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Unprotected (Ranger9000)

Re: Unprotected (Ranger9000)

Este: HP = 105/119, PP = 43, EP = 46, Status = Lightly Injured

Perception: 3 successes vs 1 success

Leaving the cliff off of which she had lured the massive creature that threatened the village she'd been protecting, Este began heading back to her cave to take a well deserved rest. Her adrenaline faded quickly, leaving her battle pains becoming a soft, dull ache that would likely leave her with a few bruises where the massive creature had smashed her against the ground. Nothing severe had befallen her, however, and on a whim she turned towards the place where the weaker creatures that she had grown so fascinated with instead of the place she had elected to live.

The jungle soon swallowed even her massive figure, leaving her moving through the undergrowth and densely packed trees with practiced ease. The collection of false caves in which the squishy creatures lived, built of wood or stone, wasn't far, but it wasn't without dangers as yet, and unfortunately for Este the massive creature turned out to not be the only one that she would have to deal with that day.

As she stepped into a stand of particularly gnarled trees with thick trunks but narrow bows, from the numerous holes in the aged bark the sound of movement came. The creatures within emerged all too quickly, and well before Este could simply make a hasty escape; a group of wasps, each the size of a small cat and covered in a shiny emerald carapace. Their wings were already starting to flick, creating a soft buzz possessing an unnatural sense of calm, giving Este the urge to simply lie down and go to sleep. These creatures she had encountered before, however, and more insidious by far was their venom. Contained in their stingers was a powerful toxin that fogged the mind, making their prey docile. Some creatures were simply eaten, but none as large as Este; a being of her size would instead be used to incubate their eggs.... Assuming that she would sit still long enough to allow it.

The emerald wasps took off one by one, at first only four of them, though already several more were starting to crawl out of their nests. They might already be upon her, but such creatures rarely followed their prey far or fought particularly hard when prey proved able to kill them. How Este would opt to deal with the minor nuisance, however, she would quickly notice something else among the trees. One of the softer creatures was there, a female judging by the shape, and one of the purple skinned, sharp eared variety. She was lying on her back, torn or discarded clothing around her and a dazed look on her face as she laid against one of the crooked trees, her stomach bloated, distended no doubt with the eggs that the wasps had laid inside of her.
Re: Unprotected (Ranger9000)

Este had forgotten about the wasps, that was stupid of her. Still, the dragon woman had walked into their territory, and even now was shaking her head to try to fend off the the drowsiness. The creatures weren't exactly dangerous to her, at worst she'd find herself bloated with eggs for some time, but that didn't mean she was going to just let them.

That was before she noticed the smaller one that had been evidently captured and recently used by the wasps. At that sight the dragon girl's protective instincts flared and she let out a growl that rumbled through the forest, warning the wasps that their prey was not going to go easily if she could help it.

The dragon woman lashed out at the nearest wasp hoping to splatter the thing in her first strike. It would certainly set the tone if she could manage it, and hopefully would drive the rest of the wasps back and give her time to grab the small one and get her away from the wasps.
Re: Unprotected (Ranger9000)

Este: HP = 64/119, PP = 43, EP = 46, Status = Injured, Excited

Wasp 1: 1 HP, Weakened
Wasp 2: Fine
Wasp 3: Fine
Wasp 4: Fine
Wasp 5: Fine
Wasp 6: Fine

Attack: 57, but with an 8 on the base dice for a glancing hit at most, vs 53
Damage: 32, which would knock it out if she didn't only glance it, leaving it weakened.

Este's Dodge: 41
Attacks: 45, 61, 47, 48, all hit.
Damage: 28, 24, 29, 24, each minus 16 for a total of 41 damage.
Resistance Checks vs Charmed: 43 vs 16, success. 29 vs 24, success. 34 vs 34, a tie which is rolled off... for an 8 vs 6, leaving Este not charmed. Barely. 31 vs 23, success.

Lashing out, Este's claw raked the wing of one of the jade wasps just as it was about to take off from the tree from which it had emerged. The fast movement, combined with the insect's size, left her strike missing the creature's vital points as the rest likewise took off. The calming buzz grew louder as the insects descended upon the dragoness, and the swarm falling upon her left her unable to defend from any one attack properly as they jabbed at her with their stingers. The first managed to jab into her arm, leaving a modestly painful wound that more dangerously left their insidious venom running through her veins.

The toxin began to numb her mind, instilling the urge to relax far more intensely than the mere buzzing of their wings. It would be so simple, so easy to just drop to her knees or lie down, letting the insects do as they wished with her... And those urges only grew as sting after sting landed, piercing past her scales to inject their poison deep into her body. As she lashed out at the first to strike her, the next jabbed her in the side, and the next managed to get her right in the stomach. Even the one she'd maimed crawled over to her, latching onto her leg and jabbing her in the calf, leaving Este surrounded, bloodied, and with more and more poison leeching into her system. Already two more wasps were taking off to join the fight as well, the swarm hovering around her waiting for more chances to inject their insidious venom into her body.
Re: Unprotected (Ranger9000)

Este growled as she fought off the effects of the wasps poison, at least as much as she could. She still felt herself growing aroused, heat running through her a bit, but the personal quest to help save the small squishy one managed to help her overpower the toxin. The droning of the bugs was getting difficult to handle now too, with the two extras that were getting into the battle as well, it made her worry that there would be more coming quickly soon.

Este lashed out as hard as she could at the swarm, desperation running through her as she realized that a repeat of what just happened would almost certainly have her joining the squishy in being full of the wasps eggs. Especially if more of the wasps joined in. Her claws tore at one of the wasps close by, and even as she was trying to follow through her attack against that one she slammed her tail against the wounded dragging wasp, hoping to squish it flat while she was tearing its companion to shreds. The dragon girl hoped that she could manage to drive them back before she was brought down by the horde, all she needed was a few seconds, long enough to get the squishy one and run.

(Este Launches a multi attack:
Claw at Wasp 2: 8d10+1 Base to hit, -5 from Multi attack for 8d10-4 to hit, 2d12+14 Damage

Claw at Wasp 2: 8d10+1 Base to hit, -5 from Multi attack for 8d10-4 to hit, 2d12+14 Damage

Tail at Wasp 1: 8d10+1 Base to hit, -5 from Multi attack, -5 from Multi attack round 3, -2 from Dangerous Tail for 8d10-11 to hit, 2d12+14 Base damage +4 from Dangerous Tail, for 2d12+18 damage)
Re: Unprotected (Ranger9000)

Este: HP = 45/119, PP = 43, EP = 46, Status = Injured, Excited, Charmed

Wasp 1: 1 HP, Weakened
Wasp 2: Dead
Wasp 3: Fine
Wasp 4: Fine
Wasp 5: Fine
Wasp 6: Fine

Attacks: 71 and 58 vs 57, two hits. 40 vs 49, miss. Dem dice tho.
Damage: 27 + 26 = 53 damage, killing Wasp 2.

Este's Dodge: 50
Attacks: 47, 56, 61, 63, 28, 3 hits total.
Damage: 24, 17, 26 each minus 16 for a total of 19 damage.
Resistance Checks vs Charmed: 35 vs 26, 27 vs 34, 30 vs 16, success fail success, Este has been Charmed.

Este's wild thrashing availed her less than she might have liked. She managed to catch one of them and rend it apart with her claws, but her tail strike only dislodged the wasp that had latched onto her leg, preventing it from stinging her but not finishing the thing off. The poisonous insects hovered around her, darting in to jab at the dangerous prey that had invaded their nesting area. One, two, three more managed to get their stingers into her long enough to inject more of their venom, tagging her in her shoulder, her hip and her lower back, and after a moment it started reaching her brain. The combined fog of their buzzing and the poison finally overwhelmed her, at least for the time being, and the urge to submit herself to her insect overlords replaced her desire to retrieve the smaller creature from their grasp.
Re: Unprotected (Ranger9000)

Este though she almost had it, she crushed one wasp and shook off another. Unfortunately for the dragonwoman though, the stings that followed were to much, even for her impressive resistance. One sting she was able to resist another she resisted to, but one had slipped through, overwhelming her as she felt the fog in her mind. Her thrashing coming to a stop as she felt the desire to submit, her body starting to act on its own, even as a small part of her brain was thrashing against the confines of the drug, trying to fight back and resist giving in to the weaker creatures. This wasn't what she'd do, but she had no idea if she'd actually be able to fight the venom...
Re: Unprotected (Ranger9000)

Este: HP = 45/119, PP = 43, EP = 46, Status = Injured, Excited, Charmed

Wasp 1: 1 HP, Weakened
Wasp 2: Dead
Wasp 3: Fine
Wasp 4: Fine
Wasp 5: Fine
Wasp 6: Fine

Resistance: 7 + 25 + 4 = 36 vs DC40 = failure, still Charmed.

Este was unable to immediately throw off the effects of the wasp's venom, her mind too fogged by the desire to obey and assume a position in which the insects could easily lay their eggs into her. As she grew passive, the wasps ceased stinging her and began to hover closer, the buzzing of their wings digging all the more insistently into the half-dragon's mind. No further venom had been jabbed into her, but what was already inside of her continued to pump through her bloodstream, the magical toxin warring with her own magical nature.
Re: Unprotected (Ranger9000)

If one was to look at Este's thoughts at that moment they would see a litany of noises and patchworked words that more or less worked a string of curses. Even as most of the rest of her mind, and her body, were shifting around onto her hands and knees, trying to present her naked slit and rear for the insects to implant their eggs into. The dragon woman's breasts heaving as her breath came out in pants from how excited her body had become, and her pussy was notably leaking already much to the part of her mind that was still rational's horror. Even as she could see the small one and her mind railed against her to stop this and fight back she could feel the fuzzyness spreading further. She made another try, the rational part of her trying to break free already! She needed to get out of here.
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Re: Unprotected (Ranger9000)

Este: HP = 45/119, PP = 43, EP = 46, Status = Injured, Excited, Charmed, Penetrated

Wasp 1: 1 HP, Weakened
Wasp 2: Dead
Wasp 3: Fine
Wasp 4: Fine
Wasp 5: Fine
Wasp 6: Fine

Resistance: 8 + 25 + 4 = 37 vs DC40 = failure, still Charmed.

Whatever part of Este's will was attempted to throw off the effects of the jade wasp venom, it proved insufficient. The massive draconic woman lowered herself to her hands and knees at the behest of the poison, her tail lifting to reveal her holes, the important of which was now moist and ready. The toxins had already hijacked her reproductive drive, instilling in her the urge to mate, and now the creatures responsible for delivering them landed on and around her to take advantage of her present state.

Two of them landed on her upper back, near her shoulders, but the closer two came to rest directly on her hips. Those were the first to her sweet spots, crawling along the cheeks of her upraised rear and then turning. Their stingers retracted, and from lower portions of their abdomens emerged pale, transparent, prehensile appendages that began squirming around between her legs. She couldn't see them from her current position, but she could feel them rubbing against her thighs, the cheeks of her ass, and ultimately against her outer nether lips. The venom's effects only grew stronger as that first tinge of stimulation signaled their impending mating, rewarding her surrender with simple physical pleasure, and once the pair had squirmed their way to her hole they both began to press into her.

Inch after inch of the two ovipositors forced themselves into her sex, squirming wildly as they claimed inch after inch, the two competing to see which would reach the half-dragon's womb first. Pure pleasure began coursing up her body from the penetration, and the manner in which the two ambulatory appendages began to writhe inside of her. The two even twisted around each other inside of her, leaving it unclear as to which ultimately began to prod at her cervix first... All that truly mattered as that they did, prodding at her inner gateway and beginning to release a thin, sticky goo that caused her inner muscles to relax in preparation for receiving their eggs.
Re: Unprotected (Ranger9000)

The rational part of Este's mind shouted out one last time, and then was forcefully suppressed by the rest of her. Pushed down by the Este that wanted to go along with the venom. Her tail raised into the air to expose her needy pussy to the wasps even as her hands dug into the ground in anticipation. She felt two of them alight near her shoulders, and she had to wonder what they were doing landing so far up her body. Though a moment later she felt another pair landing on her hips and she wiggled a bit at the feeling of them touching her. The dragon girl unable to resist turning her head to try to look back too see their stinger's retract and the pale skin of their ovipostors starting to slip free, but she couldn't manage enough of a twist. Instead she let her eyes look at her own underside instead, watching at her breasts as she felt their tools rubbing against her skin, teasing at her entrance and thighs.

Each touch she felt send another shiver through her, the venom in her body bubbling and driving up her arousal as her pussy throbbed in need. Pleasure running through her as she felt the pair of wasps shifting again, until they started to press against her slit. Then they were inside her, and she felt the creatures and their ovipositors squirming around inside her as they went deeper and deeper. Seemingly the two in a race to reach her womb as she let out a suppressed groan, biting her lip to keep from making to much noise. Then she felt the two ovipositor's literally twisting around eachother inside her and she wasn't able to keep herself quiet, a small cry that got louder in just a moment coming from her as they pushed in and then prodded against her cervix. The dragonwoman able to feel that liquid inside her, her muscles starting to weaken as the entrance to her womb opened bit by bit as she was clawing at the dirt from each shock of pleasure when they tapped against her cervix.
Re: Unprotected (Ranger9000)

Este: HP = 45/119, PP = 43, EP = 46, Status = Injured, Excited, Charmed, Penetrated, Egged

Wasp 1: 1 HP, Weakened
Wasp 2: Dead
Wasp 3: Fine
Wasp 4: Fine
Wasp 5: Fine
Wasp 6: Fine

The pair of wasps buried inside of her continued to squirm their members around in Este's depths, forcing her to feel those constant bursts of stimulation as they reached her deepest pleasure centers. Eventually, when her inner muscles had fully relaxed, they pressed against that final barrier, slowly prodding past it to fully extend their way directly into the half-dragon's defenseless womb. Small bursts of a thick goop, spurted against her deepest depths, left her body preparing as if she were going to have her own children, though she would be providing nutrients to a far different creature.

Each of the two appendages inside of her began to throb and thrash slowly inside of her once that fluid had been fully delivered, and a momenta later the first of their eggs pressed against her outer lips just then, traveling slowly along their tubes towards her quivering sex. She could see them, if she was still watching from between her breasts, as one by one the eggs were shunted bit by bit from the lower bodies of the two wasps currently penetrating her. Each was the size of a walnut, or perhaps a small fruit, but they would grow larger within her until they were ready to hatch. It took a few more seconds for the rounded orbs to push past her outer lips and begin their travel down her moist passage.

She could feel the first pair of eggs trailing towards her ripe womb even as the next pair began to try to force themselves into her, followed shortly by the third, and then the fourth. By the time the first pair had reached her cervix and began the final push into her womb, the pairs were coming right behind one another and already at least six were making their way into her. The top of the ovipositors both began to vibrate, a sensation that traveled down the lengths of their now far thicker, even more oddly shaped appendages. Now, however, any pleasure given to her at this point was totally incidental; they were breeding now, with her as little more than their unwitting host. The first pair of eggs were released into her womb gently, pressed against the wall of her uterus until a tiny umbilical appendage had attached, leaving Este pregnant with her first pair of what would undoubtedly be many.

By the first eggs had been laid, the next duo was ready to go, and so they were laid beside the first, and the next beside them. Each was soft, and surrounded in a thick, jelly-like fluid to protect them from her motions. About a dozen eggs from each of the wasps were pushed into her ultimately, but given her massive size her belly was left barely bloated... For now. Once their last eggs were planted, the two wasps slowly withdrew their ovipositors and took off, only for those that had landed on her shoulders earlier to crawl over her to replace them. They weren't alone this time, however, as two more wasps landed on her thighs; she was surrounded by nine wasps now, including the two that had just impregnated her, likely all the drones that hadn't emptied themselves into the smaller creature were now waiting to do so into Este instead. All four of their ovipositors began to press against her nether lips, jockeying for the right to penetrate her first even though they would undoubtedly all eventually do so, while their eggs were already gathering at the base of their abdomens... And Este herself was left docile by their poison and the constant buzzing of their wings, despite how stuffed she would inevitably be.
Re: Unprotected (Ranger9000)

Este's insides were very much ready by the time the goo was pouring directly into her womb. Between the pleasure she had been experiencing from the venom, and the more direct pleasure of the ovipositors pushing against her cervix, her insides were quite ready to bare children. Unfortunately they wouldn't be dragon girls, but children were children as far as her body was concerned. The dragon woman's arms shivering as the pleasure was causing her limbs to weaken. Though she kept herself up long enough to see the eggs starting to flow toward her, passing through those ovipositors until they touched against her slit and she felt herself starting to be spread by the intruding objects.

To say the least, when the eggs actually started to force their way down her pussy and toward her womb, the poor dragonwoman wasn't quite able to keep herself up. Este losing control of her arms by the time the third pair of eggs was into her insides, and her upper body fell to the ground, her large breasts pressing to the dirt along with her face as she let out a shameful moan when the first pair of eggs settled into her womb properly. The vibrating of the ovipositors nearly making her numb as the spring inside her tightened quickly, each latching on egg driving her closer and closer to an explosive orgasm, until the last ones were planted inside her and she let out her first climax. Feminine juices running down her thighs as she twitched, and the two on her shoulders moved to take their turn, and two others landed on her thighs, and her eyes widened as she realized what was about to happen. Her moan ringing around the area as all four started to push at her lips, sliding inside her together and pushing to her womb. She could only imagine how many eggs would be inside her when they were done, and that didn't even take into account the others around her. The Dragonwoman unsure if those thoughts excited her in her addled state, or worried her but regardless, the thoughts and the buzzing of the wings still sent arousal through her and kept her insides nearly milking at the ovipositors, trying to draw them in as her body wanted to be bred more, and more.
Re: Unprotected (Ranger9000)

Este: HP = 45/119, PP = 43, EP = 46, Status = Injured, Excited, Charmed, Egged (105)

Within moments, the four jade wasps had penetrated her as deeply as the first two had, driving their prehensile ovipositors into her depths until they had penetrated past even her cervix. They prodded gently at the clutch already there until they found places to plant their eggs near the roof of her womb, and each in turn began to push their spawn into Este's defenseless womb. These four were less in sync than the last, which was essential given that now four at once were squirming around inside of her.

The four tubes, each rapidly fattening with ripe eggs, writhed inside of her and quickly began to vibrate like the others had, ensuring that that hypnotized half-dragon was left shuddering in massive stimulation at all times. Egg after egg after egg was planted inside of her, now causing even her inner chamber to begin expanding as it was filled beyond capacity with the young of the mutant insects that had captured her. Each latched onto her, to draw their nourishment from her body until they ultimately hatched inside of her. Orgasm after orgasm rolled through her body, forcing Este to shudder under their assault while a mix of poison and their droning buzz left her unable to even think about offering further resistance.

By the time the four wasps pulled out, their egg supplies emptied into Este's womb, the dragoness looked like she was several months pregnant. Even then, however, her massive size allowed her to hold even more, and once the four pulled away three more wasps crawled into place and shoved their appendages into her pussy. These were the more aggressive yet, and took the longest to reach a point where they could start planting their young into her, ensuring that she was made to feel their appendages thrashing inside of her for several minutes before the vibration and bulging caused by their eggs began. When they too had finally finished, she was carrying over a hundred of their eggs inside of her uterus.

Este's ordeal was not to end there, however. Another wasp crawled from the nest, a much larger one that didn't look as if it could even fly given how shriveled the creature's wings were. Still it ambled up to, and eventually onto her back. This one was not another drone, however; it was one of the males, the king of the nest. Lacking a stinger, they were rarely seen once a nest was established, and then did little other than command the drones... And occasionally, when the nest had an ample supply of them, move to fertilize some of their implanted eggs. As the king oriented himself on top of her, Este felt its member began prodding at her entrance.

While she might have been already stretched, the king's mating tube was far larger and thicker than even four of the creature's ovipositors on their own, and proved to be covered in thin ridges that dragged against her inner walls as it was forcibly shoved into her depths. All too quickly it had wormed its way deep inside, and once the dome-like tip was prodding at her cervix it shuddered once, and then she felt rapid fire bursts of warm, sticky cum being shot into her egg-filled womb. The creature's sperm wouldn't fertilize every egg, only a handful, but each that was successfully fertilized would become a new king, the leader of a new hive that would be joined no doubt by some of the drones that would be produced by the unfertilized eggs being carried beside them. Each would set out once they had pupated, some time after being born, to go find a new place to nest, further increasing the danger to the smaller humanoid creatures in the region.

The king flooded her womb with spurts of semen for over a minute before simply pulling out and crawling away, going back into hiding and leaving Este bloated, leaking, and exhausted. The drones who had impregnated her began prodding at her, guiding her from her kneeling position to one on her back, near to the squishier creature she had come to try and rescue. There she would undoubtedly wait out the development of the young now growing inside of her, the constant buzzing of the creature's wings threatening to keep her compliant all the way through to her birthing.
Re: Unprotected (Ranger9000)

Este's back arched as the eggs poured into her from the quartet. They were out of sync, which was good otherwise they'd likely have spread her painfully wide even for herself, but that didn't keep her from feeling heavier and heavier by the moment. Her womb filling more and more, her belly bulging from the amount being pushed into her as they all latched onto her inner walls to force her to nourish them. The dragon girl having long given up resistance, for now at least, between the orgasms, the venom, and the droning she was reduced to little more then an egg incubator. That didn't mean she wasn't thinking though, namely the dragon girl let out a cry of surprise when she felt the four withdrawing only to be replaced with another three. The dragon girl moaning and mewling as the ovipositors wiggled and thrashed around in her overly sensitive womb. Not to mention the eggs that would come soon after as her belly ballooned even further.

Finally they pulled out, and Este thought for a moment that maybe they were done for now. The massive amount of eggs inside her shifting a bit uncomfortably as she moved, though then she saw what was coming out of the nest and her eyes widened. She couldn't even think to move away though, as the wasp male approached. Evidently it had decided that well, she counted as enough eggs to be worth fertilizing. The dragon girl feeling the wasp mounting her, putting it's weight on her back as it's cock pressed against her entrance, and then spread her wide.

The cock was massive, even compared to the four ovipositors at once. Spreading her wide as she let out a shameful moan at the sensation of it pushing deep into her. The ridges along its length dragging along her inner walls and leaving her breathless. Though a small part of her was realizing just how dangerous this was, at least in the future. Each egg the king's seed hit would be a new nest that she and the small ones would have to exterminate later, but well, given the effects of everything right now, she couldn't exactly worry that much. That was a problem for later her really. After the semen had finally stopped, she moved as the wasps prodded her, rolling onto her back and shifting beside the small one, who she'd reach out to with her tail, pulling the woman closer if the wasps didn't stop her. If nothing else, she'd try to help the woman where she could, even if they were both stuck in the same problem at the moment. The buzzing doing its best to keep her mind relaxed even as she knew the eggs were growing within her at their own pace.
Re: Unprotected (Ranger9000)

Este: HP = 119/119, PP = 43, EP = 46, Status = Fine

The wasps would hover around Este as she moved to be closer to the smaller humanoid creature they had impregnated, but when it became clear that she wasn't threatening their other young they let her be. The buzzing around her, continued arousal and the venom still in her system kept her completely docile. Her belly continued to swell as the eggs developed in her womb, and over the course of the day the king wasp would come and mate with her three more times. Every injection of its sperm added to the slurry in her depths and forced her to suffer yet another orgasm, while adding to the chance that some of the eggs might be fertilized.

She and the soft creature fed with fruits carried in by the wasps, each of which had been injected with more of their venom to keep their minds addled and obedient. The next day, after sleeping, the soft creature would birth about three dozen larvae, each of them dragging the remains of their egg shells before being picked up and carried off by one of the waiting wasps. They would be urged to depart after recovering from their birth, and once the poison wore off the look of horror on her face spoke that her mind was her own again, and after saying something in her strange language she ran off into the jungle.

Este's birthing took another day to take place, and well over an hour for the veritable horde of larvae to squirm their way out of her birth canal. The half-dragon's womb had been packed to capacity, and though it was hard to tell the difference there were at least fifteen larvae that looked larger than the rest, all of which the adult wasps seemed to handle with extra care. Eventually, Este would be driven to rise and leave the nest by her masters, to wander out into the jungle... And a short while later the poison in her system had finally played itself out enough for her to regain her mind.
Re: Unprotected (Ranger9000)

Another time, then another time, then a third time. The damned king wasp creature just wouldn't be done with her. Her body forced to be docile by the drones and the stings, but at least she could move near the small one. Though she'd move away whenever the king wasp came back for another round to avoid potentially you know, injuring the girl in the process given the relative size differences. Still, eventually the fucking would stop as her belly continued to grow. The small one giving birth first, on the second day of Este's 'capture' by the creatures. Though the wasps did let the small one go after she finished giving birth to the larva. Whatever she said was lost on Este, the strange language of the small ones continued to elude her.

The next day it was Este's turn, a terrifyingly large number of larva being pushed from her womb. Including more then a dozen larger larva, new 'kings.' The forest was certainly going to be a bit more dangerous until she or others could purge the new nests. Then she'd be forced to leave, ahead of time. Evidently the wasps didn't want to risk her coming to her senses nearby their nest. At least her mind would come back eventually, and Este took a moment to look around the forest nearby. Trying to figure out where she was relative to her cave and the small one village. This time deciding to head to the latter first, not letting any more delays get in the way trying to meet the small ones properly. Maybe they could work together to purge the wasps, or at least she could better defend them.
Este: HP = 119/119, PP = 43, EP = 46, Status = Fine

Navigation: Ultimately she gets... -1 successes. Dice luck still going strong I see.

Perception: 2 successes
Herbalism: 4 successes.

Navigation attempt 2: 6 successes, yaaay.

Despite her ordeal, Este would make to continue towards the series of artificial dwellings that the smaller humanoids had created to protect themselves from the environment. Despite still being in her own environment, however, the dragoness would rapidly find herself becoming lost. Perhaps some of the venom was still somehow in her system, or the long term exposure had had some lasting effects... But regardless of why, Este found herself wandering through a portion of the jungle that was unfamiliar to her. Lost in unknown areas and unable to figure out how to double back, the half-dragon lost a good portion of the day to random wandering.

Eventually, she found herself striding across a dense field of tall grasses, some of which sported vibrant flowers in a range of white, red and pinks. A few of them sported thorns, but her scaly hide and thick skin ensured that she barely felt them as she passed. Small birds, butterflies, and tiny mammals darted away from her as she passed, standing head and shoulders over the tall, densely packed plants. The fibrous things seemed to clutch at her as she plodded through them in order to cross the rolling hills towards what could be her destination, or at least closer to it. As she moved deeper into the flowery glade, however, Este found herself wandering into a light haze of sorts. Such phenomena were not uncommon, but after a short while she felt a familiar heat blooming inside of her.

Moments after that realization she heard a slight slithering noise, and off in the distance spotted a golden flower... A familiar sort of golden flower. There were shorn weeds about, hidden among the grasses. She might stumble upon them at any moment, and if she did so without realizing it she might end up throwing herself upon their mating stamen thoughtlessly, overwhelmed entirely by a concentrated burst of aphrodisiacs that she was already breathing, albeit currently in much small concentrations.

As she realized where she was, however, the geography of her current location popped into her mind. This hilly region was rife with the dangerous weeds, hidden among the pretty glasses, but if she managed to cross it she would be practically at the nearby village, able to make it in a couple of hours. She could double back to skirt around the glades, but such would take hours more and ensure that she didn't arrive until nightfall.
Este could swear, the world was against her. Between that absolutely embarrassing incident with the wasps, and now she was lost. Stuck wandering for half a day doing absolutely nothing as she pretty much found herself getting more and more lost. She was thinking over what she could have done better, rethinking the fight with the bees in her head. If maybe she had swung a bit harder, or if she had turned her fist slightly to the left to catch one of those wasps. Just something to try to occupy her mind and help her burn off her anger at what had happened. It was in the middle of that thought when she realized where she had walked into as she was hit with a wave of arousal, a field full of Shorn Weeds. Honestly, if she hadn't had the luck she had had for the last few days, she might have risked the field and the shorn weeds, but given everything, she was more likely well, going to get herself bred by plants. Really, it pissed her off but she would wait for a better day when the universe wasn't out to screw her.

So doubling back and going around the glade it was, at least she remembered where the village was now. Sure she'd be showing up at night, but she'd more likely just rest nearby the village overnight and then go in in the morning.
Este: HP = 119/119, PP = 43, EP = 46, Status = Fine

Derp, forgot: Gain 260 corruption, which I think means a mutation for Este.
Navigation: 4 successes.
Perception: You get... -1 success. Qualutay.

Retreating the way she'd come allowed Este to avoid any encounters with the dangerous plants occupying the mysterious glade, though skirting the edges of it would take the half-dragon the remainder of her time in daylight. The sun had set well before she could break away from the dangerous glade and make for the paths leading to the village of smaller creatures, and if Este wished to bed down somewhere she would find herself with a limited set of options. The cavern in which she usually laired was far away, leaving her with no choice but to find somewhere else to rest for the night, and given the ordeal she'd gone through the previous few days she undoubtedly needed some rest.

Unfortunately, she wouldn't find any particularly impressive shelter nearby. She could stick close to the tall grasses where the shorn weeds lay, which would at least ensure that she would be less likely to be attacked by anything other than any alraune that might be lurking among their progenitors. Alternatively, there was a stream nearby in which the dragoness could clean herself up a little, with a few stout trees which she could sleep against or in if she wished. A large boulder with a small overhang lay in a similarly nearby clearing, which while not offering any sort of cover would at least provide some shelter if it rained, which was always a possibility in the jungle.