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Announcement [Umemaro 3D] 梅麻呂3D Dr. Sugimoto's Lecherous Treatment 杉本女医の淫乱痴療 RE071520 RJ071520

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Re: [Umemaro 3D] Dr. Sugimoto's Lecherous Treatment

You don't have to have chrome. Just use javascript console in firefox (I like firebug) and execute the following commands:


Edit: That won't work; MEGA requires the FileWriter API, which is not supported by Firefox.
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Re: [Umemaro 3D] Dr. Sugimoto's Lecherous Treatment

You don't have to have chrome. Just use javascript console in firefox (I like firebug) and execute the following commands:


That should do it.

Tried Firebug, somehow I doubt it's supposed to take 10 minutes and spam the console with
POST [url]https://gfs262n190.userstorage.mega.co.nz/dl/xg_..._KhE5_S2-syzVFYNjVMXyZNZso70GQ/45613056-46661631[/url]
repeatedly, with no actual download starting. Is there some special way I'm supposed to put the three commands in?
Re: [Umemaro 3D] Dr. Sugimoto's Lecherous Treatment

Yeah, the spam is supposed to happen. That's part of the MEGA encryption scheme. Files aren't stored in one location, they're split up into multiple pieces and encrypted. The spam is just the browser fetching all the different chunks of the file. You won't get a 'save file' dialog until the download completes. There's no special way to input the commands. The first one just adds the current file to the download queue array, the second command is actually optional, it just shows the download div so you can get some feedback on the download (you have to scroll down to see it.) The third command actually starts the download process. I also found there's a startdownload2(); function you can also invoke. I'm not sure what the difference is between the two.

I the download did work for me, but I only tried to unzip the file today and 7zip said it was an invalid archive. That might mean I'm missing a step with the commands I listed. I'll poke around some more and let you know. In the meantime, feel free to try the startdownload2(); command and see if you have any luck with it.

Edit: None of this will work. I looked into MEGA's security and it requires the FileWriter API, which isn't supported by Firefox. It really does require Chrome or IE 10.

(More info at: hxxp://caniuse.com/filesystem)
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