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Virgo Village (Chatgame MK. III)


Horn Dog
Jan 7, 2009
Reputation score
Let's try this again...


Deep in the heart of a yet to be named forest, is the village Virgo. Ironically named after the latin word for virgin. A town for some unexplainable reason, consists of a population made up entirely of woman, most attractive and young. The town is perpetually and illogically beset by horrible monsters and the like, and requires the assistant of a bold young adventurer to save their town from the horrible monsters.

YOU could be that hero, and win your way into the hearts, and perhaps the bedchambers, of the townfolk.

Now playing at the usual places:

This game will be nice and easy to join and play. Basically, character creation consists of picking a class. You get the class starting power, and you'll receive a power every time you level up. Powers are either passive or active; active powers are usable once per sortie into the wilderness, and are recharged when you return to town. Combat without using active powers is ridiculously simple, based on your level and equipment vs the monster, you either win or lose if you choose to fight. This keeps the amount of time in the game devoted to combat to a single post detailing how you heroically fight off or strike down the monster, or how it heroically beats the crap out of the upstart young adventurer.

Active powers can be used in combat in place of just attacking normally, and either give you a bonus to your effective level for the purposes of the fight, or have a chance to end the combat without a fight. Characters level up when they finish a quest. Simple.

As far as your goals, the Town Elder will give you quests to go forth and perform certain deeds. Areas will be opened up as you do so. Other NPCs may open up areas for you also, but only the Town Elder gives quests in version 1.0. You travel along a predetermined path, basically you'll be told you can travel "East" or "South or West". If you encounter a monster, and the majority of monsters are are predetermined locations, you will have the chance to try and fight, use a power, or try and flee like a cowardly little mangirl (or girlgirl, if you're already a girl).

Ultimately, it's a fairly simple, linear old-school style RPG, with sexy results.

Warning: May contain bestiality and rape. The latter can be avoided by always consenting ;)

And without further ado... The Classes of Virgo!

This version of Virgo village contains 6 classes, and has a max level cap of 5. If you would like the possibility of more classes or a higher level cap, please pre-order the expansion pack today!*

Rawr! Me smash! Me smash stuff good!

The toughest class there is, Barbarians keep things simple by beating enemies into submission. They're also incredibly durable and can keep going longer than any other, if you know what I mean. Poor social skills optional.

Starting Ability: Rage!

By channelling your raw hatred and desire to smash, you can boost your effective level by two. Then smash stuff.

Hey, just because I haven't bathed since the last time it rained, and I've painted my skin brown, for CAMOUFLAGE purposes I assure you... Aww the hell with you...

Tall, dark and unclean, Ranges are rarely a pretty sight to behold.But don't worry, that's in no way mechanically represented so any and all rangers in the game can be the exception to the above. Fucking elves. Anywho, Rangers specialise in fighting monsters, which is handy, because this game happens to be about just that.

Starting Ability: Monster Lore!

You know stuff about monsters. No, seriously, that horrible unique abomination from beyond the abyss? You killed three of those this morning. You can request an info dump about any monster you encounter, which may contain useful information. Alternatively, kill them all and let someone else worry about it.

By the light of the Gods, I will carve you up into little pieces slowly while you scream in agony until you eventually die and feed your bloodied remains to starving orphans. Because you're evil, and I'm not.

Arrogant self-righteous buffoons who can get away with anything as long as it's done 'for the greater good', whatever the hell that means. They have a wide array of powers, including being the only class in this version to have a way to cure curses and other lingering status effects short of having to go AAAALLLL the way back to town, possibly getting ambushed along the way... Incidentally, they're also rather good at running away.

Starting Ability: Divine Shield!

By invoking the name of your god, you can create an impenetrable bubble around yourself, allowing you to scramble away like a coward in complete safety. It'll allow you to automatically escape an enemy, OR bypass them and skip right past, although be warned that an enemy avoided, an enemy defeated does not make; they'll be waiting.

I have been blessed with a superior intellect the likes of which mankind has seldom seen; the result is I have a tendency towards aloofness and people have trouble relating to me due to this. What's your excuse?

Brilliant, arrogant, wielding power beyond comprehension... well, let's face it, they use the same damn system as anyone else. You're no better than any else, you just THINK you are. Seriously, it's a class feature. No, you don't get a bonus for it. No penalties though. Anywho, Mages are brimming with arcane juices and are just ready to blow; all over their enemies. The downside is due to the nature of their studies, they spend time researching new spells instead of bothering with weak little passive abilities, so when they run out of juice, they're boned.

Starting Ability: Magic Missile!

Magic has come a long way since the beginning, and these days magic missile has been equipped with an advanced targetting system so you don't have to simply fire into the darkness. Regardless, it's good for an effective bonus of two to your level, as you pewpew all over your enemy.

Edicus Armelius Exquirelus Asoareus the Third, traveller, performer, poet extraordinaire, musician of unparalleled skill and technique, blessed by the very goddesses of creativity; all night long; place myself humbly at your services.

Suave, sophisticated and annoying to anyone with half a brain, Bards are a pest to the adventuring community. Regardless, they often manage to get the job done, amongst other things. Their abilities revolve around themselves, specifically how attractive, handsome and talented they are.

Starting Ability: Charm!

A few choice phrases, some suggestive glances and anything can be putty in your hands. Or be hands around your putty. Preaching to make love, not war, Bards can attempt to prevent a fight and instead make friends; although lets face it, that monster wanted to eat your face a moment ago, what are the odds it's interested in eating something else? Apparently, about 50/50.

What am I carrying hidden on my person? Well, let's see... eight daggers, six throwing knives, about a dozen different kinds of poison, approximately 167 gold in assorted coinage, three precious gemstones, and your wallet.

Selfish, deceptive, sneaky bastards. And that's their good traits. Rogues are natural liars and better thieves, ontop of not being bad in a fight either, as long as it isn't a fair fight. They're also rather good at not letting it be a fair fight. Ever versatile, rogues can react to almost any given situation and come out ontop at the expense of whoever it takes.

Starting Ability: Swindle!

A few choice phrases, some suggestive glances and anything can be putty in your hands. Or loot in your hands. By your expert skill in negotiations, you may be able to cut a deal with a monster. Exactly how well you do depends on the intelligence of the monster, and as that's something not mechanically, a dice roll will do. Results vary, worst case scenario; the monster attacks you, you may still be able to beat it. Best case scenario, the monster gives you everything it has to pay for an exotic vacation to a faraway land booked specially for them, giving you all the perks of beating them in a fight with none of the effort.

New Feature! XP!

Experience Points or XP have been added, but they don't do what you think. They are points you earn by various methods arbitrarily handed out by the GM. Basically, the more he likes you, the more likely you are to get more, but you do have to earn them to do so. Earning XP is done not through playing the game, but through otherwise entertaining the GM or completing a challenge he sets.

They can be spent in a mysterious place called "The Forbidden Zone" to which a portal in town has appeared on a variety of bonus features. None of these features will help you progress further in the game, but are simply extras for fun, aesthetics and bragging rights.

There is no system on how to gain XP, as mentioned it's completely arbitrary; although the prices are not, they will remain the same.

* Expansion Pack not available in your area.
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Re: Akiodus Academy (Chat based game)

Nice looking game, interesting but familier setting (Dark Conception anyone?) and nice skillset. Like to see this in action.
Re: Akiodus Academy (Chat based game)

what chat do you plan on running this is? its peeked my interest
Re: Akiodus Academy (Chat based game)

what chat do you plan on running this is? its peeked my interest

I can do either or
Re: Akiodus Academy (Chat based game)

Bitme's place doesn't have rules apparently...
Re: Akiodus Academy (Chat based game)

Isolated on a small island, off the coast of mainland Ekkido, lies an ancient school of magic and martial training. Within these sacred halls, students learn to harness their energy towards great things, but recent years have put a dark twist on this once spiritual place.

Within the students, a secret group have given themselves over to a demon of lust; the ringleaders gaining great power and the mission to corrupt the entire school to the forces of lust.

Game Timeline
This is where the current game's timeline will be posted. As events unfold in various chat run games, the meta plot will evolve in response.

Day 1 - There are whisperings of a secret cult to a demon within the academy. Students are advised to remain vigilant, and report any suspicions to the masters.

Character Creation

Characters start with 30 Ability Points (ABP) and 30 Skill Points (SP). They also begin with 100 gold.

Spending points follows the following formula. All abilities and skills start at Level 1. To increase a skill's level, it costs a number of points equal to the level being raised to. Hence, the following table.

Level Cost

Level 1 - Base
Level 2 - 2 points
Level 3 - 3 points (5 total)
Level 4 - 4 points (9 total)
Level 5 - 5 points (14 total)
Level 6 - 6 points (20 total)
Level 7 - 7 points (27 total)

Ability Points may be spent on the following:
Character Name -Mai
Strength - Determines physical strength. LVL 4 9 pts
Agility - Determines speed. LVL 3 5 pts
Health - Determines endurance and ability to take punishment. LVL 3 5 pts
Knowledge - Determines general knowledge LVL 2 2 pts
Perception - Determines ability to notice things LVL 2 2pts
Magic - Determines innate magical reservoirs (max mana), useful for casters LVL 2 2pts
Spirit - Determines strength of spirit, useful for resisting effects that target the mind or spirit LVL 3 5pts

Skill Points may be spent on the following:
Note: You cannot have more than level 4 in a skill at creation

Fighting Style: Pouncing Tiger
An aggressive grapple focused fighting style that focuses on bringing foes down fast and keeping them there. Primary Attribute: Strength. Weak vs Harmonious Peacock. LVL 4 14 pts

Fighting Style: Harmonious Peacock
A defensive style that focuses on forcing the enemy to over-extend themselves and striking them at the opportune moment. Primary Attribute: Agility. Weak vs Way of the Gentle Hand

Fighting Style: Way of the Gentle Hand
A patient style that focuses on outlasting your opponent and devastating an exhausted foe. Primary Attribute: Health. Weak vs Pouncing Tiger.

Fighting Style: Weapon Training
Training in weaponry. Weapons are often more powerful than unarmed attacks, but have no special attacks and rely on having a weapon drawn. Primary Attribute: None. Weak vs None.

Each of the three unarmed styles may gain special attacks as they level up. These are ancient secrets that are known only to those who have mastered them.

Magic Style: Abjuration (Defensive Magic) lvl 3 5 pts
Magic Style: Conjuration (Creation and Offensive Magic)
Magic Style: Enchantment (Manipulative Magic)lvl 3 5 pts
Magic Style: Evocation (Summoning Magic)
Magic Style: Illusion (Deceptive Magic)
Magic Style: Necromancy (Life and Death Magic)
Magic Style: Transmutation (Change Magic)

In order to cast magic, simply PM the GM with what you want to try and do. He'll tell you what style of magic it is, and make the appropriate roll for you, against the appropriate difficulty. For example, to throw a fireball at someone would be Conjuration, to heal someone would be necromancy, and to create a shadow clone of yourself would be illusion.

Casting magic is a difficult and exhausting process, most people have trouble attempting more than one or two spells a day, and successfully casting is very difficult under pressure; however, magic when used properly is very powerful.

Stealth: (Ability to move unnoticed) lvl 3 5 pts
Medicine: (Ability to apply non-magical healing, such as first aid)
Engineering: (Useful for disarming or creating traps or other mechanical devices)
Manipulation: (Ability to deceive and manipulate others)

Characters have inventory space for 5 items, which includes any weapons they're wielding or armour their wearing.

If there are any questions or things unclear, please let me know and I'll elaborate.

If you make a character, please PM me the sheet.

hope you get understand hehe. :D
Re: Akiodus Academy (Chat based game)

Playtesting has reveal the combat system is long and tedious.

Game on indefinite hiatus.
New gaem

Bumpin thread.

There's a new first post, do read it.
Re: Akiodus Academy (Chat based game)

You CAN change the title of the threads you created. The instructions are somewhere in the Tech Support thread, in Forum development.
EDIT: http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/showthread.php?t=54&page=2 About halfway down the page.

This does sound interesting, and I like the paper-rock-scissors concept, but alas with running my own game and playing DoD my evenings are full.
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Re: Escape from the Crimson Citadel (Chatgame Mk 2)

Ah, thankyou.

Alright, so I really just need ideas on what other attacks or powers to include.
Re: Virgo VIllage (Chatgame MK. III)

Bump for new game idea.
Re: Virgo VIllage (Chatgame MK. III)

Well, as the PCs are for all intensive purposes solo*, whenever someone wants to play and I've got enough time and energy to run.

*(You're free to partner up with someone, but everything will be illogically multiplied, just like in MMORPGs. You can BOTH get AND finished a quest to save the Town Elders daughter, bringing home two separate yet identical daughters with the same name. Yet on subsequent visits, there will only be one daughter. Monsters will also attack you separately, and apparently the unique creature Harpy Queen has an identical twin sister who only turns up when your friend is around.

Of course, you ARE free to trade with other characters, and fully interact with them.)
Re: Virgo VIllage (Chatgame MK. III)

although be warned that an enemy avoided, an enemy defeated does not wait;


Yes, I strike with an improbable amount of "M"s. However, this game looks temporarily diverting. Or similar.

Re: Virgo VIllage (Chatgame MK. III)


This is what happens when I'm tired, and my mind is thinking faster than my hands are typing.