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RPG Patreon Unknown/Hiatus RPG Maker Vore Ryona [Ankhrono]Mira Co Rescue


Oct 28, 2010
Reputation score
This is some fantastic work you've put into this! I know you're saying that money isn't the goal of the project, but have you still considered setting up a Patreon for it? If it's to avoid any commitments, you can always set it up to donate upon releases instead of monthly :)


The Dark God Of Lesbians and Memes
Jun 15, 2014
Reputation score
Patreon seems like the go to these days. Even though their business model sucks.....


May 3, 2018
Reputation score
This is some fantastic work you've put into this! [...]have you still considered setting up a Patreon for it?
Thank you! Since the start this is more or less a passion/personal project so donations seemed like the best option as I don't think I could maintain any sort of benefits that typically come from Patreon tiers. Commitment is one thing and expectations are another as a solo dev that is kind of difficult to balance. I could just set it up and have payments based on major milestones but it would be wildly large/different gaps in time with smaller WIP builds going up per usual which wouldn't trigger payments (which isn't a bad thing, but potentially confusing/scary for investors)


Jan 27, 2011
Reputation score
Love the game, have been following development since the beginning and the amount of effort that goes into all the battle sprites and game over images is incredible.

Have you considered releasing the game on Steam? I think that would get you a lot more visibility, and they accept NSFW games now. You could (if you wanted to) give the game a lower price while it's still in development and increase the price once it's done, as well.


May 3, 2018
Reputation score
Love the game, have been following development since the beginning and the amount of effort that goes into all the battle sprites and game over images is incredible.

Have you considered releasing the game on Steam?
Thanks! For now I am mostly focusing on getting the game finished before looking at other platforms other than itch.io; however, the current platform it is sitting on isn't the greatest for NSFW stuff. I know steam has some fees and it would easily be lost in the hundreds of other games vying for visibility...


May 3, 2018
Reputation score
Happy Halloween everyone!

New Build 0.3.2 is live!
-Three Game Over scenes have been added for the Mudroots, Unknown Sniper, and Spider Queen! (15 new images total)
-A Halloween Enemy was added with 12 new battle sprites! Restore the manor and find a spooky surprise in the pantry!


Grim Reaper
Dec 7, 2010
Reputation score
Ah, finally got to playing this game. after god knows how long struggling with procrastination
I really enjoyed what's in the game right now, and I guess it's a good thing that I picked this up again now when you updated it. I'm really into all the different scenes. It's weird, but for some reason, I seem to have a strange fascination with all the fetishes here. Guess that means I like the game even more now, though I'll admit the vore scenes are my favorite. I think I read that there's gonna be lamias in a future update, so I'm thrilled for that. Probably my favorite kind of vore scene. That and tail vore. usually with succubi
Quick question though. Is there any use to the item you get when you beat the snake boss? Is it supposed to restore clothing in battles in a future update or something? Well anyway, so far so good in my opinion. Good luck moving forward.


May 3, 2018
Reputation score
Ah, finally got to playing this game.
[...]lamias in a future update[...]
Quick question though. Is there any use to the item you get when you beat the snake boss?
Thanks for the review! Lamias will be added in a future build; however, I am currently working on a side area to strike while the iron is hot.
The items you collect from mini bosses and such will have a use for future Manor events. There are currently some side events for Mira at the manor and more will be added as time goes on.


New member
Dec 28, 2019
Reputation score
About your game Mira Co Rescue, it looks great but I have a doubt. After you complete the game. I wonder if you make a new game but short which has a nudist theme with no clothing about four female sexy nudist who are enjoying the outdoors naked when they just wander around to find a lake to take a bath and even do lesbian sex, A naked female elf who is part of the secret natives of the forest is furious because the nudist women are taking bath and do lesbian sex in her lake or something to do with ruining the part of the forest which she and her people lived

So, she used a spell to create sex nature monsters and nude female monsters to attack them with natural bondage as revenge, Now the girls will need to find a way to return to camp while trying to avoid the sex monsters made by the nude elf girl herself to attack them.

The game will be very short

The first part of the game will have the girls relaxing in the camp then wander in the forest while getting some tools, berries and stuff then ends with them find a lake to take bath and do lesbian sex

Then second part will have them find a way to reach camp as it is nightfall while fighting and escape against the monsters made by the elf girl herself, Berries and nuts will be used to heal and increase a special meter and camp tools might be used to fight against the monsters, The game over will have them be raped and bondage by the monsters while the elf girls laugh at this victory

The third part as the girls finally made it to camp they are faced against the elf nude girl who is the boss and if they lose their health and didn’t defeat her then the elf girl will use her monster minions and then let them rape and bondage the girls.

But if the three girls defeat the elf girl she will admit defeat but the girls says sorry to her as they didn’t realize it was her lake, so they do a lesbian orgy to cheer her up as a means of apology which she felt satisfied, the game ending will have them wake up thinking it was all a dream, but then they are surprised that their campsite is relocated to a hot spring in the forest, so they decided to dip in to relax as it shows that the elf girl accepts her apology and magically take them to a hot spring as a gift of thanks.

What do you think ? Will you be interested in making that game?


New member
Dec 28, 2019
Reputation score
Did you just...dismiss the dev's game in their own thread to write up your own wet dream game and ask them to make that instead?
No,Its just I like the game but I was wondering if she would make another one based on my suggestions if the current one is done.

Deathman Forces

Active member
May 1, 2018
Reputation score
Just a suggestion, maybe add a new function in the gallery to fight against the boss again,cause there is still no way to replay the scenes of fight against bosses and special enemies,you know for research purposes and not just battle sprites. Thanks in advance.


May 3, 2018
Reputation score
[...] add a new function in the gallery to fight against the boss again[...]
New Update 0.3.3b is out! This includes a new room in the gallery that allows you to fight enemies again. Some require defeating them (mini bosses) and others require defeating the area's boss.
-Added an intro scene to a new event chain with 5 new CGs
-Added a new holiday enemy with 12 new battle sprites.
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Jungle Girl
Jan 15, 2014
Reputation score
Played for abit over an hour so my take on this.

The combat isn't very consistent. (had lost to a regular group of slimes retried and won and then Beat slime queen at level 2)

Combat is both too easy and can also be punishingly difficult depending what skills the enemies use.

Normal attacks are too weak. Frankly the only one that got that low was Selena
Stripping clothing usually doesn't do as much damage however it is the mechanics behind it that make this possibly quite difficult especially if the stripping happens early before you can kill alot of enemies.

Now onto the Perils which both gives your game a fun flavor but can be frustrating (I did get used to it but it was annoying at times).

Once a girl is stripped a peril state makes her unable to attack or cast magic (Didn't check the healing magic but doubt it could be used besides recovery) Now this in itself isn't a bad thing. It all comes down to how often an enemy spams the attack. Some encounters you will just deal with normal attacks and stripping attacks. Others (which are by far the most annoying) Are when the enemies strip your girls at least 2/3 of them on the first couple turns and then just spam the ever living daylights out of perils for the next few turns. With a single enemy it isn't nearly as bad. However when there are 3 enemies doing it... it can turn a winnable fight into one that is impossible (Now I understand the retry mechanic is there for a reason and is great addition wise with the setting you have)

Possibly a way to repair clothing in combat for x Mp maybe 10-20mp range and have it self target only. It will encourage the player to use recover on other girls rather than having the girl themselves do it and help themselves out.
As a note I practically never had any MP problems and I spammed skills quite a lot (Only one I think I managed to almost run out was Mira).

Otherwise your game is quite polished for a trial and I enjoyed my time with it besides a few things here or there that I have some gripes with. I can say I enjoyed the theme of your game and how it played overall. I wasn't really left wanting for much besides maybe combat being touched up on (It seems like I had way too many enemies ever so conviniently land on 1 hp [Then Sophia proceeded to faceroll me]) I'm not sure if intentional but either I should go buy a lottery ticket or that is a thing. Otherwise the Art was quite nice and on point. Originally I had seen the thread and wasn't interested since it's not the art style I usually enjoy but it is on point for your fetishes here and I liked it.

Take my feedback for what you will but you are indeed onto something, I'll keep an eye on it.
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May 3, 2018
Reputation score
Normal attacks are too weak. Frankly the only one that got that low was Selena

Possibly a way to repair clothing in combat for x Mp maybe 10-20mp range and have it self target only. It will encourage the player to use recover on other girls rather than having the girl themselves do it and help themselves out.

Otherwise your game is quite polished for a trial and I enjoyed my time with it besides a few things here or there that I have some gripes with.
Thank you very much for the detailed review! Combat needs to be cleaned up like you said and balanced a bit so faceroll encounters don't occur as often. Attacks haven't really been balanced number wise other than slight tweaks and needs a lot more polish.

I think the addition of a way to restore clothing would be a good idea since I already added a way to 'remove' clothing for those who want to do so, but for those trying not to get game overs and such there should be a method of recovering clothing (Though it would be locked during the Spider Girl Cave Party portion at least for story reasons).

I'm glad you enjoyed your time with the game! Thanks again for the feedback.


New member
Dec 27, 2019
Reputation score
Honestly this game is incredible already, I can't wait to see the finished result but I'm so glad I discovered it.
To add into some other suggestions, it would be nice if we could see the game over for those who have them after fighting bosses in the combat room.
For a passion / side project it is absolutely amazing, thanks for making all this !


May 3, 2018
Reputation score
[...]it would be nice if we could see the game over for those who have them after fighting bosses in the combat room.
Thanks! I'm glad you're enjoying it! In response to your suggestion, do you mean if you're fighting a boss in the combat room (or other enemies for that matter) you can choose to see the Game Overs after combat? The room currently skips game over scenes/even asking for ease of doing combat related stuff but there probably situations where you'd want it to immediately progress into a Game Over.


New member
Dec 27, 2019
Reputation score
Yes that is what I mean, having the option just like when you're defeated in regular combat outside on the map


New member
Sep 3, 2019
Reputation score
Normally I don´t do reviews but I thought I tell you some things that I find great about the game
to appreciate your effort.
This system to have different effects either with clothes on or not, is superb. combat system and difficulty
is a bit unconsistent but i guess this is due to the early state of the game. The artwork is cool and i like the
linewok there and the simplicity. Also having enemys running around and only fighting them by touch was a great decision because
random encounters with invisible enemys can be annoying depending on the count.
The game is fun to play and often you have great games with much work put into them, and they are no fun to play even
if one could not tell you by which reason. But your game has the potential to become one of my most favorite games.
Thanks for your effort.


New member
May 2, 2018
Reputation score
Fantastic work so far on your game, you've taken a common element of battle cut-ins and bondage and really pushed it forward.
Keep it up, looking forward to seeing more!