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the_taken's Monster Pits


King of the Impossible
May 5, 2009
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This is just a place I'll put notes about the rapacious creatures you may find in my various pits. I still have plenty of mad science thingies to make more monsters with, so check back for more info on these.

First up is a race of Demonic Futanari Bee-people, Vocem Nutrix Apis, or just Apis Demon. They are humanoid, but feature four arms, pointed ears and solid coloured eyes. Their hands and fingers are a bit longer than normal human hands, with nails ending short pointed claws. These are optimized for handling webbing or other fibbers like cloth, and are rather poor at tearing flesh.

Caretaker/Succubus - (Female?) - Looks like a buxom woman with four arms. White hair, purple skin and blue eyes. Has vestigial insectoid wings. Has web spinning glands in her forearms. Her large breasts produce a special sweet milk that has incredible healing and aphrodisiac properties. When consumed by a human woman it not only increases her libido and encourage lactation, but also heals all wound and clears blemishes, but also reduces her age if it is greater than the peak of adulthood (approximately 30 years). Stays in the hive and maintains the health and security of the captured human women by force feeding them and maintaining the webs holding them. Will periodically massage, fondle and masturbate the captured women with their hands and pussy, and have sex with other hive mates for recreation. Will also sing to pregnant woman, Larva and Pupa of the hive.

Drone/Incubus - (Male?) - Looks like a petite woman with four arms. Red hair, pale freckled skin and blue eyes. Has fully functional insectoid wings. Has extending stingers hidden in her two of her forearms. Goes around to towns to let men have sex with her and collect their semen. After returning home, will grow a futa-cock and have sex with the captured women to get them pregnant with human children, implanting the semen they’ve collected from human men. Will also have sex with other hive mates for recreation.

Worker/Succubus - (Female?) - Looks like tall and fit woman with four arms. White hair, tan skin and blue eyes. Has vestigial insectoid wings. Has extending stingers hidden in two of her forearms, and web spinning glands hidden in her other two forearms. Travels in the hive’s territory to gather resources and farm food. Produces milk from her breasts just like the caretakers but in smaller quantities. Will occasionally travel to human towns to trade resources, drop off infant children to orphanages, or capture new woman for the hive. Will have sex with other hive mates and the woman they have captured previous for recreation.

Warrior/Incubus - (Male?) - Looks like very tall and fit woman with four arms. Black hair, tan skin and red eyes. Has fully functional insectoid wings. Can fire projectile poisoned stingers from glands hidden in two of her forearms, and web spinning glands hidden in her other two forearms. Patrols the hive’s entire territory, from the queen’s chambers to the borders, looking for enemies to kill. Will bring defeated women back to their hive. Will also have sex with other hive mates and captured women for recreation, and can sprout or retract a futa-cock at will.

Queen/Succubus - (Female?) - Looks like a very tall curvy buxom woman with four arms. Black hair, purple skin and red eyes. Has web spinning glands in her forearms. Has fully functional iridescent insectoid wings. Mostly stays in the hive’s deepest chambers. Will have sex with other hive mates for recreation. Long time captive woman will be brought before the queen and she will request of them to incubate eggs for her. Women that volunteer to be incubators can look forward to the queen’s ovipositor to fill their womb with a few demonic eggs. The queen will drink milk from the woman incubating her eggs, and this is her only source of nourishment. Will have sex with other hive mates and the woman incubating eggs for recreation. Will also sing to pregnant woman, Larva and Pupa of the hive. Rarely produces a milk similar to the caretakers, and the lucky Larva exclusively fed this milk will likely become a queen at adulthood.

Egg - (?) - Eggs will dissolve their shell inside their incubator and attach to their host’s womb and draw nutrients as a normal human child would. After eight months, the incubator will give birth to a Larva. Some eggs are inviable and simply get absorbed by the incubator. Human women that regularly incubate eggs will eventually develop web spinning glands in their forearms, wherein they will spin themselves a cocoon and become a Pupa themselves.

Larva/Imp - (Female?) Looks like a human baby, infant or adolescent girl with four arms, and tiny insectoid wings. Red hair, pale freckled skin and dark eyes. Will stay in the hive near the queen’s chambers, getting milk from the caretakers or the captured woman, and talking to other hive mates and captured women until they develop web spinning glands in the forearms and make a cocoon for themselves.

Pupa/Imp (?) - A silky cocoon spun by a Larva for herself after she develops her web spinning glands. Human women that regularly incubate eggs will also develop web spinning glands in their forearms and spin cocoons for themselves. The creature within is transforming into an adult Apis Demon.
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