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Shrike's RP: Laws of the Night

Re: Shrike's RP: Laws of the Night

Technically, you don't need any books, though the one I linked to will help. When actual rules come into play, I won't be using the tabletop version, I'll be using the LARP version, as I have oodles more experience with it. Most of the descriptions and such are the same, so there isn't much change in what you already know, it's more just to make it easier for me ;)
Re: Shrike's RP: Laws of the Night

Was hoping I wouldn't have to double post, but oh well.

I am officially back from vacation, though my life is still in boxes. There were a couple people here I was expecting to post, so I'm just going to get started somewhat. Going to PM Nunu for a forum, once that's up I'll get started on character creation.
Re: Shrike's RP: Laws of the Night

Okay I'll watch out for a new forum then.
Re: Shrike's RP: Laws of the Night

Alright, we have our own subforum, and I've made an introductory thread to get things started, feel free to wander on over and start asking questions, I'm sure there's going to be plenty to ask.
Re: Shrike's RP: Laws of the Night

Ah now I see why it's not familiar I was thinking of Vampire:Masquerade-Redemption, not Bloodlines. You play as a French crusader who gets embraced and then play through dark age prague and Vienna before moving on to modern London and New York. I remember the game was really bug-ridden, but what else would you get from Troika.

The one thing that sticks out for me from Redemption (which I still haven't played yet) is the review I read many, many moons ago..."The game then switches to modern day and you, Crusader boy, have to learn to use a gun."

Alright, we have our own subforum, and I've made an introductory thread to get things started, feel free to wander on over and start asking questions, I'm sure there's going to be plenty to ask.

I need to find this sub-board here...I'll ask more questions there.
Re: Shrike's RP: Laws of the Night

Thanks. Found it already, though.