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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Hilbert chuckles. "Ah, but if sticks were currency, living trees would be even more valuable as the source of sticks. I dare say few people would dare to cut one down except in an emergency."

Deidree flashes a warm smile at Helena, shedding the last remains of the show she had put on when she and Andre arrived. "Feel free to come to our meetings in the future as well."
Re: The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

I will. Maybe we can stumble across something interesting or I can help you all with what's new. Who knows. I'm looking forward to it. Helena said, smiling at all of them and excusing herself to head back to her safehouse, taking a very long and winding route.

Once she was there, she'd sigh and think about ordering take out. She wished she had the drow on speed dial of some kind. She knew they'd actually send her someone to eat...

Sighing, she'd spend the rest of the evening reading first up on Mage Armor, needing that spell more then the others and willing to devote the hours others spent sleeping, to learning it as quickly as possible. That was if she wasn't disturbed by Bradford or another anonymous note or something else equally annoying.
Re: The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

There are no distractions which is a blessing, for the study turns out to be fairly draining by itself, and though she has committed the spell to memory by the time sun rises, Helena finds herself badly in need of rest, or at least coffee.
Re: The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Left in peace and without distractions for her study, Helena seared the spell into her brain by sunrise. Grouchy, Hungry, and badly in need of either sleep or caffeine, not to sate her physiology but her Angry Brain, Helena curled up where she was and closed the book, letting herself sleep. While she would have loved the coffee at the flowery cup, And would find one of the fellow members there. She'd also likely find Jade if he hadn't fled the city yet.... He probably Hadn't.

She couldn't afford the inevitable temper tantrum and murder right now, she had a job to do. Several in fact that had all managed to line up in a strange way.

Closing her eyes, she slept.
Re: The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

2017-07-23 15:10:38 <Keats> The succubus soon falls asleep, sleeping peacefully until midday. She wakes up to quite a bit of noise, as wagons arrive along with workers who start emptying the wagons into the warehouse next door.
2017-07-23 15:11:41 <The> Waking up the noise, Helena grumbled slightly and rolled over, shoving her pillow over her head in annoyance, before realizing she was hungry and grumbling. She needed to find some kind of fuck den she could feed in without causing a stir.
2017-07-23 15:16:44 <Keats> It seems to be a beautiful day outside. Looking outside, there are quite a few wagons filling the otherwise quiet streets between different warehouses. Apart from workers, there are also a number of guards, crowded around some kind of a clerk.
2017-07-23 15:18:36 <The> Helena popped an eyebrow at that, looking out, and got dressed. She'd simply stayed her red headed new self and slid into her more comfortable leather breeches and tunic, belting on her sword, and tucking away the belt buckle in her pocked. Sighing, she fixed her hair a little, blew a strand of it out of her face, and headed out of her little safehouse. Looking around, she tried to figure out what all the fuss was about.
2017-07-23 15:22:47 <Keats> The workers spend little time talking as they haul the supplies in nondescript boxes into the warehouse, while the guards seem to be mostly interested in getting paid as the clerk doles out coins from a heavy steel box. From the little Helena can hear, it sounds like the caravan came from Lamordia, whatever that is.
2017-07-23 15:25:22 <The> Tilting her head, Helena made a note of that name, before moving on. She could poke around the warehouse later when it was less busy. For now, she moved on, feeling around for a good feeding ground. She needed a good fuck or 15 and there were always dark little corners where she could convince someone to indulge her tastes. Preferably with a modicum of skill.
2017-07-23 15:28:09 <Keats> Helena can sense several promising dens of debauchery near the harbor. She also notices something that's probably a high-class whorehouse in the noble's quarter
2017-07-23 15:29:54 <The> Noting the high class whore house she set that up for After. Feeding came before Gold. But Gold was going to happen. Grinning, she stayed nearer the harbor. It was a similar spot she'd found the drow. Short the collar she'd wished she'd stolen, and planned to go back for or have the enchantment added to something of her own just to be a bitch, she hadn't found any restraints she was afraid she couldn't slip.
2017-07-23 15:33:56 <Keats> The first place she enters appears on the surface to be a dimly lit tavern with a dozen or so customers, several of which appear aggressively ordinary apart from the blackjacks they have handy. The bar is tended by a bored looking dwarf with several scars on his face.
2017-07-23 15:35:20 <The> Spotting the dwarf, Helena Froze, before moving towards him Immediately. "This... will sound a bit strange, and I don't want to be rude but forgive me. I found something, in the Amber Wastes, that asked me to find a Dwarf... I walk into a tavern... and here you are tending the bar..." She said, sitting down.
2017-07-23 15:37:54 <Keats> The dwarf fills a mug with beer, sliding it to Helena. "What's an elf like you do in the wastes? Hard place to get into, or so I hear."
2017-07-23 15:43:05 <The> "The Vistani are friends of mine. But I encountered the strangest group of... Well, I gave them names but they don't give any themselves. I was looking for spell components when I met them, a massive group of bronze clockworks. Automatons, that were still working in a dwarven mine. In exchange for their help they asked me, to find the dwarves that used to lived there and I gave them my word that I'd look." She said, shrugging, taking the beer
2017-07-23 15:43:05 <The> and drinking steadily, sighing in relief at the drink.
2017-07-23 15:48:03 <Keats> The beer is quite bad. "Clockwork constructs?" the dwarf says, sounding surprised. "Certainly not the work of my clan, but it sounds like their makers are gone, anyway. I'll have to send a message to the mountains, they're sure to mount an expedition... If I get a map of the wastes, can you show me where to find them?" he adds, sounding excited.
2017-07-23 15:50:37 <The> Helena tilts her head back and forth for a moment, drinking the beer anyway, draining the mug to be done with it. "I can get you Close. It's a desert so there will have to be some searching around. But Yes, I can get you as close as possible. And, if your clan can help Me with something, I'll take you there in Person without a care in the world. I'd love to see them again anyway." She said, smiling and nodding. "By the way, any whisky?" She
2017-07-23 15:50:37 <The> asked, tapping the mug.
2017-07-23 15:53:42 <Keats> "We would be honored to assist you in exchange for finding that place." he replies, taking the mug and filling it again, this time with golden liquid that fumes slightly. "What kind of help do you need?"
2017-07-23 15:56:47 <The> "I'm looking for a set of books. The Madrigorian for a collection and well, as I said I was planning a trip there again once I finished up my business here. Which could be awhile, gives plenty of time to send a message, give a response." She said, sipping on the fuming liquid curiously.
2017-07-23 16:00:41 <Keats> Helena can practically taste the centuries as the whiskey slides down her tongue with a gentle burning sensation that goes beyond what mere whiskey should provide. "Ah." the dwarf hesitates. "From what I've heard of those books, that'll take a while. Never had much to do with that kind of things."
2017-07-23 16:01:59 <The> "I figured, they're tricky. But put the word out anyway for me and send word to the Mountain. I promised the constructs I'd find dwarves and I'll keep my word on that. But, on to other business. Where can a girl with a liking for leather and chains go for a bit of fun?" She asked him quietly, raising an eyebrow.
2017-07-23 16:08:57 <Keats> "I will. As for the other, I'm afraid I can't help you. I especially can't help you if you should find yourself in the dumbwaiter over there." the dwarf replies, nodding sagely towards an innocuous spot in the wall near the back door.
2017-07-23 16:10:14 <The> "Perfect, I rarely need help, but I'm glad you're here anyway" Helena said, downing the whisky with a shudder. "That was Excellent by the way. What do I owe you?" She asked, paying for the drinks before heading for the spot in the wall. If it was actually a dumbwaiter she'd climb in.
2017-07-23 16:16:00 <Keats> "The beer's free, the dwarven whiskey costs two solars for you." the dwarf replies, scooping up the coins expertly. As Helena pushes the wall, it slides inward with a click before swinging open, revealing a dumbwaiter just big enough for a person to climb inside. The door swings closed as soon as she enters and the dumbwaiter slowly descends in darkness. After a few seconds it touches on the floor, revealing a narrow tunnel just
2017-07-23 16:16:00 <Keats> high enough to crawl through, flanked with candles.
2017-07-23 16:17:19 <The> Flashing the dwarf a smile, she winked before slipping into the dumbwaiter. Why didn't her safehouse have anything this well concealed. She grumped about it even as it closed and started down. When it opened and she saw the tunnel, she grinned and started crawling, curious as to what the hell she'd found and gotten herself into, excited.
2017-07-23 16:21:09 <Keats> The tunnel soon opens into a small cave, with curious devices flanking the walls, lit by several lanterns. As soon as Helena's head peeks out, someone slaps a collar on her neck before practically dragging her out of the tunnel. "Get up and take off your clothes." a gruff voice says. The voice, Helena can see, belongs to a masked man dressed in purple robes.
2017-07-23 16:24:07 <The> Feeling someone wrap a leather collar around her neck as she stuck her head out, she yelped as she was dragged out of the tunnel. Shaking herself off, she bit her tongue before taking off her belt and slipping out of her clothes. She didn't want to spoil this by being an angry bitch. "Could have just asked a girl." She teased, stretching, showing off her body, the curving lines and hinted at musculature of the form she'd taken. She liked being
2017-07-23 16:24:07 <The> sexy and loved being admired for it and lusted after. In the meantime she was looking around the room to see what was there to be seen, pointedly ignoring the man to be a bit of a brat.
2017-07-23 16:31:58 <Keats> Though the mask covers his face, Helena can feel him starting to grin as she slips out of her clothes. As well as various restraints, there are also strange contraptions made with leather, rubber and clockwork. "You got a mouth on you, girl." the man says, positioning himself behind Helena and rubbing her cheek with the shaft of his crop.
2017-07-23 16:32:05 <Keats> "See anything you like?"
2017-07-23 16:34:08 <The> "I really do" She answered, turning to look at him and grinning. "And there's a lot in here I like. In fact, so long as I'm not cut or bruised you have All day, to try it all" She said, giving him free rein to do as he pleased without seriously hurting her. "I'm Insatiable, try not to disappoint~" She said, intentionally teasing him.
2017-07-23 16:45:11 <Keats> The man chuckles, sliding his left hand up her side to grope her orbs before guiding her in front of one of the devices. She is made to kneel on a saddle-shaped piece of leather and two cuffs snap closed around her ankles while the man lovingly brings her arms above her head before attaching them to chains. "We'll see about that in a couple hours." he teases, pulling the chains up on a pulley before locking slipping them through a
2017-07-23 16:45:11 <Keats> knob on the wall.
2017-07-23 16:48:23 <Keats> As the saddle slowly starts to vibrate, he fetches a blindfold, slipping it on her. After a few moments of groping her with open greed, he steps away from her, swinging the crop with enough force to make her yelp and wonder whether he intended to respect her wishes to not leave any marks
2017-07-23 16:54:53 <The> Helena moans softly as he runs his hands over her breasts, biting her lower lip, before following him to a saddle of some kind on the floor. Kneeling down, she felt two hard cuffs lock around her ankles, before her hands were shackled. Tugging experimentally as her arms were forced up by the pulley, and the chains locked, she squirmed and gasped when the saddle started to vibrate, before moaning as she was blindfolded. Squirming as she enjoyed
2017-07-23 16:54:53 <The> that for a moment, she yelped when she felt the crop, tugging on her restraints. Biting her lower lip, she tugged harder, and turned her head in the direction she thought that strike had come from.
2017-07-23 17:02:38 <Keats> "The good thing about this crop is that it never leaves a mark," the man teases, landing more blows at a lazy pace, aimed mostly at her ass and upper back with varying amounts of force. "I find the saddle good for getting my victims in the right mood, don't you think?"
2017-07-23 17:06:07 <The> Helena yelped again as she felt another strike, before squirming as she was told what the crop would do. Which was Not leave a mark no matter how much the damned thing stung. Squirming, the saddle was certainly getting her wet and keeping her that way but it wasnt enough to cum on. "The saddle is something I'll have to get one of for myself." Helena agreed, moaning again as her hips slowly began to grind on it, jerking if he struck her ass with
2017-07-23 17:06:07 <The> the crop, panting softly and trying to rub her clit on the leather. "Mmmf, fuck" She moaned, her body rolling slowly with her hips while she tugged on the cuffs and chains as she was whipped with the crop, finding that thing distracting and annoying. Which was probably the point.
2017-07-23 17:09:48 <Keats> The succubus hears her tormenter take a few steps around her before the crop lands again, lashing across her breasts. As the man drops the crop, Helena suddenly feels his hands on her breasts, hungrily groping and teasing her nipples. "Let's see if your mouth is good for anything else." he adds, flipping a lever somewhere the makes the saddle slide back and forth instead of simply vibrating and then taking her head in his hands to
2017-07-23 17:09:48 <Keats> guide her lips towards his glands.
2017-07-23 17:13:12 <The> Helena hissed sharply as a lash struck her breasts, before he groped them, making her moan and push her hips down on the saddle. "Hearing him wanting to know if her mouth was good for anything, before a something changed, Helena gasped as the saddle slid back while she slid forward, giving her just a little more stimulation. Still, when she felt his hands on her head, she grinned and ran her tongue out along her lips, rolling around the head of
2017-07-23 17:13:12 <The> his cock slowly, before she closed her mouth firmly, grinning.
2017-07-23 17:27:51 <Keats> Helena can feel him shiver slightly as her tongue makes its round. "Ah. I see you need more persuasion. Perhaps the other functions of the saddle can help with that." As he lets go of Helena's head and steps away, another clank of a lever stops the motion. Then she can hear metal grate against metal followed by a cold metal rod pressing against her stomach all the way to between her breasts. After some more metallic noises, three
2017-07-23 17:27:51 <Keats> rubber-covered prongs press against her left nipple gripping it just behind the tip, followed by a second three-pronged pressing against the right nipple. The prongs slowly tighten as the man carefully adjusts the arms, waiting for a reaction.
2017-07-23 17:30:26 <The> Helena listened carefully, shivering as she felt the cold steel, she moaned softly behind her closed lips as she felt the prongs, before gasping as they started to tighten, opening her mouth quickly as they threatened to pinch her nipples between them, still grinding her slick folds against the vibrating saddle and groaning softly.
2017-07-23 17:36:52 <Keats> As Helena opens her mouth, she is quickly rewarded with a ring-gag being slipped between her teeth before being secured behind her head. The prongs start pulsing, tightening and loosening their grip in turn. "Sensitive nipples, eh? Well, I guess I can wait to hear you scream." the man says with an evil chuckle, standing up and sliding the tip of his cock into Helena's mouth, seemingly content in letting her do the work despite the
2017-07-23 17:36:52 <Keats> gag.
2017-07-23 17:40:11 <The> Twisting her head slightly as a ring gag was pushed between her teeth, she bit down on it as it was strapped on. Making a garbled noise, she moaned through her open mouth as the prongs on her nipples started to pulse. Feeling the head of his cock on her tongue, she shuddered, wrapping her tongue around his flesh slowly before starting to slowly bob her head, taking him into her throat easily and swallowing several times, before slipping back to
2017-07-23 17:40:11 <The> tease his head again, whimpering softly around his cock as she ground her hips into the saddle, the prongs holding her chest somewhat in place. It seemed squirming too much would tug her nipples.... She needed to get those pierced. Maybe small bells? rings and a chain? Could be fun.
2017-07-23 17:46:38 <Keats> Sighting contently, the man starts rubbing the tips of Helena's elven ears gently, creating a wonderful sensation and showing her just how sensitive they are. "You really are a good little slut." he sighs.
2017-07-23 17:48:49 <The> Helena shuddered and groaned softly around him as he rubbed her ears, loving that... a lot. Shivering as he continued, she moved just a little faster, rolling her tongue steadily around his shaft and teasing his head with the edges of her lips, before taking him back into the slick, tight, pulsing heat of her throat, holding him there for long moments at a time before drawing back, nodding very slightly in response to his statement. She was a
2017-07-23 17:48:49 <The> good sub, she enjoyed being a sexual slave.
2017-07-23 17:59:49 <Keats> After a few more minutes, he starts thrusting his member into Helena's throat, fucking her mouth good five minutes before pulling almost out and cumming onto her tongue and throat. Stopping the machine, he removes the gag and frees Helena before guiding her to a different machine. After her arms and legs are strapped to soft, leather-covered pads, she feels two rubbery things prod her groin before they slowly slide in. The first,
2017-07-23 17:59:49 <Keats> being pushed into her anus, is a long cone, with thin head but a body that grows thicker the deeper it slides into her. The second is a thick, ribbed thing shaped like a penis. They're both connected to a pad that comes to rest against her flower. "You must be a big slut to take these in so easily," the man comments, before starting to work on the levers. The first lifts Helena's feet off the ground while the second causes the
2017-07-23 17:59:49 <Keats> dildos to start vibrating. Finally Helena finds herself folded backwards, with arched back and hands that are brought to almost touch her feet. "I'll come fuck you in a couple hours. See how insatiable you are then." the man comments before leaving the room.
2017-07-23 18:12:50 <The> Moaning softly, before the sound is cut off as he pushes into her throat, Helena bobs her head to meet his thrusts, encouraging the throat fucking until he cums. Swallowing every drop, and enjoying the burst of energy from his climax, Helena shuddered and whimpered around him as she ground her hips in a more encouraging way, wanting some pleasure herself outside the teasing. Feeling it stop vibrating and pulsing, Helena shivered as her gag was
2017-07-23 18:12:50 <The> removed, licking her lips. "mmm" she said softly in appreciation as the prongs were removed from her nipples, before she was lifted and guied to another machine. Still blindfolded, she just let him guide her limbs into place, putting up only the mildest of token struggles until the straps were in place, before really testing them. Gasping, she squirmed as something pushed into her rear, getting wider quickly, before moaning hungrily as something
2017-07-23 18:12:51 <The> very phallic was pushed into her slick folds, the ribs rippling into her depths and making her writhe, bucking against it before the pad came to rest against her. Hearing his comment, she tugged on the restraints. "No point in shaming a slut. You love that I came down here." She said, sticking her tongue out before she was lifted into the air. Writhing when the vibration started, Helena moaned sharply, grinding against the twin toys filling her,
2017-07-23 18:12:56 <The> before she was bent backwards. Arched, and stretched out, Helena found she had no leverage, could barely move outside her squirming, before he promised to come back in a few Hours. "Hey... Don't leave me waiting that Long!" She called, frustrated and annoyed.
2017-07-23 18:29:29 <Keats> "No promises." he replies before closing the door, leaving Helena alone, bound and stuffed with vibrating toys. The vibrations vary in intensity and the pad the toys are attached to grinds against her lower lips, pushing her through numerous orgasms. Long after she has lost the count of time, the door opens again and footsteps get closer before the toys stop vibrating and slide out of her. Then Helena's legs are spread even further
2017-07-23 18:29:29 <Keats> by the diabolical machine. It doesn't take long before she feels his member again, this time pressing against her lower lips before quickly sliding in. Grasping her breasts and gently caressing them, he fucks her long and hard, enjoying her torment just as he enjoys her flesh while all she can do is squirm against the bindings. Leaning over to lick her nipples, he finally thrusts deep inside her folds, cumming inside before pulling
2017-07-23 18:29:29 <Keats> out. Stepping away, he pulls the levers again to stand Helena up again before removing the straps and making sure to not let her fall down. "Are you hungry? Thirsty?" he asks, removing the blindfold and letting her rest while waiting for an answer.
2017-07-23 18:39:02 <The> Helena writhed as the door closed, hearing it, before squirming her way to an easy climax as the pad pushed on her clit and folds while the toys forced her through her peak, crying out loudly in pleasure and satisfaction after the teasing of the saddle. But the stimulation didn't stop and she was quickly forced through another. And another. Long passed the point of losing count, her juices dripping onto the floor and her lower holes locked
2017-07-23 18:39:02 <The> around the toys, quivering as she came again, she finally felt them slide free, gasping, her cries of forced bliss having faded to shuddering whimpers by now. Still, to feel the satisfaction of a real cock pressing into her, made her groan, bucking her hips again as her legs were forced wider, before he got to really fucking her, toying with her chest. Moaning steadily with each thrust, she cried out loudly as she felt him empty inside her,
2017-07-23 18:39:03 <The> struggling against the straps. Then he surprised her. As she was stood up, and then released, she slid to the floor on her knees, and gasped as the blindfold was removed, blinking for a moment. Hearing his questions, she stretched a little. "Mmmf, that was lovely... I'd love a drink." She admitted
2017-07-23 18:48:17 <Keats> After giving Helena a few more moments to recover, the man attaches a leash to the collar and leads Helena to the next room before gently but firming driving Helena into a small cage with food and water bowls, using his crop if necessary. The cage is just high enough for her to stay comfortably on her hands and knees, and the gaps between bars are large enough to allow her to stretch.
2017-07-23 18:50:10 <The> Getting a leash, Helena stood slowly and followed, before being placed in a kennel cage, and he did have to crop her ass firmly once, making her yelp, to get her inside before closing it. Looking at the wall, and the bowls, she tried to see if she had enough room to turn around, or if she was forced to look at the wall and remain oblivious, before giving up and drinking from the bowl.
2017-07-23 18:53:08 <Keats> The cage does indeed have room to turn around, and she can see two more cages just like this one, another door a table and a chair, which the man immediately claims, picking up a clipboard and looking through the papers on it while occasionally looking at her.
2017-07-23 18:54:56 <The> Helena drank her fill from the water, inspecting the cage she was in, as well as the other two, curious. Though she had said she'd give him all day. She was still a little tired from the constant forced orgasms, but his climax had perked her up a bit. Grinning to herself, she muttered a few words, making his pants drop to the floor suddenly, giggling afterwards.
2017-07-23 18:58:46 <The> Until she noticed he was in a robe, and she was being dense. Muttering some more she shifted the things on his desk around, before tugging a leaf of paper up and sliding it away from him towards the edge of the desk.
2017-07-23 19:03:49 <Keats> The man mutters something unflattering about wizards before putting away the cliffboard and walking to the cage. Instead of opening the cage, though, he walks around and reaches through the bars to grab Helena's ass with both hands, massaging it for a while before slipping his left hand downwards to tease her flower.
2017-07-23 19:08:24 <The> Helena watched him move before he reached through the cage to grope her ass, before rubbing her petals. Moaning softly, she pushed into his hand, enjoying the contact and lowering her front to the cage floor. "Mmmmf." She could fuck with him from the cage, and wondered what he'd do about it. And about the paperwork. "So, what does... Mmmm.. a Dominant have paperwork down here for?" She asked, chuckling softly even as she ground against his hand.
2017-07-23 19:08:24 <The> She didn't complain about the cage, it actually kind of turned her on.
Re: The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

2017-07-23 19:59:25 <Keats> "Gotta pay the bills." he answers with a hint of amusement as he continues molesting Helena, sliding first one, then two fingers into her folds and starting to fingerfuck her while rubbing her jewel with his thumb. "You look confortable in that cage. Perhaps you'd like to go for a walk? Or get some excercise?" he muses.
2017-07-23 20:02:10 <The> Helena moaned sharply as he slid into her, shivering and pressing her hips back against his hands as she felt his thumb on her clit, grinding steadily and breathing heavily, enjoying the stimulation. "Depends a lot on the exercise" She quipped, closing her eyes and enjoying the pleasant touch and attention. "The cage is a new experience but... Kinky." She added after a short lusty groan, trying to reach a peak that was starting to build, and
2017-07-23 20:02:10 <The> gasping sharply if she could reach it. If she did she'd lay down on the floor of the cage panting softly, eyes closed, enjoying the afterglow of Many many orgasms in the last few hours.
2017-07-23 20:17:42 <Keats> "Well, I guess I can put you back there later." the man muses. "I was going to let you rest for a while, but since you're getting restless I'd better keep you occupied." Opening the door he picks up the leash again, waiting for her to get out of the cage before leading her back into the other room. Gently pushing her against a wall, he gropes her ass for a while before folding her hands behind her back and tying her wrists to her
2017-07-23 20:17:42 <Keats> elbows with a couple leather straps. "Do you prefer dancing or riding?"
2017-07-23 20:22:45 <The> Helena laughed brightly, a cheerful sound as he mentioned letting her rest. "I appreciate it, and I couldn't resist playing with you a little" She said, slipping out of the cage and standing smoothly. Following his lead, she slid against the wall and spread her hands out, pressing her ass into his hands. As he took her arms though, she pressed her chest firmly against the wall and arched her back, before moaning softly and biting her lip as she
2017-07-23 20:22:45 <The> felt the straps around her wrists and elbows, folding her arms neatly. Asked what she preferred, she didn't waste a word. "Riding" Was the immediate response. "What about you though? Pleased with me ending up in your hands today?" She asked him, flashing him a smile from over her shoulder while she tugged on the straps
2017-07-23 20:40:36 <Keats> His hands wander to Helena's chest, groping it as well. "I like riding as well. Very pleased." The man guides Helena to another contraption that resembles a saddle, though this one has two dildos sticking out of it. These ones seem to have metal rods running all the way through, and Helena can feel the cold tips poking through the rubber as he guides her into sitting down and penetrating herself on the dildos all the way. He then
2017-07-23 20:40:36 <Keats> attaches a short chain to her arms to stop her from getting up. Moving to kneel in front of her, he regards her for a few moments before leaing to put his hand on the lever that apparently controls the machine. "Here's how it works. Once I switch it on, it'll shock you a little any time you stay still for too long. It also counts the shocks. The record is ten shocks in half an hour, have fun." With the instructions given, he flips
2017-07-23 20:40:36 <Keats> the lever, causing the machine to start vibrating slightly. It also seems to be connected to a waterclock on the opposite wall, as coloured water starts slowly flowing from one chamber into another. He then leaves the room again.
2017-07-23 20:45:06 <The> "Don't suppose I could request a gag and blindfold?" She asked him before he led her towards the new contraption. This one had metal poles running through it, and he urged her onto it, lining her up before she let her weight settle. Her mouth opened in a soundless cry as she was filled by the cool shafts, tilting her head back until she came to rest in place. A short chain on her arms kept her from leaving it before he explained how it worked.
2017-07-23 20:45:06 <The> Nodding that she did understand, she bit her lip, rolling her hips experimentally, before slowly easing up, and then down, gasping softly as she came to rest on the saddle again, while he pulled the lever.
2017-07-23 20:49:04 <Keats> He nods, then gets a ring gag and a blindfold, putting them on Helena just as the infernal machine shocks her.
2017-07-23 20:50:30 <The> Helena leaned into the added restraints, moaning softly and running her tongue around the ring of the gag, before the blindfold was put on just in time for the machine to shot her for not moving. Her hips jumped up as it did, the chain snapping taut, before she sank back down with a low groan, steadily rising and falling on the twin shafts, slowly speeding up as her pleasure rose, moaning softly each time they slid back into her.
2017-07-23 21:07:34 <The> .d 4d6
2017-07-23 21:07:34 <Internets> :: Total 16 / 24 [66%] :: Results [6, 3, 3, 4] ::
2017-07-23 21:08:38 <Keats> The vibrations provided by the machine are most wonderful, but every time she slows down and stops even for a moment, the machine sends small jolt through her very core, keeping her from basking in orgasm. There's no reference for time, and the jolts keep her moving and the pleasure building up, pushing her through a multitude of forced orgasms as her sweaty body rises and falls again and again and again... Finally, after what seems
2017-07-23 21:08:38 <Keats> like forever, there's a small ding and the machine shuts down. After a few minutes, the door opens again and her tormentor comes to free her, removing the chain and helping her to her feet. "16 shocks. You've been lazy, girl. I need to punish you for that."
2017-07-23 21:11:18 <The> Helena moaned softly, jumping each time she earned a shock, and speeding up, working herself through a peak quickly, which seemed to be her weakness because she slowed down when she did cum, arching and writhing, earning another jolt from he machine. She managed to earn shocks despite her efforts and the machine continued to force her through several orgasms as she continued to move. She was sweating and panting through her gag by the time it
2017-07-23 21:11:18 <The> stopped after an eternity, and she heard the man speaking. Whimpering as she heard she needed to be punished, she squirmed a little, but instead left herself sitting still on the machine, muscles burning after the constant exertion.
2017-07-23 21:19:58 <Keats> The man wont have any of it, and he hauls Helena to her feet. "Getting tired already? But you said you were insatiable. I'll have to punish you for lying to me as well." he says with a dark chuckle as he half drags, half carries her across the room before roughly bending her over a table, two quick straps leaving her legs spread open and attached to the table legs. Keeping her down with one hand, he quickly snaps clamps on her
2017-07-23 21:19:58 <Keats> nipples, sending jolts of pain through Helena's body. With two quick steps he gets away and with a sharp crack the crop lashes against Helena's buttocks, the shock causing her to try and stand up, only for it to be revealed that the clamps are attached to the table with chains, sending another shock of pain through Helena.
2017-07-23 21:32:01 <The> Helena whimpers through the ring and gasps as she's hauled up, before grunting as she's bent over. Legs strapped out, she squirmed before crying out through her open mouth as she felt clamps on her nipples, making her tug harshly on the straps binding her, before the crop struck her ass, making her try to stand. Which proved to be a mistake as she tugged hard on her nipples. She pressed herself flat to the table again to avoid that if not the
2017-07-23 21:32:01 <The> pinch of the clamps themselves, tugging on the straps around her legs.
2017-07-23 21:47:50 <Keats> Deriving sadistic pleasure from Helena's suffering, he whips her ass thoroughly for the next two minutes, landing some blows on her back and legs as well. After making her ass glow with the warmth of pain, he finally sets the crop down, giving her a short respite. That would not last, however, as after only a few moments he grabs her buttocks with both hands, groping and rubbing them before spreading them apart as his member swells
2017-07-23 21:47:50 <Keats> against her pucker. With no warning, he slams his cock deep into her asshole and starts fucking her hard and fast, driven equally by his pleasure and Helena's pain. After long and hard pounding with no respite, he finally cums inside her for the third time today. Allowing himself a while to bask in the passion, he finally pulls out and removes the clamps as well as Helena's gag before freeing her legs as well.
2017-07-23 21:57:36 <The> Helena yelped each time she was whipped, the dull burn replacing the sharp pain of the impact each time he struck her, but as he rammed into her ass without warning, she screamed in shock and no small amount of pain at the sudden unexpected unlubed anal intrusion through her ring gag, writhing, tugging hard on her nipples and restraints before laying still again as he started to pound her ass. He was in no hurry to stop either, and the pain of
2017-07-23 21:57:36 <The> that fucking turned to pleasure quickly enough to slicken her as he fucked her, until cumming again, Helena able to slip through a climax after all the stimulation. Panting on the table, she stretched her jaw as he removed thegag and clamps, before freeing her legs. She stood up slowly, her ass sore along with several other spots he'd struck her, as she looked around blindly, shifting from foot to foot.
2017-07-23 22:05:08 <Keats> After a while, he also removes the blindfold and frees her arms, letting her stretch for a while. Then he takes the leash, leading her back to the cage. This time, however, it has been put on wheels. "Want to drink or eat? Or just rest before we continue?"
2017-07-23 22:06:26 <The> Helena stretched a little as the other restraints came off, before he led her back to the cage. Seeing wheels on it, she popped an eyebrow, before shaking her head. "A short rest would be nice." She said, not fussing if he put her back into it and laying down inside.
2017-07-23 22:08:41 <Keats> The masked man shrugs and let's her be while he removes the food and waterbowls from the cage. "Just get inside when you're ready." He then heads back into the other room, fetching a rag and doing some cleaning in places where various fluids have leaked.
2017-07-23 22:09:47 <The> Helena slid into the cage on her own and curled up, closing her eyes and resting. the buttfucking wasn't bad, she was used to that but the crop was getting on her nerves. Still, it was within her rules so she had to let it pass. She was breathing easily, quickly and enjoying the quiet at the moment.
2017-07-23 22:16:15 <Keats> After a short nap, Helena wakes up to the cage door being closed, and then locked. The masked man pushes the cage through the other door and up a sloped tunnel, accompanied by some grunting. At the end of the tunnel is a large chamber with a dozen men sitting on benches at the sides. Accompanied by cheering, he pushes the cage into the middle, then locks the wheels. "A rare caged elf. She's all yours, boys, just no bruising. Have
2017-07-23 22:16:15 <Keats> fun."
2017-07-23 22:22:43 <The> Waking up as the cage was closed and locked, Helena raised up and blinked, before eeping as he started pushing the cage. "Hmm? Where to?" She asked him, though she didn't really expect an answer. Exiting the tunnel into a chamber, she looked around at the men sitting around, cheering, before she heard him call to them that she was all theres, leaving her cage as he locked the wheels. "Well.... Fuck... it's a feast" She muttered to herself for
2017-07-23 22:22:44 <The> only herself to hear, grinning slightly.
2017-07-23 22:27:00 <Keats> The men start crowding around the cage as her master vanishes from sight. It doesn't take long for someone to start rubbing her flower through the bars while another man drops his pants, offering his member towards her face.
2017-07-23 22:28:48 <The> Helena raised herself up on her hands and knees as they moved around the cage, gasping as someone brushed her folds through the cage. She looked up as she saw someone offering her a cock, and she moaned softly before leaning in to run her tongue around it, before wrapping her lips around him and bobbing forward with a groan, pressing her hips back into the hand brushing her petals. She only regretted not being in a position to actually devour
2017-07-23 22:28:49 <The> them.
2017-07-23 22:39:07 <Keats> The man starts moving his hips in pace with Helena's head, while someone else keeps fingering her for a while before finally pressing his rod against her petals, slowly pushing himself inside her amid more cheering. "Fuck, you're tight" he quietly mutters as he finally starts fucking her. Neither of the men last very long, but it doesn't matter because others replace them while hands reach into the cage to just touch her, or to rub
2017-07-23 22:39:07 <Keats> or grope her and joke about going "elf hunting" later to get a repeat performance. Every time someone cums, another replaces them, using her like the horny slut she is, and when everyone has had a go, they take a second round, this time actually making bets on who will last how long, all the while laughing and drinking cheap beer. The party continues for several hours before the masked man comes back and everyone starts getting
2017-07-23 22:39:07 <Keats> dressed again while he takes her back down.
2017-07-23 22:45:33 <The> Helena moaned whorishly when she finally got a cock to fill her cunt, bobbing along the cock presented to her mouth, her tongue working double time to coax their climaxes from them quickly while clenching around whoever was fucking her, just closing her eyes and enjoying it while her moans and cries were muffled by cock constantly as she came time and again. They all took second rounds with her as well, using her as a fuck toy for their party,
2017-07-23 22:45:33 <The> before it started to wind down several hours later. As they get dressed, Helena dripping cum from her used folds, her Mater wuld find she didn't seem tired, if anything she seemed more awake and alert then before, grinning at him and licking her lips, though her front was now laying on the floor of the cage, and her ass was raised from the last fucking she'd recieved, panting seadily and basking in the glow.
2017-07-23 22:47:48 <Keats> Once back down, he unlocks the cage, letting Helena out. "Do you need help getting clean?" She would notice that her clothes are in a neat pile on the table.
2017-07-23 22:50:15 <The> "I don't" she said, slipping out of the cage and stretching. "Mmmmf, I need that, all of that. No complaints. How much did you make selling my ass to that party?" She asked, giggling and raising an eyebrow slyly at him, while muttered words and a wave of her hands cleaned up the mess. It wasn't as nice as a real shower, but it worked. "maybe something I could wear away that would make me come back again to have it removed. I'm interested in
2017-07-23 22:50:15 <The> what's in your toybox" she teased, moving towards her clothes.
2017-07-23 22:52:57 <Keats> "Not as much as I thought I would. Small crowd tonight." he replies, taking off the mask for the first time, revealing a rather handsome face with an ugly scar that barely misses an eye. "You're free to take a look." he replies, gesturing to the other room.
2017-07-23 22:55:02 <The> "Mmm, not bad looking at all either" She said, seeing his face, her clothes tucked under her arm along with her stuff. Moving into the other room, she took a long slow look around, curious. She'd been... Busy, and blindfolded, for a lot of it. "Honestly I can never get enough of this and can never find anyone skilled enough or interested. It's infuriating" she said, brushing her fingers along her leather collar as she browsed.
2017-07-23 22:58:18 <The> "Know a good place I can get my nipples and clit pierced?" She asked, while she browsed.
2017-07-23 23:03:01 <Keats> "I hear there's an alchemist in Chateaufaux who does those kinds of things, but I've never dealt with piercings myself." he replies. There are numerous different toys, and Helena finds an elaborate mask that would lock around her throat while blinding and gagging her, as well as a chastity belt with a curious looking vibrator attached.
2017-07-23 23:07:23 <The> "Mmm, both of these look interesting. How do they work?" She asked him, holding up the mask and belt. "And I'll have to look around. I was thinking about small bells from my nipples and clit. Could be fun." She said, grinning, no hard feelings from his treatment of her.
2017-07-23 23:08:34 <Keats> "You put them on and make sure you don't lose the keys, pretty much." the robed man replies with a grin. "I'm sure you'll have fun figuring out the rest."
2017-07-23 23:10:03 <The> "I will, got the keys? I'll come back for more fun tomorrow" She said, setting her stuff down long enough to ease the belt around her hips curiously, biting her lower lip as she did.
2017-07-23 23:11:39 <Keats> The man finds the keyring, then looks through it until finding two marked keys which he hands to Helena. The belt seems to fit snugly, and feels warm against her skin.
2017-07-23 23:14:11 <The> Helena took the keys, while she snugged the belt around her waist and closed it, before getting dressed. Reaching up, she took her collar off, and slid the mask into her shirt. She wanted to play with it but.... still in the fungeon. For now she kept the keys pocketed and winked at him as it was covered by her breeches. "So, back through the waiter? Or is there a back door." She asked, following his lead.
2017-07-23 23:19:19 <Keats> "I'd recommend going through the waiter, you'll get fewer looks that way." the man replies. "Though you can go through there as well," he says, gesturing towards the sloped tunnel.
2017-07-23 23:21:45 <The> Helena slipped into the waiter and offered a playful wave. Once out she'd head back towards her safehouse. She had a new pair of toys to play with and was very curious.
2017-07-23 23:24:36 <Keats> The dumbwaiter takes Helena one floor up to the cellar of the tavern, where the stairs take her to the tavernproper. She has no problems getting back to the warehouse, though as she walks, the belt's vibrator starts vibrating more and more...
2017-07-23 23:26:41 <The> Helena grinned slightly to herself as the belt started to vibrate, and had to actively resist reacting to it the further she got as she made it back to the warehouse. The vibrator was in just the right place to, toying with her clit. She didn't show it, and instead made a beeline for her actual room in the warehouse, once inside though, she'd look around, before shivering and moaning, stripping down to nothing and sitting on her bed, inspecting
2017-07-23 23:26:41 <The> the mask.
2017-07-23 23:31:34 <Keats> The vibrator is quite insistent and distracting. The mask nevertheless seems fairly straightforward, wrapping around the victim's face while the gag is pushed into her mouth and the lock snaps shut behind her neck. It would probably be quite tricky to unlock without help, however.
2017-07-23 23:33:25 <The> Helena shuddered, her hips rolling against the belt while she looked into the mask, licking her lips. Opening her mouth slightly, she slid the gag into her mouth, before pressing the mask against her face, and running her fingers over the structure slowly, picking up it's details, tongue feeling out the shape of the gag fully, before she closed the lock, sealing herself in.
2017-07-24 00:34:42 <Keats> The mask locks around Helena's face with a loud click, leaving her completely blind while the vibrator keeps pushing her closer to a climax.
2017-07-24 00:36:14 <The> Helena moaned sharply as the lock clicked closed, the vibrator in the belt continuing to insistently work her towards a peak, Helena falling back onto her bed and groping at the belt, her other hand mauling her own breasts hungrily as she moaned into her new mask, giving herself up to the situation she'd put herself in and writhing as she bucked her hips up against her hand.
2017-07-24 00:37:07 <Keats> The belt pushes Helena right to the edge of an orgasm, then stops dead. It seems to be taunting her.
2017-07-24 00:38:53 <The> Helena groaned, frustrated as the belt stopped, themask keeping her quiet as she squirmed, pinching and tugging on her nipples, trying to reach the peak she was so close to
2017-07-24 00:41:09 <Keats> The vibration starts again just as she's getting frustrated, driving her through the peak and near the next one before stopping again.
2017-07-24 00:50:37 <The> Starting again, Helena jumped slightly before moaning as she rocked against it, squealing into the mask sharply as it forced her through her peak, and then kept going, leaving her writhing and groaning on the bed, before it stopped again short of her next climax, leaving her panting and squirming on the bed. The fucking keys were somewhere on the floor, it'd be fun trying to find them.
2017-07-24 00:52:58 <Keats> The belt doesn't care. The belt continues offering release and torment by turn in a seemingly endless cycle. The belt seems to like being anthropomorphized.
2017-07-24 00:55:24 <The> Helena enjoyed it now knowing it wouldn't outright deny and edge her, squirming around off the bed and groping for the keys, looking for them blindly before the belt worked her into passing out, groping clumsily for her breeches,knowing the keys were in one of the pockets, the mask making the task much, Much harder. She was giving these a sound Ringing endorsement when she went back... she was going to Buy the fucking mask...
2017-07-24 00:56:48 <Keats> It takes Helena several tries, but finally she figures out which part is her pants and finds the keys
2017-07-24 00:59:07 <The> Holding up the keys in a hoorah moment, her hands shot to the belt, trying to unlock it, Gently, lest she broke the key before it forced her through another peak. She knew the mask would be tricky and didn't want to try that one while arching and writhing in forced pleasure... Well.. she Did... but she wouldn't.
2017-07-24 01:01:42 <Keats> .d 1d2
2017-07-24 01:01:42 <Internets> :: Total 2 / 2 [100%] :: Results [2] ::
2017-07-24 01:02:23 <Keats> The first key goes into the lock, but merely clicks ineffectively, failing to open it.
2017-07-24 01:03:32 <The> Helena whined and pulled the key free, trying the other, wondering if the masked man had given her the wrong keys... that would be suck...
2017-07-24 01:04:34 <Keats> The second key opens the lock, and the vibrator instantly stops dead.
2017-07-24 01:05:42 <The> Helena sighs as the vibrator stops and the lock opens, Helena leaving the key in the lock and slipping out of the belt, holding tight to the other key as she rolled onto her front. Her hips had been raised fully, back arched as she turned it, and now she took a moment to pant into the locked mask, groaning as she slowly reached back to seek out the opening of the lock.
2017-07-24 01:06:56 <Keats> Opening the lock like this is awkward, and her hair gets in the way, but after several tries she manages it.
2017-07-24 01:08:21 <The> Unlocking the mask, she slid it off, free again and grinning. Mmmmmmm fuck that was too much fun. Setting both toys off to the side, she slid into bed and enjoyed her afterglow, before scooping up the mask and inspecting the design, turning it over in her hands, wanting to make one or several of her own later, maybe improve upon it.
2017-07-24 01:12:12 <Keats> The night seems to have fallen while Helena was having fun. The mask is really not a very complex design: It has a rigid front that presses it against her face, a gag that protrudes from the front, and a collar keeping it all in place.
2017-07-24 01:14:23 <The> Helena just turned it in her fingers, grinning, before setting the key for it on the bedside table carefully, and slipping back into the mask, moaning as she locked it back around her throat, before curling up and calling it a good day, and fuck everything else.
Re: The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

2017-09-08 19:19:29 <Keats> In the morning Helena wakes up, experiencing a moment of disorientation before remembering about the mask. The key, she discovers, is still under her back.
2017-09-08 19:21:00 <The> Looking around blindly and running her tongue around the gag, flexing her mouth, or trying to , she was confused for a moment. Reaching up, she touched the mask and remembered, giggling to herself at the memory before carefully recovering the key. Reaching up, she slid the key into the back of the locking collar of the mask to remove it.
2017-09-08 19:22:47 <Keats> The lock opens with a loud click and as she removes the mask, she notices that the sun is only just rising. The sky looks cloudy, though, it would probably rain today.
2017-09-08 19:26:17 <The> Taking the mask off, she rolled it in her hands before looking around. Mmm she wasn't giving this thing back. Getting up, she stretched and yawned before getting dressed. The leathers would be best for the rain but she had to avoid her furs. Belting on the rapier, she knew the group didn't meet until the evening which gave her plenty of time to kill. And she didn't want to go back to the noble to report until she'd gone to at least one more.
2017-09-08 19:26:17 <The> Scooping up a bag she dropped the mask and belt into it, pocketing the keys. Some coin, and then she was headed out of her safehouse, maintaining her elven appearance as she headed back to the tavern and it's perverted basement.
2017-09-08 19:31:01 <Keats> Navigating the streets is getting easier as Helena becomes more familiar with the city. The city is mostly quiet at the moment, though it would start bustling soon enough, and many shopkeepers are already opening their doors. The tavern, however, remains closed for the moment.
2017-09-08 19:32:53 <The> The tavern might have been closed but that rarely stopped Helena from doing something Stupid. Then again she missed Cindy at the moment... Sighing, she moved on, getting more familiar with the city while she finally relented and went to make her report to get it over with, remembering part of her payment was meant to be a sword instructor.
2017-09-08 19:40:22 <Keats> As Helena knocks on the door, the butler takes several minutes to appear. "Ah, miss Helena. Lord Bradford is unfortunately still in his bed. He's already awake, but it might take some time for him to get up. Would you like to wait with some coffee, perhaps?"
2017-09-08 19:41:52 <The> As the butler answered the door Helena smiled warmly at him. "Good morning. I'd love some coffee. How is your morning going?" She asked him, following the butler. He was much more polite now that she was somewhat expected to arrive on the doorstep
2017-09-08 19:44:38 <Keats> "Rather as usual, miss. The mornings are always thankfully quiet." Jules takes Helena to the kitchen, seating her and pouring her a large cup of black coffee. "Cream? Or sugar?"
2017-09-08 19:46:22 <The> "Both sir, thank you. And honestly if I'm not constantly entertained I get myself into trouble. I'm glad you're here to help with that" She said, taking the drink and leaning back, enjoying herself. "I'm curious, not professionally, just personally. What is Bradford like to you?" She asked.
2017-09-08 19:52:55 <Keats> "You could certainly go talk with Bradford in his bedroom. I doubt he would mind terribly much." Jules says with a smile, sitting down. "He's certainly an unusual guest. A man accustomed to being served, yet he always notices servants. He is observant of the protocol, yet not afraid to breach it. I think I would not mind having him as my employer."
2017-09-08 19:55:54 <The> "He is an interesting man. And I believe servants should be recognized. Your efforts directly effect his life. Where I'm from servants are almost non-existent. But yes. That's not a bad idea, going to see him." Helena mused, before standing, sipping on her coffee. "Could you show me so neither of us has to worry about me wandering?"
2017-09-08 20:02:28 <Keats> "Of course, miss." the butler replies, guiding Helena upstairs to one of the guestrooms. The room is large, with an airy feel to it due to the large window and light colours, Dominating it is a huge bed with sturdy wooden posts and sheets of silk. Bradford is laying on the edge of the bed with a tray on the nightstand beside him, though he seems mostly interested in a mug of coffee on his hand.
2017-09-08 20:03:39 <The> Getting to the bedroom, Helena turned. "Thanks Jules. Not to be a pest but could you please take steps to make sure we're not interrupted?" She asked him, before turning to Bradford. "Morning." She said, waiting for the door to close.
2017-09-08 20:05:14 <Keats> Jules nods, quietly disappearing from the room. "Ah, Helena. What brings you back so soon?" Bradford replies, not looking directly at her.
2017-09-08 20:07:57 <The> Helena chuckled when Bradford didn't look straight at her, moving over to a chair against the wall, and disrobing without preamble before locking the door or even obstructing it. After that was done she shifted into her true form, stretching widely, wings and tail stretching out to their full length while her hair shortened, turning a light blue, and her eyes seemed to glow with a soft carmine light for a moment. "Proper introductions, and a
2017-09-08 20:07:57 <The> report. Had my first meeting last evening. I wont lie, they seem fairly harmless" She said, retrieving her coffee and drinking slowly.
2017-09-08 20:14:15 <Keats> Drinking from his own mug, Bradford still avoids looking at Helena until she has finished transforming and only then turns his head to face her, looking tired from the night before. Still holding the mug, he slips his left hand out of Helena's view. "They would, I'm sure. Oh, most of them indeed are fairly harmless, but the inner circle holds many secrets. It will no doubt take some time for even one of your talents to penetrate it."
2017-09-08 20:17:23 <The> "I'm sure. And here, you've seen it." Helena said, turning a full circle for him, before letting the form fade back into the red headed elf she had arrived as. Moving to get dressed again. "A courtesy, and a chance to stretch. I will say this. As easy as that looks, it gets very uncomfortable sometimes hiding." helena said conversationally as she pulled her clothing back on. "But that begs the question, what exactly are you hoping I find? Or
2017-09-08 20:17:23 <The> don't find?" She asked him curiously, sitting in the chair and crossing her legs. "Not to be insulting Bradford but you CAN look at me." she said, puffing out her cheek in slight annoyance.
2017-09-08 20:27:12 <Keats> Chuckling slightly, Bradford takes a long drink from his mug before replying "Some skeletons in their closet would be a good start. A way to keep them in check, or at least keep an eye on them. I know most people here are quick to dismiss mages as harmless, but surely you know better than that. And of course, there's the nearly mythical library of theirs. I doubt it's as impressive as they'd like to think, but that doesn't mean
2017-09-08 20:27:12 <Keats> there aren't any gems there."
2017-09-08 20:31:11 <The> "O there are, but they're tight with it. Like you said I'll need a bit of time. But I'm in and become something of a topic of study for them. A curiosity. So the hook is sunk, they'll want me to keep coming and keep answering questions. I can ask them in turn and poke around." Helena answered easily, finishing her mug and setting it aside. "And you don't dismiss mages. All it takes is time and drive and suddenly you have a threat instead of a
2017-09-08 20:31:11 <The> possible asset." she said, sighing. "But that's the question. My Gems, are likely not Your Gems."
2017-09-08 20:37:46 <Keats> "Indeed. As for my gems..." the man hesitates for a moment "it is often hard to know whether something that glitters is a gem until you hold it on your hand. But anything relating to ancient times, times before man, times before civilization would be of potential interest. Likewise for anything related to beings collectively called Dark Powers."
2017-09-08 20:40:33 <The> "I'll keep an eye out but I make no promises not to read them myself. I will however turn them over to You." Helena said, nodding. "I need the Mandrigorian, as many as I can find. So, we both need literature. Let's both aim to make sure we both benefit" Helena said, nodding again in thought. "Remember to send word to the safehouse rather then me directly about things. Interrupting me is dangerous for everyone present and I don't want any more
2017-09-08 20:40:33 <The> negative attention right now. Things are still Hot after the Opera House Fire."
2017-09-08 20:43:58 <Keats> Bradford chuckles. "Speaking of benefits, I've managed to track down a blademaster. If you come here in two days time after sunset, you can arrange to begin training."
2017-09-08 20:54:51 <The> "Perfect! I'm excited to be able to do something other then This." Helena said, holding up a hand and letting it crackle with blue flames before twisting her wrist and letting it fade. "As you can see it's not Subtle."
2017-09-08 20:55:23 <The> "I'm... incredibly vain....."
2017-09-08 20:55:44 <The> Helena spaced off for a slight moment before shaking her head and smiling.
2017-09-08 20:59:04 <Keats> "Swordfights tend to be terribly loud as well," Bradford laughs. "Ah, each of us has our own vanities. I certainly couldn't stand to stay hidden like you do."
2017-09-08 21:12:45 <The> "Believe me, it grinds on me terribly. But I manage because I must." Helena answered, laughing softly and shaking her head. "Just the occassion to stretch now and again has become enough. But I frequently wander into the wilds where no one is around and properly stretch my wings." Helena answered, nodding. "Still, I'm surprised to admit I enjoy your company. ANd while they may be loud, they're less Unnatural and likely to bring down the Wrong
2017-09-08 21:12:45 <The> kind of attention"
2017-09-08 21:18:33 <Keats> "Indeed. Being able to talk openly can be a wonderful thing." Bradford says, putting aside the now empty coffee mug. "I do hope you'll keep these visits discreet. It doesn't pay to take too many needless risks. That, too, could cause the wrong kind of attention. Tell me more about this meeting you visited."
2017-09-08 21:21:39 <The> "I will keep them sparse and start using another face for our visits. Simply let Jude know another woman will be coming by that way that visit cannot be associated with my current activities." Helena said before perking up and leaning back. "Well enough actually. It was a little dramatic, which was fun, a lot of posturing but they're a quick bunch. Talking of what was interesting lately. Felt more like a dinner party then anything, very relaxed.
2017-09-08 21:21:39 <The> When I started asking about learning spells, and dropping some odd traits though the topic very quickly turned. I don't think at this Exact moment, that they have anything overly pressing on their time. I have them looking into obscure information to find out why. Once they have their teeth in something they really take to it. Could be very very useful."
2017-09-08 21:26:19 <Keats> "Interesting. If nothing else, that will tell us something of their library. Which lead did you follow to the meeting?"
2017-09-08 21:28:10 <The> "The wine merchant. He only took a little pressing and a cautious approach and that was all it took" Helena said. "The moment I became a curiosity I was in. The more I learn the more I'll insist on being useful. Just a matter of time" Helena said, nodding. "If one gets too wise I can solve that as well." Helena said, waving her right hand dismissvely back and forth. "Who did you find as a Blademaster? Someone appropriately ruthless I hope."
2017-09-08 21:30:34 <Keats> "Yes, I can see that working out well. She goes by the name Scarlet. She has a good reputation of teaching other women."
2017-09-08 21:31:32 <The> "Scarlet? Is there a chance I could go meet her since I have nothing currently on my plate?" Helena asked, looking curious and perking up.
2017-09-08 21:39:05 <Keats> "She keeps busy, apparently, but with luck you might catch her at Gobelet de Fleurs around lunchtime. At least, that's where my acquintance contacted her."