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Sin's Sketches


H-Section Moderator
H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
Reputation score
So here I'll be presenting some of the simple concept sketches I hope to do for my writing. It's nothing great really, just concepts to add a visual element. All done mostly with a .7mm mechanical pencil, paper shaders (can't remember the proper name), rulers, and a shading pencil in my sketchbook.

Known as Excalibur in most stories in the English language, this is the sword King Arthur wielded. In 'War of the Damned' Gwenhwyfar has taken her husbands blade as her own.
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Re: Sin's Sketches

Nice sword. It looks nice dispite being so simple. I also like that you hand writing looks just like mine. Soo... I'll just go now.
Re: Sin's Sketches

Nice sword. It looks nice dispite being so simple. I also like that you hand writing looks just like mine. Soo... I'll just go now.

Well I was actually going for a somewhat simple design, inspired by both Celtic and Roman swords for the hilt.

Heh, my hand writing is horribly messy, mostly because I hardly write with pen and paper except for jot notes.
Re: Sin's Sketches

Yeah, never really figured out how to write nicely myself. What do you write?
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Re: Sin's Sketches

All sorts. Currently writing a historical fantasy set during the third crusade across Europe and the Middle East, involving a brewing war between vampire clans, genetic experimentation, and characters from Arthurian lore. It's called War of the Damned, found over in the Narrative section.
Re: Sin's Sketches

Neat. I think I'll wander over there.