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RPG Ci-En Active [uroom] Phantasia Infection

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Re: Phantasia Infection

Just a fair warning, according to the U-ROOM blog, this game will be pulled from sale "this month." They say it may become free in the coming years, but don't count on it.

I'm not sure what happens to DLsite games when they get pulled from sale, but I suppose it couldn't hurt to make sure you have a copy of the latest version? Assuming of course that you've bought the game.
Re: Phantasia Infection

All that is left is their of emptiness.
Sorry for thread necro.

I am horribly sad that they have disappeared off the face of the earth...anyone more familiar with following circles than I am and could possibly update on this group. I felt they had muchos potential.

Also for those newer to the h-game life, please try this game out if you can find it. definitely a great game imo.
Sorry for thread necro.

I am horribly sad that they have disappeared off the face of the earth...anyone more familiar with following circles than I am and could possibly update on this group. I felt they had muchos potential.

Also for those newer to the h-game life, please try this game out if you can find it. definitely a great game imo.

No they haven't, I searched for "uroom phantasia infection" and found their cien page in the top 3:

Lates update was a week ago.....

took 3 seconds dude
Re: Phantasia Infection

quickly before they do it again.


What is the password for the zip file? tried the same code given to decypher it in the mega and tried to numbers given in the name of the file. If one of those are a password then I'm getting an error:
What is the password for the zip file? tried the same code given to decypher it in the mega and tried to numbers given in the name of the file. If one of those are a password then I'm getting an error:
View attachment 32348

Re: Phantasia Infection

OH! thats right i remember where i downloaded this from. im sorry guys. the password is valwin my brothers!....and sisters.

Try this one
Game was released at some point. Would move this thread to H-games but:

OP does not meet standard for old OPs. Thread locked. PM a mod with an update to the OP to get this thread unlocked.
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