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Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

So, as it's nearing holiday season and there's a sale until after Christmas on steam, anyone else feeling like doing some random game namedropping to help show off some gems in one's collection? '3' Certainly a more interesting subject than whatever holes the GamersGate stuff's dug itself into on both sides.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

UFO: Afterlight

An old but not super old game, 2007 or somesuch I think, roughly along the veins of X:COM in that you fight aliens and shit. Except in this case, your guys are trying to settle on Mars after Earth got invaded. Part 3 in a trilogy.

Features a frustrating strategic overworld map with wonky camera, and realtime w/ pause tactical combat that ain't half bad if somewhat bullshit once Matriarchs pop up. Enjoy your decked out well-trained sniper failing to nail them.

There is some very crude diplomacy in the game which may give you the opportunity to play with a very small selection of aliens on your team, depending on wether you want to try diplomacy or not as the game goes on.

Mostly mentioning it because I find it to be a neat old game I dust off every now and then to play and rage at. Overall a fairly average game, and while I rarely suffer crashes they have happened once in a blue moon for me.

The game is for people that like X:COM or similiar tacticool games with humans shooting aliens. Also you only have a limited amount of people; no randomly generated mooks for you to rely on here!

Best played with a mostly finished but never completed mod called "Total Rebalance Mod", which adds some new equipment, research and training.


From an ancient era known as 2001 comes this game, a space station resort simulator, with some quirky(the fuck does that even describe?) humor. The thing I like about the game is the charm it has, the varied alien races in it, including but not limited to bog-standard "Greys" that work your medical facilities and the winged humans known as "Dahanese Sirens" that literally shower your resorts visitors in love energy.

And then there is the biodeck. That shit could've made for a whole game in and of itself according to some. You get to re-arrange the terrain there, elevation, humidity and temperature, to create different kinds of environment that different races likes to varying degrees. And the plants that grow there can be harvested into various assorted desired resources known as 'goods', ranging from food to medical to black market and then some. If you pick the game up, learn to love the biodeck and the six-armed green n purple hippie race known as Karmarama or somesuch that you hire to work there for you.

It is essentially a theme park management simulator I suppose, not everyones cup of tea, but it is an old and neat game from days long gone that my brain refuses to let go of. Might be some issues trying to run it in this day and age, given its old age. If there is a Good Old Games version out there, it might be better to get that than the Steam version.

Age of Wonders III

To break the mold a bit and throw in a more recent game into the mix, here is a turn-based strategy wargame. Do not let people calling it a 4X fool you; the game got more in common with the Heroes of Might & Magic series than it does the Civilization series.

The devs are pretty bro people from poland or whatever, and also the makers of the Overlord series, and the Age of Wonders series is one dear to a niche of obsessed followers. Such as Host and myself. The game is pretty solid for those that enjoy turn-based strategy games, with its strong points being the tactical combat and leader/hero customization. Also crafting, in a manner of speaking, for those that really want to deck out their heroes in bling.

Some of the more average points of the game is diplomacy, which has been getting somewhat better as of recently and is still being worked on I believe. Finishing a game can range from easy to a chore depending on map and AI settings you've chosen. Oh, and the game comes with a few pre-made scenarios, but the big meat of it lies in its Random Map Generator. With sliders and shit for you to tweak to your hearts content.

As far as the DLC go for the game, the developers prefer to make it on the somewhat meatier side; the current DLC, Golden Realms, include a new Race(Halflings) with a new mechanic to it(Morale-influenced chance to dodge attacks), a new victory condition apart from conquest(previously the -only- victory condition) in the form of Seals of Power; essential Point Control where you take over nodes, get points every turn, and win once you reach a set amount of those. There are also some new specializations to customize your factions leader, offering some new tricks to toy with. Also came with a somewhat short campaign focused on the aforementioned littlefolk.

And a new DLC is currently being worked on, this one is slanted to bring a new race(Frostlings, think viking/snow-goblin hybrids), a new class(Necromancer for all the edgemasters out there), random global events to shake things up, and probably a new campaign too.

Overall a good game for people who like TBS flavors. More wargame than 4X, which is important to remember. Mostly I'm just shilling because I want to spread word of the game, not sure if it really needs that.

Can't be arsed thinking about more games to suggest at this point. Nor am I good at suggesting games. I'm not the kind of guy to hemorrage praise on things, so take my suggestions with a faceful of salt.

Not really a specific reply to lurker, but it works as an excuse to shill some vidya I guess!
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Well, if you're asking for recommendations

I've got 20 on my steam review things
Would be nice if the reviews had a 'neutral' option though, some of those games are not good enough to say it's good, but not bad enough to say they're bad

Re: Games Discussion Thread

Anybody with Dragon Age Inquisition for PC willing to help me get off the default worldstate (yay for single-player games that are incomplete without the internet!) ?

In other news, Far Cry 4 is pretty cool, I definately recommned giving it a try . Once you've managed to fix the mouse controls on PC that is. A large diversity in wild-life, though they typically don't act like animals should (eagles don't just go out and attack humans, we're too big for them to see us as prey) and are real-bullet sponges, it really shouldn't take more than 15 AR rounds to put down a leopard or a wolf but it constistently takes 30 or so without headshots (outside of stealth, seems like you get a sneak-attack boost to damage or something). And certain animals can stun-lock you, large things like rhino, yak, and elephants I get, you get knocked over when they hit you, but damn I've died 4 times from wild boars knocking me over repeatedly, and you can't shoot while knocked over.

The game is huge, and the devs recognized that, giving you things like auto-drive for cars (more handy in getting around the map than trying to shoot someone while driving as the game keeps telling me it was intended for) and miniature helicopters that allow you to go over (some) mountains, and other terrain pain in the assness, and for me this is a huge plus. The grappeling hook that allows you to climb or descend certain sheer terrain surfaces is a neat addition, but often I found myself un-willing to even bother getting off of the helicopter so I ended up just landing on the narrow entrances to caves in mountain-sides and the like.

Combat... ends up being pretty hectic, once the enemies know where you are, and like almost all FPS games stealth ends up being like playing battleship without the divider (read- hurr I wonder where that silenced sniper rifle round that killed the guy I'm nowhere near came from, as the rest of the living enemies hot foot it to your position). One thing that's bugged me alot is that without body-armor your health goes down crazy fast, this is realistic but a problem because body armor doesn't last for shit and if you even survive the encounter you have to trudge back to an outpost to buy more (it's really rare to find it just laying around), then to further compound the issue, if you're just flying around on your helicopter random enemies spot you quite often, and are damn good marksmen.

For characters, the friendly ones aren't too special, and kind of the same for the lesser antagonists, might just be my taste though. The main villain is quite a hoot however. Even if you don't play this game you should find a video of the opening sequence and give it a watch.

Unfortunately I feel like there's just a little too much side-stuff to do, so much that as a consummate completionist I've just decided that I don't care if I don't finish all the "go kill animals for meat" and the like quests. I think this is more of a problem of where these quests end up being found, if they'd been around in the earlier parts of the map I would have done them and then got the skins for the upgrades, but I sure as shit wasn't waiting till end-game areas to get my carrying gear past half level. And after about 100 collectables I just started throwing molotoves out of my chopper for propoganda and grenades for yalung masks.

Even though I've got more than a few gripes with Far Cry 4 the game is really quite enjoyable, I give it an 8/10.
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Sharing this, since there's probably a few folks on the forum who'd enjoy it...

A site that has quite a few game soundtracks from multiple platforms in MIDI format, mostly older ones:

Also has a few fan-made remixes and arrangements.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I knew about that website. It's a shame MIDI is too old now. Good thing they're still listenable now.

To anyone who likes horror games, there is a dev making a WIP horror game that thrives on the false sense of security.

It is cute at first. Please note the "at first".
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Sharing this, since there's probably a few folks on the forum who'd enjoy it...

A site that has quite a few game soundtracks from multiple platforms in MIDI format, mostly older ones:

Also has a few fan-made remixes and arrangements.

With a winamp extension, I like going to to download entire OST's of the games.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I know I'm behind by a few years but I'm planning on getting Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge soon and I hear it's very difficult. How would you guys describe the difficulty?
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I know I'm behind by a few years but I'm planning on getting Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge soon and I hear it's very difficult. How would you guys describe the difficulty?

Hope I'm not too late with this but, I'd advise against Razor's Edge if you liked the first and the second games. They made a turd for Ninja Gaiden 3, and then tried to recoup their losses by releasing Razor's edge, which while better than 3 is still not up to par. It's not that it's hard, just a poorly made game.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Hope I'm not too late with this but, I'd advise against Razor's Edge if you liked the first and the second games. They made a turd for Ninja Gaiden 3, and then tried to recoup their losses by releasing Razor's edge, which while better than 3 is still not up to par. It's not that it's hard, just a poorly made game.

I'll second this. Whilst I've not played it myself, I've heard the same from friends, and the internet in general, and seen a bit. Cringed a few times. Overall NG3 was received very poorly. Was reviewed at 3 out of 10 on IGN, and 58 out of 100 at metacritic with a worse 4.9 user score (which is rare on metacritic).

I've heard complaints about both gameplay (described as too easy but clunky by one friend), and how they portrayed Ryu as a character. He's suddenly incredibly talky, and his personality just seems warped and wrong. They even tacked on quick time events and DLC weapons. Itagaki, the lead designer behind NG1 and 2, had no part in making this one.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Hope I'm not too late with this but, I'd advise against Razor's Edge if you liked the first and the second games. They made a turd for Ninja Gaiden 3, and then tried to recoup their losses by releasing Razor's edge, which while better than 3 is still not up to par. It's not that it's hard, just a poorly made game.

I'll second this. Whilst I've not played it myself, I've heard the same from friends, and the internet in general, and seen a bit. Cringed a few times. Overall NG3 was received very poorly. Was reviewed at 3 out of 10 on IGN, and 58 out of 100 at metacritic with a worse 4.9 user score (which is rare on metacritic).

I've heard complaints about both gameplay (described as too easy but clunky by one friend), and how they portrayed Ryu as a character. He's suddenly incredibly talky, and his personality just seems warped and wrong. They even tacked on quick time events and DLC weapons. Itagaki, the lead designer behind NG1 and 2, had no part in making this one.

Actually I haven't played the first 2 Ninja Gaiden games yet so if it's one of the weaker entries into the series, I could stand to play it first. I'll probably end up playing the other 2 games at some point but for now I don't own the systems those games are available on right now. On another note, I could also stand to play games that are consider terrible to some or most people and still enjoy myself such as Valhalla Knights, Soulcalibur Legends and Superman 64
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Actually I haven't played the first 2 Ninja Gaiden games yet so if it's one of the weaker entries into the series, I could stand to play it first. I'll probably end up playing the other 2 games at some point but for now I don't own the systems those games are available on right now. On another note, I could also stand to play games that are consider terrible to some or most people and still enjoy myself such as Valhalla Knights, Soulcalibur Legends and Superman 64

Well it's your money and choice, but I gotta say... what even actually makes you want to play it after hearing this? It's the entry in an acclaimed series that fans of the series hate. It's the typical corporate cash cow attempt that fell on it's ass, relying on the franchise name to sell the product, rather than actually making a good game. I don't see the appeal in suporting that. >_>

Personally I'd recommend starting with Ninja Gaiden 1 Black or Sigma, and then Ninja Gaiden 2 Sigma. If you don't have or care to obtain a PS3 then the regular NG2 is still good.

I'd just skip NG3. I mean... I did, skip it, personally. I saw enough of it from others.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Well it's your money and choice, but I gotta say... what even actually makes you want to play it after hearing this? It's the entry in an acclaimed series that fans of the series hate. It's the typical corporate cash cow attempt that fell on it's ass, relying on the franchise name to sell the product, rather than actually making a good game. I don't see the appeal in suporting that. >_>

Personally I'd recommend starting with Ninja Gaiden 1 Black or Sigma, and then Ninja Gaiden 2 Sigma. If you don't have or care to obtain a PS3 then the regular NG2 is still good.

I'd just skip NG3. I mean... I did, skip it, personally. I saw enough of it from others.

Well it's very cheap right now ($7.00 if I go to Walmart) and I guess playing a lesser quality game would give me a taste of what the series has to offer before taking on the better ones. The main reason I want it is because it's from what I hear a very challenging game and I haven't been playing many of those lately. Also this may sound weird but I also collect certain games to compliment the theme of the rule 34 I've been collecting and in the case of this game, it has both a Ninja theme and it has Dead or Alive girls.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Well it's very cheap right now ($7.00 if I go to Walmart) and I guess playing a lesser quality game would give me a taste of what the series has to offer before taking on the better ones. The main reason I want it is because it's from what I hear a very challenging game and I haven't been playing many of those lately. Also this may sound weird but I also collect certain games to compliment the theme of the rule 34 I've been collecting and in the case of this game, it has both a Ninja theme and it has Dead or Alive girls.

Isn't that a bit like buying stale milk to see if you like milk? Just feels like the worst possible way to sample something to me. I didn't purchase the game myself, because it no longer sounded anything like the game I loved. As for the first two games in the series at least, I can confirm they are challenging and in a good way (doesn't pull any punches, but gives you the tools you need to dominate the game if you can master them). For the third I've already said as much as I know.

It's still your money and time of course. You can probably tell I'm just defensive of the series as a fan. Same as a fan of the 'Aliens' movie would never want someone to see 'Aliens vs Predator - Requiem' as their first taste of the franchise. >_>;
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Life is Feudal( )

It's too early to recommend this still unfinished game
But for the ones who do have it, and want to play on a server that can be recommended

I'm on
![US|NY] /tg/Spess Kingdom Wars (PVP/PVE)

Direct Connect

And I can probably get you enough food to let you do whatever for a bit. Just keep in mind that even with a server that has skill gain increased, you're likely to spend a decently long time working just to get your basics in order
But this server at least isn't full of dicks and has enough open land to settle on comfortably.

Also, you can add me on steam (Xenus Icelon) if you end up joining there, then we can coordinate giving you some stuff to get started, and explain how to even do things. There is no tutorial for this thing yet
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

Looks like games like Rust and so on, but with a medievil theme? Sounds like potential fun.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

It is bad and brown and grey and YOU CAN'T EVEN AXE DOORS.

8/10 it is shit - IGN

PS: It is discriminating towards fishykind.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Looks like games like Rust and so on, but with a medievil theme? Sounds like potential fun.

Pretty much
It's planned to be an MMO with a single server instead of loads of private servers later, but it's incredibly unfinished at the moment
The plan is for a huge open map too
If you know Wurm, it's pretty much planned to be a better version of that

It is bad and brown and grey and YOU CAN'T EVEN AXE DOORS.

8/10 it is shit - IGN

PS: It is discriminating towards fishykind.

Yep. You can't deconstruct things yet. Once build, something is there forever. Drowning isn't in yet, climbing isnt in yet, half the skills aren't in yet, loads of actual work things aren't in yet
And fishing is a poor way to gather food

Still, buying the steam version gets you access to the MMO later, so there is that
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

I recently tried the 3.0 beta for unturned. Every single server, every single time playing it was utter shit, despite me liking 2.0. Why.