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The Straw That Broke the Scylla's Back (Nessa;Taki)

Re: The Straw That Broke the Scylla's Back (Nessa)

Pearl seemed well subdued by the time Nessa lectured her, and Alora released the mermaid to give a respectful bow to Nessa. "But of course. Forgive me, my dear Nessa. I am a woman ruled by her emotions. Tis why you lead us, and not I." the nereid announced. "But, what you speak of is quite a near goal. Removal of the immediate human threat is one thing, but this goes far beyond just the humans... I shall say, that I will be with you until Atlantis submits to us... To you." Alora chuckled.

When Nessa turned to Bosh, she got that same subdued stare. He was quite similar to an aggressive beast appearing calm due to it's circumstances. "If you stop treating me like a rag for cleaning your nethers... Then I might become more than that." he replied, unable to help but sound a bit sharp of tongue, and hostile of disposition. "Even if you bring harm to my father, my people won't listen to the words of a scylla's rag." he stated, with a tinge of honesty, but mostly remaining spite over being made to endure her forcing his own sexual fluids to his mouth.

Alora didn't seem to care too much for what Bosh had to say. After Nessa's ill approval of her actions, Alora maintained all of her focus towards Nessa. "A little encouragement, you say?" Alora inquired, grinning as a thin tongue emerged to lick her lips. "I can arrange this, my dear Nessa~" Alora declared.
Re: The Straw That Broke the Scylla's Back (Nessa;Taki)

While Nessa noticed the apparent offense Bosh had taken to her sexual degradation of him, her response came calmly. After all, losing her cool just because he was upset might imply that he had some degree of control over her own emotions. No... if anyone was to follow someone else's cues, it would be him, and the members of this group, following her own. Not the other way around.

Her smirk didn't fade any, despite the sailor's reaction. "Of course not. They don't have to know what goes on between you and I, when nobody else is around," she cooed, wrapping an arm--and a tentacle--around him. "If you can cooperate with me without needing your cock being constantly put under my care, then the villagers won't have to see it, will they? As far as they know, you will be as dignified and majestic a leader as any. You do have the potential for it, I'd say. So long as you -remember- your own place. I am not merely seeking to replace the leader of one small town with another. What is needed, is a complete upheaval of the humans' current system and way of life from the ground up--a complete and total revolution. You too see how broken it all is, don't you? Don't you, too, wish to change all that? "

She then turned to Alora. "Wonderful. I would be all too glad to see it done," she replied, adjusting the newfound captain's coat upon her body. If there were any other preparations to see to, then she would get to those next...
Re: The Straw That Broke the Scylla's Back (Nessa;Taki)

"I would like to change a few things, yes, but you're asking for a complete overhaul of our way of life! Even if all your revolution includes is a reconsideration towards mamono, there's no way the people will accept that so easily if all they do is get a new leader!" Bosh insisted, not seeing Nessa's plan in the highest light.

"Easily?" Alora chuckled at Bosh's words. "Conquest is never easy. Its difficulty is matched only by its rewards~" she cooed. "Worry not your little head, as my dear Nessa will do all the thinking for you." said Alora, before moving to leave through the waterway tunnels. "I'll be off now, my dear Nessa, to educate Madame Shirley to the dangers of humans~" Alora cooed with an evil giggle, knowing full well of the deception she was about to commit.

"I don't approve of this either..." Pearl whined. "Directing human attention to attack your sister's home just to get her aid... Nessa, you're after more than just improving the situation for us in the sea, aren't you?" Pearl questioned the scylla, looking at her with a bit more determination, as if trying to figure out Nessa's true, and perhaps darker motives.
Re: The Straw That Broke the Scylla's Back (Nessa;Taki)

Nessa folded her arms. "Way of life? Ahahaha... tell me, dear Bosh, how do you feel about your current 'way of life'? Is it noble? Honest? Can you say that with all sincerity?"

Huffing, she continued. "No... perhaps I am already past such ideals. What bothers me most about you humans is that you shamelessly took more than your share from us mamono, beings that you were either too arrogant or too stupid to realize were far stronger than yourselves."

The blonde then turned her gaze to Pearl. "I intend on securing a future of us of this area. The keyword here being 'securing'. Our freedom to live without abuse at the hands of creatures weaker than ourselves is not something that is free, not a mere luxury handed to us. It is a right we must maintain once acquired. If that means establishing our own base, our very own safehaven, then I see no problems with it. Unless, that is, you care to live in near poverty, lurking between crevices for scraps that are just as quickly snatched away from you. As far as expansion goes... we will stop expanding when they stop actively looking to make us suffer. In terms of hardships, the recent famines here are bad enough without human involvement, after all."

"Besides, don't you think it would be better for us all in this area to work... 'together', rather than against each other? Fufu. As for Shirley, it's only a matter of time until they'd have done so to her, as well. If she doesn't understand the situation as it stands now, then she will at some point. I only fear that she might realize it when it is far too late. Think of my catalyst as an... early start," she explained.
Re: The Straw That Broke the Scylla's Back (Nessa;Taki)

Bosh looked to be getting frustrated. As Nessa went on, his face clearly seemed like someone who wanted to get his point in over the other, but Nessa's presence at that point was one not easily knocked out. It was only after she huffed and seemed finished that Bosh found a moment to speak over the scylla that claimed him as her own. "Noble or wicked, it's still a way that we... They live." He announced, realizing he may very well be gone from that life, and in Nessa's life now. "No matter how you slice it, I won't be able to change so much, even if I became their leader. They won't just accept such a change without resistance, and I fear what you will do to them." Bosh said, sincerely worried about his fellows.

Pearl sighed, and seemed resigned to let Nessa have her way with things. Not that she could honestly stop it. It was an attempt to get the scylla away from her current path of doubtless destruction. "... I just hope that this won't go in the direction I know it will..." she said with a defeated tone. "Damned scyllas..." Pearl muttered something under her breath about scyllas and their problems as a race in general. It was a bit of racism towards scyllas that they had a problem with getting their tentacles around a situation and not letting it go. Even if it turns out to be a bad decision, the idea is that scylla tend to get things stuck in their stickers in every wrong way. To that end, Nessa was very much a representation of their people. They're a very vengeful race. Whether they start wars or not, they have a habit of seeing it to the bitter end no matter the winner. Though naturally, exemptions exist like any other. Nessa may very well be far more composed than her kindred sisters, but that doesn't mean others will not hold her to their standards, as Pearl was doing.