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Re: New RPG Maker Hentai Game News

Oh look, another guy with the same template as H4D trying to leech off site views.

Anyway, Valkyrie Destruction just got released, talk about it here:
No torrent up yet atm.

Maybe. But IMO, there just isn't any good RPGmaker games out. I havent played a single RPGmaker game since early December.
Mostly I've been playing 雷神7 - neat little strategy game if you can understand Japanese.

Things have been moving slowly. Or rather, we had been spoilt by the continuous release of good RPG games last year. I was playing a new game weekly. It was unnatural.
Re: New RPG Maker Hentai Game News

Things have been moving slowly. Or rather, we had been spoilt by the continuous release of good RPG games last year. I was playing a new game weekly. It was unnatural.

I know what you mean, safe to say there will be a dry spell for a while now to make up for the over-saturation of games last year, not complaining about a ton of games being released last year just the lower end of the flux is going to suck.
Re: New RPG Maker Hentai Game News

New update from SC Garden.
Pretty much shows a few images of the heroine, that he'll stick with her current design, and will try to focus on finishing the game faster than he has with previous games

I really don't mind her large bosom. I wouldn't say the size is unnatural but rather it's not so common. Boobs DO get that large sometimes. Deal with it.

Other than that, I really like the style of her hair. She looks really cute.
Re: New RPG Maker Hentai Game News

it most definately is harder, allthough im also seeing a problem with having girls with breasts too small because given the multistyle nature of anime and manga an artist might have to find themselves defending their character when the loli squad shows up...

i know plenty of women in real life who have small boobs, so how does one draw someone who looks older? it's odd... you would find yourself biased towards giving them more mature faces, but again i know plenty of girls who are older than me but look cute...

tl;dr - maybe the massive tits in some things is to make it easier to defend a characters design...

I think you may have something on that one, but I think I large part of it is also artists who aren't actually skilled enough to draw sexy adults without resorting to tit size. It's just become this lazy mechanizm where in h-games tit size somehow represents age. You wanted an adult lead but your art makes the protagonist look 15-16? No problem, triple her breast size! Now she looks 'mature', no problem. I like breasts as much as the next person but there really needs to be more balance. Most h-game artists definition of balance is to have two body types, titty monster and pure loli. It's gotten to the point where the only games with average sized busts are 3D games where you can make your characters with sliders.
Re: New RPG Maker Hentai Game News

I really don't mind her large bosom. I wouldn't say the size is unnatural but rather it's not so common. Boobs DO get that large sometimes. Deal with it.

Other than that, I really like the style of her hair. She looks really cute.

I kinda liked the longer hair better. Also why is this under project 5 instead of 4? Her eyes look slightly different, like softer(?).
Re: New RPG Maker Hentai Game News

I kinda liked the longer hair better. Also why is this under project 5 instead of 4? Her eyes look slightly different, like softer(?).

He did the same thing with Hi to Tetsu; I would say it would be something like it might be because he has decided to use that appearance in the final version, but that is just taking a guess seeing as he didn't with the last...
Re: New RPG Maker Hentai Game News

For scgarden, I think the first character had the biggest and he scaled down but got larger for each game. I liked the design of the third character(the blond) the best. Like the chest size was just right, not too big (although big in the realm of reality but not for anime) and not small. The first iteration of this character for the fourth game had smaller ones I think.

What I liked about scgarden game, besides the scenes/art and circumstances, was the changes he made to the gameplay. Its not a drastic change but something small that actually makes it more interesting then pressing attack over and over. I hope he takes a page from virgin island and adds in more side events and side quests because the third one had less of that then the 2nd one which was disappointing.
Re: New RPG Maker Hentai Game News

With the SC Garden girl, she isn't really that big breasted. Maybe a D. It's just the poses he drew have her leaning her chest outward, making them look larger than they actually are.

Also when it comes to big boobies and swordplay, previous heroines of his that had similar builds tended to use a fencing style of swordplay. Which does not get hindered when it comes to a chest. It's thrusting actions and lower arm movements. It would only be if she was given a broadsword or axe or stuff needing wide sweeps of the arms where they would get in the way.
(Just a little FYI. A hobby of mine is fencing)

Anyway, point being she has about as big a breasts as the girl from his second game. And in no way are as large as the previously posted example of oversized stuff.

I'm not into huge giant gravity-defying ones either, but I like his art style and will eagerly give the game a try. hopefully he won't make us wait another year
Re: New RPG Maker Hentai Game News

With the SC Garden girl, she isn't really that big breasted. Maybe a D. It's just the poses he drew have her leaning her chest outward, making them look larger than they actually are.

Also when it comes to big boobies and swordplay, previous heroines of his that had similar builds tended to use a fencing style of swordplay. Which does not get hindered when it comes to a chest. It's thrusting actions and lower arm movements. It would only be if she was given a broadsword or axe or stuff needing wide sweeps of the arms where they would get in the way.
(Just a little FYI. A hobby of mine is fencing)

Anyway, point being she has about as big a breasts as the girl from his second game. And in no way are as large as the previously posted example of oversized stuff.

I'm not into huge giant gravity-defying ones either, but I like his art style and will eagerly give the game a try. hopefully he won't make us wait another year
We obviously have two totally different idea's of what D's are considered... Hell those are probably larger then DD even... and we must not be thinking of the same character...

Her breasts are not even remotely close to as large as the most recent game just saying.
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Re: New RPG Maker Hentai Game News

In some earlier update on the site, she was mentioning that this will be the girl with biggest breasts so far ... i think thats pretty obvious if you look at the drawings.

Anyways, i'm fine with that, as long as it is not getting too extreme.
Re: New RPG Maker Hentai Game News


Damn it, which game is this? xD

Nothing special
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Re: New RPG Maker Hentai Game News

Does anyone know about what to do in AliceQuest, when after you visit the castle in ruins and acquire the light element, you need a boat to get somewhere?
Re: New RPG Maker Hentai Game News

Does anyone know about what to do in AliceQuest, when after you visit the castle in ruins and acquire the light element, you need a boat to get somewhere?

Go back to the mountain with the scientist and speak with him, then to the throne room and speak to the guard on the right to get the boat.
In the pyramid north of the castle, you can find upgraded equip in treasure chests
Go to the evil castle, north of the ice shrine
Go back to the scientist and choose your ending.
Re: New RPG Maker Hentai Game News

no new about this game? :(
Re: New RPG Maker Hentai Game News


Go here for news. I've been keeping it updated here since I learned about the game. Demo should be out by next week. Also even though the release date says January, don't expect it to be released until next month.
Re: New RPG Maker Hentai Game News


Go here for news. I've been keeping it updated here since I learned about the game. Demo should be out by next week. Also even though the release date says January, don't expect it to be released until next month.

tx for the info sir ;D
Re: New RPG Maker Hentai Game News

I think you may have something on that one, but I think I large part of it is also artists who aren't actually skilled enough to draw sexy adults without resorting to tit size. It's just become this lazy mechanizm where in h-games tit size somehow represents age. You wanted an adult lead but your art makes the protagonist look 15-16? No problem, triple her breast size! Now she looks 'mature', no problem. I like breasts as much as the next person but there really needs to be more balance. Most h-game artists definition of balance is to have two body types, titty monster and pure loli. It's gotten to the point where the only games with average sized busts are 3D games where you can make your characters with sliders.

Yea but thats exactly the issue. The loli squad doesn't care about what the story says or what shes supposed to look like only breast size and height. If we all remember Violated Heroine, Nanako was 15. 15! But she had Ds and thats all that mattered
Re: New RPG Maker Hentai Game News

Yea but thats exactly the issue. The loli squad doesn't care about what the story says or what shes supposed to look like only breast size and height. If we all remember Violated Heroine, Nanako was 15. 15! But she had Ds and thats all that mattered

Technically 15 is NOT loli! Loli is 13 or under to be considered loli some say 14. So 15 the author made her old enough not be considered a loli. In fact in the USA with your parents consent you can marry at 16. Yes that is when my sister got married with my parents consent and they still live together after 24 years of marriage.
Re: New RPG Maker Hentai Game News

Loli is becoming a generic term that's used to describe anything underage at this point. Even if the technical definition stated that it was 13 and below, the fact of the mater is that laws are being passed for ANYTHING underage, not just loli.
Re: New RPG Maker Hentai Game News

Technically 15 is NOT loli! Loli is 13 or under to be considered loli some say 14. So 15 the author made her old enough not be considered a loli. In fact in the USA with your parents consent you can marry at 16. Yes that is when my sister got married with my parents consent and they still live together after 24 years of marriage.

Age of sexual consent =/= adulthood
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