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The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Bart... did you miss the part where i likened some of them to terrorists?

You picked one part of what i said and based your entire opinion around it.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Received a –rep accusing me of strawmanning, and I have to say I don’t agree. The first paragraph is based solely off my own experience and observation, and the second based on previous posts either in this thread or linked from it. The only comment that was made was Slicer’s ‘I hate feminists’ – a declaration of opinion, nothing more – and for this, Nunu suggested that an apology was in order. If you feel I’m misrepresenting this in any way, please explain it to me.

Anyway, that footnote from my last post? Well here it is. Spoilered for length.

I certainly don’t disagree with the goal of equality. What I disagree with is the notion that equality is feminism’s goal. The clue is in the name - feminism is and has only ever been about women, and making things better for them.

If you disagree, I challenge you to name ONE THING feminism has done has that was solely for the benefit of men.

In addition, the mens rights groups that are working for the benefit of men are ridiculed, discredited or otherwise impeded by feminists (and not even the extreme ones) at every possible opportunity. Not only are they not interested in improving things for men, they actively work against those that are.

Of course, to feminists this is what equality means. Feminist theory is built around the patriarchy, the idea that men have a monopoly on the long end of the stick and society is predisposed to favour them at every turn. To acknowledge, as you have done, that men face problems and/or are worse off than women in some fields, is to deny the core of the feminist ideology. With that in mind, there are a lot of feminists out there that wouldn’t consider you one. There are also a lot of feminists who deny that men can be feminists, further evidence that equality isn’t on the cards.

I won’t deny that feminism has done good things for women, but it shows no sign of slowing down. No advance, no concession, no victory will ever be enough – you can’t tell me that one day feminists will stand up and say “enough is enough, now we’re equal to men.” This, combined with their aforementioned efforts to inhibit mens rights progress, means that women are now overtaking men in many fields and pulling further ahead in others. And while feminism continues to ensure that all the attention and benefits are given to the women, men fall further and further behind. This doesn’t lead to equality. This leads to supremacy.

I’m sure there are plenty of self described feminists out there, like you, who don’t think this way. Who genuinely want equality and care about the problems of men (all the women I know who think this way are pointedly NOT feminists). Unfortunately, the feminists who do think this way are the ones in positions of power. They’re the ones writing the books, teaching the courses, pushing for new policies. They’re the only ones with the influence necessary to make changes. Maybe extremists are the minority, but they’re the ones calling the shots. The rest of you are nothing but a glorified PR campaign.

tl;dr – Men and women both face problems, but are otherwise equal in terms of actual rights. Despite this, feminism claims that women are worse off and denies that mens problems exist when it isn’t actively making them worse. To suggest that feminism is for equality is laughable.

@Nunu - My entire opinion of feminism is not based on one thing that you said. I just used what you said to get my point across, and I still say the point stands.
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

If you disagree, I challenge you to name ONE THING feminism has done has that was solely for the benefit of men.

I'm going to weigh in here for a second, as a military man. Women in the military is a direct result of feminism, and on certain levels it's an inconvenience. We men now have to watch what we say and whom we say it to, and there have been a few female service members who sometimes try to take advantage of the ease of accusing men of harassment (though this is the minority). It's also created a greater number of discipline issues with sexual misconduct.

With that said, sexual assault existed in the military LONG before women joined, but it was kept silent. Men generally do NOT come forward, because to admit to being a victim of sexual assault takes away their masculinity. Women (and feminists) have helped to change that. Military women have been more forthcoming with their accusations, which in turn has helped men come forward with their own.

Feminists weren't necessarily trying to SOLELY help men--they were trying to open doors that were previously closed to them. Nevertheless, their actions have been an overall benefit to the men in the military, and have indirectly resulted in the prohibition of hazing, and more readily available resources for sexual assault victims.

A second point, and then I'll shut up: feminists fight gender roles. If you think back over the years, very few things have truly changed where gender roles are concerned. When I was a boy, I had G.I. Joe figures. Girls had Barbie dolls. That hasn't changed much--LEGO recently released a "LEGO Friends" product line that is specifically marketed towards young females.

I could go on, but I think I've made my point. Gender roles coerce young males and females into fitting within cookie-cutter societal roles. Lessening the hold of those norms is a very good thing for all of us, in my opinion.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

I'm going to weigh in here for a second, as a military man. Women in the military is a direct result of feminism, and on certain levels it's an inconvenience. We men now have to watch what we say and whom we say it to, and there have been a few female service members who sometimes try to take advantage of the ease of accusing men of harassment (though this is the minority). It's also created a greater number of discipline issues with sexual misconduct.

With that said, sexual assault existed in the military LONG before women joined, but it was kept silent. Men generally do NOT come forward, because to admit to being a victim of sexual assault takes away their masculinity. Women (and feminists) have helped to change that. Military women have been more forthcoming with their accusations, which in turn has helped men come forward with their own.

Feminists weren't necessarily trying to SOLELY help men--they were trying to open doors that were previously closed to them. Nevertheless, their actions have been an overall benefit to the men in the military, and have indirectly resulted in the prohibition of hazing, and more readily available resources for sexual assault victims.

A second point, and then I'll shut up: feminists fight gender roles. If you think back over the years, very few things have truly changed where gender roles are concerned. When I was a boy, I had G.I. Joe figures. Girls had Barbie dolls. That hasn't changed much--LEGO recently released a "LEGO Friends" product line that is specifically marketed towards young females.

I could go on, but I think I've made my point. Gender roles coerce young males and females into fitting within cookie-cutter societal roles. Lessening the hold of those norms is a very good thing for all of us, in my opinion.

You're kind of proving his point, since in both cases, the benefits men get are rather accidental, not the goal of feminists.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

You're kind of proving his point, since in both cases, the benefits men get are rather accidental, not the goal of feminists.

Sort of. I'm agreeing that the goal of feminism is not to solely benefit men, that's true. At the same time, I'm arguing against the idea of the feminist movement as a zero-sum game. Feminism hasn't really taken anything away from me; on the contrary, it's benefited me in many aspects, a few of which I listed above.

Freeing the slaves in the US did nothing to solely benefit the white landowners of the South, but (1) it was the right thing to do, and (2) I believe that despite setbacks and difficult situations that followed, the people of the US benefited greatly overall, including white males such as myself.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Received a –rep accusing me of strawmanning, and I have to say I don’t agree. The first paragraph is based solely off my own experience and observation, and the second based on previous posts either in this thread or linked from it. The only comment that was made was Slicer’s ‘I hate feminists’ – a declaration of opinion, nothing more – and for this, Nunu suggested that an apology was in order. If you feel I’m misrepresenting this in any way, please explain it to me.

Anyway, that footnote from my last post? Well here it is. Spoilered for length.

I certainly don’t disagree with the goal of equality. What I disagree with is the notion that equality is feminism’s goal. The clue is in the name - feminism is and has only ever been about women, and making things better for them.

If you disagree, I challenge you to name ONE THING feminism has done has that was solely for the benefit of men.

In addition, the mens rights groups that are working for the benefit of men are ridiculed, discredited or otherwise impeded by feminists (and not even the extreme ones) at every possible opportunity. Not only are they not interested in improving things for men, they actively work against those that are.

Of course, to feminists this is what equality means. Feminist theory is built around the patriarchy, the idea that men have a monopoly on the long end of the stick and society is predisposed to favour them at every turn. To acknowledge, as you have done, that men face problems and/or are worse off than women in some fields, is to deny the core of the feminist ideology. With that in mind, there are a lot of feminists out there that wouldn’t consider you one. There are also a lot of feminists who deny that men can be feminists, further evidence that equality isn’t on the cards.

I won’t deny that feminism has done good things for women, but it shows no sign of slowing down. No advance, no concession, no victory will ever be enough – you can’t tell me that one day feminists will stand up and say “enough is enough, now we’re equal to men.” This, combined with their aforementioned efforts to inhibit mens rights progress, means that women are now overtaking men in many fields and pulling further ahead in others. And while feminism continues to ensure that all the attention and benefits are given to the women, men fall further and further behind. This doesn’t lead to equality. This leads to supremacy.

I’m sure there are plenty of self described feminists out there, like you, who don’t think this way. Who genuinely want equality and care about the problems of men (all the women I know who think this way are pointedly NOT feminists). Unfortunately, the feminists who do think this way are the ones in positions of power. They’re the ones writing the books, teaching the courses, pushing for new policies. They’re the only ones with the influence necessary to make changes. Maybe extremists are the minority, but they’re the ones calling the shots. The rest of you are nothing but a glorified PR campaign.

tl;dr – Men and women both face problems, but are otherwise equal in terms of actual rights. Despite this, feminism claims that women are worse off and denies that mens problems exist when it isn’t actively making them worse. To suggest that feminism is for equality is laughable.

This. I won't be making any apology, as I don't even see my statement of opinion as anything more than mildly (if even that) inflammatory. I would however like to make a correction so that my statement is more accurate. I hate every feminist I have met in person.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

General treatment of general people in general shouldn't be viewed like it does. I agree the media groups everything together and confirms "demographics" but at the end of the day? People are like snowflakes. No two are the same.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Feminism is defined as the belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities.
if you don't believe me.

This is how it was born, how it was cultured. The belief that men and women, women and men, should be equal.

Recently Emma Watson stood before the UN, as a self proclaimed feminist, and spoke about Gender Roles and how they are damaging to both men and women. How men can benefit from proper feminist ideals, how men breaking out of their own set gender roles can only be beneficial for women as well.

Hell, I've even heard Anita Sarkeesian talking about how Gender Roles are damaging to men in her video on the lego sets marketed towards specific genders. I can get the link for that as well for any who want it.

So no. Feminism has not done anything for the sole benefit of men. It's been doing things for the broad benefit of us as a culture and a people.

I will continue to self declare myself as a feminist, and I will continue to voice support for both women's rights, and men's rights.
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Feminism is defined as the belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities.

If it were that simple, I'd be a feminist. Obviously I'm not, so there's a little more to it than that. When even feminists can't seem to agree on what feminism means (see the 'those aren't real feminists/that's not what feminism is about' arguments), I'd hardly give the dictionary definition any more credit than one of their various conflicting voices.

Plus, it seems rather suspect that a movement for both sexes would have a name that only evokes the one.

I will continue to self declare myself as a feminist

I'm sorry to hear that. For my part, I'll continue to judge the movement not on the supposed definition of its name, but on the things said and done in that name.

EDIT: I can accept that. I'll continue to do the same thing regarding the mens' rights movement.
While I can appreciate the undertone of smugness in this, I don't remember ever stating that I'm an MRA. Sorry to disappoint you.

Looks like trolling, smells like trolling...
Nice to see that criticism is taken seriously, and not treated exactly as I outlined earlier.

If the shoe fits....
Really? God forbid I might just want to discuss something that several of us clearly feel very strongly about.
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

So, uh this "anonymous" neg repper actually has my interest piqued. I mean, since it was multiple people and not just I that received them it certainly seems like they have something to get off their chest. In which case, why not just post in the thread? With rep like that there's no real worry of getting negs themselves, and with certain blatantly antagonistic individuals still creeping around the forum they can't really think they'd get banned.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

And in light of the recent topic of conversations...


This just made me laugh my ass off...
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Sorry, I've been away from the internets for a while, can you explain, who's in the car?

Games Discussion Thread 28th September 2014 08:41 stirring up shite Clearly I'm the instigator here, discussing a topic that had been going on for the better part of 3 pages, and viciously attacking feminism with my unfounded misogynist insults.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Here are people that care about Batman so much, they wanted to voice their views anonymously:

No one remembers or cares about the shitty Tim Burton Batmans, stop pretending they were any better than the shitty Adam West show.


Opinions will vary as to the quality of any film, but the 1989 Batman represented the revival of the Batman franchise as a whole. Between the 1966 Batman and the 1989 Batman, the eponymous detective had no representation on the silver screen whatsoever. Of course, without comics such as Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns and Alan Moore's The Killing Joke, there could have been no 1989 Batman. Tim Burton drew heavily upon these legitimate sources for his inspiration, and the result was a less campy film, with the dark, gritty nights of Gotham City playing a major part. In short, neither Keaton's Batman nor Nicholson's Joker were a laughing matter.

Also, the 1989 film led to , which was an awesome cartoon. So suck it, Mr. Negrepper Dude.

EDIT: Also, between Nicholson, Hamill, and Ledger. I believe I can safely agree with other people here in admitting that Mark Hamill had the best Joker laugh.

EDIT: Are you from Tassie? [thread deleted]

Nope. The Tasmanian Devil is something of a play on my name--my avatar generally has a devil motif.
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Nah. I think I'll just neg rep you and the rest of the idiots who propogate this crap some more. Because it doesn't matter, and you deserve it.

You say that, but I've basically completely stripped your little figurehead of all dignity with hard logic. You have done nothing but whine and bitch without even trying to make your point or explain what your problem is; furthermore you just said, "it doesn't matter" and "you deserve it." in the same sentence, completely fucking contradicting yourself, you complete fucking dolt.

I hadn't realized that berating you would have a side-effect of giving you an effective lobotomy, or perhaps you were just that flabbergastedly stupid to begin with. Bitch.
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

too bad

Actually, it was a rather pleasant trip--always good to see old friends. I'm sorry to see that my travel plans made you so unhappy, though.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

I smell Jelly. Possibly grape.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

>abhorrent >thoroughly distasteful >ignorant... all sound about right for you.

I'm waiting for the part where you makeyour case... OH WAIT! If you could do that you wouldn't be resorting to the equivalent of the tried and tested "No you". I didn't realize we traveled back in time to grade school, LOL. Man, mudslinging over reps isn't the best, but I would be lying if I said I hadn't resorted to it myself, but at least I come up with my own insults. PFFFT
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

The funny thing is, in that thread I did go overboard and put my foot in my mouth (Despite my valid complaints) when I put American Liberalists in general all in the same boat as the extremists, I assumed (falsely) that people would be able to figure out what I meant because I later mentioned extreme as an adjective in conjunction with liberal. I later go on to profess my own liberal leanings in certain areas, and I happen to believe in racial equality and fair chance for all in equal measure. I don't judge people based on their ethnic group or dismiss what they have to say, so I damn well expect the same in return, and maybe a chance to put down the people who would go out of their way to prevent that on either side of the equation.

When I saw the negrep in my User CP I was genuinely worried that somebody would have a legitimate harsh rebuke waiting for me, and proper claim to pit me as ignorant or even as stupid, but no, all I got was that. So thank you, random repper, whoever you are, for giving me a chance to re-affirm my ego in spite of my misgivings and err-of-judgement, I'll always have some fucknut out there with no way of properly communicating his feelings other than in the most basest of manners, letting me know that even if I can fuck up when talking sometimes because I get overly angry, at least I can talk with SOME degree of legitimacy without resorting to parroting, at least I'm not the worst. At least I'm not YOU. ehehehe, AH HA HA HA!
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