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Re: Zone

Well I tried to make T-tan and still intend to finish that.

But yeah Tentacles kind of cover both the bondage and rape fantasy fetish quite nicely for me.
Re: Zone

Sin-Sister makes hentai games.

And there's a few artists too. I can only think of CuteEmmy and Henti right now though.

It really doesn't do too much for me. If a guy makes the game, like "The Papaerheads" game which we might see in a few weeks, I'd expect there to be things a guy would like in the game.

If a girl makes it, we might see more of what a woman might want. And that may include homosexual males, not that I have anything against gays, I just don't like it in my porn in any way.

Unless it's genderswap.
Re: Zone

If a girl makes it, we might see more of what a woman might want.

Yeah, like semen sprinkling out of bulging-belly-furry-chibi-character's inflated belly button...god women are weird...

(Any reference to real people or facts is completely (un)intended for the sake of making a joke about the idea that gender is in any way correlated directly to an individual's sexual preferences or fetishes, if it in any way offended you, i am so deeply sorry for your demented condition that i needed to give you a real reason to get offended so you don't have to feel stupid for getting angry because you didn't get a joke. Peace.)
Re: Zone

Yeah, like semen sprinkling out of bulging-belly-furry-chibi-character's inflated belly button...god women are weird...

And also biting the uterus out of the vagina.. YEaahh.
Re: Zone

...Zone-tan finally got what was coming to her...
Re: Zone

Artwork is nice, concept was terrible, even the "rapist" looked bored
Re: Zone

The preview pics reminded me oddly enough of boondocks, dunno, maybe it was just the way the black guy's face was drawn.
Re: Zone

DEFINITELY sum Boondocks.

Cool concept and all, but the execution leaves a great deal to be desired.

Dat single boring loop with no satisfying cumshot and indeed no cumshot at all.
Re: Zone

It's a start, I think.

yeah, I agree.... I kinda did like the idea....

but they should have added more to it.... not a big fan of blowjobs in general though.... (I mean in Hentai/Pr0n... they dont do anything for me...) :rolleyes:
Re: Zone

Faye Valentine flash nearing completion?

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Re: Zone

i don't like Zone games that much coz they r too much short then MNF. :mad:

Well, perhaps that's because MNF involves no actual effort, given that it's pretty much ripping off other hentai works, tracing them and putting in the exact same moan sound effects over and over again and then adding cheap gameplay gimmicks. Oh, and then there's the numerous occasions where I've seen them outright steal actual 3D hentai work, and just shoehorn in bad English text to make up their own nonsense plot, whilst wedging in those same crummy 'gameplay' features.

Zone's work may be short, but that's because Zone prioritizes actually drawing this shit from the ground up, editing unique sound files, and the overall quality of the end product, as opposed to just shitting out copy-pasta.
Re: Zone

Well, perhaps that's because MNF involves no actual effort, given that it's pretty much ripping off other hentai works, tracing them and putting in the exact same moan sound effects over and over again and then adding cheap gameplay gimmicks. Oh, and then there's the numerous occasions where I've seen them outright steal actual 3D hentai work, and just shoehorn in bad English text to make up their own nonsense plot, whilst wedging in those same crummy 'gameplay' features.

Zone's work may be short, but that's because Zone prioritizes actually drawing this shit from the ground up, editing unique sound files, and the overall quality of the end product, as opposed to just shitting out copy-pasta.

Just reason alone made zone win....
Re: Zone

These sites would be offline without Zone's original blueprints.

I've seen endless Ghost in the Shell, Reiko, Raven, Azumanga and Unipuma copy-paste jobs.

It's sad.
Re: Zone

That zone-tan flash was pretty well drawn and the animation was smooth.

Too bad the loop was really short and anti-climatic

I'm hoping this is just a prerelease for something bigger

Heh... puns