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Re: Hate Thread

No, I don't mean to get rid of ALL the Squire's towers. Just the ones that shoot stuff.

I mean, I can't be the only one who thought those buzzsaw towers and spiked barricades were ridiculous enough, now we gotta give Squires the ability to build HARPOONS AND CANNONBALLS. And again, all of these do physical damage which is currently deal neutral hits against everything - in other words, being overpowered as fuck because nothing can resist them. Again this makes the whole elemental weakness system obsolete, simply because it gives you the option to bypass all that with something that can't be resisted. Imagine in Pokemon if Normal wasn't resisted by anything.

And... What the hell's a barbarian? Oh wait... You're playing the PC version. Damn, we got jipped hard on the consoles. All we got is a new fucking level. BIG WHOOPIE DOO. What's next? Are you going to give costume DLCs for 4 bucks instead of actual good content? How exhilirating to be able to see my character, new and improved with a fucking pallete swap. It's so awesome that I'm just gunna say


Re: Hate Thread

No, I don't mean to get rid of ALL the Squire's towers. Just the ones that shoot stuff.

I mean, I can't be the only one who thought those buzzsaw towers and spiked barricades were ridiculous enough, now we gotta give Squires the ability to build HARPOONS AND CANNONBALLS. And again, all of these do physical damage which is currently deal neutral hits against everything - in other words, being overpowered as fuck because nothing can resist them. Again this makes the whole elemental weakness system obsolete, simply because it gives you the option to bypass all that with something that can't be resisted. Imagine in Pokemon if Normal wasn't resisted by anything.

And... What the hell's a barbarian? Oh wait... You're playing the PC version. Damn, we got jipped hard on the consoles. All we got is a new fucking level. BIG WHOOPIE DOO. What's next? Are you going to give costume DLCs for 4 bucks instead of actual good content? How exhilirating to be able to see my character, new and improved with a fucking pallete swap. It's so awesome that I'm just gunna say



I do agree it's unfair that they cut minor DLC's support from consoles, but seeing the direction this is going, I'm going to do the smart thing and back out now, less I turn into the thing I was trying to complain about earlier.
Re: Hate Thread

^ On that note, I hate how game developers make the SAME mistakes over and over again.

Going on about patching, why the fuck do they release games that are buggy as fuck only to patch it up like two seconds after the full game was released? Let beta testers try it and see if anything's wrong, because that's their fucking job. If there's a major problem, fix it before you release it. Maybe there might be occasional errors that slip by, which is fine. But if you release a game and two hours after we have to sit for like five fucking hours just for a patch update because apparently the game was broken, then that's bullshit and you should feel bad.

Well, one of the sources for this is the fact that finalizing, printing and shipping and so on for games usually happens long before the actual release date, think about it, for a worldwide release like BF3 the team needs to send out the "finished" product to copying long before the actual launch. And so, in the month between sending the game out and the actual release they find bugs and make patches for them. It's not like the bugfixes released like half an hour after launch was written in half an hour. Factoring into this is also updates to consoles and computers while the finished copies of the game are lying on a shelf in some warehouse, which is why many conflicting program bugs have to do with recent updates.
Re: Hate Thread

No, I don't mean to get rid of ALL the Squire's towers. Just the ones that shoot stuff.

I mean, I can't be the only one who thought those buzzsaw towers and spiked barricades were ridiculous enough, now we gotta give Squires the ability to build HARPOONS AND CANNONBALLS. And again, all of these do physical damage which is currently deal neutral hits against everything - in other words, being overpowered as fuck because nothing can resist them. Again this makes the whole elemental weakness system obsolete, simply because it gives you the option to bypass all that with something that can't be resisted. Imagine in Pokemon if Normal wasn't resisted by anything.

And... What the hell's a barbarian? Oh wait... You're playing the PC version. Damn, we got jipped hard on the consoles. All we got is a new fucking level. BIG WHOOPIE DOO. What's next? Are you going to give costume DLCs for 4 bucks instead of actual good content? How exhilirating to be able to see my character, new and improved with a fucking pallete swap. It's so awesome that I'm just gunna say



Dont feel bad about it man. The barbarians actually showing up to not be a whole lot better than the squire so far. Dual wielding weapons is great and all, but thats all he can do efficiently so far, his stances are actually kinda fucking useless compared to the squires towers and the squires overall speed and damage output when the squire goes into blood rage
Re: Hate Thread

HATE when guys in the choir are trying to sing with the females. Yes, I know you can do almost that voice, but the teacher is trying to hear /that specific group/ to analyze how they're doing.
Seriously, one guy actually got the sopranos fussed at.
Re: Hate Thread

Hearing all the fuss going on about games and bugs, I think I hate that you can't patch on consoles. I can *download* an entire freaking game onto my PS3 (and apparently 360, though I haven't tried that yet...), I can download DLC. Why can I not download a patch? I've seen a few "updates" that have come around (apparently Mark of the Assassin updated some things in DA2. Apparently.) but if there's a bug and you can download it onto your PC, why can't I do the same thing for a console that hooks up to cyberspace just as easily? I'm sure there's some technical mumbo jumbo out there that can give the answer, I just feel like throwing my two cents in and venting.
Re: Hate Thread

Updates are patches mostly. But maybe I'm getting your question wrong, are you asking why you can't download the same patch as the PC version? If so the reason you can't is because the games are designed completely different since the hardware is different.
Re: Hate Thread

Likely the reason, but like...quest bugs and things like that. Ones that don't trigger or can't be finished, etc. Like I said, yours is probably the reason, and it's a logical one, but it's annoying how, like I said, I can download the game and have it on my console, so why can't I download a patch for my console the same way?
Re: Hate Thread

I hate Roy's avatar, it creeps me out.

Don't fight oni, he's going to crush you.

I've signed my neg reps for you.
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Re: Hate Thread

Yeah, it does look a tad creepy. 60's gritty porno/paedophile.
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Re: Hate Thread

I hate how my aunt didn't invite me to my cousin's birthday party. She didn't tell me or my parents a single bit about it. I even suggested the place! B(
Re: Hate Thread

Was there a reason, did your aunt just forget? Seems kind of bizarre not to really let family in on such occassions.

Yesterday, my uncle called my mother to ask her if she'd heard about my (second) cousin's husband passing away from...heart aneurism, I think she said. My mother, shocked because she hadn't, told him no and apparently he made mention of it being on Facebook.


I understand that it is a means to instantly get information out there with a click of a mouse or a touch of a button, but really, people, come on! My mother uses the computer for two things, email and to play mahjongg. Yes, she has a FB account but I can count on one hand the number of times that she gets on it probably in a month.

Same thing happened when my cousin (daughter of the same uncle) passed out at concert and had to be rushed to a hospital because of complications with her heart. We didn't find out until a week later and the response that we got was "Oh, it was on [her sister's] facebook!"

Perhaps she posted on your facebook instead?

Sorry to bring that up out of nowhere, but I actually had something like this happen to be recently. Apparently I've been missing a lot of get-together times just because none of my fucking friends like to notify me outside of Facebook, which I rarely use and even told them that!!

Does everybody now have access to facebook on mobile phones or something? What the fuck's the point of text and calling then?

And fuck apples. Why they gotta keep leaving shit between your teeth?
Re: Hate Thread

Nope, they didn't, because I'm constantly on facebook and I'm only friends with one of my cousins (the older one of the bunch). The cousin in question (the one whose hubby passed away) isn't on my friend's list and there was nothing shared from my other cousin.

Even if there were, in my opinion, Facebook is not the place to, how to put this? Yes, you can put in your status that someone passed away/something happened to them but my problem is more with people using that as a *replacement* to informative phone calls, emails (same week, I had a friend email me about his grandmother), or, and I suppose this is unique to me, but my uncle lives RIGHT AROUND THE F'ING CORNER.

I'm also chalking it up to the lack of...communication in general between me, my mom, and that portion of the family. Like I said, they live right around the corner from us and about the only time that we see them is when they want/need something. Just going to let it go. Got the initial rant out and the rest won't do my blood pressure any good, so, meh. Time to go make potatoes for the supahbowl pahtay.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate when potential employers can't give me a straight answer to a simple question. Yes, I do believe I have a right to know what you're expecting out of a post-hire physical exam, and how it's relevant to being a bagger of groceries. =.=