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The Battle Beneath (Tiffanian)

Ilona: HP = 90/90, PP = 45/45, EP = 55/55, Status = Pregnant (litter of 14 of the psychic formori's spawn and 27 of the other random formori's spawn),
Human Form; Bed
Mermaid Form; Maimed (counts as Weakened plus movement reduced to 5 feet), Psychic Shield X = 3 gives none of the usual bonuses but raises her swim movement to 15 feet

Galo: HP = 48/48, PP = 31, EP = 33, Status = Fine

Aereia: Sage
Taron: Head Sentinel of Clyons
Aegea: Healer from Clyons
Treyzine: Seer from Clyons
Vivian: Mer Warrior met on the island

"That'll happen in good time," the other woman replied, seemingly understanding Ilona's desire to have the formori offspring growing in her belly out of her as soon as possible. "It's too late to abort them now. Hold on a moment," she continued, standing awkwardly only to head over to the wicker cabinet. She opened it, though her body blocked Ilona's view of it, and then returned with a clay amphora and another small clay bowl. The pitcher proved to be full of an unfamiliar white fluid, which she poured some of it into the bowl before setting the amphora down and dropping back to her knees next to Ilona.
Then the redhead leaned forward and put an arm around Ilona's shoulders, helping prop her up while offering the cup to the wayward mermaid's lips. "Here, drink this. It'll help you regain your strength," she murmured, trying to tip the bowl up against Ilona's lips. When Ilona consented, she poured a small amount of the substance into Ilona's mouth; it had a gentle, slightly bitter but also slightly spiced flavor to it, and was just slightly thicker than water. The redhead made Ilona drink the entire bowl before gently aiding Ilona back down, then she explained; "They can be destroyed when you lay them. That's... What I did with mine, albeit with some help from the surface dwellers."

She reached for the amphora again, making to fill the bowl again. "You're going to need nutrition in the meantime... A lot of it," she added as she poured out another bowl. "Unfortunately it's hard to get decent food right now, with no safe access to the sea... The more you eat, the easier it'll be to recover your strength once the eggs are out of you." She fed Ilona another cup of the stuff, ensuring the Ilona had swallowed it all before asking; "Where did you come from? Are the surrounding settlements... Still there? The formori are eating everything on the island and the surrounding reefs, if they aren't stopped there won't be anything left soon. They can't seem to breed with the surface dwellers... Well, most of them, anyway... Not that it stops them from trying... But every one of us that they capture lets them increase their numbers. You... Found that out for yourself."
Ilona looked a bit downcast when the other woman told her it was too late to abort the formori inside of her, though she hadn’t really expected an easy method. She had considered for a moment the possibility of causing trauma to her stomach in order to damage the eggs… The thought of carrying them to term was so repugnant to her. The redheaded woman walked over to the cabinet at the side of the room, fetching something from it… a pitcher and a bowl, it seemed. She brought it over to Ilona, pouring a strange white liquid from the pitcher as she wrapped an arm around her shoulders, cradling her as she held the bowl to her lips. The blue-haired mermaid nodded slightly, allowing her savior to tip the bowl and gently feed her whatever the milky-white fluid was. It wasn’t a bad taste, just a little bitter but spiced in a way that balanced it out.

The redhead eased Ilona back down onto her bedding, the motion still awkward with that belly weighing her down, telling her that they would destroy the formori eggs when she laid them. She nodded again, too embarrassed at her speech to reply, though her expression conveyed gratitude as the other woman filled the bowl again, feeding it to her. She did feel quite weak, though whether that was because of all the exhausting combat she had been through, the maiming she had received earlier, or her pregnancy was impossible to truly say. The questioning made her take a deep breath, steeling herself to try to express herself again.

"I am frrrrrrrrrom… Ada… Adam… Adamantia" she stuttered, "evrrrrryth…thing to Clyons is… aban…abandoned… as best as I can tell." She looked up at the ceiling, gripping the leaf-woven bedding as she continued "we have to… destroy them… All of them. Or they’ll… they’ll keep…" She tried her hardest not to break out in tears again, and for the moment she succeeded.
Ilona: HP = 90/90, PP = 45/45, EP = 55/55, Status = Pregnant (litter of 14 of the psychic formori's spawn and 27 of the other random formori's spawn),
Human Form; Bed
Mermaid Form; Maimed (counts as Weakened plus movement reduced to 5 feet), Psychic Shield X = 3 gives none of the usual bonuses but raises her swim movement to 15 feet

Galo: HP = 48/48, PP = 31, EP = 33, Status = Fine

Aereia: Sage
Taron: Head Sentinel of Clyons
Aegea: Healer from Clyons
Treyzine: Seer from Clyons
Vivian: Mer Warrior met on the island

"They'll breed us out of existence," the redhead finished for her in a grim tone. "Everything from Clyons to Adamantia is abandoned? Damn... It's even worse than I remembered... I've been stuck here for a few months now," she began to explain, "some of the locals found me when I washed ashore, a formori patrol had poisoned me before I could kill them. When I recovered I tried to leave, but... I couldn't defend myself on land. They... Did to me what they probably did to you, but after they were done I managed to get away. They don't seem to like to share their prizes, if they'd taken me to their squallid swamp of a village I would probably still be there right now."

After giving Ilona a moment to respond, if she wanted to try, the girl would make to feed Ilona another bowl of the herbal mix. "I'm Vivian. Are you alone, or are you part of a patrol? Did Adamantia send an army? If we can raid their enclaves soon, we can catch most of the hybrids before they're old enough to join the fight. Within a year we could have almost all of our people back and have pushed them back into the deep oceans, but... If we don't, and their next generation lives to adulthood with powers like some that I've seen..." She trailed off, her expression grim again. "They don't seem very intelligent on their own, if they're pure formori. They can use tools, they can fight, they can work in small groups, but... They're more like... I don't know, animals maybe... Than real warriors. Some few seem smart though, and almost all of those seem to be hybrids, hatched from eggs sired in mermaids, and we can produce more per batch than their own females too."
"Nuh-no" Ilona replied, "Clyons to… to here." She was getting slightly more used to speaking, just a bit. She grimaced for just a moment as Vivian sort of spoke around the fact that she too had been raped and impregnated by the formori, a most unpleasant mental image. Her hands clenched into fists as the redhead continued, fighting back the urge to cry again. She was insufficient, and no one back home really understood just how deeply threatening these creatures were.

Still, she took the offered bowl of food, allowing it to be fed to her and listening quietly until Vivian was finished. "I am… alone" she replied quietly, "my famly sent me. I was looking for a woman… Aer…eia. Aereia. She knows… something about the Lord of the Sea and his impri… imprisonment. She’s been cap… taken by the formori. They hoped… I could find something and… bring Him back. No one… really understands. I didn’t… understand." She took a deep breath and looked up at the ceiling despondently, questioning if her mission had even been the right one even if she were capable of it, something she was beginning to doubt after her recent string of miserable failures.
Ilona: HP = 90/90, PP = 45/45, EP = 55/55, Status = Pregnant (litter of 14 of the psychic formori's spawn and 27 of the other random formori's spawn)
Human Form; Bed
Mermaid Form; Maimed (counts as Weakened plus movement reduced to 5 feet), Psychic Shield X = 3 gives none of the usual bonuses but raises her swim movement to 15 feet

Galo: HP = 48/48, PP = 31, EP = 33, Status = Fine

Aereia: Sage
Taron: Head Sentinel of Clyons
Aegea: Healer from Clyons
Treyzine: Seer from Clyons
Vivian: Mer Warrior met on the island

Vivian gave a disgruntled hum after Ilona corrected herself, and following Ilona's explanation as to why she was here the other mermaid lapsed into brooding silence. She fed Ilona another bowl of the stuff, leaving the blue haired warrior feeling fairly full, and then made to put the amphora containing the stuff away. She turned and looked at Ilona after doing so, her expression grim, and said; "You can rest as much as you need to... Aereia was taken some time ago, so even if she can be retrieved I don't know how much help she'll be. I don't even know how we'd get her out of their lair.... But before you start thinking about that, you need to be strong enough to make it off of this island. When you're ready, you can come out and have a look around what's left of the surface dweller's village. I'll start teaching you to speak with your voice better tomorrow, after that I'll give you lessons in their tongue. We can start on moving around on land after that..."

Then, unless Ilona did something to ensure that she stayed, the redheaded mermaid would turn and head for the door, leaving Ilona to rest alone for a while.
Ilona again allowed the redhead to feed her, enjoying at least that if nothing else; it felt nice to be treated with some amount of tenderness after all she’d been through recently. She also hadn’t gotten a lot of it from other mermaids either; not even her parents had ever really doted on her, so this was fairly new to her. "I was… trying to find a surf… surf… surf…ace duhweller I was told was the last" she said after a moment, "to get her to… teach me how… to speak with formori. There is one… it lives alone and kills oth…others of its kind. I had hope it would… help me find a weak…ness in their lair. That was the pl…plan." She sighed quietly, which was a strange sound in its own right, and then replied "I will accept whatev…ever training you deem appro…appropri…ate." Vivian turned to leave after that, and though Ilona wanted her to stay she was too embarrassed to express it, and was left to lay in quiet and rest and think… which was one thing she really didn’t want to be doing.
Ilona: HP = 90/90, PP = 45/45, EP = 55/55, Status = Pregnant (litter of 14 of the psychic formori's spawn and 27 of the other random formori's spawn)
Human Form; Bed
Mermaid Form; Maimed (counts as Weakened plus movement reduced to 5 feet), Psychic Shield X = 3 gives none of the usual bonuses but raises her swim movement to 15 feet

Galo: HP = 48/48, PP = 31, EP = 33, Status = Fine

Aereia: Sage
Taron: Head Sentinel of Clyons
Aegea: Healer from Clyons
Treyzine: Seer from Clyons
Vivian: Mer Warrior met on the island

"The last?" Vivian replied, sounding confused. She stood still for a moment, apparently thinking, and then asked; "Whoever sent you must not even realized that there are still people alive up here.... Did you get a description for who you're looking for? Or where you could find them?"
"I was told she was... fae. She lived on a moun...ten on the biggest of the... islands" Ilona replied, "She was very... old. They believed all the surf...surface duhwellers were gone, disa...disappeared."
Ilona: HP = 90/90, PP = 45/45, EP = 55/55, Status = Pregnant (litter of 14 of the psychic formori's spawn and 27 of the other random formori's spawn)
Human Form; Bed
Mermaid Form; Maimed (counts as Weakened plus movement reduced to 5 feet), Psychic Shield X = 3 gives none of the usual bonuses but raises her swim movement to 15 feet

Galo: HP = 48/48, PP = 31, EP = 33, Status = Fine

Aereia: Sage
Taron: Head Sentinel of Clyons
Aegea: Healer from Clyons
Treyzine: Seer from Clyons
Vivian: Mer Warrior met on the island

Vivian grimaced visibly. "An old faerie on the biggest island.... Oh.... I have bad news for you, but it can wait until you've regained your strength." She paused to think for a moment, looking at the floor, before hesitantly explaining; "They probably thought that all of the surface dwellers were gone because most of them are. The formori took most of them as slaves. They've kept the adults, some of the women for pleasure even though they can't impregnate them, many of the men for labor or... To keep as cattle. The children they ate, as they did with many of the infirm and are gradually doing with their surface dweller slaves as they grow weak or sickly." Vivian then sighed, "just try to get some rest, I'll be back later."

Then, she left, and Ilona was left with her thoughts for a few hours. The human inhabitants of the island peeked in on her from time to time; she saw a child, likely a boy given that they wore nothing but a loincloth, and an old man with a scraggly black beard, and a man and a woman of about the same age as Ilona; barely past their teens. They all bore dark hair and complexions, a distinctly exotic look compared to her and Vivian's paleness and pastel colored locks. One of the couple - the man - came in and offered Ilona some more solid food, a few chunks of red meat clinging to some narrow bones. The meat looked and tasted strange, oddly sweet with some kind of odd substance clinging to it, and the bones were hard, like those of a whale instead of the soft cartilage that she'd expect from a fish. He said something in whatever language that his people spoke, but spent much of the time staring at Ilona's chest if she wasn't trying to keep it concealed... At least until the woman came in and seemed to chastise him, causing him to leave with her bearing a sheepish grin.

It wasn't until that night that Vivian returned, to feed Ilona more of the milky fluid, now with some diced up vegetables and roots. She fed the pieces to Ilona one at a time, giving her a few mouthfuls of them between feeding her the bowls. She refused outright to discuss anything further about the fae woman that she was looking for, and her expressions neither confirmed nor denied anything that she might be suspicious of. She would speak for a while, however, helping Ilona get used to the basics of verbal communication a bit more.

It wasn't until the next day, when Ilona found that she was strong enough to walk come the morning and Vivian had given her a loin cloth, a skirt, and a bra, all of them made from fibrous leaves and other materials seemingly native to the surface world, that Vivian finally said; "The woman you seek... They say she is old, but she doesn't look like it. She lived atop the mountain, as you said, but... The formori took her. She is in their village... Being used for breeding. She had a protector, a beast, that warded those who would come to visit her away, but... One of the formori, their leader, is a hybrid between their people and ours, likely one of the first made when they started invading our lands. He... Seems to be able to leech the will from people. He has done so to several of our people who are there as well, and to her; somehow he has usurped control of her guardian. Now it prowls the top of the mountain, seemingly guarding something else, I don't know what. This happened before I came here, and I only know about it because I asked the surface dwellers about it."

Once that revelation and any ensuing conversation had fully played itself out, Vivian glanced outside, frowning. "It will be several weeks before you can be free of the clutch inside of you... Until then, you should try to get used to walking. We can take a look around what's left of the village, you can meet everyone properly... Try not to think too hard about our own towns looking like this."

(Basically going to be a timeskip after this until after Ilona gives birth. She gets 14 XP that must be spent between removing her on-land Flaws and gaining the Islander language trade, and may also spend the rest. In this period, Vivian's training allows her to buy off those Flaws for 6 XP each.)
Ilona shuddered when Vivian told her the fate of the surface dwellers, her hands balled into fists so tight she almost cut herself with her fingernails. "They… ate them…" she repeated in a mumbled sort of way, a sense of disgust and rage filling her. Eating children… The only difference between a formori and a shark is that the shark’s life was worthy of being respected. "I will try" she replied when told to rest, laying back and closing her eyes as the redhead left her alone. The bedding was soft and comfortable enough, but there was no chance of her going to sleep, she was just too worked up and the sensation of her belly being so full of offspring was too odd and uncomfortable.

Every so often she would be drawn from her dark thoughts of her own failure and humiliation and the grim situation her people found herself in by the sound of a person at her door, looking in on her. It was the first time she had seen humans, so she was as curious as they are… First was a very young child, probably a boy given the clothing though it was hard to say at that age. They had jet-black hair and rather dark skin, which was a very interesting look. Most everyone under the sea was very pale, after all. Next was an old man with a beard the same color as his hair, scraggly and unkempt… The two of them only looked in from the door somewhat awkwardly, but the last group was a little less timid: A man and a woman, probably roughly her age, came to her door and paused for a while before the man walked in, offering her some food. Slowly, deliberately she propped herself up with one arm, reaching out with the other to take the bone. He spoke to her in a language different from her own that she had no hope of understanding, so when she had the bone in hand she bowed her head deeply towards him rather than try to speak.

The mermaid took a few bites of the meat that clung to the bone, chewing it carefully… It tasted good. Strange and sweet, but good. It had something on it, though she couldn’t tell what… some kind of seasoning? She eventually noticed that he was staring at her chest, and she became aware suddenly that she was very nude. A blush came to her cheeks and she moved her arm to at least partially hide her breasts, looking away from his face out of embarrassment until the woman came in presumably to complain at him before they left. Still, embarrassing though it was she couldn’t necessarily blame him for where his eyes were drawn, and she was grateful for the food. She would have to properly thank the two of them when she could.

Vivian returned hours later, when the sun had dipped below the horizon and the light filtering into the hut had faded almost completely. She fed Ilona that same milky white fluid again, this time with some chopped vegetables and some sort of root plants. She fed Ilona gently by hand while the wounded and exhausted mermaid propped herself up. They spoke until Ilona grew tired enough to sleep, the redhead dancing around most any topic besides small talk… Though it was helpful just to get some practice speaking, to gain some confidence with it.

After an uneasy, poor sleep Ilona awoke to find herself a bit stronger. She could raise herself to a seated position, and then (after an arduous process) get up on her feet. Gods she felt so unbalanced with so much weight hanging off her stomach. Vivian gave her clothing then, all of it made from the leaves and other plant material readily found up here on the surface. It fit well enough and was reasonably comfortable, and hopefully it would keep the young men from gawking at her. Once she was clothed she was finally given the bad news spoken of earlier… The fae she was after had been taken in as a breeder by the formori. Their leader apparently had some capacity to bend others to his will… which sounded like something a powerful psion would be capable of indeed. A downcast look crossed her face again and her hands trembled, but she quickly corrected for that. Despairing was natural, but wouldn’t help her. "That sounds… more like a final thing to attempt instead of a first step" she replied after a few moments, "but I don’t know where to start anymore…"

She couldn’t imagine carrying around all these eggs for two weeks… and she had so much to learn. She would have to more or less relearn how to fight on land instead of under the water, she would have to learn to communicate with the people of the islands, all sorts of things. That would be good… It would give her concrete goals to work towards, a means of feeling like she was making progress in some way. "Yes. I need to get used to these legs" she replied, "and I’ll need your help thanking a couple of the villagers. They fed me a little bit while you were gone."

Spending 18 exp to get rid of the Easy to Hit, Poor Grappler, and Poor Reflexes flaws on land. Spend 2 exp to gain 2 the language:Islander trade.
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Ilona: HP = 90/90, PP = 45/45, EP = 55/55, Status = Fine
Mermaid Form; Maimed (counts as Weakened plus movement reduced to 5 feet), Psychic Shield X = 3 can give none of the usual bonuses but raises her swim movement to 15 feet

Galo: HP = 48/48, PP = 31, EP = 33, Status = Fine

Aereia: Sage
Taron: Head Sentinel of Clyons
Aegea: Healer from Clyons
Treyzine: Seer from Clyons
Vivian: Mer Warrior met on the island
Moggle, Nieri, Shinn and Oglen, the young boy, young woman, young hunter, and old wise man, the remnants of the human village.

The next few weeks would pass tensely. Ilona got to see the remains of the human village; they had lived primarily in bamboo huts with leaf and bamboo roofs, set on the ground with dirt floors. A few of those were still splattered with blood, several had burned or been smashed down. The bodies had been taken by the formori, for food, and several times they had to hide in order to avoid roving groups of them. A few of the huts had been built atop the largest trees, however, and these were the ones that Vivian, the four humans, and now Ilona inhabited. They had hiding places, in case the formori searched the upper levels as well, but while Ilona was there they never did. Whether they suspected anyone was still around, or were simply hunting for whatever scraps they could find, was unclear; it wasn't like they could stop them to ask what they were here for even if they'd wanted to, none of them could speak the formori's language.

Over time, she got to know the four humans that she was now living with and at least partially relying upon. The young boy was named Moggle, and he was an energetic and hopeful boy despite how brutally his innocence had been taken; according to Vivian he had had to watch his father and youngest sister be eaten alive in front of him while others raped his older sister and mother. The latter two wee apparently still alive in the formori village, and it became clear after a while that the kid was in some sort of a fugue about the entire situation, believing perhaps that it would all end at some point and things would go like to how they had been before the formori had come. Nieri and Shinn had been away from the village when a huge wave of formori had come forth from the ocean, displaced somehow from the seas where they were violating Ilona and Vivian's people to come and practically annihilate the surface folk's village; the former, the female of the pair, was a fiery and forceful person who had a strong desire to do something - anything - about the formori invasion but absolutely no ability to make good on that desire due to her lack of skills, their general lack of arms, and a serious breathing condition that made long periods of activity very dangerous for her. Shinn, in contrast, was an able hunter and scout; he had taught Vivian how to move on land and aided in training Ilona in much the same, while also helping Vivian teach Ilona to speak some of their tongue. The last, the old man, was named Oglen; he had been a holy man of sorts, a shaman, though he lacked any magical power to speak of. He was the one that Ilona saw least, and most often she would awaken to find him staring at her from a window, only to leave without speaking. He seemed to think that the formori were not only a physical threat, but a manifestation of something more insidious and dangerous; they were the opening wave, a sample of what was to come, some ancient evil with bottomless hunger and greed that cared not for the sustainability of its actions.

Vivian would spend a fair amount of time with her, but sometimes would be absent. She went out regularly, sometimes with Shinn, to hunt, to ambush formori groups if they could manage it, or just to scout around and find out what they were doing. They came back one day with a makeshift spear that looked to be of formori make for Ilona one day; it wasn't much, a stick with a sharpened seashell stuck on the end, certainly nothing compared to the mermish craftsmanship that she was used to, but it was likely preferable to being unarmed. She still had no armor; these humans seemed not to use metal and the formori had taken hers when she'd been captured, but she would just have to make do without it until she could get underwater again... If there was anyone to make armor for her left in Clyons anyway.

Ilona's belly inflated steadily as the clutch of eggs grew inside of her. Come the end of her pregnancy, Ilona was barely able to walk. Vivian suggested that she return to her mermaid form in order to lay them, and if Ilona hadn't mentioned that she had been maimed in that form it would leave Vivian hissing in sympathy come the sight of her mangled tail. The tissue had scarred over slightly, healing very slowly and very poorly when she was in human form; it would take extensive work to get the membranes to regrow properly now, but she hadn't had much choice and no one on this island had the skills for it. or the healing magic that might quicken it. Unfortunately, that also meant that Ilona had to deliver the forty plus eggs that she was carrying all on her own, with no helpful healing magic to ease the discomfort. The eggs were soft, but still stretched her painfully as they slid, one by one, out of her sex to drop into a large basin that Vivian had taken Ilona to; each was nearly the size of her head after being laid, though they seemed to expand as they hit the air. They were transparent, the infant formori - for every single one of them was a formori - visible through their soft shells, and seemed to be fairly sticky as they rolled very slowly.

Vivian would help her destroy them, doing much of the work herself given how exhausted Ilona was by the time she'd delivered her batch of eggs. Each was stabbed, one by one, the infant formori giving wild spasms inside the failed protection of their jelly-like eggs before erupting red into the transparent fluid. The eggs began to deform a short while after their embryos had died, becoming a congealed mass of oily smelling jelly that gradually oozed away from the corpse they had been created to nurture.

After about an hour, Vivian would help Ilona back to the village, and Shinn would carry her back up the ladder to be laid to rest, recovering from the ordeal of giving birth to so many formori. She awoke the next day to unrestrained mobility for the first time in what felt like forever, and when Vivian arrived to share breakfast with her the redhead would smile if Ilona was up and moving. "It'll be good to have another warrior on hand... Do you think you're up for joining Shinn and I on the hunt today?"
Vivian showed Ilona around the village after that, or at least what was left of it… Many of the huts were burned or otherwise destroyed, some of them splattered with dried blood. The untouched huts were built high up in the trees, where Ilona and the others now resided. The formori periodically returned, searching for something… perhaps survivors, perhaps simply scouting for food. Either way they never made their way up to the treetop huts, and so the six of them were safe for the couple of weeks that Ilona was laid up. The worse news was that the four humans who had checked up on her while she laid abed that first day were the only humans left on the island it seemed. Over the course of the two weeks she got to know them a bit, learned their language well enough to at least converse on a basic level with them.

The little boy was named Moggle, and he was a depressing lad. Cheerful, energetic, playful… and too young to fully understand the tragedy that had befallen him. It seemed half his family had been eaten alive in front of him, the other half raped and carried off, though he still seemed to believe that things would return to normal at some future point. He was a sweet boy, though, and despite her lack of energy Ilona spent a fair amount of time with him when she was otherwise alone. It helped her practice her conversational skills, and playing with him to the best of her ability helped reinforce what she was learning about moving on two legs, and above all it kept her attitude much more positive than sitting around alone with her thoughts ever could.

The couple were named Nieri and Shinn, and Ilona spent less time with them than with Vivian and Moggle but still a fair bit. Nieri was a very… forceful personality, though unfortunately she was too physically frail to make much use of it. She had a condition that seemed to restrict her breathing if she was too active, one that was very dangerous for her, which was quite a shame. Shinn, on the other hand, was a skilled hunter and probably the reason the others had been able to stay alive after the formori invasion. He had taught Vivian how to move on land, and now he helped to do the same for Ilona, along with teaching her his language. He impressed the mermaid with his skills, and she was very grateful to him even if he did eye her up perhaps a bit more than she would have liked.

The old man was Oglen, and he seemed to have been a religious leader of some sort for the village, though he was lacking in any sort of power. She saw him little and spoke with him even less. He gave her the creeps a little bit, and occasionally she would catch him peering into a window at her when she woke up, as if he’d just been watching her sleep. What little conversation she did have with him indicated that he thought the formori were only the first sign of a bigger problem, a greater evil from the depths of the sea… It wasn’t a thought worth considering, really. After all, if it were true they were all simply doomed. The formori might be enough on their own.

One day Vivian and Shinn brought Ilona a spear from their hunt, a crude formori weapon that amounted to little more than a stick with a sharp shell on the end… Perhaps taken from a formori they had ambushed and killed. It wasn’t much, but it would do for the moment, and it was good to incorporate some spearwork into her movement training. She didn’t have armor and likely wouldn’t for quite a long time… The villagefolk didn’t use it, and anything she would scavenge from the formori would be ill-made and ill-fitted to her. She was poorly prepared for combat now, much worse off than she’d been at the beginning of her journey, but for now this was about as good as it could get.

She knew that her tail wouldn’t heal as quickly if she were always in human form, so when she was in no need of moving around Ilona would revert to her mermaid form to let it air out. The first sight of her once-beautiful tail mangled and shredded caused her to weep bitterly; what little had healed was scarred over badly, and it seemed pretty obvious to her that it would never be what it once had. The formori that had done this to her had gotten off too light… she should have flayed him alive for the suffering he had caused her. And all the while the mermaid’s belly was growing… She was burdened from the moment she had first woken up, but she was absolutely gravid by the end of the second week, barely able to walk at all for the last couple of days. Those were dark times, and she sat propped against the wall of her hut almost the whole day, staring down at her egg-filled gut and shredded tail alone, unless others chose to stay with her.

When it was finally time to lay her eggs Vivian led Ilona to a small, sheltered tide pool that she settled into in mermaid form, glad she would soon finally be rid of this horrid pregnancy but anxious to be sure; she had never given birth, much less to formori, and she had no idea how it would go. Having Vivian there was a great help even if it would have been better to have a magician of some sort present. And so she laid in the pool, holding onto the redhead’s hand tightly as she began to lay the eggs. They were soft, but they were also bigger than she had been expecting… Passing each one was a bit of a struggle, caused her a fair amount of pain as they stretched her poor sex. She tried her best not to cry out so as to avoid giving away their location to any formori that might have been prowling about, but Gods it was hard. It didn’t help that there were so many of them…more than forty eggs filled the tide pool by the time she was done and she was utterly exhausted, her human half drenched in sweat.

The eggs were transparent revealing their vile contents readily… all formori, nothing that looked even remotely like Ilona. The two of them set about destroying the contents of every egg, though Vivian did most of it… They stabbed the little formori, which twitched fitfully as they died before filling their egg with blood. It was a fantastic and satisfying feeling, slaughtering the vile creatures before they could be properly born… and further revenge on the dead creatures who had forced her to lay them. It was difficult transforming back into her human form and walking away; Vivian had to help her significantly, allowing her to lean on her until they got back to the village, where Shinn carried her gently up the ladder to her hut, allowing her to cling to him tightly for a brief while he laid her on her bedding, allowing her to rest up and have an early, long sleep after her ordeal…

She awakened feeling… actually pretty good. She wasn’t pregnant anymore. She had gotten used to walking around on two legs, and now that she didn’t have all that weight hanging off the front of her it was practically easy! She just had to be a little bit more methodical than she would have liked, that was all. Vivian arrived a bit later to eat breakfast with her and asked if she would like to join in the hunting… Part of Ilona didn’t feel qualified just then, but she also felt obligated to help out. "I’m not sure how much help I’ll be if I’m honest, but I’ll join you if you want me to" she replied, her speech more or less perfect by now… though her grasp of the islander language was only serviceable.
Ilona: HP = 90/90, PP = 45/45, EP = 55/55, Status = Fine
Human Form; Unharmed
Mermaid Form; Maimed (counts as Weakened plus movement reduced to 5 feet), Psychic Shield X = 3 can give none of the usual bonuses but raises her swim movement to 15 feet

Galo: HP = 48/48, PP = 31, EP = 33, Status = Fine

Aereia: Sage
Taron: Head Sentinel of Clyons
Aegea: Healer from Clyons
Treyzine: Seer from Clyons
Vivian: Mer Warrior met on the island
Moggle, Nieri, Shinn and Oglen, the young boy, young woman, young hunter, and old wise man, the remnants of the human village.

Ilona's Stealth: 1 success.
Vivian's Stealth: 3 successes.
Shinn's Stealth: 2 successes.

Formori Perceptions: Two got 3 successes, three got 1 success, one got 2 successes. They needed +1 success over, so a couple spot Shinn and three spot Ilona before they can adequately prepare their ambush.

"Another spear arm can't hurt," Vivian replied reassuringly, "you've come a long way, moving around on land. It took me longer to get so used to it... Come on. Shinn's already waiting for us."

She would lead Ilona to the ladders, clambering down to the ground floor. A formori patrol had come through the previous day, picking through the huts; they always quietly drew the ladder up when it wasn't in use, and Nieri was there to do it this time, with Moggle crouching next to her and watching them descend. Ilona was allowed to go down next, just before Nieri drew up the ladder to keep random formori from using it to search the upper levels of the village.

Shinn came out of hiding in the bushes near the base of the ladder as Ilona neared the ground, holding another spear. His was of clearly better construction than Ilona or Vivian's, being made from a straight, polished piece of solid wood rather than driftwood or bamboo, and sporting a piece of shaped black glass as a headpiece that looked very sharp. "We go soon," he murmured in mermish as sloppy as Ilona's grasp of the islander language, "now best... Some them may come, see us, investigate trees if we miss any."

"Let's go then... We're looking for anything we can catch to eat, but if we come across any formori groups.... Better to kill as many as we can," Vivian said, primarily addressing Ilona now that they were on the ground. "Try to stay hidden, move from cover to cover, leave as little of yourself visible as possible... I know we're pretty pale and don't blend in well, but it's best to get used to it, we're too badly outnumbered not to take every advantage that we can get. Besides, they're stupid, and they don't seem to see very well in bright daylight."

Instructions given, Vivian would lead by example; she would creep from section of foliage to section of foliage ahead of Ilona as they crept into the jungle, giving Ilona an easier path to follow than the one offered by the clearly more experienced Shinn. Ilona could barely follow the human as he led them through the twisting, overgrown pathways, but Vivian was a good bit easier to follow and seemed to know where he was leading them even when he seemed to have disappeared. Her practice walking on two legs proved not quite adequate to let her pick her way carefully through the jungle, forcing the other two to slow down so that Ilona could keep up, but neither of the other two complained.

They found little to eat for a good long while; there were a few bushes or trees that bore edible fruit that they stumbled across, but even many of the unripe fruit had seemingly been picked and eaten, their remnants scattered around the base of the plants on which they grew. Ilona had seen a lot of them over the last couple of weeks, been fed many of them while her belly was growing and she was recuperating. Unfortunately, at this point their best source of food - and the best source of food available to the formori - was the ocean, so it was to the coast, one of the most dangerous areas of the island, that they ultimately went to in search of supplies after a couple of hours of fruitlessly searching the jungle.

It was at the coast that their hunting trip got a chance of success, albeit one that was not without its dangers. The formori had seemingly managed to drag an orca up onto shore, though whether they had killed it themselves or simply waited for it to die once it was beached was unclear. The predatory whales were well respected among mermish culture, the presence of a pod of them often taken as a sign of a healthy region of ocean or habitable islands. Only very rarely did orcas harm the mer, and even then only when threatened or incredibly desperate for food; they were known to come through mermish towns or even cities, weaving between structures with nearly as much grace as their equally benevolent but smaller cousins the dolphin without harming so much as a child. Some were even known to protect people from other oceanic predators like sharks, hydras, serpents and even sometimes their much larger cousins, the spawn of Damia that prey upon anything they could fit into their gigantic mouths. Ilona had seen fewer than she might expect on the way to Clyons.

The beast was most certainly already dead, and the formori clustered around it were cutting off hunks of its flesh with primitive daggers and wrapping them in leaves. There were six formori at work when Ilona and her group arrived on the scene, preparing hunks of thick, fatty meat. The beach was covered in blood and discarded hunks of fat, the red running slowly but steadily back into the sea. Fins were visible just off shore, weaving back and forth; there were small reef sharks nearest to the shore, so close in that their bellies must be skirting the sand, but farther out were the bigger and more dangerous breeds; Ilona would recognize a few bull fins among the others, as well as a few hammerheads among the teaming mass of hungry, predatory fish.

Vivian and Shinn would creep into position, getting closer and closer to the scene of carnage. Ilona, unfortunately, was still not very good at sneaking up on anything, a tactic that she had never focused on when training underwater. An unfamiliar environment certainly didn't make it any easier, and so it was she who gave away their approach first. Just after Vivian had signaled for them to fan out in order to attack and taken cover behind a tree nearby, Ilona took a step that caused a fallen branch to snap audibly, and one of the formori looked over in alarm. Shinn hastily ducked, but the formori gurgled a warning, and the group of them started turning to see what their comrade had spotted, half of them quickly focusing on Ilona, two looking at the bush where Shinn had crouched to try and remain in cover, but one apparently slow witted formori only glancing around bleerily while none had seemingly spotted Vivian.
"You say that" Ilona replied, "but sneaking and ambushing has never been something I was good at." It was still a little bit strange to hear her language spoken aloud, especially coming from herself. Filtered through her head her voice sounded very different from what she had envisioned it and she wondered if other people heard it that way, if they had always heard it that way when she’d communicated telepathically. Whatever her objections and blocks it wasn’t as if she were going to refuse to join them, though, and she followed after Vivian and Shinn down the ladder to the ground. Even after all her practice at walking this ladder was still a bit spooky if she were honest…

The two mermaids met Shinn at the bottom, the human having been hiding in the bushes to wait for them. Ilona’s eyes were drawn to the weapon he carried… It was unlike hers, probably not something he had scavenged. The shaft of the spear was well made, and instead of the typical formori sharp shell on the end of it there was a piece of black glass carefully shaped into a point. She would have loved to have had one of those, perhaps taken it back to her people to have it looked at. He spoke to them in their own language, and though it was broken and messy it was still a decent enough attempt. As good as if not better than her grasp of his language, anyway.

"That makes sense" Ilona replied, "I’ll try my best." There were no guarantees, of course… even if she was relatively used to moving on land it was a different thing to try and do it quietly. Still, she followed along behind Vivian and mimicked the redhead’s example, creeping through the jungle from piece of underbrush to piece of underbrush. She could hardly see Shinn at all and would’ve had no chance of following him without Vivian to guide her… he was damn good at this, that was sure. Ilona was definitely slowing them down significantly, but they didn’t seem to mind much that she could tell, which was reassuring at least.

It was hard going regardless, and there seemed to be little to eat in the jungle. There were signs that the formori had picked through all of this territory, even eating fruits that weren’t ripe. How could there possibly be so many of them breeding so fast? Were they even capable of enough thought to understand that they couldn’t possibly keep this up, that there wouldn’t be enough food even in the ocean itself to sustain them? Unfortunately this forced the hunting party to the coast, a much more dangerous endeavor that carried with it significantly more upside.

And it didn’t take them long to find an opportunity, albeit and infuriating one. There, on the beach, was a group of six formori harvesting the meat of an orca. Though she had to contain it Ilona felt a sense of rage build in the pit of her stomach. Orca were intelligent creatures, not quite on the level of an octopus or mermaid, but you could easily hold a conversation with one. They were almost always kind, even protective of mermaids they encountered and willing to fight off sharks and more dangerous beasts still for their sake. And the filthy formori were hunting even them for food. It seemed that nothing was sacred to them.

The three attempted to sneak into a position to ambush the formori, but Ilona didn’t get very far before making enough noise to give her away, stepping on a branch that snapped and drawing their attention. She cursed herself for the mistake, but she just wasn’t used to this sort of thing at all… Now it would fall to her to fight. She didn’t know how much the creatures knew, how many of them they had seen, but as they called out a warning she moved just a bit back, warding herself with her mental energy. Maybe they would lose sight of her… maybe not, but whether they came to her or she had to go out on the beach she would likely be engaged very soon.

Psychic Shield at X = 8. Spending 6 EP, upkeep of 0 per turn. +16 dodge (total of 11d10 + 17), +16 AV (for a total of 24), +16 to resistances (36 Reflexes, 26 Focus, 33 Willpower), +16 to bullrush and overrun, and +16 to Grapple (8d10 + 16)
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Ilona: HP = 90/90, PP = 45/45, EP = 49/55, Status = Fine, Psychic Shield at X = 8, upkeep of 0. +16 dodge (total of 11d10 + 17), +16 AV (for a total of 16), +16 to resistances (36 Reflexes, 26 Focus, 33 Willpower), +16 to bullrush and overrun, and +16 to Grapple (8d10 + 16)
Human Form; Unharmed
Mermaid Form; Maimed (counts as Weakened plus movement reduced to 5 feet), Psychic Shield X = 3 can give none of the usual bonuses but raises her swim movement to 15 feet

Galo: HP = 48/48, PP = 31, EP = 33, Status = Fine

Aereia: Sage
Taron: Head Sentinel of Clyons
Aegea: Healer from Clyons
Treyzine: Seer from Clyons
Vivian: Mer Warrior met on the island
Moggle, Nieri, Shinn and Oglen, the young boy, young woman, young hunter, and old wise man, the remnants of the human village.

The formori will come forth, two attacking Shinn with knives and three attacking Ilona, trying to grab her.

Attacks vs Shinn: 48 and 50 vs 53 and then 48, he gets shanked once.
Damage: 23 damage.
Attacks vs Ilona: 38, 41, 45 vs 47, then 69, then 64, they all miss.

Vivian will get to sneak attack, though she doesn't have the Talent to make it do more damage. Shinn has the Talent but was detected, so just has to stab.
Shinn's Attack:72 vs 41, hits.
Damage: 36 to one formori, not quite killing him.
Vivian's Attack: 96 is going to hit.
Damage: 48, she manages to one shot one of them.

Three of the formori launched themselves at Ilona, the most obvious of the group, but as her psionic shield raised around her the group of them all bounced off just before they could touch, rebounding off of her protective bubble. Two more went for Shinn, who had to rise out of the bush he'd been hiding in to try and defend himself. The man managed to deflect one of the formori's knives off of the hilt of his spear, but then the other slashed wildly with it's stone knife and gave him a gash on the arm, causing him to wince and retract. Shinn quickly leveled his spear and jabbed one of the formori in the chest, causing it to fall back with a choking grunt and clutch at the wound, waving its knife wildly to try and ward off further attacks.

Vivian, undiscovered until now, leaped from cover and skewered one of the formori attacking Ilona, causing it to tense and then go limp. She lowered her spear and pushed it forward, leaving it dead at Ilona's feet while the other two that had gone for her suddenly had to split their attention between the two mermaids.

The last formori finally seemed to figure out what was going on and started heading for Vivian, his knife raised, but he had joined the battle late and they would have time to try and clear out more of the formori that they'd stumbled across before he could fully join the fight.
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Three of the formori came after Ilona, but her attempt to shield herself was pretty completely successful. They weren’t expecting to encounter a wall of force, and so it easily parried their blows away from her. Shinn was not so lucky as to be able to do that, however, and his spear was a less effective shield. One of them managed to catch him on the arm with its knife, though he gave back worse than he got, stabbing it in the chest and seemingly almost hurting him badly enough to kill him. That was when Vivian leapt from the bushes driving her spear into one of the creatures attacking Ilona and killing it outright. That left them in a much better position, only four enemies actively in the fight against the three of them. If they played their cards right they could come out of the next few attacks with a numerical advantage… They just had to put in a few good hits, and so Ilona made to stab one of the formori facing her.

Supreme Might 1, 12d10-1 to-hit, 4d6+50 damage
Ilona: HP = 90/90, PP = 45/45, EP = 49/55, Status = Fine, Psychic Shield at X = 8, upkeep of 0. +16 dodge (total of 11d10 + 17), +16 AV (for a total of 16), +16 to resistances (36 Reflexes, 26 Focus, 33 Willpower), +16 to bullrush and overrun, and +16 to Grapple (8d10 + 16)
Human Form; Unharmed
Mermaid Form; Maimed (counts as Weakened plus movement reduced to 5 feet), Psychic Shield X = 3 can give none of the usual bonuses but raises her swim movement to 15 feet

Galo: HP = 48/48, PP = 31, EP = 33, Status = Fine

Aereia: Sage
Taron: Head Sentinel of Clyons
Aegea: Healer from Clyons
Treyzine: Seer from Clyons
Vivian: Mer Warrior met on the island
Moggle, Nieri, Shinn and Oglen, the young boy, young woman, young hunter, and old wise man, the remnants of the human village.

Ilona Attacks: 85, don't need to roll dodge against that.
Damage: 66, FATALITY.

Vivian stabs too.
Attack: 70 vs 39, hit.

Shinn tries to finish off one of the formori.
Attack: 62 vs 28, hits.
Damage: Don't need to roll it.

The slow formori starts running away. The one fighting Shinn tries to stab him.
Attack: 43 vs 53, miss.

While Ilona and Vivian fended off two of them, Shinn managed to thin the numbers threatening him. He gave a second jab to the one that he'd already stabbed, finishing it off, before quickly retracting and blocking another slash from the other formori. He managed to make it through another exchange without further injury, at least.

The other two were left facing Ilona and Vivian, and the two mermaids made quick work of them. Ilona stabbed one, impaling it, and Vivian did much the same thing. The two dropped, but while the mermaids were left pushing their corpses off of their spears, the last formori - the one who had reacted slowly to their presence - turned and started fleeing along the shore. It was screaming something in their gurgling language, and the sound was carrying off down the beach and a way into the jungle, but Ilona couldn't comprehend it and couldn't tell - yet - if the sound was reaching any of the formori's kindred.
Ilona Vivian were left only facing one formori apiece, which didn’t long at all. They impaled the creatures with their makeshift spears, killing them near instantly. At the same time Shinn finished off the formori he had wounded earlier, leaving only two left… one of which immediately began to flee. He was too far for Ilona to attack him, even mentally… and he was yelling something in that horrible language of theirs, though she had no way of knowing if there were others close enough to hear and respond. The blue-haired mermaid moved as quickly as she could to kill the last one fighting, saying to Shinn and Vivian "I’m too slow to catch that one, leave guy to me."

Supreme Might 1, 12d10-1 to-hit, 4d6+50 damage
Ilona: HP = 90/90, PP = 45/45, EP = 49/55, Status = Fine, Psychic Shield at X = 8, upkeep of 0. +16 dodge (total of 11d10 + 17), +16 AV (for a total of 16), +16 to resistances (36 Reflexes, 26 Focus, 33 Willpower), +16 to bullrush and overrun, and +16 to Grapple (8d10 + 16)
Human Form; Unharmed
Mermaid Form; Maimed (counts as Weakened plus movement reduced to 5 feet), Psychic Shield X = 3 can give none of the usual bonuses but raises her swim movement to 15 feet

Galo: HP = 48/48, PP = 31, EP = 33, Status = Fine

Aereia: Sage
Taron: Head Sentinel of Clyons
Aegea: Healer from Clyons
Treyzine: Seer from Clyons
Vivian: Mer Warrior met on the island
Moggle, Nieri, Shinn and Oglen, the young boy, young woman, young hunter, and old wise man, the remnants of the human village.


Ilona Attacks: 87, don't need to roll dodge against that.
Damage: 61, FATALITY.

Vivian isn't any faster than Ilona, so she can't catch up. Shinn also isn't quite fast enough, but he can try to track the formori as he runs off.
Shinn Tracking: 4 successes
Shinn Stealth: ???

Vivian, no faster than Ilona, aided her in bringing down the last of the formori actively fighting them while Shinn made for the fleeing one. Ilona jabbed her spear into the last one, causing him to seize, and when Vivian stabbed him on the way to the ground he was already dying. With Shinn running off after the shouting formori, Ilona and Vivian were left only with the formori around them - collectively giving their dying gurgles - and the carcass of the whale. Shinn was soon out of sight, trying to catch up to the fleeing formori whose voice was soon only an echo as he darted back into the jungle.

"Should... We try to follow them?" Vivian asked, unsure and glancing over at the dead whale. The death of it might have been tragic, but it was a lot of meat to leave lying there, and it wouldn't be long before it was too rotten for any of it to be salvageable.