best way to deal with this. She wasn't about to say that though, she wasn't sure the orcs would take kindly to the idea of her meeting with their enemies.

"I was mostly concerned with getting her somewhere a little warmer, and probably cleaned up a bit. I tend to forget that not everyone deals with the cold well." She glanced down at her own body as she spoke, grimacing a little at the sight, "Need to get myself cleaned up too... and spend some time getting my armour patched up. Do you mind if I stick around for a little while longer?"


“Not at all,” Elena said, grinning and winking. “I'd offer to help you clean up, buuut.... You look like you wouldn't be into that sort of fun after your adventure in the basement. And you've gotta deal with her still."
Re: Seek, Seek Fortune (Astarte)

Logs 12

"Yeah... I don't know if I'm going to be up for that for a little while yet." Euria gave an awkward laugh. She was still trying very hard not to think about everything that had happened down there, and Elena's offhand comments were making that a little difficult. She still hadn't quite come to terms with what she'd been through, and she was doing her best to put off facing that for now, while she still had other things demanding her attention.

"I'm sorry to keep asking things of you, but do you have anywhere around here I can get her cleaned up a little? I could just use the stream outside like I did before, but I don't think she could deal with that kind of cold. Or, uh... a bucket to bring some water in, if not?"


“Yeah, grab a bucket, warm the water over by the fire. Might want to grab a blanket or something to catch the... Drips. We left it low, but you can throw in a little more wood. We are running low though, so someone is going to have to go out and pick up some more.” Elena glanced at the huddled elf again, frowning, and added; “I can get you the water if you want, but you're on your own for cleaning her up.”


"If you could, thank you. I could help with gathering some more later, if you'd like. Once I can... leave her alone, I guess." Euria shrugged as she spoke, not wanting to ask too much without offering anything in return. There was still more she needed though. She needed something for the girl to wear if nothing else, preferably some sort of warm furs as well. She'd need to take a look at her own damaged armour as well, see if she could make do with what she had or if she needed more material to work with to get it fixed.

"Oh, before you go. Do you know if I'd be able to trade for a few things? Or who I should talk to about that once I'm done? If I'm going to be bringing her with me I'll need to keep her from freezing, and my own clothes got torn up during the fight, not sure if I can mend them with what I have on hand."


“C'mon,” Elena said, leaving the other orc to check over the portcullis while she helped Euria haul the curled up elf towards the hall where the orcs were encamped. “Well, I guess that'd depend on what you need. We're warriors, not some pissant human trader, so you'd probably have to either work or give us something substantial for anything. Coin's no good out here. At the very least we can make sure she doesn't freeze to death in the meantime.”

They arrived into the empty hall shortly, and Elena set her down by the fireplace which was down to embers and cooling ashes. No one was down here for any length of time, everyone being occupied with fixing up the fortress or keeping watch, but Elena threw a few logs into the fire anyway and worked a bellows carefully to stoke the flame. Once it was at least giving a bit of warmth, she walked over and grabbed a pot, hung it over the fire, and then went to grab a rough looking blanket and spread it over the floor.

“I'm gonna need that back,” she said, trying to tug the cloak from off of the elf. She lashed out with nails grown long, scratching the orc's skin, and Elena recoiled with a start and stared at her sourly. “Get that back for me, and I'll go and get the water.”


"Yeah, I thought so. All I need are things you'd have here, I'm mostly just worried if you have any to spare. Some extra clothes I might be able to alter to fit her, maybe some furs. If I'm going to take her with me I'll need to make sure she can survive the weather. I do have a few things that might be useful to you here." In particular, she was thinking about the sword still hanging at her hip. For what she was asking for it was probably a heavily lopsided trade in their favour, weapons like this being quite rare, but the monetary value of the treasures she found was never her concern.

She only cared for money insofar as it allowed her to trade with humans for supplies, the treasures she sought for their own sake. The sword was interesting, certainly a beautiful weapon, but it was simply incompatible with her. She had a suspicion about the sort of enchantment it held, and it seemed fundamentally opposed to supernatural creatures like herself. That made it difficult and uncomfortable for her to wield as she'd learned when she tried to use it, but to these orcs, a mortal race, it might be valuable. Her first concern, however, was getting the elf cleaned up, and then herself.

She helped Elena get the fire and blanket set up, leading the elven woman over to it. Her reaction when Elena tried to take her cloak back however shocked Euria as well. She hadn't seen the woman react violently to anything before, both worrying her a little and giving her some hope that maybe her mind wasn't as far gone as she'd believed. It was still possible it was merely animal instinct though. "Alright, just give me a minute."

Kneeling down next to the elf, Euria put one hand on the woman's shoulder reassuringly. "Come on, you need to give that back. I'll get you something else later." She spoke softly, though she didn't think the woman necessarily understood her words, moving to gently remove the cloak if she seemed calm enough. She had dealt with animals often in the past, and in her mind this was much the same, hopefully a soft touch was all that was needed.


“Well, if you're going to be staying a bit, why not go hunting eh? Even if you can't sculpt furs yourself, you'd be able to get someone to do it for you for a lot less than outright trading someone for their shirt. We didn't exactly come here with a lot to spare,” Elena suggested.

Once by the fire, the elf seemed to regard Euria with much greater calm, or at least didn't lash out at her immediately. It would still take some coaxing for her to surrender the cloak, however, and she immediately curled up again and looked forlornly about once it was removed. “Thanks... I think,” she said, and then threw the cloak back on and headed over to the corner of the room, where she picked up a bucket. “I'll be back in a few minutes,” she said, and then left.

The orc was back with water not too long after, and poured it into the pot to warm up. “Give it a minute to warm up, then rub her down. She seems comfortable with you... You can clean yourself up in the process,” she suggested, handing Euria a few rags. “That blanket's going to be wet and filthy by the end of it though... You can borrow my other one too, but you're going to have to help me replace that fire wood later. When she's asleep. Uhhh, before that though, I think I'll go make sure everyone knows you... Found a guest. Don't want any confusion there.” Unless Euria stopped her, Elena would depart again, leaving her alone with the sad, filthy, still heavily pregnant elf.


"I wouldn't mind that. I should be able to catch most of what I need given some time." Euria replied to Elena's suggestion, nodding. She was a hunter before anything else after all, she had plenty of experience in that field. It would take a bit more time, but as long as she was still welcome here she didn't mind. She would have to be a little more careful if she did though... she'd used the last of her potions, so while she didn't mind the idea of a repeat of last time once she recovered completely—and she was certain some of them would pursue that idea too—she didn't have anything left to keep her from getting pregnant once the last potion wore off. That was something to worry about when the time came though, she simply needed to keep her natural urges on a tighter leash.

Finally, she managed to ease the cloak off of the elf, frowning a little as she handed it back to Elena. She wasn't quite sure what to make of the elf's reaction. Was it just a case of clinging to something comfortable? "Yeah, I can help you with that once I've got her settled... And, uh, I might need to figure out something to wear too, until I can get my armour fixed up. Cold doesn't bother me much, but I'd like some kind of protection if I'm going far." Euria shrugged a little sheepishly at that, "And thanks. If you could let them know that might save some confusion. If you see Torguk or Nils, could you thank them for me? Or send them this way if they're free? I heard a bit of what you were arguing about back there."

With that said, once Elena was on her way, Euria got to work. Once the water had heated up enough she started soaking the rags, carefully wiping down the elf's body. She did her best to avoid hurting the girl, but it had been building up long enough that some scrubbing was bound to be required. It still wasn't an ideal setup, and she wasn't sure she'd be able to do this perfectly, but it would make a big difference at least. Once she finally finished with the elf, if there were no interruptions, she moved on to herself. That proved even more awkward, and she still felt like she wanted to take a good soak later, when she had the time. Her tail in particular was giving her trouble, the thing was hard to keep clean at the best of times, let alone after everything that had gotten into the fur over the past day. Still, it was infinitely better than she'd felt when she woke up after passing out in the beast's lair.


(Gain 4 xp for killing the mooks, 8 xp for killing the big monster, and 4 xp for the treasure and the elf.)

“Ahhh.... And here I was hoping to maintain the nice view,” Elena retorted sarcastically, “I'm running out of clothes to lend out... Here, these will do for now.” She went over to her pack, and in a few moments the orc came back with two sets of plain brown underwear, a grey shirt, a pair of buckskin trousers, a fur lined jacket, a soft buckskin vest, a wrinkled blue cloak, a pair of dark leather pants that were a little short, two pairs of woolen socks, and a fur lined long sleeved shirt with a slight tear and a red stain just under the left rib. “I'm down to two outfits,” the orcess lamented, though as she piled the clothes she winked at Euria and added; “For you and her, but they're only lenders. I'll want them back, and you can pay me back by letting me be present when you take 'em off again!”

She waved off Euria's thanks as she prepared to depart, “sure, I'll thank 'em for you when I see 'em, but you can do the same when they get down here.” Then she left, leaving Euria to deal with the curled up elf.

Cleaning the woman was, all things considered, actually fairly easy. She proved quite malleable, letting Euria roll and push her about with the sponge, and though she craned her neck to watch the nymph no matter where she was cleaning she was otherwise perfectly obedient to her pushing and prodding. Unfortunately, what lay beneath the grime was another story. There were a lot of red patches along her otherwise incredibly pale skin, likely infections of some sort, and it was obvious that her hair and nails hadn't been taken care of for a very long time. And the state between her legs was best left unmentioned and simply dealt with as quickly as was possible. That was the only time the elf winced, though she remained perfectly compliant even after that unpleasantness was over with.

Then it was her own turn, and the elf simply watched for the first portion. When she was obviously having trouble with her tail, however, after a few moments the woman reached out and took the cloth, trying to cleanse some of the collected gunk from it, though she said nothing in the process. Unfortunately, she wouldn't finish before she suddenly flinched, far more than she had when Euria had been cleaning between her legs, and quickly rolled onto her back and spread her legs, hands falling to her stomach while she gazed down, all acts that she did naturally and without any input.


"Ah. Thank you, I'll be sure to get them back to you." Euria gratefully took the clothes Elena offered to lend her. That would make things easier, giving her something to wear while she went hunting to find what she needed, and the elf wouldn't have to worry about freezing either. What she found in the process of cleaning the elf though left Euria frowning instead. The beast had obviously abused more than her mind, with no concern for her health. She could have easily died from such infections, probably would have if left long enough despite her race's longevity. Unfortunately she lacked the means to treat them now, and though she might be able to trade for some medical supplies from the orcs they might be hesitant to do so. They likely didn't come packed with more than they were expected to need.

No, a better option might be to take the woman to one of the human towns in the area. She could restock on her own supplies while she was there, maybe find out where she could find other elves too, and look for a medical practitioner or an alchemist who might be able to get her what she needed to treat the elf. That and some time to recover... she might still be alright after all, if she could ever recover from the damage that had been done to her mind.

As she finished up with her own cleaning, the Nymph was surprised when she felt another pair of hands on her tail. She smiled as the elf woman took the cloth and tried to help her with her tail, apparently having noticed she was having trouble. Euria let her try, though she didn't think it was going to be completely clean until she could give it a nice soak again. The moment was cut short though, the elven woman wincing as if in pain for no discernable reason. At least, not until she rolled onto her back with seemingly ingrained motions, as if she'd done this many times before. Now that Euria thought about it, she probably had. Euria frowned, taking one of the woman's hand in her own, while also ensuring her sword was still close at hand. All she could do now was wait, try to comfort the elf as much as she could... and prepare to do what was necessary when she was done.


The elf hardly needed comforting, and barely made a sound before liquid spewed onto the blanket she was lying on, which was already fairly filthy. Grabbing up the sword she'd discovered, Euria was only made to wait a few moments before the creature's spawn was first sighted crawling forth from her body, tendrils slipping out first and seeking anything they might latch onto to make dragging itself free of its mother easier. Its shapeless, blob-like body emerged another few moments later, its numerous limbs flailing. It was perhaps the size of a small dog, and certainly softer than a humanoid child, though for now the beast only blindly flailed as it strove to drag itself fully free of the clenching elf.


Euria waited, tensed, as the elf gave birth to the tentacle's spawn... surprisingly unaffected to what she was going through. Perhaps the process was less painful with the creature's spawn... but she'd expected some sign of discomfort. She didn't like what she was going to have to do either, as she took up the glowing blade from the belt she'd removed to clean herself. The idea of killing something newly born disgusted her, but it was a monster. If she let it go, if it survived on its own, it would go on to do to others what its father had done to this woman. She couldn't allow that.

Still though, she didn't want to do it here. She wasn't sure how the elven woman would react to her killing it in front of her. She'd seemed almost sad about the death of the larger beast after all. Once it had pulled itself free she reached down to snatch up the small creature, hoping it wouldn't be able to do much to stop her yet. If she could, she headed for the nearest door, trying to gesture for the elf to wait if she recovered soon enough to try to follow, and headed out of the room to finish the job.


The tentacle beast, newly born, was too weak to do more than cling to her in apparent confusion. Tendrils did slide across her breasts, suckers appearing and latching to her bare tips with eery accuracy, and it seemed that the injections were still working as her breasts began to yield her milk instantly. The elf watched her carry the thing off, barely with any expression, and didn't make any effort to follow her. She could easily exit the hall, leaving her briefly alone, and deal with the squirming monster as she saw fit.


Euria winced as the tentacles reached out to latch onto her nipples, swiping them away with her other hand. She hoped that the effects of whatever that creature had injected her would wear off soon, she didn't want to have to keep dealing with this. She didn't even want to think about the possibility that it might be permanent. Once she was out of the room she pulled the creature away from her, impaling it through with the sword. It wasn't a pleasant thing to do, but it was necessary. With that done she headed toward the front door to the keep, intending to quickly discard the remains outside until she could spare the time to properly dispose of it outside the walls. Hopefully the elf would stay put until she got back.


The creature insistently grabbed at her breasts, necessitating that she keep swatting its limbs away or simply let it happen, but when it came time to pull it away the creature put up only a mildly inconvenient sort of struggle before she ran it through. Its limbs coiled around the arm she used to hold it, gripping tight but growing weaker by the moment, and others moved to the blade thrust through its main body and did the same, as if trying to pull it out. It went fully limp after a few moments though, and moved no more as she took it outside and carelessly tossed its carcass off into the snow near the door.

The elf hadn't moved by the time she returned, blade bloodied with the spawn she had just birthed. She looked at Euria with a blank, questioning gaze, but it was unclear what exactly she was questioning. Did she wonder where the tentacle spawn was? Did she realize Euria had slain it and wondered why? Or was she so far gone that she suddenly no longer even recognized the nymph? Who could say, really, but Euria would have to try and deal with her somehow, or else abandon her to the orcs.


Euria kept a neutral expression as she returned, relieved to see that the elf hadn't moved. Her expression was a little worrying though. Did the woman realize what she'd done, was that what she was confused about? Did she truly have some twisted sort of affection for them after so long? Or was it something deeper than that? Euria carefully returned the glowing blade to its scabbard, intending to clean the blade later, when the elven woman might not be disturbed by the sight of the blood on the blade.

"Come on, let's get some clothes on you." Euria spoke softly as she gathered some of the clothes Elena had lent her, hoping that she would see some kind of recognition from the woman. If the elf didn't do anything to give her pause, she grabbed the fur-lined shirt and jacket, along with the buckskin pants and a set of socks and underwear, deciding to give her what seemed to be the warmest of the clothes on hand. If she remained compliant, and as long as she didn't make any indication that she wanted to do it herself, Euria set about helping her put the clothes on, also draping the cloak around her shoulders as an afterthought. She seemed like she'd liked the other one, after all.


Her rescued ward did nothing but watch her while Euria picked out an outfit for her, and seemed puzzled as Euria manhandled her into clothes. She still moved when directed, but didn't do so to help her get the other woman into her clothing. It was like she didn't even know how. She wasn't very strong either, and needed help with some things, but after a few minutes of struggle Euria had gotten her dressed. She still looked confused, however, and the nymph would have to figure out just what she wanted to do with her.

She would have almost an hour before Elena returned, and even then she mostly reported that she'd told everyone else the situation. By that point she would have to figure out how to care for the woman, and whether or not she trusted her to take care of herself in the greathall. Elena had to go and refill their wood supply, and though it was late in the day Euria could try to press her into the hunt now if she really wanted to.

However she spent her time that day, Euria would have several days at least before the elf seemed to be gaining strength. She displayed discomfort moving distances greater than a few feet at a time, had a lot of trouble with the concept of going to the bathroom like a civilized person, much to Elena's chagrin, and seemed to prefer crawling over walking, not surprising given how scabbed and scarred her knees were. The other orcs didn't seem to like her that much, but they put up with her and mostly left her alone. Euria would need to explain to Torguk how she'd found her, the man asking numerous prying questions until it became clear exactly how Euria had come across the woman, at which point he awkwardly let his line of questioning lapse.

(Probably a good time to switch back to posts.)
Re: Seek, Seek Fortune (Astarte)

Euria was disappointed to realize that the elf didn't even seem to understand how to put on clothing now, though she had been worried that might be the case. She seemed to have forgotten everything else, after all. It wasn't too long before Euria began to grow frustrated at having to deal with her, trying to reteach her what she seemed to have lost with limited success. What other choice did she have, though? She felt responsible for the woman, despite having no real reason to, and she couldn't simply leave her to die—As she certainly would if left on her own. The orcs had even less reason to take care of her, being an enemy to them at worst, or a slave at best. Leaving her with them wasn't really an option in her mind, as much as she liked some of them.

What did that leave her with but taking care of the woman herself until she could find help? And help wasn't going to be easy to find, not with how unfit the elf was for travel, especially in such a hostile environment. If she was alone it would be easy for Euria to make it to the nearest human settlement. She made such trips often, spending most of her time on the road or out in the wilds. It had become her natural environment, but she appreciated the dangers. Someone like this elven woman, even if she were sound of mind, was not physically suited to such an environment. Euria simply didn't see any other option though.

The nymph had been doing her best to offer help where she could to aid the orcs in their work, in exchange for the hospitality they had shown her and even the guest she had brought with her—as much as many of them didn't seem to like the elf—but she couldn't take advantage of their hospitality forever. Certainly not long enough for the elf to recover fully. She had been sure to avoid a repeat of her first night here, as much as some of the orcs may have wished otherwise, and even her own urges tried to push her. She simply wasn't willing to do that again so soon, not with the memories so fresh in her mind and no way to prevent an unwanted pregnancy.

As time passed though, she became more and more convinced that she needed to leave before much longer. That meant finding the elf woman something to wear that wasn't simply borrowed, mending her own attire... She needed to go hunting, as she'd discussed with Elena before. She had recovered enough to consider herself in good condition again, and her weapons were all in good condition, even if her armour wasn't. All that she really needed to do was find Elena and ask if the orc woman wished to join her, or if she'd be going alone. Hunting alone was something she was accustomed to, but she wouldn't turn down a partner if Elena was willing.

LEVEL UP. Spent 8 exp on the Resistant Talent and 8 exp on the Natural Succubus Talent, taking Succubus Magic (Gaining Apparent Innocence, Incredible Stamina, and Selective Fertility).
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Re: Seek, Seek Fortune (Astarte)

Euria: HP = 59, PP = 42, EP = 47, Status = Fine

Working to earn her keep took up a decent portion of Euria's time, leaving her with enough to try and teach the elf how to live like a sentient being rather than a brood sow and little else. The orcs were content to feed both of them so long as Euria helped with their work. She cleaned clothes, she helped excavate and shore up damaged portions of the old fortress, she kept watch, and she helped clean. After seeing the state of the blanket after their cleanup was finished, Elena gruffly told Euria she could keep it, and after cleaning it up it would serve as an adequate substitute for a bedroll, though it wasn't exactly comfortable. The nymph would manage to sneak out for a bath, at least, letting her clean off her tail and hair properly.

Eventually, however, it became clear that she would need some permanent clothes and to properly repair her armor, and when she approached Elena the orcess shrugged and said; "Sure. I need to check the traps and fishing lines anyway, maybe I'll catch something more substantial than a rabbit." She got her gear together, taking a crossbow and a spear in addition to the axe and shield she normally carried, donning a thick bearskin cloak that had been adorned with pine needles to lend it a bit of camouflage. Euria still had the clothes that the orcess had lent her, and as she hadn't yet repaired her stealth enhancing armor she would have to make do with it.

Elena grabbed a sled and dragged it along behind them, leading Euria to the hunting trails that the orcs had been using. She left the sled in a stand of woods near where they were to camp out, and she at least proved fairly lucky with the traps. There were several rabbits caught in traps, which she easily dispatched if they were still alive and returned to the sled, and had been lucky enough to catch an elk in one of them. The beast was thrashing, and probably would have destroyed the snare its legs was caught in within the hour if they hadn't come upon it when they did. Elena put an arrow through its throat, and finished it off with the spear before taking the carcass to the sled. The fish lines proved no less fruitful, offering over a dozen smaller trout and even a pair of larger bass, and she stowed those before covering the lot in fresh snow.

"We'd best keep close... I want to check on that regularly, but it'll be at least an hour dragging that back. There are foxes and wolves about that definitely wouldn't mind sneaking some of our kills," she said softly, cleaning off the tip of the spear. "C'mon, lets see if we can catch YOU anything."

The food supply secured, Elena and Euria ended up cautiously moving across the trails for a while, perhaps a couple of hours, and spotted nothing more than a fox that Elena got to first with a well aimed arrow. She shot Euria a wide smirk, but as she went to collect the kill a howl rose up in the distance, a ways to the Northeast. "Shit... I hoped they were further West today," the orcess muttered as she made sure the fox was dead and strapped it to her pack, "that's the local wolf pack... Dire wolves too, we don't want to run into them out here, and they can probably smell that sled. I really don't want to lose all that food to the wolves, we can give the trails one last check but we ought to head back."

Assuming Euria didn't argue with that idea, she would luck out, after a fashion, as they came upon a glade that had had a number of berry bushes. The fruit were toxic to people like them, but not so much for wild creatures - or even Euria herself if she opted to snag a few of the bitter berries - and as they crept through the woods Euria spotted a moose chewing on one of the branches, uncaring for the prickles as it took needles and berries alike. It had its back to the direction they were coming from, and the wind carried their scent away from it at the moment. Elena had spotted it too, and had her spear ready, but hesitated to let Euria go for the kill first if she preferred.
Re: Seek, Seek Fortune (Astarte)

Euria hadn't been out hunting without the aid of her chameleonic armour for some time now. She hadn't really thought about how much she'd come to rely on it until she'd been forced to go without it. However useful it was though, she was confident that she'd be fine without it. She had been before, after all, and despite the benefit it provided it was purely a visual effect. It was more useful in avoiding notice from humans, or others who relied on their eyes, than it was when dealing with animals who relied on multiple senses.

She otherwise prepared just as she always would if she were hunting alone. She strapped her shield to her arm, though it took a bit more effort to get it to fit snugly than it did over her armour's bracers, and collected the only weapons she normally carried: Her spear and a pair of javelins, though after a second thought she took the sword as well. The javelins might not seem like much compared to Elena's crossbow as a hunting implement, and indeed her mentor had taught her to shoot a bow in the past, but she preferred to rely on other means.

Her powers over ice were perfect for ensnaring her prey, and she was fast enough to keep up with many of them, especially with her other powers enhancing her abilities. Bringing prey down from a distance wasn't usually her main concern, but she preferred the javelins for when she needed to do so, they were much more likely to inflict a crippling wound. It had been quite a long time now since she'd hunted with a partner though, so she intended to keep to traditional tactics this time, as long as they continued to be effective.

The first part of their trip was uneventful, even boring to nymph as they checked all of the orcs' traps. Euria had of course used such traps before herself, but never in such number. She usually had only herself to feed, and was on the move too often to have any sort of long-term plans like this. The traps had been successful, at least, leaving Elena with an elk and a few smaller animals and fish, but those were their catches, not hers, and Euria was itching to get started.

"They might find there's already a bigger wolf waiting." Euria replied with a brief predatory grin to Elena's comments, though she was well aware that scavengers might try to snatch their kills. She couldn't help but feel anticipation though, the excitement at finally being back in her element. It was enough for her to simply forget the events of the past few days, at least for now. As much as exploring the remnants left behind by ancient people was her passion, these forests were her home. It was refreshing to be back in a familiar environment, even if these particular forests were unknown to her. "Let's get going, then. I'll warn you now, I can move fast out here."

The trails seemed oddly empty though, and the pair spotted nothing for some time. She continued regardless, keen eyes and ears hunting for any sign of movement, even occasionally sniffing the air for any signs of fresh scents. When they finally came across a fox Euria simply shrugged in response to Elena's grin when the orc got to it first—it wasn't what she was after anyway. She needed something bigger. Unfortunately, what she suspected to be the reason the area was so sparse with prey was soon revealed to them, a howl in the distance that Elena quickly identified as a dire wolf pack that had been seen in the area.

"We should be quick, then." Euria replied simply, "I can try again tomorrow if we don't find anything else." While she certainly considered herself a predator out here, Euria at least knew the dangers. She'd be a match for one or two she was certain, maybe even more, but to tangle with an entire pack of the beasts wasn't something she wanted to try. She knew enough to respect the strength of such predators... and perhaps there was even a hint of pride in there. After all, she shared much with those beasts that could inspire such fear and respect.

Fortunately it didn't take long before they found proper prey. She'd been about to stop to pluck a few berries she recognized from a nearby bush when her ears twitched at the sound of movement, her entire body freezing for a brief moment before she crept forward, spotting the moose grazing on berries. Yes, that would be perfect. Passing her spear off to her off hand she hefted one of her javelins before throwing it at the unsuspecting animal, hoping to cripple it before it could try to run. It was too large for her to rely on bringing it down in one strike though, and only moments after the weapon had left her hand she was sprinting across the clearing, spear ready to go in for the kill.

If it still proved able to flee faster than she could reach it, Euria would call upon her powers once again, this time those inherent to her nature as a nymph. Natural environments like this were the perfect hunting grounds for her for many reasons, and she demonstrated one as she simply seemed to meld into the trees and undergrowth, emerging barely a moment later from another point in the animal's path, spear ready to strike and bring it down.

Throwing a javelin and running in to finish it off with her spear if she can, otherwise using Leaf Walk for whatever distance necessary to intercept it with time to strike. Costs her 1 EP per 20 feet she needs to travel.

If attacks rolls are necessary:
Javelin - 8d10+4 Attack, 4d6+11 Damage. (I don't think throwing weapons benefit from her bonuses with shortened polearms at least? Though also probably a sneak attack, which would be +20.)
Spear - 12d10+4 Attack, 3d8+26 Damage.

Also, just in case it's relevant: Stealth is now 5d10+6 without her armour, Perception is 5d10+8 (+2 for Hearing, +6 for Scent),
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Re: Seek, Seek Fortune (Astarte)

Euria: HP = 59, PP = 42, EP = 42/47, Status = Fine

Euria's hurled javelin took the great beast in the shoulder, just behind the joint for its foreleg. It shrieked and bolted, still moving fast despite the spear jutting from its flesh, and Euria was forced to jump through the wood in order to get ahead of the galloping moose. It reared as she appeared in front of it, letting her stab it directly in the heart. It stumbled and collapsed in front of her, bleeding and panting in its final moments, which were thankfully brief. Elena came running up, padding softly through the snow, and smirked down at the dying beast.

"Nice... We usually don't catch anything that big without having to chase it a few miles," she said, before a howl caused her to look worriedly to the North. "C'mon, lets get back to the sled and get out of these woods," she added, grabbing a log and planting it under the moose to make dragging the carcass along easier.

Unfortunately, they weren't lucky enough to get back to the sled before those howls were getting close. They found the orc's kills untouched, but the howls were close now, barely a mile out. She hastily helped drag the moose carcass onto the pile and then started dragging it, but they hadn't gotten far by the time the howls were far too close for comfort. They could hear baying in the distance, and Elena cast her gaze around.

"We're not going to outrun them... We're going to have to abandon the sled," she said, already shrugging off the lines she'd used to drag it along.
Re: Seek, Seek Fortune (Astarte)

Euria only grinned in response to Elena's comments, relishing the chance to show off her talents back in her natural environment. Unfortunately, that elation was short lived as they heard another howl, closer than the last. The wolves were getting closer. Had they caught the scent of their kills from this far away, or was it merely coincidence? Either way, they'd catch it soon if they hadn't already, so they needed to move.

They dragged the moose back to the sled and began to drag it back toward the fort, but it quickly became evident that they wouldn't make it before the wolves were upon them at this speed. If it was only herself and something she could carry, Euria would be more than confident in her ability to outpace the beasts, but there was noting she could do to aid Elena or move the sled much faster though.

"I'd hate to leave this much behind..." Euria sighed, though she joined Elena in preparing to abandon it. As her mind raced for a better solution though, she did start to feel the workings of a plan come together. She'd have to do it alone, though, as it relied on her particular abilities—and her ability to escape if things went wrong.

"No... I think I might have a plan. You need to go though. You saw what I did earlier, right? I can do it over a greater distance if needed too, so I can escape if things go bad, but I'm assuming you don't have any way of outrunning wolves?" Already she'd begun moving, hoping Elena would listen to her. "Might have to sacrifice some of it, but I'm hoping I can save the rest."

If Elena did leave, Euria's first move was to push the moose carcass from the pile and into the snow, quickly drawing her sword and slicing a deep gash in its side. She needed its scent to be as strong as possible. With that done she dragged the sled a short distance away, ideally somewhere where the wind wouldn't carry to where she'd left the moose, and did her best to bury it in a layer of snow. With that done, she concentrated on her powers again, drawing out just enough to form a thick sheet of ice that crept up from the ground, forming into a solid dome over the concealed sled. That would prevent the scent from travelling, and with any luck the wolves would be satisfied with the moose she'd left behind. She didn't like the idea of leaving her own kill behind, but it was the most convenient bait, and big enough to hopefully satisfy them.

As soon as that was complete she headed back toward where she'd left the moose, eyes and ears alert for any sign of the wolves' approach, and occasionally sniffing at the air for any sign of their scent. With a quick use of the same power she'd used before, to distort her image and make her a little more difficult to detect she picked a tree not far from where she'd left the carcass, close enough that she could see it but in a position where the wind would be blowing toward her so as to not let them easily catch her scent, and quickly set to scaling it. She could escape quickly if discovered from a high point like this, but ideally she just wanted to hide and observe.

Casting Polar Binding X=3 to create an ice wall with 36 HP and 9 AV in the form of a dome over the sled, ideally airtight to keep the scent from escaping. Then using Cloak to cast Distortion at half effectiveness on herself (+3 Stealth/Dodge, giving her 5d10+9 stealth currently, without her armour). Then climbing a tree to hide and watch.
Re: Seek, Seek Fortune (Astarte)

Euria: HP = 59, PP = 42, EP = 39/47, Status = Fine, Polar Binding to protect the meat, Distortion on herself (+3 Stealth/Dodge)

Stealth: 43 for Euria, 53 for the fud.
Perception: 29, 46, 26, 26, 33, 45.

Elena would turn to Euria as she shrugged off the reins, and the nymph would see the orc getting ready to argue as soon as the suggestion that she leave her behind came up, but uneasy understanding dawned all too quickly. "Not on foot... Alright, but don't let me come back here to find yer bones! I want another chance to jump 'em at some point!" she replied, her voice low and distressed despite the joke. She reached out and thumped the nymph on the shoulder, "be safe!" and then turned and hurried off, rushing out of the glade while Euria was left to continue with her plan.

The sounds of the oncoming wolves spurred her to hurry, and luckily what she needed to do wasn't too difficult. The scent of fresh blood spilled forth as she cut open the fallen beast's belly, and it would linger in her nostrils as she hurriedly dragged the sled away, buried it in snow, and then covered it in a sheet of ice. It might have been the overpowering odor of the dead moose, but she couldn't smell it anymore, and hopefully that would be enough for the wolves.

Returning to where she'd left her own unfortunately abandoned kill, Euria was able to take up a post in a nearby tree just as the baying got particularly uncomfortably close, leaping up to the middle branches and then climbing to some of the higher ones. So long as the winds held, she'd be downwind of the moose and the wolves coming to eat it. Her own form distorted as well, her natural ability to camouflage herself covering for her and her borrowed clothing.

It was just in time too, as mere moments after she was situated the first wolf came bounding into the glade. It was huge, its shoulders easily up to her own, tongue lolling out between fangs as long as arrowheads. The first was covered in thick, light brown fur that darkened near the shoulders and lightened out to its shiny black snout. Its immensely long legs carried it easily over the foot deep layer of snow and could have carried it easily over even deeper layers, and it hurried over to the moose, sniffed at the fresh carcass, and then reared its head back and howled.

The rest of the pack zeroed in on the noise, first a nearly titanic black wolf that almost resembled a hellhound save for the length of its fur and shape of its tail and snout, then a smaller ivory wolf that still looked like it was verging on two hundred pounds, then a pair of grey wolves arrived together from nearly the same direction, and finally another brown wolf that was a bit darker than the others, one with a long scar across the front of its face. They didn't descend onto the kill immediately, instead carefully padding around the glade while a pair of their number advanced, sniffing at it. They eventually seemed to consider the moose sufficient, and the majority of the pack quickly descended on the kill... The majority. One wolf, the pale one, sniffed the air and then padded around a bit more, eventually coming to the foot of Euria's tree... And then looking up.

The dire wolf's ears flicked, and it looked at the pack, sniffed at the base of the tree, near her foot prints, and then looked back up. It looked back to the pack, and the scarred wolf looked up, licking blood from its maw. It came over, sniffing, and then looked up as the white wolf did, both gazing mostly in Euria's direction. After a few moments they seemed to lose interest, but continued to glance over at the tree regularly over the course of their meal. Euria had to watch them tear her kill apart, thoroughly ruining the hide she would have used to make the elf some clothes, and also shred and devour much of the meat. The pack predators began to take turns after a while, most eating while a pair kept watch, and then they were done they ripped off several chunks including both of the rear legs, kicked some now onto the carcass to cover it, and then padded out of the glade much more slowly than they'd been going when they arrived.

A familiar horn played a few moments later, the one used by the orcs for various signals. They'd taught her how to interpret it while she was staying there, the signal for oncoming reinforcements one she hadn't actually heard yet but one she had been taught to recognize, but they weren't there yet, and the dire wolves had left, leaving Euria a few moments to do as she liked at the very least. The orcs' kills hadn't been disturbed, and there was still a bit of meat on the moose, though it certainly wasn't much.
Re: Seek, Seek Fortune (Astarte)

"Don't worry, you'll get your chance." Euria grinned, looking much more confident about her chances than Elena did. "This isn't my first time dealing with wolves, and the big ones still act like the little ones. I'm not planning to put myself in any danger here. Now go, there's no time to waste." She shooed Elena away with her reassurances.

Tense moments passed as Euria did her best to remain quiet and still once she'd found her perch, watching the wolves carefully descend upon the bait she'd left them. She hated to leave such a nice kill for scavengers, especially as much as she needed it now, but it was the best choice of a sacrifice. She hadn't been lying when she said she knew how to deal with beasts like these, but that also meant that she knew well enough to respect the danger they posed.

Seeing them now, they were massive, several almost as tall as her even while on all fours, and far bulkier. At a glance she gave herself a good chance at one or two, maybe more if she got the drop on them, but this entire pack would be too much. Wolves were clever, they fought together as a pack, and she was well aware of that advantage. She briefly considered using her innate druidic talents to speak to them, but she decided it was too risky in the end. She wasn't certain whether they would see some sort of kinship in her as a result of her own wolflike qualities, and there was no guarantee that it would matter even if they did.

Euria gripped one of her javelins tighter as one of the wolves approached her tree. Sometimes her natural pheremones were a curse rather than a blessing, especially for a hunter like herself. I mattered less among humans, whose noses were nowhere near as keen as her own, but it made remaining undetected by animals such as these wolves difficult. She was ready to leave at a moment's notice if her presence began to cause problems. Fortunately it seemed that while a couple of them had apparently caught her scent, they either didn't know where she was or had no interest in her as long as she remained here. That was why she'd climbed up here after all, somewhere the wolves wouldn't easily be able to reach her.

The minutes stretched on as the nymph waited in silence, observing the wolves as they ate and then finally left. The hide was ruined, much to her chagrin, and she wasn't sure what meat they'd left was worth salvaging. Once they'd gone far enough that she could safely move, she dropped back down to the lower branches, then softly into the snow below, still frowning at the sight of her ruined prize. She was planning to wait a little longer before uncovering the sled, not wanting the scent to draw the wolves back, but she began to make her way back to it only to hear a horn in the distance.

Running the signals she'd been told about through her mind quickly, she quickly realized what it was. "That fool..." she muttered under her breath, ears perking up for any sign that the wolves might have reacted to the sound. Did Elena truly think she'd get herself killed out here? Was she that worried? Trying to narrow down the direction and rough distance the horn had come from, she once again strode straight into the tree beside her, becoming one with the plants themselves as she quickly travelled toward the source of the noise, emerging onto the upper branches of a tree along their path if she found Elena or other Orcs she recognized.

"Put that thing away!" She hissed as she dropped down from the tree's branches and into the snow once again, "The wolves are already leaving, don't alarm them with your horns."

Leaf Walking again, and since she's out of combat I assume 1 EP is all it will need here (I doubt she needs to travel more than 10 miles, at least).
Re: Seek, Seek Fortune (Astarte)

Euria: HP = 59, PP = 42, EP = 38/47, Status = Fine, Polar Binding to protect the meat, Distortion on herself (+3 Stealth/Dodge)

Emerging from the wood itself, up in the branches, luckily it was Euria's voice that startled them and not her display of magic, even if her variety was far more tolerable in orcish society. She did appear above nearly the entire warband, however, including Elena, Torguk, and Nils, and everyone was well armed. Her announcement caused a commotion that nearly drowned out her command, and she nearly got a spear tossed her way for her trouble before the orc who had been about to throw it was stopped by the one who'd been speaking to Elena by the portcullis when she had come up, whom she now knew was named Angrog.

The orcs partially relaxed as Euria dropped down in front of them, but the hornblower, a lanky orc woman named Kreila, scowled at her. "We were doin it to SCARE 'em off, animals don't tend to like the sound of it," she informed the nymph crossly, though whether or not Euria bothered to answer her was up to the nymph. "Let 'em come, against this many they'd get chased off or made into pelts," Nils declared confidently, flicking the string of a shortbow she was carrying.

"Yeah, but they might come back for more of OUR food if we draw them back," Elena added in a growl, before turning her attention to Euria fully. "You got away alright... What about the kills? Is there anything worthwhile left? I got this lot together to see if we could get out quick enough to save some of it" she added, and Euria would notice that she was sweating profusely still and seemed slightly winded.

"Which we might still be able to do... If we don't stop standing around flapping our jaws," Torguk added impatiently, to which Kreila, Angrog, and a few other orcs nodded. "Didn't youy hear her? The wolves are already gone!" Nils said exasperatedly, "honestly, if pigs walked on two legs..."
Re: Seek, Seek Fortune (Astarte)

Euria simply sighed as the orcs bickered among themselves, shaking her head. She hadn't expected Elena to bring so much help, or so quickly. "I told you I had a plan," She fixed Elena with an accusing look for a moment before simply sighing again. She was quite literally in her element out here, between the forests and the frigid weather. If she was someone who put more value in pride, she might have even been offended at Elena's apparent lack of faith in her. "I live out here most of the time. I'd have been dead a long time ago if I didn't know how to deal with the wildlife. Luckily they were already leaving when you showed up, I'm not sure how they would have reacted if you'd interrupted their meal. Big things like them tend not to scare as easily as ordinary animals, and some of them are quite big."

"Anyway, since you're here, someone make themselves useful and help me drag the rest back. I had to sacrifice the moose as bait, not sure if there's much salvageable left of that, but everything else is safe." She gave Elena another look, though there was no malice behind it. Turning around and motioning for the others to follow, she started to retrace her steps from earlier, heading back to where she'd left the sled and the rest of the kills. "Come on, it's this way. Let's go before something else finds them."
Re: Seek, Seek Fortune (Astarte)

Euria: HP = 59, PP = 42, EP = 38/47, Status = Fine, Polar Binding to protect the meat, Distortion on herself (+3 Stealth/Dodge)

"Dealing with the wildlife is one thing," Elena began to reply only for Torguk to quickly cut her off; "But dealing with the wolves AND keeping OUR kills intact, maybe not!" Elena shot him an annoyed look for his interruption, but he seemed resolute and unapologetic. "Besides, it's not like it'd hurt for us to come out... Big or no, they're just wolves. They'll avoid a fight before they start one unless they're near the den, starved, rabid, or corrupt. We know where their den is and it's far from here, killing the last two are a necessity, and if they're starved... Well, easy kills."

Callous as it might be, Euria knew from experience that his logic was fairly sound. Natural predators would defend a kill if they thought it wouldn't risk injury, but a wounded pack member couldn't help hunt but would still need food, and even dire wolves had learned to feat civilized folk when they were armed and in large numbers. A group like this would probably be able to force them off a kill, if they weren't already too late like in this instance, and if it did come to a fight... Well, orcs were known for their ability to fight, and this group hardly seemed less capable than most.

"Whatever... It doesn't matter, we're here now! What happened? Did they get the sled?" Elena asked, and when Euria explained sardonically there was a collective look of mixed relief and annoyance in varying levels of both depending on the person involved. "Well... You don't need me for that. I'll just... Go back then," Nils said, rolling her eyes and shifting away. A couple others, including the hornblower Kreila, moved to do much the same. "Well... Good work. Torguk, c'mon, lets go and get that sled," Angrog said stoically, rolling her eyes in turn in response to Nils' retreat and moving to follow Euria immediately.

Torguk, however, looked a little sour and hesitated to move to follow him. "You really don't need to be so... Scathing. Not a one of us have ANY idea what it is you're capable of. We didn't just come out to secure our own investments, we came out here because we thought you might be in danger, and you've proven yourself worthy of being called a friend!" He declared, and with that said he moved to follow, along with Elena and two other orcs.

The sled was just where she'd left it, still protected by her icy barrier. That was easily dispelled, and when it was Torguk and Angrog both whistled impressively. "Wow... You weren't kidding Elena," The former said softly, running a hand over the carcass of the elk. "That'll be enough hide to finish Nils' little pet project. I bet she'll be happy." Elena, however, rubbed her chin for a moment and said; "You know... She gave up a pretty big kill herself, a bull moose! And to protect all of our food too... Why don't we let HER have first pick of the pelts? She needs to make something for that elf so we can get her out of our hair anyway, right?"

Angrog scowled at that and immediately shook his head. "No, no... OUR traps took these, it wouldn't be right to let her have first choice. No, even if she might deserve SOMETHING... Can you imagine how insufferable Nils will be if she doesn't get that hide? We haven't seen an elk all month, and she won't use anything else," He grunted softly, but Elena and Torguk both scowled. It was the latter who spoke first; "Nils can wait, if there's one elk around there will surely be more. We wouldn't even HAVE the elk pelt OR the meat if Euria hadn't managed to lead the wolves off, and she gave up her own kill in the process. We owe her!"

Torguk nodded his agreement, "She's right Grok... Lets let her have that one. We can keep the meat, it's not like she'll need that right away anyway, right? I think that's probably worth enough food to get them a ways when... If they decide to leave too, don't you think?" Elena nodded enthusiastically, and even the other two orcs glanced at one another and ultimately nodded in agreement. Angrog still frowned, but couldn't seem to muster a counter argument and finally sighed. "Fiiiiiine, but I'm not explaining it to the others!" He said, and Elena nudged Euria with her elbow while Angrog and Torguk grabbed the line for the sled and started dragging it back towards the ruined fortress.

The trip wasn't too long, especially with two people dragging the sled now, and when they arrived the rest of the orcs were on high alert. They looked relieved at the sight of the group and sled, however, and relaxed visibly as they drew nearer to the dilapidated walls. "Ggggnnnnnn... C'mon... Just a little further," Angrog grunted, turning aside with Torguk, but Elena grabbed Euria's hand if she went to follow them and said; "You don't need to follow them... They're just going to put everything on ice while we sort things out. Got any idea of what else you need so that elf can have a change of clothes? I think I'll just... Let her keep the ones she's been wearing. I'll be down a set for a while, but I can make do. She'll definitely need some boots, and some wool socks if you can manage them... There's a pack of mountain sheep that lives nearby, we can try to get what you need from them. That elk skin could make for trousers or a jacket warm enough to get by, but probably not both. It's too bad about that moose... Damn wolves! Uhhh, no offense!"
Re: Seek, Seek Fortune (Astarte)

"Sorry. I'm just... not used to working with other people." Euria sighed as Torguk commented on her attitude. "I just get a little tense when something unexpected interferes with my planning. Thanks for coming out here for me though, I guess I forgot what it's like to have someone looking out for you." It was an unfamiliar feeling, now that she took some time to think about it. It had been a long time since she'd worked with anyone, ever since she'd left her old mentor. She visited human towns, but she never stayed for long, only remaining for as long as it took to conclude her business there. She had honestly forgotten what it was like to have someone looking out for her.

Once they reached the place she'd hidden the sled, she dismissed the barrier concealing it, the supernatural ice melting away in moments. She was relieved to see that nothing had stumbled across it in the mean time, the rest of their catches still safe and intact. The loss of the moose was unfortunate, but it was necessary. She was sure that the wolves wouldn't have been satisfied if she'd just left them a rabbit, and after seeing the pack she wasn't confident in her ability to fight them off alone.

"What is it Nils is working on?" She asked after Torguk and Angrog pulled the sled away, a small frown tugging at her lips. She needed the material, that much was true, but she didn't feel entirely comfortable taking something that Nils had apparently been after for so long. Unfortunately, nothing else they'd caught besides the moose she'd had to sacrifice was really suitable for her needs. "I can try again tomorrow if I need to. I do need to move on soon, to do... something about her, but I'm sure I can spare time for another hunting trip."

"Thank you for the offer, that will make my job a little easier. As for what I need, hm..." Euria took a few moments to think through what she still needed, merely grinning and shrugging at Elena's wolf comment. "Yeah, socks and boots will be important for her, I think my own boots are probably still intact enough to mend. The rest will need more specialized materials though. All I really need is something light, the cold isn't a problem for me, but she'll definitely need a coat of some kind."
Re: Seek, Seek Fortune (Astarte)

Euria: HP = 59, PP = 42, EP = 38/47, Status = Fine, Distortion on herself (+3 Stealth/Dodge)

"You are welcome," Torguk responded simply, and then let the matter drop.

Once they were at the sled and arguing over who would get what, Euria's question earned a snort from Angrog, but it was Elena who replied; "It's some tomfoolery with a cape and tassles and... Look, it's a vanity project, something she took out of a human book that she thought looked nice, but she's putting her own spin on it. The cape she already half made is elk hide though, so she doesn't want to mix materials or she'll have to do a lot of dye work for something that... Probably won't look very good. But it's not something that she actually needs, and if this is a sign that the elk run is starting early she'll have plenty more opportunities coming up soon."

When they had returned to the fortress and Elena and Euria were conversing off to the side, the nymph's reply had Elena scratching her chin ponderously. "Hmmm, well... The elk can make her a nice warm jacket, and the boots you've got covered I guess... That means socks are the priority? Those shouldn't be too difficult to get the materials for... We make sure the sheep stick around by keeping the wolves South and West, and we don't hunt them and give over some food from the lowlands every once in a while. That keeps them pretty docile, but the ram is a bit of a prick, so you'll need one of us. I'm on watch tomorrow, but maybe if I can get someone to cover my shift I can go do that. It's not safe out now, even with the dire wolves fed and heading home... It's going to be dark soon. Why don't you see if you can get lucky hunting tomorrow, or maybe teach your new friend a little bit more, and I'll go get you some wool? If I can't go, I'm sure you can get Torguk to do it. It'd be better to send one of us anyway. Sound like a plan to you?"

Assuming Euria was amenable to that arrangement, the orcess would smile impishly and glance back towards the direction Torguk and Angrog had gone with the orc's kills, then back into the fortress. "Well then... Looks like you and I have a bit of time to kill, don't we? Unless... You already had plans?" She said mischievously, quirking an eyebrow towards the end of her query, letting the out she'd provided hang in the air while a playful and hopeful smirk broadened her cheeks.
Re: Seek, Seek Fortune (Astarte)

Euria frowned as Elena explained what Nils wanted the elk hide for, but she let the matter drop there. She didn't agree with the dismissive attitude, but practicality won out. If it really was just a vanity project, then Euria herself was definitely the one with the greater need for it. Besides, while she didn't wish to wear out her welcome—particularly that of the elf she'd found herself taking care of—she figured she could stay for a little while longer yet, plenty of time for another hunting trip or two. The offer to help her collect some wool was certainly welcome though, she didn't thought she'd have a chance to find anything like that without returning to civilization first.

"Thanks, that would be a big help." Euria replied, mentally going through what else she still needed. She could probably make due with just the elk hide and wool, but something more would be ideal, so another trip was likely in order. "I'll try to make another trip tomorrow too, see if I can't catch anything else. If I can find more Elk, or enough else I can use, we won't have to worry about this."

Elena's suggestive comments afterwards, however, left Euria a little conflicted. Normally she'd never pass up such a blatant proposition, not from someone like Elena, but she wasn't certain she was ready for that yet. Not only would she have to be careful, the threat of winding up pregnant not inconsiderate now that she'd been forced to use all of the potions she'd brought with her, but her recent experiences were still all too vivid in her mind.

She hadn't mentioned it to her hosts—the topic was a little awkward to bring up, and she didn't need them worrying over her any more than some already seemed to—but she'd been having nightmares about that beast she'd killed beneath the fort. About what could have happened if she'd been just a bit less lucky. She wasn't sure how well she'd handle what Elena was proposing.

"You have something in mind?" Euria met the orc's mischievous look with an evasive response, giving a small smirk of her own. She was tempted, certainly, but a little afraid too. Sex had never been something scary to her, being born a nymph and raised among faeries. She'd never had the libido of her sisters, but she'd always enjoyed it... she didn't want that to change. If she let this keep hanging over her, she wasn't sure how long it'd be before she'd work up the courage to try again, especially after she left this place and was away from any sort of friendly faces again.

Can drop her Distortion buff too. Would have done that before even talking to the orcs, but I forgot about it.