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Summer's War! (Tyragor)

Re: Summer's War! (Tyragor)

"Oh please, you've had naughty dreams before surely," Harriet teased Alyssa, sounding amused and suddenly Alyssa saw a little screen popup in front of her, where she saw Harriet sticking her tongue out right back. "I can see you hon. I saw how you writhed around in that plant girls embrace earlier. You loved it, I could tell, hmhm," she then said, teasing Alyssa some more.


"Oh most animals and whatnot that would probably attack you might be curious about the fire, but they'd be wary, probably too wary to come too very close. There are exceptions though of course," Harriet told Alyssa before the girl fell asleep for the night. "As for actual people... well, everything can be random in this game. They could be friendly, or not," she added.


The next morning, Alyssa woke well rested, having thankfully not been accosted during the night. Her fire had burned to embers, and she was rather warm and cozy in her bedroll. She saw the sun had risen mostly, and she was re-energized after the previous day's events.
Re: Summer's War! (Tyragor)

"T-that! That's voyeurism! How dare you even imply I'm the same, hmph! Besides, that's just a game t-this avatar is clearly programmed to-nevermind!" She blushed bright red, clearly affected by Harriet's words and unable to do a great deal of proper responding.

"Well," she said sleepily, "If they get fresh I'll just," long yawn," kick their butts." She said.

The night progressed without incident leaving her quite content to awaken next morning, she stretched out and swiftly began to pack up. Incredible how great she felt! As she was packed up she began to make her way.

"A-ah, good morning," she greeted Harriet.
Re: Summer's War! (Tyragor)

"Oh hon, I'm just a teasing you. But don't be afraid to cut loose in there," Harriet replied, still teasing Alyssa a bit, but not too much.


"Morning hon. Night's when you're asleep, are programmed to progress slightly differently, to give you, the player, actual sleep in the real world too. You basically just took a nap, for about ten to fifteen minutes," Harriet told Alyssa after she'd woke up.
Re: Summer's War! (Tyragor)

"That explains why I feel so rested," she said cheerfully, proceeding on her way.
Re: Summer's War! (Tyragor)

"Yup, now get a going hon, let's see what all you run into next, hmhm," Harriet said cheerfully, with Alyssa able to easily get a move on after finishing up with a quick breakfast and whatnot.

It took her a good two to three hours or so, but Alyssa managed to make her way to town, with the only things she ran into that would distract her being a pair of foxes mating in the brush, a racoon scurrying away at the sight of her, and squirrel that seemed intent on grabbing her hat off her head, and followed her quite a ways, but when it found that it couldn't snatch her hat, it dropped a couple of nuts from the trees to try and hit her with them.

Seeing the town closing in, she saw a sign that said "Feynrial 0.1 miles ahead", and after a few short minutes more, she was in the bustling town square, where market stalls of all sorts were open for business, as well as shops, and other things. Most of the people were elves, light and dark both seeming to live together in harmony here. She had the run of the town pretty much, so wherever she wished to go was up to her.
Re: Summer's War! (Tyragor)

Alyssa nodded, "I look forward to showing you what I can do." She marveled as she went at the incredible detail, and the adorable wildlife, save for the squirrel whom she threatened vocally with terrible magics before it taken to throwing nuts at her. She resolved to hurry on her way.

As she entered town she introduced herself to a few people, attempting to get the lay of the land, gradually making her way to the bar. In her experience there was always a good chance of leads there.
Re: Summer's War! (Tyragor)

"I certainly hope you can please, hon," Harriet said, sounding sincere in her words.


Heading towards one of the local taverns, Alyssa was directed by a few locals who seemed friendly enough, and pointed her in the right direction thankfully. Alyssa found out that the town was quite large, having a couple of thousand people or so in and around it. After she arrived at the tavern, Alyssa saw it was populated mostly by elves, but there were a couple of humans in there, and most of them all were eating an early lunch from the looks of it.

At the counter of the bar, Alyssa saw a young dark elven woman standing near a much older and mature looking dark elf. Both had black hair and as Alyssa made her way towards the bar, the older one smiled at her. "Oh a new human gal I've not seen round these parts before. What'cha need hon? Lunch? A drink? Or just wanna sit down and take a load off for a bit?" the dark elf lady said in greeting, flashing a rather bright smile at Alyssa that made her feel at ease.