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Senran Kagura Shinobi Roleplay Interest Check/Sign-Ups

S u r i

Grim Reaper
May 22, 2011
Reputation score
  • The roleplay would be set in the Senran Kagura Universe. Ninjas are trained in academies, some are hidden within public schools while others are simply hidden away from societies. Some schools even operate as tech schools, or have a corporate front.
  • This particular RP would have would-be shinobi participating in something known as the "USI." USI standing for United Shinobi Initiative. Where the students are invited to take part, team up, and learn with shinobi from around the country.
  • The shinobi world has two distinct factions. Simply polarized by good and evil. However, with the recent events occuring, the line between the two factions have blurred. Four teams of shinobi have proven that there are forces at work that are much worse. Forces that threaten the whole world. With permission from the organizations, they have come together to create the USI.
  • The players will be taking control of a fresh set of students who, at most, have minimal experience with the ways of the shinobi. They come from all walks of life, different origin schools, and different factions.
  • Players can create their own OCs as long as they run the character idea by me first. OCs are not restricted to gender, and can both be male or female. For character choices or inspirations, refer to
  • The characters of Asuka, Ikaruga, Katsuragi, Yagyu, Hibari, Homura, Hikage, Haruka, Mirai, Yomi, Miyabi, Imu, Ryobi, Ryona, Murasaki, Yumi, Yozakura, Minori, Murakumo, and Shiki are off-limits.

Oh yes, this will be a chat-based RP in the

And while it may seem rather odd given the nature of the girls and source material, I want it to be smut-minimal. Nudity and all that such is more than welcome. However, I am open to overturning this decision is enough people come to me about it. So make sure you let your opinion be known. c:

So, go ahead and sign up...show interest...stuff. ...Thingies.
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Re: Senran Kagura Shinobi Roleplay Interest Check/Sign-Ups

Biography Template
Age (Remember, this is an adult RP):
School (optional):
Guardian (This refers to the animal/creature that the shinobi calls upon for strength and their special attacks, this should be left blank until you find out what it is in the RP):
Favorite Food:
Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Cup (if applicable):

Appearance (images are welcome):


Additional Info:
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Re: Senran Kagura Shinobi Roleplay Interest Check/Sign-Ups

Name: Kuroyuki, Kimiko
Gender: Female
Birthday: 21st May
School: Gessen Girls' Academy
Guardian: Wolf
Weapon: Wakizashi
Hobby: cooking
Favorite Food: Self made Ramen
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: whine red
Height: 5,3 foot
Cup: C


Personality: She's rather joyful, and cherishes being alive with every moment. at the same time she is rather lonesome and prefers doing Difficult tasks alone. she hates Competition in any way and is most likely to stay away from friendly Spars instead of taking them on. she would rather Forefit it instead of beating the crap out of her opponent. which doesn't make her weaker in any way, she is still a capable Shinobi.
and very skilled at that

Additional Info: Her Wakizashi is infused with Electricity which Enhance her Skills as well since her Guardian Spirit is also linked to Electricity

Hidden Ninpo: "Paralizing Jaw"
four swift slashes with her Electricity engulfed Wakizashi. in action it would look like a jaw
Closing for a Single Bite. has a low Stun chance

Hidden Ninpo: "Rapid strike" (Not learned yet as well)
She trust's her Wakizashi forward, engulfed in Electricity. Her Guardian then Emerges from the Tip and Rushes in that Direction. Stunning and Damaging Enemies in the Path.

Ultimate Ninpo: >no clue abut this stuff<
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Re: Senran Kagura Shinobi Roleplay Interest Check/Sign-Ups

Name: Sorcha Ní Lorcán
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Birthday: 14 March
School: 死塾月閃女学館 (Gessen Girls' Academy)
Guardian: "Nessie," the Loch Ness Monster
Weapon: Claymore
Hobby: Swimming, Hiking, Golf
Favorite Foods: Steak, Dark Chocolate
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Gray
Height: 6’ 0” / 1.83m
Cup (if applicable): 36F

Personality: Sorcha was born in the Scottish Highlands to a Japanese father and a Scottish mother. She learned use of the claymore while living in Scotland, but then her family moved to Japan while she was in junior high school. She feels awkward due to towering over most men (and women), especially in Japan. This is compounded by the fact that she still has a slight accent, so she feels like an outsider most of the time, keeping to herself.

In combat, however, Sorcha is something of a beast, laying into enemies with a combination of Japanese martial arts and Scottish claymore training. She is also quite capable of taking damage without flinching, although there are limits, obviously.

Besides combat, the only place where Sorcha really feels at home is in natural bodies of water. She’s always been drawn to the “lochs,” for some reason… perhaps because she’s not tall or foreign in the water, just another swimmer. Either way, though, she likes to spend most of her leisure time near or in the water.

Additional Info:

Secret Ninja Art: Scales of the Beast (learned)
Sorcha's movements are slightly slower, but her skin becomes incredibly tough, able to shrug off or at least greatly reduce the damage from most attacks, even an opponent's hidden ninpo. This is a defensive stance, reducing Sorcha's attacking abilities significantly, but virtually nullifying those of her adversaries.

Secret Ninja Art: Jaws of the Hydra (not learned)
Sorcha channels a multi-headed Loch Ness Monster, up to nine claymore attacks from different locations and able to be directed at different targets, the attacks all landing simultaneously.

Super Secret Ninja Art: Leviathan (not learned)
Sorcha channels the Loch Ness Monster in a berserker rage, able to shrug off attacks while dealing unstoppable claymore attacks and charging through any resistance.
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Re: Senran Kagura Shinobi Roleplay Interest Check/Sign-Ups

Interest shown as well, personally wouldn't mind smut being a bit more prevalent in the RP.

Name: Natsu Yotsuharu.
Age (Remember, this is an adult RP):20
Birthday:August 2nd.
School (optional): Hanzo National Academy.
Guardian (This refers to the animal/creature that the shinobi calls upon for strength and their special attacks, this should be left blank until you find out what it is in the RP):
Weapon: Daggers, knives, blood
Hobby: Exploring, wood carving and sculpturing, low budget cooking.
Favorite Food: Dried fruit. Pizza sticks. Oranges and Strawberries.
Hair Color: White.
Eye Color: Light green.
Height: 1.54m/5.05 ft

Appearance (images are welcome):

Personality: Natsu is dutiful, if easy going, preferring to find simple and quick solutions to problems. Friendly, and kind to a fault, he is the least likely to chastise someone for their mistakes, though he is likely to offer a hand and advice from his own, low budget, perspective. He is perpetually hungry.

Additional Info: He suffers from a mild case of anemia, an illness that assails all of his family because of techniques they developed.

The techniques the main branch of his family has developed have earned them the reputation of vampires. Though the branch families have managed to stay relatively clear from that same reputation.

He’s got at least 8 knives, with their sheaths on his person at all times, regardless of how little clothing he might sport. He comes from a well known family that developed techniques meant to control oneself’s blood and with some prerequisites, the blood of others.

Secret technique (Blood siblings): Through a pact, a contract, a person can give ‘permission’ to Natsu to control their blood to his liking and needs.

Secret technique (Hunter’s senses): Through a rapid deterioration of his own life, his blood, Natsu can heigthen his senses, being able to locate living beings of warm blood at as far as 25m.

Secret technique (Blood scythe): Despite its name, the technique is based around hardening one’s blood. It can be used defensively… to the user’s own risk… or offensively as intended by Natsu’s family, who used their dripping blood to create blood scythes. Despite the name, more weapons can be made besides scythes. Natsu in particular prefers making more knives.

Secret art (Wicked fangs):
Natsu performs aimed attacks -using his knives (with the hilt or blunt sides on humans) or his barehands- aimed at the joints, pressure points and and major blood vessels in quick succession with the intent of disabling the enemy.

Secret art (Vampire wings) -not learned yet-:
With the help of his guardian Natsu, sprouting large, rock hard wings, and rushes forward into the fray, tackling and slashing enemies with either his arms or his wings.

Super Secret Ninja art (Festival of blood) -not learned yet-: Natsu uses his family's signature weapon, the Blood Scythe, and oozing the vitall liquid. He strikes twice with superb accuracy, the oozing blood hardening into thin, sharp sheets to extend the range of the attack.
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Re: Senran Kagura Shinobi Roleplay Interest Check/Sign-Ups

I have heard the voices. The smut will be a little more prevalent. I hope that encourages more people to join. Not too many people though. I am just a blanket.
Re: Senran Kagura Shinobi Roleplay Interest Check/Sign-Ups

You already know the answer, MAMF. But yes. Traps are welcome.
Re: Senran Kagura Shinobi Roleplay Interest Check/Sign-Ups

(I apologize in advance for anything and everything)

Name: Rinnosuke(last), Souta(first)
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Birthday: January 1st
School (optional): Hanzo Academy (I suppose)
Guardian: WHO KNOWS
Weapon: Wire Sword (Really sharp, really light, but not a good idea to block with it.)
Hobby: Health & Fitness
Favorite Food: Broccoli
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Blue/Red (Heterochromia)
Height: 4'11"
Cup (if applicable): AAA


Personality: Rinnosuke Souta is a health guru. Born of small stature, they were challenged with life's mundane but laborious tasks. Souta idealizes the saying "Size Doesn't Matter" and as they dedicated their body and mind to endless training and meditation, has become capable of overcoming the difference in size that even most women have over him. Filled with Determination, Souta believes success can come simply by trying hard enough. Souta is optimistic, and doesn't believe in being lazy. All the same, he is not vindictive of those who don't believe in his philosophy, instead he tries to set an example for others to follow and encourages them to pick themselves up even when life hits them hard. Souta never dwells on life's problems, he believes only on focusing how to fix them.

Additional Info: Hardcore Maso. Oh, and for styles, he basically takes the Luffy approach and uses powerful yet very simple sword strikes while giving them cool names.
Re: Senran Kagura Shinobi Roleplay Interest Check/Sign-Ups

From the looks of it, I'll be doing this on Thursdays. Perhaps around at...3pm or 4pm US Central.
Re: Senran Kagura Shinobi Roleplay Interest Check/Sign-Ups

Name: Momoyo Kawakami
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Birthday: August 31st
School (optional):
Guardian (This refers to the animal/creature that the shinobi calls upon for strength and their special attacks, this should be left blank until you find out what it is in the RP): Whoooo knows
Weapon: FISTS
Hobby: Fitness, Groping
Favorite Food: Dumplings
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Red
Height: 5'8"
Cup (if applicable): H Cup

Appearance (images are welcome): http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/picture.php?albumid=1255&pictureid=17512

Personality: Haughty, and tomboyish. Momoyo is quite into her training, and prefers to spend much of her freetime trying to get better so that she can have skills to back up said personality. At the same time though she has extreme difficulty not teasing other girls, or guys, she doesn't really mind either way.

Additional Info:

Hidden Ninpo: "Explosive Punch" (Not learned yet)
Puts all her energy into a single attack, with explosive results and extreme damage.

Hidden Ninpo: "Wild Toughness" (Not learned yet as well)
Momoyo hardens her body, and launches into a full assault as she barrels through hits instead of dodging them.

Ultimate Ninpo: *Shrugs*
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Re: Senran Kagura Shinobi Roleplay Interest Check/Sign-Ups

Name: Satomi Kimura
Age (Remember, this is an adult RP):23
Gender: Female
Birthday: June 23
School (optional):Shinozuka Industrial High
Guardian (This refers to the animal/creature that the shinobi calls upon for strength and their special attacks, this should be left blank until you find out what it is in the RP): Unknown
Hobby:Target shooting, reading (Anything to learn something new), photography (Recent hobby but pursues with passion)
Favorite Food:Steak frites
Hair Color:Black
Eye Color: Dark Blue
Height:5 foot 10 inches
Cup (if applicable):B-C range

Appearance (images are welcome):http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/picture.php?albumid=1238&pictureid=17517

Personality: A very serious young woman, Satomi took to her studies and her marksmanship at a young age. She always sought to perfect both her rifle work in addition to her shinobi training, feeling mastering only one would be improper or lazy. In her free time, she spends much of it either continuing her studies, at the range shooting or reading from her sizable collection. On the side, she's also an amateur photographer. Something fun to do when she didn't want to be serious for a change.

Additional Info:
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Re: Senran Kagura Shinobi Roleplay Interest Check/Sign-Ups

Name: Aruru
Age (Remember, this is an adult RP): 21
Gender: Female
Birthday: January 2nd
School (optional):
Guardian (This refers to the animal/creature that the shinobi calls upon for strength and their special attacks, this should be left blank until you find out what it is in the RP): Annoying White Doge
Weapon: Atrociously large toy hammer
Hobby: Food, Things that move, Things that smell, Running, Bathing in sunlight, Conversation, Butts
Favorite Food: Iced Cream
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Height:5 foot 9 inches
Cup (if applicable): B

Appearance (images are welcome):

Personality: Aruru is a passionate animal lover. Though her favorite of all is the social man's best friend, the dog. After the passing of her own canine, coming along a spirit animal in the form of her annoying white Pomeranian only seemed natural, and with it came her natural attunement to the mind of the dog and its senses, able to use her heightened sense of smell and sound to hunt things down. Despite being like a predator when using her canine companion, Aruru is very playful, and socially open to making friends. She is highly expressive of her emotions, finding it impossible to withhold secrets as you can get a gist of what she's thinking based on her expression. That and she loves talking so much she'll accidentally spill the beans anyway. Though, despite her very agreeable personality and urge to conversate with everyone, she has a voracious appetite. She will eat whatever is in front of her until her body looks like a football, so long as it is delicious, thanks to her being raised in an orphanage and served slop all her life. She feels she needs to make up for 16 years of missing sweat foods.

Additional Info: Happy-go-lucky dog girl with a powerful ability for tracking down just about everything.
Re: Senran Kagura Shinobi Roleplay Interest Check/Sign-Ups

Name: Benki Musashibou
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Birthday: July 3rd
School (optional):
Guardian (This refers to the animal/creature that the shinobi calls upon for strength and their special attacks, this should be left blank until you find out what it is in the RP): Kamaitachi
Weapon: Staff
Hobby: Fitness, Groping
Favorite Food: Sake
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Purple
Height: 6'0"
Cup (if applicable): F Cup


Hidden Ninpo: "True Length Swing"
Benki swings her staff infront of her, and the air around the weapon's tip hardens, allowing her to hit enemies at great distance.

Hidden Ninpo: "Kamanchi's Grace"
Benki moves like the creature's she's named after, traveling with the speed of the wind for a brief moment while her formerly blunt pole gains razor edges of wind.

Ultimate Ninpo: "Stand until Death"
Benki gains an extreme boost in durability and power, but is no longer able to move, rooted to her position. If she moves further then two steps in any direction her power is lost.
Re: Senran Kagura Shinobi Roleplay Interest Check/Sign-Ups

Is futa acceptable for a characters gender?
Re: Senran Kagura Shinobi Roleplay Interest Check/Sign-Ups

We've kinda started the RP already. Sorry, Tentax.