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Tentacles VS Humans Game #1

Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #1

(I'll take Aoru and Veronica)
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #1

The flight down to New Eden is melancholy, and no one speaks beyond the pilots, Veronica and Faye, who merely mention the flight data and the necessary information needed for atmospheric entry trajectory.

Burning into the frozen sky, the shuttle soon falls into the free fall of the planet's surface. Through the front window, the shuttle occupants can make out the endless tundra of white plains dotted with the occasional locating beacons set up at each dig site.

"We should be nearing the coordinates described in the stations' logs, but I don't see a beacon where Dr. Creed said there'd be,"
Veronica said.

Aoru shuffled up to the front, adjusting her spectacles to stare out at the planet's surface.

"There," she said, pointing leftward. "They'd follow that fissure in the ice in their explorations. With the heavy winds in this area, the beacon may have been knocked down, but we're bound to find the dig site if we keep going that way."

Nodding, Faye angled the shuttle to follow the fissure, but there was still uncertainty about finding the exact dig site. No one said anything, but navigating the fissure might be tricky and dangerous.


Six dice are rolled: 1, 2, 5, 1, 5, 5

That's 3 successes, out of a total of 7 needed for success. (3/7)
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #1

((This has started to slow down. I'm going to PM people who I'm not certain about and see if they're still playing this game.))
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #1

(No cards)
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #1

Okay. That's long enough, and I got replies from 3 out of the 4 humans on the encounter.


After following the fissure for an hour, the wind on the planet's icy surface picks up, blowing snow gusts over the side of the overhang above and blanketing the crew's visuals in a near white out.

"It's getting too dangerous to proceed. If we crash, we won't be able to get back to the Muse and we'll freeze to death out here. I've got to take us back before our fuel runs out," Veronica said grimly.

Faye nodded, checking the gauges and knowing that Veronica was making sense. Whatever was still here on the planet, it would be left undisturbed. Their best hope now was to return to the ship and secure it as best they could.

(One Die added to the Alien Ship task.)

Tassadar, do you wish to trigger a tentacle attack? If not, do you wish to discard to attempt an Override roll?
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #1

(Nope, no discards or attacks this turn.)
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #1

The lifeboat docked back into the Muse without further incident. The airlock doors opened to reveal the aftermath of the concussive blast that Laura had unleashed just before their departure. There was little left to recognize, and no one had the desire to stick around for very long. The women made their way back to the Recreation Lounge where the other girls waited for them.

"I... I hate to bring this up," Aoru said nervously, "But we're without a captain, and I think we need to determine who's going to be our new one, at least in the short term."


Act 2 Event: The Woman in Charge.

PCs must vote on a new captain. The previous captain may remain as captain.

Each PC has the following number of votes:

Takimaru (Marlisse): 1

Tenta (Halley): 4

LDF (Mako): 3

ToxicShock (Maria): 5

Guan Yu (Faye): 6

You may vote for yourself. You may only vote once. Ties broken by current captain.
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #1

Having remained silent throughout most of the trip, Marlisse plods back into the recreation lounge after the relatively unproductive outing. For a moment, she stares daggers at Aoru upon hearing the suggestion, but manages to calm herself down after a few seconds, admitting to herself that it isn't the timid researcher's fault.

"...It doesn't matter to me," she mutters with a resigned sigh.
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #1

After hearing the loud noise, sounding like an explosion far down the halls, Maria, shifted around nervously in the lounge, not wanting to leave and break orders while the crew was on their mission. There was a little conversation on what exactly it could have been, but very few considering they all knew it could hardly mean something positive. On a spaceship, things don't go boom cuz everyone is happy.

As the crew returned, Maria could see the sadness apparent in everyone's eyes, or at least she thought everyone's. That's when it clicked, a pair of soft blue eyes was missing. Not wanting anyone to have to connect the dots for her, she assumed the worst and turned her teary eyes back to the tips of her boots.

She listened on silently as the researcher spoke, a small pain as the word captain entered into her mind. She looked up towards her crew slowly, knowing they had to be smart and adapt if they had to continue. The strong survive, she thought to herself.

Maria couldn't complain about the decisions being made, it seemed like everything was falling apart beyond their control, but she couldn't think of any mistakes Marlisse had made. But something about the way she spoke just now... she was wrecked, more than anyone. It was no secret that she openly flirted after Captain Laura, so the recent event would still have a toll on her for how long? The one thing she did know is that she surely didn't want to be captain, I'm just a cargomaster. Even if I did think I could lead, what right could I say I had.

Thinking over the other survivors, she imagined Halley in the same situation as herself, resigned mainly to her position of just being a cook. Faye was someone she respected for being able to do what she does, but she feared the hothead calling their shots. She's always been a little crazy, and not very even tempered, definitely a girl of action with not much thought behind it, which can pay off when it comes to relying on her flying skill, but this was different.

"I think Mako is qualified. She's intelligent and we can't just run around without a plan. Maria recalled the small woman always having her chess matches with Lulu, trying to draw them to the situation they were currently in. "Plus, as a biologist, she may have a little more insight to what we're dealing with than the rest of us." Because of her oft quiet but always professional nature, Maria had always respected her. She's seemed hurt and damaged since the events started, but Maria hoped by placing the responsibility of making decisions with her, it may help bring her back out from what was before an almost trance-like trauma.
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #1

5 votes for Mako...

(Anyone else following this game anymore???)
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #1

Mako was lounging around on the chair she had almost been attached to since the events earlier, she had barely been able to stomach the events, much less process them in the short time. She looks around as she realized a vote was being called, letting out a small cry of surprise, "E..Eh? Me? Vote...? Um... No, I won't make a good captain...!" She looks at Faye hopefully, "Y...You'd make a much better captain than me!"
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #1

((By executive decision, this game has lost the interest of too many player and I am therefore going to call it. Thank you to all who played. For those of you who were actively participating and enjoying this game, I am happy to re-run the game with a smaller playgroup, with the hope of the game running quicker, more efficiently, and hopefully reaching an ending!))

Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #1


It was fun while it lasted, I suppose.
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #1

Maria weeps
Re: Tentacles VS Humans Game #1

I can reveal spoilers of who was human and who wasn't if people want.

Tass, Toxic, and Taki, you're all invited to play a new game. It'll be the same ruleset and characters since I haven't had the chance to perfect my re-design, and I do want a finished game of this before moving on to the newer version.

Let me know here if you're in and does Tass want to be the alien again or someone else?