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The Crystal Spire (Xivvix)

Laughing Hyena

Mystic Girl
Jan 13, 2010
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~The Crystal Spire~

(OOC Info: Recommended Level is Zero to One. You will most certainly need Magic and to a lesser extent Naughty and Lewd to have a reliable chance. Expect Heavy Bestiality/Monster (Possibly from Demons and Overtly Horny Guardians), Light Bondage, Traps and Rape.)

Desired Posting Speed: Three Posts a Day is fine, but at the slowest Once a Day.
Desired Posting Length: Detailed Paragraphs. (One or Two will Do. The more you give me the more I can give back to you.)


Among the howling crags and jagged and treacherous mountain ranges of the "World's Spine", a small mining settlement has become world famous in one night. The tales are different but there are similarities. A miner discovered on what was initially thought to be a enormous vein of diamond, however no pick or man who tried to chip away at the ore could breach it let alone chip at it. In time after much efforts the local magician was summoned to try and see what it really was.

The wizard soon discovered that it was some kind of tower made of solid crystal that had been buried and forgotten for centuries. The fabled Crystal Spire that was said to be the final resting place of an ancient wizard-king of the Ja'kath Empires, one of the most prosperous in the annals of history.

Some say that many treasures and artifacts of magic, long lost to the destructive force of time could be preserved and waiting to be unleashed once more for the good or ill of the world. Others claim that within is the wizard's heart, which could bestow even a peasant child with amazing magical powers the likes of which are unrivaled in. Others say that it is a key to the outer realms, leading to the kingdoms of gods and the fabled paradises and prisons that remain.

Adventurers none the less have been summoned to find out what is inside of it as it is a significant find to the scholars that reside in the nearby kingdom. Some may come for greed be it the money promised of the phenomenal powers said to be within the Spire. Some may come to prevent it from falling into the hands of evil. Some may come simply for the fun. Fortune favors the bold, Adventurer. Do not falter or hesitate lest you be consumed and forgotten by history.​
Re: The Crystal Spire (Xivvix)

Name: Kaylee
Description and Basic Backstory: A rather pretty young woman with long purple hair kept back in a ponytail, dressed in a dancer's sheer and revealing outfit. Having been sold into servitude to help pay off her family's large debts, Kaylee worked as dancer in a seedy night club for many years. Thanks to her quick wit and ability to learn quickly, she managed to never be taken advantage of like the other girls, but did learn a lot of tricks from them, as well as all the people who came in. She managed to escape before being sold as a slave due to her reluctance to service the customers, and now searches for gold and treasures so she can finally pay off the debt her family owes.

Desired Posting Speed: Generally 1-2 times a day, more on some days.
Desired Posting Length: Prefer a paragraph or more.

Level - 0
Willpower - 18/18
Combat and HP - 6 and 20/20
Explore and Stam - 3 and 10/10
Spirit and Magic - 4 and 10/10
Naughty and Lewd - 7 and 30/30

(The seedy night club she worked in let her see and learn many techniques regarding physical pleasure. She learned some basics of fighting from watching the scuffles that would break out in the club, and even learned to harness magic a small bit. The strict rules regarding where she could go meant she never was able to explore much, but she did learn how to hide, to protect herself when her reluctance to pleasure the guests got her into trouble.)

Skills and Fetishes - None yet.

A young girl runs through the harsh rocky terrain of the World's Spine. To a casual onlooker, she might appear naked, but in truth she was simply wearing the light and revealing clothes often worn by the dancers that worked in the night clubs of larger cities. A simple chest piece covered the fronts of her breasts, but left much of her flesh bare, while a small strip of cloth covered her lower area, her legs exposed to all thanks to the sheer see-through leggings that left little to the imagination. Kaylee gasps for breath as she looks behind her. "I think I lost 'em," she says, not seeing the men who had been chasing her.

Having seen a girl in such light and revealing clothes, the men were quite eager to sample the wares they thought she was selling. Only she wasn't, which made the men quite angry. Having seen enough fighting to learn how to handle herself, Kaylee had managed to escape rather easily, even grabbing one of the mens' swords before he could threaten her with it. Then she had run, as hard as she could, towards her goal, the Crystal Spire.

Rumors of the Crystal Spire had spread throughout the world like fire, even reaching the ears of the dancing girls in the club she had worked. Knowing that anyone that could make it in, find something of value, and get out would be swimming in wealth from the legendary magical items that any wizard would pay a king's ransom for, Kaylee had eagerly set out to find the ancient tower. She needed something, anything from the place that she could sell, to buy her own freedom, and that of her family.

Deciding not to waste time reminiscing, the girl sets to work immediately looking for the entrance to the fabled spire. The sooner she could find a way in, the sooner she could find something valuable. The threat that the men she had run from might still catch up to her prods the girl along as well, and she starts looking for a mine shaft or cave entrance that looks promising. If she doesn't find anything soon, the treasure hunter would have to find some other rumor to investigate...
Re: The Crystal Spire (Xivvix)

-The Entrance Hall-​

Upon entering the mines, the walls of the dusty air assail the lungs causing a small sneeze to emit from your body as you wander with what little light you are provided as you turn around corners and go deeper beneath the earth itself. At long last you, find yourself at the circular doorway of the Spire itself.

The wizard told you however how to get inside as it was instructed that to open the door in three separate potions. The Zenith.. which would be the top... The Dawn which would be directly to the left. And then finally to the Dusk. Which was just below the Twilight point and with a resounding click the circle indents and then rolls to the left revealing the inner chambers of the Spire.

It was beyond breathtaking with statues of crystals holding hands up to the heavens in ritualistic offerings each facing a giant throne in the Center with a golden statue of a robed man that looked to be in his mid forties. In your admiration you jump a bit when the statue began to speak.

"To whom that dares to enter the hallowed grounds of the wizard-king Mortimus Ja'Kath, know this. Only those who possess true magic may inherit the gifts I present. Be you without insight and blinded by ignorance, I warn you once to turn back. For beyond lie the challenges of the wizard-king and those that fall shall find there are some fates worse then death itself." And with that ominous warning Two doors of solid crystal open up revealing two staircases. Both leading up however above each is a small bit of ancient script. One says Vigilance the other says Mana... Clearly a hint of what was to lie ahead on each end.

(Paths: Choose the Trial of Vigilance (Explore); Choose the Trial of Mana (Spirit) )
Re: The Crystal Spire (Xivvix)

Kaylee walks into the entrance way of the fabled Crystal Spire with her eyes wide in amazement. The statues, realistically carved, are like nothing the humble girl has ever seen before. They are so realistic, in fact, that when the statue of the wizard-king starts to speak, she screams and jumps back, believing it to be alive. Pulling out her stolen sword and readying herself to be attacked, she stands shaking nervously for a second before realizing that the stone carving was only delivering a warning. Breathing a sigh of relief, she puts her weapon away, then sarcastically replies, "Thanks for the warning, old man, but the living need those 'gifts' more than the dead."

As the two doors open, Kaylee cautiously approaches both. Though she had never had formal training with magic, she was experienced with it enough to feel the power flowing from the door with the 'Mana' inscription. From the other hallway, she feels nothing, and that sets her on edge. All those stories she had heard about lost tombs and ruins of old cities talked about traps that could cut someone's head from their shoulders so fast, the head would have time to wonder what happened. Deciding that the somewhat known was better than the completely unknown, Kaylee sets off down the mana path, focusing her spirit to ward off anything that might come her way.

(Choose the Trial of Mana (Spirit))
Re: The Crystal Spire (Xivvix)

First Roll:

(Trial of Mana, Spirit = 18. Spirit = Difficulty 21)
(Kaylee's Spirit is 4. Roll of 18. = 22. Kaylee succeeds by 4)

As Kaylee went up the steps she felt the slight pulse of intense magic being worked around her. To the left there was a set of drawers containing many simple and basic metals such as copper, brass, iron, lead and so forth. To the right was a simple table filled with many alchemical components upon it such as tubes, chemicals, mixers and there was a small scroll upon it. Due north of the tables she saw an oak door chained and padlocked shut so she couldn't force it open. Searching the room revealed no key however.

She decided to check the scroll for answers figuring this to be some kind of puzzle. Opening the she reads "Even a pig can lie. Show me how this can be accomplished and form the key to your escape." She could only assume that she needed to accomplish one of the fabled transmutations to turn one object into another but which one was the right metal? Regardless she didn't wish to touch it just yet until she was sure it was the right answer.

She paused slowly considering the options on what kind of pig can lie. She thought about it metaphorically and then turned her mind over for what felt like a few hours but in reality it was only fifteen minutes. Looking over to the metals one stood out and that was the iron. She realized with a brilliant notion that the iron was in fact "pig iron" and according to theories you could turn pig iron into silver which creates a silver tongue which makes a leader and a liar!

Kaylee applauds herself and set to work on the complex formula working for hours with a wipe of her brow every now and eventually she manages the impossible as some skeptics would say as she transmute pig iron into silver. Looking over it and then to the door she paused and came up with the other half of the riddle soon enough. She needed to use magic to mold the silver into a key. She would caste a minor transmutation spell she knew off and began to shape it into its proper form. Moving to the door she turns the key about and with a sharp click the lock comes off and with a brief celebration she began to ascend the stairway finally reaching the second floor.

Passing out from under the archway after a long number of stairs, thirty nine of them to be exact, she would discover a faint smell of animal scent she couldn't place soon emitting from here, assaulting her nose. The floor she was in was lined with animal noose pole, aged meats, seeds, grains and water. The wizard must have had a love for exotic pets before he died and wanted them to be his guardians. She was seeing a small tile on the wall nearby the two rooms that lead forward that reads "Trial by Combat" in the Ancient Scriptures.

Kaylee would consider the two routes seeing that the crystals were tinted slightly red nearby a iron door to the left and she heard the sounds of barking coming from it. It was a kennel of some sorts to be sure. Though she didn't know if there was a true safe passage. The iron door felt slightly warm to the touch and she noticed a line of salt at the doors entrance. An obvious ward.

She saw that a much larger room was visible from a tempered glass window revealing exceptionally tall trees and vegetation that would defy all logic from being able to grow inside a mountain. A ladder of ion rungs leads up to a walkway and a doorway of wood that would take her into this greenhouse. She heard the shrill cries of birds... large birds by the sound of it that were calling this aviary home. She would note that the way across and through the aviary was a much more scenic route then one could hope for and whilst it might be the longer path it also meant she had a chance more so to attract something dangerous... but it also meant she wouldn't be so easily spotted.

(Paths: Go through the Kennel for a Shortcut (Combat/Naughty); Go through the Aviary and try to sneak through. (Explore/Combat) )

Kaylee's Stats
Level - 0
Willpower - 18/18
Combat and HP - 6 and 20/20
Explore and Stam - 3 and 10/10
Spirit and Magic - 4 and 10/10
Naughty and Lewd - 7 and 30/30
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Re: The Crystal Spire (Xivvix)

Racking her brain over the strange and obscure clue, Kaylee runs over everything she's ever heard about alchemy. Alchemical symbols she had spied in the books of wizards, formulas she had coaxed out of them through heavy drink, and smaller bits of knowledge they would part with to try and impress the girls, all float around in Kaylee's mind. Her incredible memory allows her to pick apart every detail of things she had merely glimpsed or heard in passing, and it isn't long before the girl has the riddle figured out. When it comes to mixing the various ingredients, her experience mixing drinks comes into play, allowing her to use just the right amounts of the strange chemicals to avoid overdoing it. In contrast to figuring out the riddle and mixing the chemicals correctly, the cantrip she has to cast to shape the metal into the form of a key, and she gives an excited shout at her success when she is granted further access to the Spire.

Ascending the stairs and approaching the next set of doors, Kaylee is surprised at the smell of animals and barking of dogs she can hear from the left. "There are things still alive in here?" she asks to herself, wondering what kind of magic must be at work to keep plants and animals alive deep under the earth as the ruins were. The words 'Combat' etched above the doors quickly convince her that anything still alive down here is not simply a lucky creature, but part of a larger obstacle that she still must overcome.

The dancer looks back and forth between the doors, deep in thought. Behind one she can hear the baying of dogs, and in the other, a foreboding forest seems to have taken root. The girl had heard tales of dangerous creatures living in the deep woods, preying on humans silly enough to wander into their domain. There is no telling what kind of terror awaits her, hidden among the trees.

"I can handle a few dogs," Kaylee says, thinking back to the strays that roamed the streets of the town she lived in. The animals might act tough if food was the line, but would usually back down if you could stand up to them. Drawing her sword, the young girl walks through the door leading towards the sound of barking, hoping to find the way through, and not just a dead end.

(Go through the Kennel for a Shortcut (Combat/Naughty))
Re: The Crystal Spire (Xivvix)

First Roll:

(The Kennels, Combat = 18. Naughty = x2)
(Kaylee's Combat is 6. Roll of 8. = 14. Kaylee fails by 4)
(Kaylee suffers 4 HP Loss and 8 Lewd Loss)

Kaylee took a deep breath and prepared herself to put down a few puppies. She didn't realize sadly that the salt line meant a demonic presence however. As Kaylee entered she was assailed by the fierce smell of rotted and burnt meat. The room was reinforced with black iron tiles and stone which was rare in the crystal spires make of such luxurious stone. This was more practical.

She saw cages that had rusted and broken through with dog tins that some had maggot infested dog chow in. Absolutely horrid conditions. However as she made her caution approach through the long and wide room she heard a sharp growl and turned to face it but saw nothing that indicated a dog. She gave a slight gasp when she saw a decayed corpse that looked like it had been torn apart and eaten on by them.

She looked about swiftly for them and she heard something coming up behind her. She turned and swings her sword at it slicing into a giant dog the size of a Mastiff. It had black furless skin with deep red eyes with barbs of bone peeking out along its spine. Lean muscles rippled with power as this hellhound got back up to its feet.

Yes she knew it was a hell hound, especially with it unleashes a torrent of flame at her which she promptly dodged. The sounds of growling signaled she was being surrounded. One of the hounds tackled her to the ground biting at her leg and tearing her clothes off slightly removing her silken leggings from her supple form. She covered slightly up as her beautiful lower body was exposed.

Kaylee backed away slightly nursing her hurt leg. She didn't see the third hound however jump on her from behind forcing her onto her hands and knees her to being torn off leaving her completely nude now. As she tried to struggle and recover she felt something intensely hot at her outer folds and it forced her struggles onward fearing these things wanted more then just her meat.

It was a fate worse then death in her eyes however as she felt the hellhound's maw at the back of her neck she froze up. She was scared for her life and before she could even yield to it she found her legs spreading of their own accord. She felt that incredibly thick dog cock press into her womanhood. It was a virgin breaker to be sure as it was two inches wide and 8 inches long even without that thick knot pumping into her. Tears streamed down her face as her first time was with a demon hound of all things. It sickened her mind as she cried out in pain as her body began to get off slightly on this disgusting act. Blood and her love juices flow trying to accommodate the dogs thick penis as her eyes shifted over realizing two other dogs were going to have their fun with her as well. It was then she felt that knot put deep into her. All three and a half inches width of it plugged her pussy and she screamed out in pain and horror as she felt that dogs liquid flame shoot into her womb and fill her up with puppies potentially. Her heart wept with despair knowing it was far from over.

As an hour passes into the rape, moans began to fill her lungs as her mind slightly snapped under the reality of what she was being subjected to. She wanted to get it over it and so she didn't struggle anymore. She would be the bitch for these dogs until they were all sated and maybe she would survive this. In the end she was limp on the ground with the dogs sleeping their romp off her eyes slightly glazed over as cum had pooled at her thighs as she was curled in the fetal position. She struggled to her feet feeling weak and violated but she realized if she didn't try and escape that this would be here fate. She refused to allow that and she ran with her blade in hand and her top clinging to her breasts like she was drenched by rainfall. Her tattered leggings were forgotten and she struggles with the iron door which began to rouse the hellhounds. Her eyes widened at a repeat performance and she swiftly lift the lock off and steps past the salt line shutting the door behind her. She was safe now, and looking up at the stairs, she gave a deep exhale now grateful to be alive.

As she came out of the archway leading to the third floor she saw that the crystal spires pigment was a dulled gray and the walls were filled with human sized alcoves with each one holding a sarcophagus. Possibly other ancestors of the wizard or maybe his more loyal servants who died alongside him upon his passing. The grey walls seemed to have a faint azure blue glow from the torches that began to systematically illuminate the way before her.

Soon however she came to a rather peculiar sight as there was a large pair of white doors which might house the wizards body or maybe even better his secret horde of magical knowledge. However she saw it was a very complex lock of magic that needed to be deciphered however with some guesswork she could probably find the right rue to push.

Looking further down the corridor she saw a chained and padlocked door with three pedestals at the left and right and above the door with each one housing a single gargoyle. Each gargoyle had a peculiar expression upon it. The left and right were happy and sad respectively with the middle one looking angry. Gargoyles were guardians of important things however they were exceptionally difficult and frustrating to deal with.

(Paths: Try to Gain Entrance into the Treasure Vaults (Explore/Naughty); Attempt to get past the Gargoyles (Spirit/Spirit)

Kaylee's Stats
Level - 0
Willpower - 18/18
Combat and HP - 6 and 16/20
Explore and Stam - 3 and 10/10
Spirit and Magic - 4 and 10/10
Naughty and Lewd - 7 and 22/30
Re: The Crystal Spire (Xivvix)

Kaylee's surprise at the presence of hellhounds rather than normal dogs is quickly supplanted by fear as she dodges their attacks. She has to move fast to avoid the pounce and the stream of fire, but that same speed knocks her off balance and allows one of the creatures to bite into her leg. Limping in pain, she is unable to keep herself from being brought down to the ground underneath the demon. Frantically, she tries to crawl away, fearing for her life, but freezes instinctively when she feels the beasts jaws close around her neck.

For a second, the girl can only stare at the ground, breathing shallowly as she contemplates her impending death. When the creature pushes it's member against her folds though, her eyes widen and she gasps in shock. 'They don't want to eat me, they want to fuck me,' she thinks, horrified, but at the same time relieved that she isn't going to die... yet. Afraid the situation might change if she doesn't comply, Kaylee spreads her legs to accept the creature into herself. The demon wastes no time, thrusting away as her body rocks back and forth from the powerful motions. Painful, but at the same time pleasing, Kaylee moans as the creature's large member drives into her again and again. The girl screams as tears of shame and bliss roll down her cheeks as she is brought to orgasm, her inner walls clamping down on the demon' organ as it begins to spurt it's burning seed deep within her. She collapses as the creature pulls it's knotted member out, but swiftly pushes herself back to her hands and knees as the second demon hound approaches, seeking entry. She would do whatever these monsters want, if it meant she could live, and that thought both excites and terrifies her.

Laying on the ground, gasping in exhaustion from the ordeal, Kaylee watches the demon hounds rest. 'This is my only chance,' she thinks, understanding that if she doesn't move now, the dogs would never let her leave. Pushing herself weakly off the cum covered floor, she grabs her sword, the steel weapon ringing as it slides across the stone floor, causing one of the creatures to stir. At the sight, the young girl puts every bit of energy she has into running for the door, the sound of paws scraping along the ground and a ferocious growl growing closer and closer behind her. At the last second, she leaps through the opening and slams the door shut, the lock clicking into place as she slides to the floor, thankful to have escaped. Escaped from the hounds, but not the ruins.

With no choice but to continue on, the girl continues up the stairs, after taking a moment to wipe some of the slowly drying spunk from her legs. She walks down the hallway lined with sarcophagi , fearful at every step that something would attack her like the hounds had. Nothing does however, and soon she stands at the large pair of doors. The doors are impressive, and suggest something valuable hidden inside. "Jackpot," she says softly, hopeful that this was the room she sought. Further down the corridor, she sees another door, this one guarded by gargoyles, creatures of magic known for the infuriating games they like to play.

The magical lock on the white pair of doors is imposing, but looking them over she notices that she recognizes a few of the runes. With a glance at the gargoyles guarding the door further down the hall, the girl decides to try to work on the approach that was less unnerving, and proceeds to try deciphering the runes.

(Try to Gain Entrance into the Treasure Vaults (Explore/Naughty))
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Re: The Crystal Spire (Xivvix)

First Roll:
Second Roll:

(The Kennels, Explore = 20. Naughty = 24)
(Kaylee's Explore is 3. Roll of 6. = 9. Kaylee fails by 11)
(Kaylee's Naughty is 7. Roll of 11. = 18. Kaylee fails by 6)
(Kaylee suffers 1 Willpower Loss, 10 Stamina Loss and 6 Lewd Loss)

Kaylee decided it had to be worth what risks one could possibly endure. After all how could it be as bad as the hellhounds raping her? Studying the doorway, she tired to make sense of the runes that were upon it. It spoke of being able to open the door with your own inner spark, whatever that meant and to open the door all you had to do was press one of the runes that told that you were not ignorant in the meaning of the first phrase. Her head just flipped over itself in a sense as that meant no sense to her but the idea was all she had to do was find a rune that said open. It was mildly frustrating not being able to figure it out and a slight cackling could be heard the longer she went at it. Eventually she screamed "SHUT UP!!!" Eventually after an hour of searching she found it and pressed the button that would open the doors.

Gradually the white crystal doors opened up revealing mountains of golden "crowns", the currency of the ancient kingdoms that she could literally climb atop along with bejeweled tapestries. Sword and armor upon beautiful armor stands along with clothing in large chests that were as tall as her chest and as wide as her body twice over. There were luxurious mirrors of gold and crystal. Gems the size of fists and a beautiful summoning glyph in the center made of diamond dust and ash... wait what?

Yes she realized too little too late as the doors seal shut that she had picked the wrong glyph as the bounty soon began to vanish and a purple gas filled the room. Unfortunately she couldn't avoid not breathing it and her legs began to feel her wetness trickling down her thighs. Her nipples grew as hard as the diamonds she had laid eyes upon. Reaching down to quench the fire she knelt before the summoning glyph fingering her tender and overtly sensitive folds. As she did she could feel the hot cum that the hell hounds pumped into her begin to leak out of her body. Using her other hand to free her top and letting her firm breasts bounce free of their confines she moaned, begging for release.

As the reddish energies surged through the summoning circle her body grew slightly damp with sweat. She needed that sweet release.. and she hoped whatever came through would fix it. What came through made her eyes widen with horror to her suppressed logic and delight to her overtly horny figure.

A greyish abomination which was mix between a grotesque flesh slime and mouths and eyes looked down upon her as it began to sprout tendrils shaped like a mix of a dildo and a feline phallus. Bumps along the shaft with a firm arrow like tip for the head, barbed like protrusions lining the center. A mechanisim that was meant to keep her pussy and ass highly stimulated. Another tendril shifted into a much more natural erection that had a pronounced underside with a long ridge going down the length.

It hovered before her as soon she was ensnared by the creature and though her mind told her to fight back her body had surrendered long beforehand. She was scared as she felt it coil around her arms and pull them behind her back to make her breasts stand out more pronounced. Large mouths with very thin and narrow tongues latched onto her nipples making her scream in delight. Even further when the tongue pierced her nipples where her milk would have come out. It was trying to make her wet nurse it. As serpent like tendrils rubbed over her breasts and fondled them she found her legs lifting up.

A wide smile was on her as she couldn't possibly care anymore what happens so long as she gets fucked hard. She spreads her legs as the tendrils hook them and soon that strange cat like penis shoves itself into her pussy sending shockwaves of pain and intense pleasure through her as she began to rock back and forth violently within its clutches. Her pussy squeezed it milking its ember willingly. It was then when she felt the thicker erection with the pronounced underside push firmly into her rear hole and she gave a deep gasp as her eyes shrank from the intensity of her molestation. Milk poured from her breasts as the tendrils upon her nipples nursed heavily.

It went so far as to make her dare mouth "Heaven... Im in heaven", for no man would be able to fufill her primal needs like this thing could. As a human penis came to her lips she licked over the head and pressed her own mouth over it milking it with her mouth. As a good thirty minutes pass she finally began to feel the full force of her orgasm hit her. An enormous gusher of love juices fell from her body puddling over her sword before the creature granted its own eruption filling her womb and ass and mouth all with its demonic sperm which she happily accepted.

She fell onto a pile of golden "crowns" as she smiled softly oozing over the bounty. She turned around however knowing the creature wanted more and who was she to deny it? She was completely lost in her own moment and hours pass as she experienced a life time of sex in one night. By the end after the creature's time was up the fluids from her body had been extracted and absorbed into it as her cunt and ass literally was squirting hot spunk from her cunt and she was coyly playing with her spunk and milk covered tits. She passed out for another hour or two afterwards.

When she came too she blushed very heavily and dared not recall what had happened. She wept slightly for the moment as it had been sheer torture to be willing to please such a monster and to act like a total slut whilst doing it. As she crawled for some new clothing and her sword she noticed a faint blue glimmer out of the corner of her eye as a rare sight that even she knew tales of.

A mana fruit, which is said to be infused with mana itself from the fabled first tree, it had incredible powers of restoration. She crawled quickly to the fruit and ate it needing nourishment and healing of her spirit and this was just the ticket. As she rose back to her feet she felt more alive then she ever had in years. She felt... young again, full of opportunity and vigor. It was hard to believe it but it was even better then sex with that monster. The only downside was the room was a dead end but now she could take what she could carry and the doors were open once again.

(Full Restoration. We shall continue after your next post with the gargoyles challenge.)

Kaylee's Stats
Level - 0
Willpower - 18/18
Combat and HP - 6 and 20/20
Explore and Stam - 3 and 10/10
Spirit and Magic - 4 and 10/10
Naughty and Lewd - 7 and 30/30
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Re: The Crystal Spire (Xivvix)

Kaylee's eyes open wide and her mouth drops at the mass of wealth the slowly opening doors reveals. "Oh yes," she says, her hands coming up to cover her mouth, "yes, yes, YES!" She rushes over to the piles of coins, scooping them up as she laughs at her luck. It isn't until the first fumes reach her nose that she notices something is wrong, the gold disintegrating and turning to ash in her hand, right as she begins to feel the sudden pangs of lust from deep within her.

Sprawled out on the floor, fingers diving into her gushing folds as she moans in need, Kaylee can only stare at the sudden presence filling the room. Her mind screams for her to run, but her body can only quiver in anticipation as she looks up at the strange creature before, somehow knowing that it intended to use her just as the hellhounds had, but anxious for the act this time. Slowly inching her way towards the creature, she smiles as it wraps it's tendrils around her, breathing heavily as it teases her breasts, then lifts her off the ground by the legs. Her mouth drops open as she moans in bliss as the the twin phalluses thrust up into her, the girl not hesitating to begin licking and sucking on the member brought to her lips. Kaylee cries out as the first orgasm of many to come washes over her, the fearful part of her mind being drowned out by the overpowering lust that had been forced on her. As she is fucked over and over by the demon, Kaylee's mind blanks out, unable to handle the situation as her body and lust take over.

When Kaylee finally comes back to herself, she realizes she is laying on the stone floor in a veritable pool of both her own and the demon's juices. Her body is sticky with the drying fluid, and a taste in her mouth and her hand on her lips tells her that even after the monster had finished spurting it's seed into her, she had continued to enjoy it. With a groan, the girl pushes herself up and out of the filth, walking away on shaky legs as she tries to wipe herself as clean as possible. With the room bare of the wealth it had contained before, Kaylee is pleased to at least find enough cloth to cover herself, though she wonders now if that even matters in this tomb full of perverted monsters. 'What does anything matter now. I can't handle the dangers of this place, just like the old man said,' she thought, a feeling of strong dismay taking hold of her as she grabs her sticky sword and tries to wipe it off.

It is then that she notices the glowing fruit. Immediately recognizing the magical food, she rushes over to it and scoops it up. Knowing that the mana fruits had the power to cure a person of any ills, Kaylee bites into it. As the restorative juices flow into her, she quickly feels better, both in body and mind. The effect of the fruit even sends a wave of magic over the girls skin, washing away much of the evidence of what has happened to her up till now. She may have been used, but she is still alive, fit, and ready to move on, to achieve her goal and leave this place behind her. With newfound strength and spirit, Kaylee leaves the vault and heads deeper into the tomb.

Walking confidently up to the door guarded by the gargoyles, the lightly clothed, somewhat smelly girl stands proudly before them. "So I heard you snickering earlier," she says, speaking loudly and clearly, "And now I'm ready to open this door. So open up."

As she finishes speaking to the gargoyles, she focuses her spirit into a magical pulse, seeking to investigate the door and discover just what was necessary to suppress the stone guardians, and remove the locks sealing her away from the rest of the tomb.

(Attempt to get past the Gargoyles (Spirit/Spirit))
Re: The Crystal Spire (Xivvix)

First Roll:

(Gargoyles Riddle, Spirit = 18. Spirit = 22)
(Kaylee's Spirit is 4. Roll of 19. = 23. Kaylee succeeds by 5)

As Kaylee approached the gargoyles they began to chuckle and cackle at her as she gave a confident smile the sad looking one seemed very sympathetic "What a horrible thing to go through. You aren't feeling worse for wear?" The happy one clapped his hands "Are you kidding? It sounded like she was having fun with it. So tell me did you get its name?" The angry one had none of this. "Will you two stop! How long are you gonna keep carrying on!?" They suddenly shut up before the angry one looks right at Kaylee and asked her "You want to go through? Frankly I could care less if ya do or not but they love sport so heres the deal. Solve this damned puzzle box and we'll let you through without a fuss. Got it?" With that he tosses the puzzle box to Kaylee which she caught.

Looking at the puzzle for a few minutes she was initially worried at first that she wouldn't be able to manage this task. However a crash of lightning strikes her in the head so to speak, when she realized this box radiated transmutation magic and as such the puzzle would normally be unbeatable. You had to cheat in order to complete the puzzle. Using her magic she began to picture in her mind the puzzle being solved by itself and after a few moments she smiled victorious once again.

The gargoyles all collectively moan in exasperation and frustrations at not being able to have some fun at her expense. Gargoyles were practical jokers and were very child like about it when things didn't go their way. None the less they would stand aside and the stairway to the next floor is soon revealed as the locks fall off the door and is opened for her.

As she climbed up the steps she had to ask if the prize at the end was worth it but her doubts seemed shallow now when she stepped into the wizards archives. She was smiling broadly as rows upon rows of books filled with ancient knowledge were here along with mystical items were on display with small patterns of magic playing out before her. Scroll cases with ancient rituals were visible. Sure they might be not so important to her but a scrap of new magic couldn't hurt and besides think of how valuable these books were to the right bidder?

As she wandered she heard a male voice beckon her over "Oh thank whoever sent you into this damned place! Listen carefully! I need your help!" As she approached she saw a diamond and salt pentagram on the floor where a breathtakingly beautiful male with large bat like wings and a long serpents tail and short black horns and yellowish eyes looked upon her.

"Look, I have been stuck here for six centuries after the wizard's son summoned me and then promptly forgot me for an assassination plan he was scheming. All I want to do is to leave this Spire and return to my home plane. However I cant break the wards unless the energy that has left me is restored. Thats where you come in. Bed with me and give me a small bit of your mana and I swear I will leave and not come back. I'll even tell you how to get up to the Fifth floor!" A tempting offer to be sure but should she trust this creature? Could she be able to find the stairway on her own?

(Paths: Search the Archives for a Secret Passage (Explore); Perform the Ritual with the "Man" (Naughty)

Kaylee's Stats
Level - 0
Willpower - 18/18
Combat and HP - 6 and 20/20
Explore and Stam - 3 and 10/10
Spirit and Magic - 4 and 10/10
Naughty and Lewd - 7 and 30/30
Re: The Crystal Spire (Xivvix)

"Hah, piece of cake," Kaylee jokes as she easily works out the hidden solution. 'Puzzle boxes really are simple' she thinks to herself, 'More of a children's toy than anything.' Her knack for solving the device isn't from any profound magical understanding of course, but from having played with them herself when a bored mage had dropped a similar object in the night club she worked at. The toy allowed her to take her mind off her daily duties as she relaxed in the tiny room she was allowed to sleep in. "Got anyting better?" she asks, tossing the box into the hands of the happy gargoyle. "And no, I didn't get his name, he finished too quick for me want to a second date." With a smirk, she saunters past the gargoyles and up the staircase.

Upon entering the library, Kaylee claps her hands and giggles in glee. All these books would be worth something to wizards. Her mood sobers though, when she has to consider how she would actually retrieve all the large, heavy books, and then how to sell them. It wasn't like you could trade them in at a bookstore and get money, books of magic are often very specialized, and you might never find the wizard that wants it. Still, there might be something in here worth taking, so the girl wanders around, inspecting the room's contents.

The sudden call surprises Kaylee, and she immediately draws her sword, before approaching the... man? 'No, not a man, a demon,' she thinks, putting together the salt lines on the floor and the beings strange animal features to identify it as an incubus, a lust demon. "Sorry pal, I'm a little worn out already, I think I'll just wander around for now. Maybe later." she says nonchalantly before heading off further into the library. The demon might know how the way further in, or it might be lying, there was no way for her to be sure really, and giving herself willingly to an evil entity like that is not something she relishes the thought of, after her previous run-ins.

Kaylee wanders for what seems like forever, trying to find a way deeper into the ruins. The walls seem to have no other doors except the one she entered from, and she still doesn't want to give in to the incubus' increasingly tempting offer. Finally, the girl remembers stories of adventurers who had found secret passages after pulling on levers disguised as books or torches. Without a second thought, the girl proceeds to pull on any book that seems out of place, and anything sticking out of the wall she can get her hands on.

(Search the Archives for a Secret Passage (Explore))
Re: The Crystal Spire (Xivvix)

First Roll:
Second Roll:

(Find Secret Passage, Explore = 18. Explore = 25)
(Kaylee's Explore is 3. Roll of 6. = 9. Kaylee fails by 9)
(Kaylee's Explore is 3. Roll of 6. = 9. Kaylee fails by 16)
(Kaylee suffers 15 Willpower Loss and 10 Stamina Loss)

(LH sez - "Ouch")

Kaylee was confident in her skills on the first attempt as she looked and searched about trying to find the entrance to the fifth floor of this place. Moving onward however with her search every time a shelf or candlestick didnt turn or twist. She looked for stones that were loose, orbs that could act as a switch. Anything that would open the door. She even tried magic and every time resulted in failure.

As she pressed on with her search stubborness carried her forward and desperation as she didn't wish to try and incubus' offer of a ritual to find out where the exit was. Frustration sets in the third attempt and after this she's a bit panicked and angry. She just cant seem to figure it out as as she loses her temper she began to frantically search the cases and shelves for the right switch and she falls down in exhaustion with a disorganized pile of books and scrolls surrounding the area. her eyes scanned the very last scroll and she prayed it was the right one. It was indeed the right one as a portion of the wall slides up and then reveals the staircase to the fifth floor. Immediately she heads up wanting out of this archives to face whatever challenge lied ahead for her. Passing through the archway of the fifth floor she pledged to herself that she would survive this... somehow.

She found that the white walls of the crystal spire had returned with a faint hint of red within the walls and floor. It looked like she was wandering many many corridors. She quickly realized she was within a maze and she was moving about slowly towards the center as thats where the staircase to the final floor should be. She was so close she could feel it. She hoped that would be where the fruits of her labors would be.

However a deafening roar made her take notice as it came from the east. Peeking around the corner her eyes widened in intense fear as there stood an overtly muscled twelve foot tall minotaur. Black skinned with a ferocious looking pair of eyes and an oversized short axe that looked like no human could wield with just even two hands.

What this thing was holding however gave her a considerable bout of debate for she saw a small fragment of celestial wine tied to its hip. This was said to be a miracle drink, made from the nectar of heavens flowers and drank only by the gods. It could revitalize her and put her at her full strength before she faced whatever final obstacle lied ahead for her.

What was more concerning for her was the billowing hair that covered his pelvis did little to hide his other weapon. His virgin... no woman breaker. As in if she was molested by this thing she might be cumming blood instead of love juices. It looked like it could break her in half just with that and never mind the muscles. Still this thing had not spotted her. Perhaps she could ambush this thing or even better escape it and make it to the stairs before it caught up with her. But if she ran, more then likely she would lose the wine and have to deal with whatever awaited her as she was now.

(Paths: Fight the Minotaur [Miniboss] (Combat/Naughty); Avoid the Minotaur (Explore/Combat) )

Kaylee's Stats
Level - 0
Willpower - 3/18
Combat and HP - 6 and 20/20
Explore and Stam - 3 and 0/10
Spirit and Magic - 4 and 10/10
Naughty and Lewd - 7 and 30/30
Re: The Crystal Spire (Xivvix)

(And here I was hoping I'd get lucky like with the Spirit/Spirit challenges ><)

Wandering through the library over and over, Kaylee nearly screams out in frustration as the path to proceed continues to elude her. "It's got to be in here somewhere!" she cries, slamming her fist into the wall as she gradually becomes more and more enraged.

"The offer still stands, precious," the incubus calls, only serving to further anger the girl. She gives a growl, but no other response, instead choosing to continue searching for a way out. Finally, after much searching and nearly pulling her hair out, Kaylee finds the hidden lever. With a sigh, she walks up the staircase, grumbling as she goes.

After wandering around the strangely twisting corridors for a few minutes, Kaylee's already strained nerves threaten to give out. "I don't believe this crap!" she says loudly, nearly yelling, just before hearing the mighty roar. Quickly ducking into a shady corner she watches as the huge minotaur stomps into view. 'Oh wow that things huge' she thinks, though whether she means the minotaur, the axe, or something else, even she isn't sure.

Drawing the blade from it's sheath, Kaylee stares down the corridor at the minotaur. Sneaking was never really her strong suit, and with everything that's been happening to her today, the idea of gutting some big oaf sounds good. Besides, the mana fruit had helped earlier, and going any further into the ruins meant she would need to be at full strength, and that wine on the monster's hip is just what she needs. 'That settles it,' she thinks, gulping, 'I'm going to fight the minotaur.'

Deciding that a frontal assault is the epitome of foolishness in this situation, the witty, but unlucky, girl comes up with a simple plan. Grabbing a nearby rock, she tosses it down the corridor, away from her, When the minotaur comes to inspect the noise, she will hide, waiting for the moment for the beast to pass her, then shove her blade so far into it's back, that it'll look like it has two "woman breakers." She smiles at her joke, though at the same time hopes it never has a chance to use the one it has. Right now, she is pleasantly thankful for the rough time she had received from the hellhounds and the demon earlier. With luck, if she fails to kill the minotaur, their repeated violent workings of her womanhood will make it easier for the monsters giant member to fit inside her without too much trouble.

(Paths: Fight the Minotaur [Miniboss] (Combat/Naughty))
(Hopefully the higher combat and naughty stats will pay of this time...)
Re: The Crystal Spire (Xivvix)

First Roll:

(Find Secret Passage, Combat =20. Naughty = x1.5)
(Kaylee's Explore is 6. Roll of 13 +2 (For Smart Idea) = 21. Kaylee succeeds by 1)

She steeled her nerves in knowing shed have to fight this thing for she feared she might not be able to outrun it and with how bad she was in this manner... it wouldn't take long for it to catch her. She picked up a small chipped crystal and waited as it prowled the corridors looking for intruders. Her eyes were drying from her refusal to blink as her quarry was in sight and sticking to the shadows she threw the stone into another corridor to get its attention. It worked as it was running towards the direction ignoring her in her hiding place.

She swiftly ran forward and drawing her sword found the minotaur turning just in time to witness the slice into it's stomach however the hide was so dense and toughened that it made a light scratch. It bellowed loudly in anger and pain and retaliates with a wide swing of that enormous axe making a long groove into the crystal walls. She ducked low and tumbled to the right slicing at the leg making it take a knee as she climbed up onto its back trying to stab it through the neck but it grabs her by her lower garments and throws her aside into the wall.

Her vision blurred as she felt the damn thing approach raising the axe to try and cleave her in half. She rolled into the minotaur to avoid it and then strikes him in the privates with her heel which just seemed to make it angrier as it kicks her in the stomach in turn. However she rolls backwards away from it. She weaved and avoids the next axe swing leaping to the right before grabbing the arm to flip up onto the shoulder and runs up and along it and slams the sword right down into the mouth and the minotaur falls back to the ground dead with her atop it.

Breathing heavily with trickles of sweat pouring down her body from the adrenaline and heated pace. She walked over and removed the celestial wine and the minotaur horns for a personal trophy. She smiled as the nectar smelled heavenly and she drank deeply relieving all the contents and her spirits sung and her body surged with life as her muscles began to ease and her mind became clear. It was like being kissed by a god and blessed by him or her personally. Invigorated she heads up to the final floor of the tower where her destiny awaited.

As she came through the archway into the final resting place of Mortimus Ja'kath, the wizard king, she felt a slight chill in the air but the beauty here was breath taking as currents of magical energy swept about circulating around through the walls as wisps danced in lanterns that lead to the orichalcum inlaid tomb of the wizard king. As she made her approach she felt the magical presence become stronger. She could sense it in the air, with her heart racing as she saw just beyond the sarcophagus many ornate stone chests possibly teeming with untold treasures and magical items.

Suddenly a firm and powerful voice rang out "Who dares to distrub my sleep!!? Who dares to defile the tomb of my final resting place!? Who dares to challenge the wizard-king Mortimus Ja'Kath!?! Depart from this place lest ye join me in death!!!" A grave amount of fear ran though her as she soon saw a stunning image of the wizard king himself standing before her with a vengeful and offended look in his eyes "You aren't even a mage! How dare one who does not dedicate herself to such a disicipline craft soil my grave with her presence!!! You shall not leave this tomb for this insult!!!"

(Defeat the Ghost of Mortimus Ja'kath, the Wizard King. (Spirit/Spirit) [Boss])

Kaylee's Stats
Level - 0
Willpower - 18/18
Combat and HP - 6 and 20/20
Explore and Stam - 3 and 10/10
Spirit and Magic - 4 and 10/10
Naughty and Lewd - 7 and 30/30
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Re: The Crystal Spire (Xivvix)

(Haha, close one ;) )

Kaylee pants in exhaustion after the battle. "That was.. too close," she says, looking down at the felled beast. Without hesitation, she reaches down for the wine and drinks. As the cool liquid flows down her throat, she moans in ecstasy. 'So good!' she thinks, finishing the draught with a gasp. The sweet tasting drink had an incredible effect on her, washing away all weariness and pain from her body, and all doubt from her mind. "Almost there, Kaylee," she says, pulling her blade from the minotaur and using it to take her trophy, "I can feel it."

Moving quickly, she runs through the maze, excited to continue her journey and claim the prize she knows is waiting for her. Bounding up the staircase 2 stairs at time, she runs up into the next room, her eyes taking in the beauty of the wizard-kings resting place. "Oh, wow, he sure had it nice," she says, sweeping over the room. Though her senses scream to her at the steadily increasing magical presence, she finds herself unable to pay them any heed, drawn to the chests lying in the back corner of the room.

When the voice rings out, Kaylee freezes and reaches for her weapon, having had so many surprises in the ruins that she is no longer surprised when something like this happens. She remains silent as the ghostly king continues his tirade, drawing the weapon slowly, though she knows the steel blade will have no real effect on the phantom. When the wizard king finishes, she says softly, "I went through a lot to get here, old man, and I'm not going to let some moldy old ghost stop me now!" With that, she pours what little magical power she has into her weapon, the blade suddenly becoming wreathed in blue waves of power. Screaming out in anger at the idea of being denied what she has endured so much for, Kaylee swings the shimmering weapon violently towards the image of the wizard king.
Re: The Crystal Spire (Xivvix)

First Roll:
Second Roll:

(Defeat the Ghost of Ja'Kath, Spirit = 18. Spirit = 20)
(Kaylee's Spirit is 4. Roll of 1 = 5. Kaylee fails by 13)
(Kaylee's Spirit is 4. Roll of 12 = 16. Kaylee fails by 4)
(Kaylee suffers 10 Magic Loss and 7 Willpower Loss)

Kaylee severely underestimated the ghost magic powers however diminished from his demise long ago he was still amazingly powerful as she managed to swing her magically enhanced sword for the ghost who blocked it with a single finger with a wrath-filled glare given. "YOU DARE STRIKE ME!?" He bellowed as he placed a hand over where her heart would be and she felt her mana literally being drained right from her body which make her go deathly pale.

As she struggled against it her body felt colder and less lively as her pupils shrank at the unnatural pain she felt before she finally used what remained of her natural mana to free herself. Backpedaling away she saw the wizard start to look a bit more younger and more "alive" then she recalled him to be. "Its been a long time since I felt living mana coursing through my spirit. I had forgotten how good it feels. Shall we go again or do you wish to yield already woman?"

She realized she couldn't possibly take such an assault twice, and it might even prove... fatal should it happen again. None the less she had come too far to lose at this point. That would be such a tragic way. To be bested by an old mans spirit that had long gone past his prime. And who knows what horrible fate awaited her should she fail. Probably this wizard had countless ways to make one suffer a worse fate then death. Well beyond what the incubus or hellhounds or even the minotaur could do to her.

She was not going to let it end with her on her back like this. Struggling to push herself back up onto her feet she readied her sword and mentally prepared herself for whatever destiny gave her. Bane or Fortune, Life or Death, she would face it head on without regrets.

Kaylee's Stats
Level - 0
Willpower - 11/18
Combat and HP - 6 and 20/20
Explore and Stam - 3 and 10/10
Spirit and Magic - 4 and 0/10
Naughty and Lewd - 7 and 30/30
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Re: The Crystal Spire (Xivvix)

Kaylee screams in agony as the ancient wizard drains the mana from her body. Her limbs tense and her knuckles go white from the grip she takes on her sword as her body spasms from the effect of the ghosts power. When the ghost releases her, she almost blacks out, her legs working on their own to pull her away from the threat.

"I, I hope you choke on it," she spits out at her opponent as she gasps for breath. With her mana drained and her body weakened, Kaylee can only struggle to stand as she recovers from the attack. 'How can I possibly beat this old man,' she thinks, her will having been drained along with her mana, 'He was too strong for me even when he was alive.' What other choice does she have now, though? With the angry ghost becoming revitalized from draining her mana, it would never allow her to leave.

Setting her jaw, Kaylee does the only thing she can do, readies her sword and her spirit for another attack. Her only hope is to use what remains of her life force to overpower the ghost. Pouring every last bit of her remaining mana into her sword, Kaylee charges the ancient wizard once again, a scream sounding from her as she focuses all of her will on defeating this powerful foe.
Re: The Crystal Spire (Xivvix)

First Roll:
Second Roll:

(Defeat the Ghost of Ja'Kath, Spirit = 16. Spirit = 18)
(Kaylee's Spirit is 4. Roll of 18 = 22. Kaylee succeeds by 6)
(Kaylee's Spirit is 4. Roll of 20 = 24. Kaylee succeeds by 6)

Kaylee would scream at the top of her lungs as her blade suddenly slices through the ghost with her remaining mana spilling out into her blade sundering the ghost dispelling it now as it screams in agony. She was incredibly fortunate that she managed to startle the wizard like that and get in the blow however she fell to her knees exhausted her hands shaking from how close she actually came to losing everything she had risked for and more.

Suddenly it began to dawn upon her that nothing else was happening. The sarcophagus was available. Laughter began to echo within the room coming from her voice as she could jump for joy for she had managed to defeat the Crystal Spire and now she was going to reap the fruits of her labors. She was quick in her task as she opens the chests revealing many golden crowns, silver crests, fine jewelry studded with rubies, emeralds and diamonds. She saw an odd looking amulet that had a strange red liquid within it inlaid in glass, steel and hanging by a silver chain. Unfortunately she couldn't take anything else as the contents of that one chest were all she could carry for now but it was more then enough.

Leaving the Spire for the Unnamed Mining Town after emerging victorious from the depths, she contemplated going back in for the rest of the treasures but unfortunately, shed have no way to transport all that out by her lone self. She'd figure something out however to be sure. For now she needed a good nights rest and a slight smile crossed her face as she knew everything would change for her.

When she awoke she was greeting by the sounds of a thunderous applause but it wasn't for her. Peeking outside the window she saw that someone else had emerged from the Spire and had actually talked to the townsfolk on the matter. The woman in question looked like a beautiful and youthful young mage who had many items and pouches filled with treasure from the looks of it claiming how she put the wizard kings ghost to a final rest. And that the Spire was finally safe for the villagers to claim the contents of whatever they could find left over. The archives, the vault, the remaining treasures of the tomb... all gone.

It was nearly heartbreaking to think that someone else would get this kind of fame and fortune when she had been the one to succeed first. Perhaps it was just misfortune for being greedy enough to try and take everything for herself. Perhaps she was envious because in the annals of history it would be this mage that bears the claim to defeating the Spire. Still, at the very least she had the money and the one amulet among other things, which would be more then enough to perhaps buy her family's freedom, and that was just a start of what it could do.

Still as she passed the gossip and saw the statue begin erected of the mage she wanted to scream at the top of her lungs that she didn't defeat the Spire. Buying what she would need for the trek home she was in slightly better spirits when she thought of the faces of her family and her successful endeavor. As she leaves the mining settlement, heading for her hometown of Vertigo, she smiled to herself as nothing could go wrong here. Nothing at all.

Kaylee's Stats
Level - 0
Willpower - 11/18
Combat and HP - 6 and 20/20
Explore and Stam - 3 and 10/10
Spirit and Magic - 4 and 0/10
Naughty and Lewd - 7 and 30/30

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Re: The Crystal Spire (Xivvix)

With the ancient spirit defeated, Kaylee sinks to her knees, panting in exhaustion after having to pour so much of her spirit into the attack. As she stares around the room, she begins to laugh. 'I did it!' she thinks, her joy spurring her to leap up and rush across the room, anxious to see what treasures lay in the tomb. Opening the chests, her excitement only increases as she grabs a handful of coins and stuffs them into any part of her tattered outfit that will hold them. She holds the amulet up, inspecting it with wonder. "It's beautiful," she says, breathless, rising to her feet as she hangs the item around her neck.

Carrying everything she can, Kaylee practically skips on her way out of the tomb, playfully waving and calling to the incubus and gargoyles on her way out. Thankfully she faces no more obstacles on her way back to the nearest town. She gleefully rents the nicest room in the inn, ignoring any looks she may be receiving from her disheveled appearance, and happily makes her way to a bath. As she relaxes, she calmly begins to plan out how to best remove the rest of the treasures from the tomb and pay off her family's debts. She sinks down into her nice comfy bed with a sigh, a smile on her face as she dreams of how her life will change.

That was not to be however, as she realizes the next day amid stories of a young mage who had defeated the tower and laid it's contents bare to the townsfolk. Disappointed at the sudden turn of events, she takes solace in the fact that she has still managed to secure a sizable portion of money. As frustrating as it may be for someone else to take credit for something she had suffered so greatly for, Kaylee pays it no mind. She was in it for the money, not the fame after all. With a somewhat leisurely pace and a wistful expression on her face, Kaylee heads out of the mining town back to her hometown, dreaming about what may have been had she been able to take all that treasure herself. A hand drifts over to the red amulet still hanging from her neck, and she looks at it with a smile. "Totally worth it."