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Member Announcements Thread

Re: Member Announcements Thread

Some straight up Agatha Christie shit in this bitch
Re: Member Announcements Thread

lol! I got it too and I didn't even know her =P nice to know that I can't express wishes of goodwill without consequence. That'll teach me to be polite to others. I think we've all learned a valuable life lesson today =P
Re: Member Announcements Thread

lol! I got it too and I didn't even know her =P nice to know that I can't express wishes of goodwill without consequence. That'll teach me to be polite to others. I think we've all learned a valuable life lesson today =P

Don't talk to strangers?
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Does it really matter? Someone is a douchebag, who the fuck cares, lets move on, shall we?

In other news, my abcessed tooth is flaring up again. May be out for a few days in writhing crippling agony.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Sorry to hear that, hope you feel better.

If I was a successful troll, I would neg rep me for this comment for the lulz :D
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Does it really matter? Someone is a douchebag, who the fuck cares, lets move on, shall we?

In other news, my abcessed tooth is flaring up again. May be out for a few days in writhing crippling agony.

Didn't you already post this somewhere else?
Re: Member Announcements Thread

my computer fucks up sometimes, so... my bad for the double post. Whoops. *shrug*
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I'm late, and probably shouldn't post at all. Just, I'll have to second what everyone else said. Good night, and good luck.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I think I should probably have mentioned this last week, just before I was going to the doctor for it, but back then, my neck/spine was dislocated in 3 places, right now it's just in 2 and muscle injuries.

Started 3 or 4 weeks ago, or around that, I was just sitting in class when there was a loud cracking sound, and I had some trouble keeping my head up for long times after that. Then over the course of those 3-4 weeks there were 2 more of those sounds. Only after the third were my parent's convinced enough that something was wrong enough to get me a doctor's appointment. (Since I have no idea where the doctor is I couldn't make one myself.)

Last monday the doctor(Specialises in neck/back problems) fixed one bit, but there's still 2 parts fucked up. Not sure when he plans on doing the other parts, but they're in a very bad position, since if he fails those there may be permanent damage(Kind of like with everything in the neck, but this is just below my head, so harder to reach too)

And to the person giving negative rep, don't you know the member announcements thread is for announcements? Which tend to kind of need attention, or they wouldn't really be announced. Eh, not important anyway, don't like what you read, then don't read it.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Ok, I'm back... I couldn't be gone for FORU days without someone leaving, (maybe this world entirely.)

Pale, I really REALLY hope it's not as bad as it sounds, 'cause you seem like an ok lass and all that...

Also, back from London... Putting it small, as it doesn't matter to someone getting the fear of death...
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Regardless, welcome back Wonderboy.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Thank you Sin,

London was great, one of the people I went with was a lesbian so we talked 'bout girls a bit, nice to have someone to do that with.

Went to Hakkasan, and I must admit that although the food IS really good, I had a feeling I could make similar foodstuffs at home. They really know their drinks though.
Hakkasan was a great experience, and they seem to focus on ambience a lot, wich made it quite nice.

I also went to Tate modern and bought a scetchbook, so I drew a bit.

And probably the best part of the trip was The River Café. Great food, great drink... And I saw somone that someone told me where, a famous actress, and her boyfriend, guy was the vocal in Coldplay, and they have a kid named Apple of all things... The funny part is, I'm a coldplay fan... And I didn't know what he looked like:)

Mmmm food... And London's not cheap.

And now I don't think I'll need to eat for a few weeks:p
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Awww, your not going into hibernation are you?
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Wish I could... I have a helluvalot of work to do these next 2 weeks...
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Well thats no good. Your should hire staff.