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The translations is going Spiffy. Right now we're working on:
Ramza is translating Quests in ep2
Howl is translating Items and Equips
Weirdo 232 is translating One of the cities
And I'm translating the GOR scenes.

If you don't mind me asking, who's going to translate the normal sex scenes? (You know, the ones you get in your castle or whatever it is, in the room with all the girls you've captured/tamed.)

I'm sorry if that's a stupid question (does it really matter?) but I thought if I asked it could help keep the thread alive, kinda like a bump. (Plus the normal scenes you get from human women and the monstergirls that you've captured are my favorite from all three games, so I was wondering who would do them.)

P.S. I forgot the most important part... Thanks for translating this game!
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Awesome, looking forward to the partial. I kinda wanna play the game right now, but it's too tempting to just wait for things like menus and items to be translated.

If you don't mind me asking, who's going to translate the normal sex scenes? (You know, the ones you get in your castle or whatever it is, in the room with all the girls you've captured/tamed.)

I'm sorry if that's a stupid question (does it really matter?) but I thought if I asked it could help keep the thread alive, kinda like a bump. (Plus the normal scenes you get from human women and the monstergirls that you've captured are my favorite from all three games, so I was wondering who would do them.)

P.S. I forgot the most important part... Thanks for translating this game!

I dont think that it even needs translation. There are few lines of text for the every girl. But its only my opinion:)

I dont think that it even needs translation. There are few lines of text for the every girl. But its only my opinion:)

As you you said it's a matter of taste. I personally prefer these. More often than not i actually skip the GoR parts.
Also I'm glad that Ramza has a team.

Sry for necroing but may I ask for the approximate date of the "first" release?

Well the last action was on the 8. August which is more than a Month.
Anyway, i will wait until its done. I dont need every little translation about hows the weather today, but the important ones ^^

Also i wonder if you guys are able to remove or solve the problem with the Quiz. I am still unable to get past it, maybe because of the pc, cause i get problems here and there. Like my system doesnt use the IME correct, its not working.

Well the last action was on the 8. August which is more than a Month.
Anyway, i will wait until its done. I dont need every little translation about hows the weather today, but the important ones ^^

Actually Kuba was on 2 weeks ago, so progress is happening. And I agree - I can wait for the good stuff...:cool:

Sorry to everyone who's waiting for this been rather busy this past few weeks. So busy in fact I forgot to visit this lovely corner of the internet. But translation is going strong even if a bit slower than I'd like, (people had to leave due to uni and work) but both me Ramza and a few others are slowly picking away at the game. For those curious I'm translating the GOR scenes, the sex scenes in the playroom are fully translated even though it's much simpler then GOR scenes.
First release? I was hoping we could throw it to you guys as a complete project but if you guys do want it early in its super incomplete state we could throw together a alpha.

Have a good day and happy fapping.

As I stated above - personally, I can wait for the good stuff. Don't feel like you have to put something out there on my account (but I am sure there will be others who want it now...)

That is great that project is not dead . Keep it up :)

Yeah, personally I wouldn't mind waiting for the completed project rather than getting it in chunks and pieces - but of course, as the translator how you release it is up to you.

I am wondering, though... How exactly will you release it? Will it be released as a patch that needs to be applied to the game, or will you release the entire game with the English translation and the workaround patch for the Japanese mini-games already applied?

So how is translation going ? ( Dont want to thread be dead.... Sorry )

You know you can pm the OP instead bumping into the thread, we try to make it less visible as we can so the dev wont notice it.

Bump. Look at OP. Great to see something thank you. Ramsa had a translated version until Episode 2 six months ago. It ended in the mines. How far does this one go if may I ask?

I don't know how to apply the patch ?
Please guide help :(
Can someone tell me if the project's dead ?
(Caus' it's been so long no one posted Something here.)
No, some guys like ramza are translating the game.
Here the patreon :
I know a bit about rpgmaker and edit the content, but is it possible to decrypt the mod files in data folder that contains the h scenes? I want to look at it but can't.