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妖精騎士フィリア walkthrough

Chapter 1 :
  1. start 1st choice is normal or easy
  2. next is see OP, see tutorial and all skip
  3. jail upper right barrel can move, click corpse can get item
  4. tattered sword can get on wall, only use 2 times, equip sword and walk, can backstab enemy
  5. go south then east has notes, then go SW has weapon and rope
  6. notes area go east then NE has flower, get 3 flower, also click 2 type flower flower room.jpg , has rope click hole can go underground, click switch and go up middle ladder
  7. from notes area go south to room has alarm statue (this room has GoR), in alarm statue.jpg use skill 観察, then lower click cabinet, after 2 thief move, click food
  8. south area, upper right click book and lower left click bookshelf book and bookshelf.jpg
  9. west to crystal area, click box can kill thief, click clock can go underground blue crystal.jpg
  10. back to flower room, get remain flower
  11. from book room go east, use 月見草, when thief face to east use skill 韋駄天
  12. NE has rock and statue, click upper right statue, then near hole use skill 観察
  13. north to red crystal room, in magic circle use skill 観察 then right click pedestal
  14. south pass rock room then east to another clock room, click upper left box can go to underground, and click upper right bookshelf
  15. north to store, click flower and tomato store.jpg
  16. back to blue crystal room, get blue crystal
  17. go to red crystal room, use 2 月見草 then click pedestal set crystal, then click red crystal start trap
  18. upper left get magic book, then go to alarm statue room, click statue
  19. east room hear 2 thief talking
  20. from flower room go south > east > north to treasure room, get back weapon
  21. go to underground, from middle ladder go up
  22. kill thief can get item, use 月のポーション(使いかけ) then vs boss (GoR), in fight if caught use skill 旋風刃, if don't attack use right skill or defence
  23. south can go to H-scene room, when move back to guild, talk to left woman then move out guild for next mission
Chapter 2 :
  1. same as before, backstab enemy can kill enemy ASAP, defeat enemy can get GoR scene in H-scene room
  2. pass cave, go south near tent talk to guild member, choice 道具が欲しいです can get item, next time can exchange item, talk to her again choice 周辺の魔物について
  3. can rest in tent and click 2 red flower that near tent
  4. go south, on grass can press W key for hide in grass
  5. house and farm has thief, defeat all thief
  6. farm left talk to fairy, then click red flower in lower can teleport
  7. if come to this area again, talk to pink fairy can get item
  8. north lack, kill slime then talk to frog
  9. right use teleport flower, upper right click wood
  10. south talk to another guild member, choice 道具が欲しいな can get item, talk to her again choice 魔物について教えて, and choice 雑談する can make short cut back to farm
  11. if vs big slime, see eye color, red use ice, green use lighting, blue use fire, if a lot eye use magic ブライトスピアー
  12. if click 4 nest can get item, then 2nd tent talk to guild member, choice 道具が欲しいな > 着替えをしたい can get clothes, then in tent choice 着替える can change clothes 1 time
  13. click bow then go to cave, talk to big animal 2 times can make short cut to tent
  14. if get ブラントの蔦 (from flower monster), 大蜘蛛の糸 (from spider) and 澄んだレギオンコア (from big slime), 2nd tent talk to guild member choice 道具が欲しいな > スライムワイヤーを作って欲しい, then some place has yellow icon can use wire for pass
  15. back to cave, hole find factory
  16. pass cave has statue, near it use skill 観察, then use wire can back attack, if used fire skill it will change color and power up, need use item 雨乞いの鈴, if it recover use lighting skill
  17. back to start cave, near mirror use skill 観察
  18. back to spider cave, talk to animal 2 times vs mimic boss, start better use AGI up magic フェアリーステップ, if this message mimic.jpg need use fire skill
  19. in guild talk to upper left girl and left woman
Chapter 3 :
  1. left has hole can pass then pass blowhole, room click notes
  2. don't use bear doll, need it in final fight
  3. next room has recycling box, if defeat enemy get item can exchange recover item
  4. alarm statue yellow area, W key can pass statue.jpg
  5. some cabinet can get フォースボム, if enemy has barrier use it can make big damage
  6. east room W key to lower 1F east.jpg , defeat all enemy then get green crystal, then go to blowhole
  7. north road, upper right robot is when it face to lower, in upper use skill 韋駄天 then 1 step lower to defeat it
  8. south to robot room, click box then pass blowhole
  9. 2F west room get label on table 2F west.jpg
  10. east room click notes on board, has green crystal can click green switch
  11. room in green switch west, entrance go lower 1 step then use skill 観察, then in QUEST use item 丈夫で大きな革袋
  12. defeat all enemy then upper left click blue device
  13. room in yellow switch east, click notes then click switch, click red one 2 times > blue > yellow 3 > green 4 switch room.jpg
  14. 1F to robot area, move to lower can see yellow stone but cant pass
  15. back to 2F, east room in QUEST use 丈夫で大きな革袋, then get 1st choice
  16. defeat all enemy and get yellow stone
  17. 2F press yellow switch then go upper left get label
  18. lower to QUEST again use 丈夫で大きな革袋, then get 2nd choice 北倉庫
  19. lower left robot is push box in lower left to right, then use skill 韋駄天 near it when it face to north
  20. click yellow switch and 2 switch, north to jail room
  21. if get 月のポーション, talk to prisoner in lower right can get item
  22. from jail to 2F, another fairy join and click blue device, now click alarm statue can stop it
  23. other stair to 2F, room in west of green switch, click blue object
  24. now can go north room get new label, near mirror use skill 観察, then click lower wall can get key
  25. 4 switch room can open door for box, can get item and information in 2F NE room cabinet can 2F west room cabinet
  26. lower to QUEST again use 丈夫で大きな革袋, then get 3rd choice 所長室, in room get red stone and lower right cabinet can get item
  27. jail room click red switch
  28. 1F click recycling box can get blue stone
  29. 2F east room stop 2 alarm statue, then click middle 3 color few times, then click upper gate can get item
  30. 1F to final boss room, left ladder to upper door, use skill 観察
  31. vs final boss, start better use AGI up magic フェアリーステップ, if boss use barrier, use skill フォースブレイク, if boss right hand is red and down, need use lighting skill, if left hand has small robot and it has hand, need use wind skill
  32. 2nd fight, 1st round use fire skill, 2nd around use ice skill, 3rd around add 4 robot need use wind skill, 4th round use item 雨乞いの鈴, 5th round use lighting skill, final use 100MP magic ブライトウィング
  • use 魅薬 to Elf then sleep in island has H, then use it to treasure hunter then sleep for H, finally use it on heroine (if heroine 抵抗値 over 50, cant get masturbation H, 淫欲値 cant back to 0 and 抵抗値 -5)

This is unclear... which island? The nude island? If so, how to access it again?
if no item 大事なもの > エルフの花園 cant start masturbation , item can find in woodcutter house, the book on bed (if cant find it maybe too late or you sold it)
no idea about value, but 抵抗値 160 is ok

Well, I do have the book:
Elf's Resistance (抵抗値) stat is at 122:

And I'm at the starting island's Inn:

Sleeping on the bed doesn't trigger any scene.

Also, I do have version 1.14.

Is there anything else I'm missing?
Well, I do have the book:
Elf's Resistance (抵抗値) stat is at 122:

And I'm at the starting island's Inn:

Sleeping on the bed doesn't trigger any scene.

Also, I do have version 1.14.

Is there anything else I'm missing?
hmmm, just download v1.14, use 魅薬 to Elf (3rd choice), make sure elf.jpg to 100 then sleep, if not work no idea or post a save
Last edited:
Bump for this one.. have no idea where to go. Any help?
if how to play in start only, don't want to play this because this game not complete and not my cup of tea :
  • Shift can skip message
  • L key for eye open or close, keep open can easy get MP
  • some H cant watch in H-scene room because this room still making, need wait new version
  1. start choice is normal or easy
  2. click crystal, choice ゴルドと話す > 報告を聞く
  3. east to teleport to , upper to teleport magic circle, click magic circle again to village
  4. upper to inn, talk to manager then go to right room
  5. village talk to aged and talk to man in lower right
  6. move out town back to home then back to room sleep
  7. from magic circle to castle, open eye then talk to soldier in upper left
  8. back to home, room click ??? set H status (if more MP can get more point), 1-5 for easy up heart when use H-ACTION, 精神 for some H
  9. if 精神 Lv1, at night click bed (don't sleep) then room click crystal orb has H (cant watch in H-scene room)
  10. click crystal orb, choice ゴルドと話す > 話をする x2, 部屋に呼ぶ (cant watch in H-scene room)
  11. click crystal orb, choice クルスと話す > 話をする x3 and choice 報告を聞く x2
Slime cave : go up click wall, inside defeat big slime 12 times can nude

Village :
  1. man in upper left, aged in middle, boy in lower left, inn manager, if left has H-ACTION click it, until heart to 100
  2. 精神 Lv2 talk to woman has event then near man, if left has H-ACTION click it, until heart to 100
  3. inn to room has H
  4. at night, upper left house (need 精神Lv2), talk to boy, if 3rd H need 精神Lv3, talk to aged, go to right house
  5. at night, inn rest in room, 2nd H need talk to inn manager then rest in room

Castle :
  1. use item 幻惑の礼, wear off armor, near soldier, left has H-ACTION click it, until heart to 100, then talk to soldier has H
  2. at night, go to SW has 2H
精神Lv3 can go new area
if main story, click crystal orb or click object on table in room
if male, left has H-ACTION click it, until heart to 100, then try to find event
if how to play in start only, don't want to play this because this game not complete and not my cup of tea :
  • Shift can skip message
  • L key for eye open or close, keep open can easy get MP
  • some H cant watch in H-scene room because this room still making, need wait new version
  1. start choice is normal or easy
  2. click crystal, choice ゴルドと話す > 報告を聞く
  3. east to teleport to , upper to teleport magic circle, click magic circle again to village
  4. upper to inn, talk to manager then go to right room
  5. village talk to aged and talk to man in lower right
  6. move out town back to home then back to room sleep
  7. from magic circle to castle, open eye then talk to soldier in upper left
  8. back to home, room click ??? set H status (if more MP can get more point), 1-5 for easy up heart when use H-ACTION, 精神 for some H
  9. if 精神 Lv1, at night click bed (don't sleep) then room click crystal orb has H (cant watch in H-scene room)
  10. click crystal orb, choice ゴルドと話す > 話をする x2, 部屋に呼ぶ (cant watch in H-scene room)
  11. click crystal orb, choice クルスと話す > 話をする x3 and choice 報告を聞く x2
Slime cave : go up click wall, inside defeat big slime 12 times can nude

Village :
  1. man in upper left, aged in middle, boy in lower left, inn manager, if left has H-ACTION click it, until heart to 100
  2. 精神 Lv2 talk to woman has event then near man, if left has H-ACTION click it, until heart to 100
  3. inn to room has H
  4. at night, upper left house (need 精神Lv2), talk to boy, if 3rd H need 精神Lv3, talk to aged, go to right house
  5. at night, inn rest in room, 2nd H need talk to inn manager then rest in room

Castle :
  1. use item 幻惑の礼, wear off armor, near soldier, left has H-ACTION click it, until heart to 100, then talk to soldier has H
  2. at night, go to SW has 2H
精神Lv3 can go new area
if main story, click crystal orb or click object on table in room
if male, left has H-ACTION click it, until heart to 100, then try to find event
Awesomee.. thank you man. Really helps
女勇者イリス walkthrough
  1. if monster has GoR, clear area boss can get H in H-scene room
  2. some H need 女神の剣レベル6 or higher (show in menu lower right)
  3. if monster has hand icon is counter attack counter.jpg , has eye icon is magic reflection magic reflection.jpg , if skill information has 必中 can go through them
  4. v1.13 can find in or
Capital ロステリア城 :
  1. go to upper right house, then go to hide room
  2. move out village,. v1.12 : click board can get item 天使人形 for add EXP
  3. NE pass grassland to capital, go to castle talk to king
  4. south to tower of goddess, roof Swordman join and vs boss
  5. castle report to king, tomorrow talk to captain has fight
  6. 2F south room talk to princess, then change clothes, 1F west room talk to aged has H
  7. lower right house, talk to man has H
  8. right guild, right talk to Knight 2 times he join
  9. back to grassland, NE to goblin cave, goblin has GoR
  10. V1.10, cave upper right click box, then move lower has event
  11. deep vs boss, after boss talk to Knight again he really join
2nd town マルドール :
  1. east pass bridge to 2nd town
  2. inn talk to man has H, talk to pub master
  3. リードの家 click man in petrifaction then Dancer join
  4. magic school, library click bookshelf
  5. upper talk to sister, she will join
  6. 2F east room change school uniform, 1F east classroom talk to young has H
  7. 1F upper right room talk to man has fight, 2nd round use heroine's TP 70 skill
  8. down to sewer, slime has GoR
  9. deep vs slime boss, go to north room then talk to sister again she really join
  10. v1.10 sewer has slime girl, defeat her has H
  11. east to ruins, 1F upper left vs minotaur (GoR)
  12. 2F press switch and push pillar, 3F vs boss (GoR)
  13. go to リードの家, click man in petrifaction
Forest village コルド族の集落 :
  1. SE to forest, if v1.10 1st area has spider monster girl, defeat her has H
  2. to forest village has fight
  3. upper tent talk to village head
  4. south pass lake, if v1.10 cave has plant monster girl, defeat her has H
  5. to forest ruins, deep vs boss (GoR)
  6. back to forest village, go to upper tent will vs boss
  7. lower right tent talk to Samurai and he join
  8. change clothes talk to boy in village's lower left has H
  9. back to 2nd town, リードの家 talk to man, at night talk to Swordman
  10. move out from east exit, can jump over wood, deep vs big bee (GoR)
  11. talk to Samurai again and he join
  12. change Dancer in front, go to 2nd town, リードの家 talk to her father
  13. mansion 2F talk to rich has H and fight
  14. sleep in inn
  15. change Swordman in front, back to capital, inn 2F talk to his sister
  16. guild talk to man in left
  17. go to grassland, goblin cave deep vs boss
3rd Dock town 港町パスティ :
  1. Pass forest south to dock town
  2. mansion change clothes, upper right talk to boy has H. Then change Dancer in front, lower left room talk to man
  3. sleep in inn has H
  4. left house 2F talk to aged has H
  5. north to volcano, after fight Ninja join, wolf has GoR
  6. near volcanic crater vs boss, then talk to Ninja for he really join
  7. if go to volcano again, volcanic crater has cerberus
  8. dock talk to sailor 2 times will vs kraken, after fight can get ship and go to 4th town
4th town ザナトール :
  1. ?? now from dock town go west to elf restaurant, can join Elf??
  2. if back to capital, get ship to NW can go to 星の館
  3. entrance talk to bunny in right can join arena fight, has 3 fight
  4. talk to king, can use 星のかけら get item, then goblin cave、ruins in 2nd east, 1F upper left cave and cave in volcano has new boss
  5. 2F arena talk to ninja has H
  6. back to 4th town, inn talk to monster has fight, after fight will caught to jail
  7. click door can move out, move out fort, fort entrance talk to man
  8. change Dancer in front, mansion 2F talk to man, after 3 fight, to 2F has H and boss
  9. inn vs demon girl, if win talk to her again can change clothes, talk to boy and young has H
  10. inn talk to manager then east click wall can go to sewer
  11. pass sewer to resistance's hideout, talk to man
  12. 2F talk to boy has H
  13. back to 4th town, sleep in inn
  14. change Dancer in front, go to capital, guild 2F talk to master
5th Elf Restaurant エルフのレストラン and Shrine マイラの祠 :
  1. from dock town go west to elf restaurant, talk to Elf she join
  2. change clothes, talk to 2 man has H
  3. sleep in inn has H
  4. change Knight in front, talk to old knight has fight
  5. restaurant north has fairy, win can get equip
  6. by ship, north of restaurant has shrine マイラの祠
  7. church change clothes talk to priest has H, workshop talk to aged has H, talk to aged again has 2nd H
  8. workshop talk to blacksmith has fight, after defeat him, pay 25k can make equip, after 5 fight can get equip
H collection, after all H can port to Heaven 天界 :
  • capital, castle 2F south room change clothes then talk to soldier
  • capital, inn 2F talk to aged
  • 2nd town, left house talk to aged
  • 2nd town, magic school 2F east room change clothes then 1F library talk to young
  • forest village, change clothes then upper left talk to man
  • dock town, mansion change clothes then talk to young
  • dock town, dock talk to man
  • resistance's hideout, upper house talk to aged
  • 星の館, west and east room talk to 2 boy
  • 星の館, need clear arena and change clothes, east room upper right talk to fighter
Ice ruins, Cave to Devil castle, Graveyard and Heaven 天界 :
ice ruins :
  1. from Elf restaurant NW to ice ruins, orc has GoR
  2. cave area 2 click mushroom, lower right orc and inside orc for H-scene collection
  3. if push pillar area, push down small pillar then push big one to up
  4. deep vs orc, after fight has H, then talk to Elf again she really join
  5. deep to magic circle will vs boss, after boss Dancer can get skill and get Dancer ending flag
  6. v1.10, change Dancer in front, talk to her mother ?? now go dock town, dock talk to sailor to new area get 2 new member better??
cave to Devil castle
  1. from 4th town go NW to cave
  2. cave has succubus, defeat her has H
  3. 1st area lower left has hidden road hidden road.jpg
  4. next area has dragon for weapon, deep vs boss (GoR)
  5. demon guard in cave entrance and inside one for H-scene collection
graveyard :
  1. from shrine to graveyard, zombie has GoR
  2. has dragon, has zombie boss for H-scene collection
  3. underground has Hades, defeat it can get Swordman skill and Swordman ending flag
  4. if defeat Hades, change Swordman in front, back to capital, inn 2F talk to Swordman's sister
  5. v1.10 has Lv43 soul, don't defeat it now
heaven 天界 :
  1. 1st area has dragon
  2. deep vs Goddess for weapon and heroine skill and get Goddess ending flag
  3. v1.10 has golem, defeat it can get weapon
Devil king castle :
  1. click 2 crystal can jump to upper has boss
  2. V1.10 : 3F has daughter of Devil king, defeat her has H
  3. 3F north vs Devil king (GoR), defeat it to ending, 1st choice for Swordman end, 2nd for Dancer end, 3rd for Goddess end
  4. after ending, H-scene room upper has crystal for open all old version H-scene
V1.10 and New Area :
  • dock town, dock talk to sailor, can go to deep sea or east country, better go to 2 side get 2 new member first
  • Elf restaurant, change Elf to front, talk to man in upper right has H. If 天界 defeat golem and get weapon, change Sister to front, talk to him again has H. If 深海 defeat leviathan, change Sister to front, talk to him again has H
Deep Sea 深海 :
  1. lower right has H and Kraken monster girl join
  2. maybe not need? --- menu choice パーティチャット > 決着・さびれた大剣
  3. go to deep sea town, go to upper left house, talk to kraken king in lower left
  4. north to cave, frog has 3 GoR + 1 H, deep vs mini boss then inside vs boss
  5. if click orb 3 times can vs leviathan for weapon
  6. back to town report to king
Easy Country 東の国 :
  1. go right has fight then Ninja girl join
  2. north to village, go to upper left house
  3. north to hill, ogre has 2 GoR, hilltop vs boss
  4. if click 2 statue then click tree can vs boss for weapon
  5. back to town, go to upper left house report to man, after H talk to man again
  6. change Ninja in front, talk to man
  7. move out village from south exit, SE to training forest, deep vs boss can get 2 weapon
graveyard and realm of the dead :
  1. shrine マイラの祠 to graveyard, deep vs soul
  2. magic circle to realm of the dead
  3. vs 2 boss for H-scene collection
  4. deep vs Devil king, if defeat it has crystal in H-scene room for open all v1.10 H-scene
純潔の乙女ルミル walkthrough
  • 2nd play can get 大事なもの > ソニックオーブ for make moving speed faster
  • 2nd play to H-scene room (house near slum area), talk to upper NPC can open all H
  • Ctrl can skip message
Start :
  1. west to camping area then north to town, middle green roof house talk to woman can get food
  2. up to big mansion, upper talk to maid can get food, 2F talk to rich has H
  3. north to brothel, outside talk to man in lower left has CG
  4. town upper left to slum area, middle has cg
  5. slum area, upper right tent talk to aged then lower right tent talk to man
  6. town upper right to store, talk to man has H
  7. slum area, upper left tent talk to man has H
  8. clear any area (not in order) : south exit to camping area then west to forest、 or go to cave in beach、 or town NW exit then west go to wasteland (last area push stone to upper hole)
  9. to camping area
  10. north to brothel, upper right changing room talk to lady then 2F click bed can prostitution
  11. back to camp area, sleep in tent
Cleared 1st area :
  1. slum area, upper right tent talk to aged
  2. mansion 2F talk to rich and town right talk to farmer has H
  3. clear 2nd area
  4. back to camping area, sleep in tent
Cleared 2nd area :
  1. beach talk to captain
  2. mansion 2F talk to rich has H
  3. move out town from NW exit, talk to man
  4. back to camping area, sleep in tent
  5. slum area, go to aged tent
  6. clear last area
  7. back to camp area, sleep in tent (make new save A)
Virgin End :
  1. go to aged tent
  2. wasteland 6th area, click recover water, then talk to bird can back to entrance
  3. go to aged tent again
  4. to camp area, sleep in tent
  5. move out town from NW exit, talk to man
  6. if fight keep Z for charge skill, talk to heroine can heal
  7. after fight go to forest, deep talk to unicorn
  8. beach talk to captain to ending
H-collection (don't go to aged tent) :
  1. (reload save A), upper left tent talk to man for lost virgin
  2. talk to man in town middle, upper right store talk to man has H
  3. go to camping area and rest in tent (2nd choice) rest to night, go to brothel, changing room talk to lady then 2F click bed can prostitution
  4. tomorrow, slum area, lower 2 tent has 2 H
  5. man near mansion, mansion 2F talk to rich, upper left tent talk to man has H
  6. night to brothel 2F for H
  7. tomorrow upper left tent talk to man, mansion 2F talk to rich has H
Normal End and Prostitute End :
  1. go to aged tent
  2. wasteland 6th area, click recover water, then talk to bird can back to entrance
  3. go to aged tent again
  4. go to brothel, changing room talk to lady, then use item 大事なもの > エロ水着 change swimming suit
  5. brothel right > bathroom > entrance > 2F room has H, then changing room talk to lady
  6. to camp area, in tent rest to night
  7. go to brothel, use item 大事なもの > エロ水着 change swimming suit then go to stage
  8. move out town from NW exit, talk to man
  9. in fight click middle object, time up can click again
  10. beach talk to captain, then camp area sleep in tent, get 2nd choice for H
  11. (make new save B) beach talk to captain, if get 1st choice to normal end
  12. (reload save B) beach talk to captain, get 2nd choice
  13. new use item 大事なもの > バッグ can change to nude
  14. H : town left near pond, house in town lower right, man outside mansion, farmer, man in store, mansion 2F rich, man outside h-scene room, 3 tent in slum area
  15. green roof house talk to woman can get clothes, then use item 大事なもの > ビッチ服 change it
  16. H (some NPC need talk 1 more times) : town left near pond, house in town lower right and lower left, man outside mansion, farmer, man in store, mansion 2F rich, man outside h-scene room, 3 tent in slum area
  17. brothel changing room talk to lady, then 2F right room has H
  18. 2F room click bed upper to Prostitute End
純潔の乙女ルミル walkthrough
  • 2nd play can get 大事なもの > ソニックオーブ for make moving speed faster
  • 2nd play to H-scene room (house near slum area), talk to upper NPC can open all H
  • Ctrl can skip message
Start :
  1. west to camping area then north to town, middle green roof house talk to woman can get food
  2. up to big mansion, upper talk to maid can get food, 2F talk to rich has H
  3. north to brothel, outside talk to man in lower left has CG
  4. town upper left to slum area, middle has cg
  5. slum area, upper right tent talk to aged then lower right tent talk to man
  6. town upper right to store, talk to man has H
  7. slum area, upper left tent talk to man has H
  8. clear any area (not in order) : south exit to camping area then west to forest、 or go to cave in beach、 or town NW exit then west go to wasteland (last area push stone to upper hole)
  9. to camping area
  10. north to brothel, upper right changing room talk to lady then 2F click bed can prostitution
  11. back to camp area, sleep in tent
Cleared 1st area :
  1. slum area, upper right tent talk to aged
  2. mansion 2F talk to rich and town right talk to farmer has H
  3. clear 2nd area
  4. back to camping area, sleep in tent
Cleared 2nd area :
  1. beach talk to captain
  2. mansion 2F talk to rich has H
  3. move out town from NW exit, talk to man
  4. back to camping area, sleep in tent
  5. slum area, go to aged tent
  6. clear last area
  7. back to camp area, sleep in tent (make new save A)
Virgin End :
  1. go to aged tent
  2. wasteland 6th area, click recover water, then talk to bird can back to entrance
  3. go to aged tent again
  4. to camp area, sleep in tent
  5. move out town from NW exit, talk to man
  6. if fight keep Z for charge skill, talk to heroine can heal
  7. after fight go to forest, deep talk to unicorn
  8. beach talk to captain to ending
H-collection (don't go to aged tent) :
  1. (reload save A), upper left tent talk to man for lost virgin
  2. talk to man in town middle, upper right store talk to man has H
  3. go to camping area and rest in tent (2nd choice) rest to night, go to brothel, changing room talk to lady then 2F click bed can prostitution
  4. tomorrow, slum area, lower 2 tent has 2 H
  5. man near mansion, mansion 2F talk to rich, upper left tent talk to man has H
  6. night to brothel 2F for H
  7. tomorrow upper left tent talk to man, mansion 2F talk to rich has H
Normal End and Prostitute End :
  1. go to aged tent
  2. wasteland 6th area, click recover water, then talk to bird can back to entrance
  3. go to aged tent again
  4. go to brothel, changing room talk to lady, then use item 大事なもの > エロ水着 change swimming suit
  5. brothel right > bathroom > entrance > 2F room has H, then changing room talk to lady
  6. to camp area, in tent rest to night
  7. go to brothel, use item 大事なもの > エロ水着 change swimming suit then go to stage
  8. move out town from NW exit, talk to man
  9. in fight click middle object, time up can click again
  10. beach talk to captain, then camp area sleep in tent, get 2nd choice for H
  11. (make new save B) beach talk to captain, if get 1st choice to normal end
  12. (reload save B) beach talk to captain, get 2nd choice
  13. new use item 大事なもの > バッグ can change to nude
  14. H : town left near pond, house in town lower right, man outside mansion, farmer, man in store, mansion 2F rich, man outside h-scene room, 3 tent in slum area
  15. green roof house talk to woman can get clothes, then use item 大事なもの > ビッチ服 change it
  16. H (some NPC need talk 1 more times) : town left near pond, house in town lower right and lower left, man outside mansion, farmer, man in store, mansion 2F rich, man outside h-scene room, 3 tent in slum area
  17. brothel changing room talk to lady, then 2F right room has H
  18. 2F room click bed upper to Prostitute End
Hi, do you have the walkthrough for this game?
ty etigoya, i got it figured out, i actually didnt progress my story enough to unlock thief's hideout.
So for every zone it's crucial to progress the main story.
桜花見参 walkthrough
  • monster GoR by place (except black monster and boss), then next GoR need sword Lv
  • black monster for battle fuck, defeat it can up 1 淫気 and can start fight in H-scene room, sword Lv1-4 has 1H
Start town :
  1. to training hall in upper right
  2. to forest in north, deep vs boss
  3. after sword change to Lv1, dungeon has black monster
  4. in skill room, middle line, use 10 淫気 for next torch will up sword Lv, 20 for Lv3, 30 for Lv4
  5. training hall talk to aged
  6. to cave in south, deep vs boss
  7. in training hall, talk to aged 2 times
  8. keep east to 2nd town
H :
  • after 1st area boss, training hall talk to man who near left wall has 2H, then sword L2, 3 and 4 has new H
  • room onanism has 2H, then sword L2, 3 and 4 has new H
  • after 1st area boss, man in upper left house has 2H and skill, then sword L2, 3 and 4 has new H
  • if sword Lv2, pub (酒) talk to customer has 2H, then sword L3 and 4 has new H
  • if sword Lv2, lower right house talk to man has 2H, then sword L3 and 4 has new H
  • if sword Lv3, upper left talk to man has 2H, then sword L4 has new H
  • if sword Lv3 and lower right house has sword L3 H, then outside house talk to man has 2H, sword L4 has new H
  • after all pub H, then pub's kitchen talk to man has 2H
2nd town :
  1. from town go north to forest, deep vs boss
  2. from town go south to mansion, deep vs boss, 2 fight
  3. right of town, talk to merchant will go to 3rd town
H :
  • upper left small store open box has 2H, then sword L2, 3 and 4 has new H
  • if sword Lv2, upper right house talk to monk has 2H, then sword L3 and 4 has new H
  • if sword Lv2, middle big bathroom has 2H, then sword L3 and 4 has new H
  • if sword Lv2, inn middle room talk to man has 2H, then sword L3 and 4 has new H
  • if sword Lv2, lower right house talk to man has 2H and get item, then sword L3 and 4 has new H
  • if sword Lv3, upper left talk to soldier has 2H, then sword L4 has new H
  • if sword Lv3 and inn middle room has sword L3 H, then right room talk to man has 2H, sword L4 has new H
  • after all big bathroom H, big bathroom talk to man has 2H
3rd town :
  1. from town go north to forest, deep vs boss
  2. go to underground dungeon, deep vs boss to ending
  3. if sword Lv4, go to road between 1st and 2nd town has thief, after GoR, in room sleep and talk to 6 thief has H
H :
  • if sword Lv3, inn middle room talk to man has 2H, then sword L4 has new H
  • if sword Lv3, pub (酒) talk to master has 2H, then sword L4 has new H
  • if sword Lv3, town right pot shop, click upper left pot has H, talk to manager again has 2nd H, sword L4 has new H
  • if sword Lv2, town west area, right house talk to 3 man (upper one) has 2H, then sword L3 and 4 has new H
  • if sword Lv3 and town west area, right house 3 man has sword L3 H, then left kitchen talk to man has 2H, sword L4 has new H
  • if sword Lv3, town west area left house click middle stone has 2H and power up item, then sword L4 has new H
  • if sword Lv2, town west area, upper right shining point has 2H, then sword L3 and 4 has new H
  • if sword Lv3, town west area, upper left shining point has 2H, sword L4 has new H
  • after all inn H, inn talk to manager has 2H
  • after all pub H, pub talk to customer has 2H
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学園の七つのエロい話 walkthrough
  • (this color for mission success), but fail can make H little longer, if 6 mission all success cant get last prostitution
  • after any ending can open all H-scene
Start :
  1. lower right choose 自由探索
  2. up stair to 3F, to オカルト研究部部室 in right
  3. talk to girl in upper right, choose all choice
  4. go to male toilet in 2F has H
  5. move out school, talk to man in lower right has H
  6. back to 生徒会室, talk to 副会長 choice mission, order as you like
Library 図書館 :
  1. up stair to 3F, to library in left
  2. click blue bookshelf
  3. talk to student has H and book, click bookshelf get another book library.jpg
  4. click 2 blue bookshelf can go to hidden room
  5. click stele then push statue to stele
  6. (right get blue book) click locker in left
Flower Bed 花壇 :
  1. 1F 理科室 get 2 item and 理科室倉庫 get item
  2. go to 1F lady toilet
  3. back to 理科室 mix item together
  4. go to roof, (right store get item then outside click sprinkler)
  5. click flower bed
School at night 夜の校舎 :
  1. move out school will back to home
  2. take a shower (talk to father can get weapon)
  3. move out home to school, talk to white hair student and man in upper right has H
  4. talk to student in upper left
Old Swimming Pool 旧プール :
  1. 1F 理科室 get 2 item and 理科室倉庫 has H and get item
  2. (理科室 click few times tub for mix item together)
  3. from 1F go west to old swimming pool
Alley 路地裏 :
  1. (left cabinet get 3rd choice スタンガン)
  2. school outside, right to alley has man who falling on ground
Lady's changing room 女子更衣室 :
  1. (talk to 副会長 then table get item)
  2. from 1F go east to lady's changing room
  3. move out changing room get 1st choice
  4. outside (click lower plant) click wall
  5. back to room
Ending :
  1. if has bug cant move, use 盗撮写真 or menu choose CG MODE
  2. school outside, lower right talk to man get 2nd and 3rd choice for 2 new prostitution
  3. (3F right to オカルト研究部部室, talk to student who sit in right of table, buy 100k book)
  4. to 職員室 in 2F
  5. go to 校長室, click clock on table
  6. click clock on wall then click clock on table, enter right time 1600
  7. go to hidden room, near magic circle to ending
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亡国の英雄姫アルティナ v1.04 walkthrough
  • after clear can go H-scene room, in there all H is on
  • some building cant change clothes. If cant change clothes, go to pub then move out
  • Ctrl can message skip
  • if clothes broken, some event cant start
  • if choice has ☆ for H, enemy has ☆ = has GoR
  • collect item quest can get skill point, but 1th time only
  • some pee event, if don't want walk round or fight can use おいしい水, it costs $20 but add 5% only
  • pee event in dungeon, better equip battle dress (バトルドレス) or cant get it
  • skill 自爆 for GoR
Start > 1st town 都市コートベル :
Start :
  1. go north to 2F
  2. vs thief (GoR)
  3. go NW to 1st town 都市コートベル
1st town 都市コートベル :
  1. pub talk to master and customer
  2. guild talk to receptionist, click notes and talk to girl
  3. back to street セムニア街道, defeat 10 bat, then report to receptionist
  4. clothes shop click maid clothes, choice 試着する
  5. if get 8 こうもりの羽 from bat or 8 スライムオイル from slime, report to receptionist can get $ and skill point
  6. pub talk to master, choose 1st のどがかわいた > 1st それください > 2nd ☆おかわりください > town talk to all ppl > clothes shop talk to manager and customer > church talk to priest > weapon shop talk to manager > guild talk to receptionist > lower left click house door > item shop > back to pub, go to left toilet > move out pub, this pee H has battle dress (バトルドレス), maid clothes and 女性服 3 type
Fire cave 火の洞窟 :
  1. NE to fire cave 火の洞窟, B1 upper left vs golem, down to B2 use teleport move out then report to receptionist
  2. to street セムニア街道, south vs boss then report to receptionist
  3. if buy 女性服(1500) and dress it, pub talk to master, choice 3rd バイトがしたい can get job. First day, right order is 2nd choice then 3rd one. Second day, right order is 3rd choice, 2nd, 2nd > 1st choice, 3rd, 3rd, 2ndポーク チキン. Third day, right order is 2nd choice, 3rd, 3rd, 2nd, 2nd, 2nd > 2nd choice, 1st, 2nd > 3rd choice, 4th, 2nd, 1st > 3rd choice ☆ for H
  4. if buy メイド服 and dress it, town left talk to man has H
  5. if fire cave B2 get 8 ホーレットの針 from bee can report to receptionist for $ and skill point
  6. B2 vs golem, then down to B3 use teleport move out, guild report to receptionist
  7. to street セムニア街道, east talk to merchant 商人, then go east, vs thief has GoR
  8. report to receptionist and join magic girl
  9. street セムニア街道 south vs flower monster, fire cave B1 upper right vs rat, B2 north cave vs bee
  10. B2 lower left near pond can rest, if choice ☆, then keep fight to 100% has H (later has 2 partner about this pee)
  11. report to receptionist
  12. guild talk to man
  13. fire cave B3, in road has choice is fight or not only
  14. click box has ! then NE to pond
  15. move out has fight (GoR)
  16. report to receptionist then choice partner, if 友好度 50 (49 fight), menu choice パーソナル > アルティナ記憶の部屋, talk to partner has H (but warrior has bug cant)
  17. dress メイド服 , town left talk to man has H
  18. fire cave B3, NW to cave click stele
  19. town talk to man in pub
  20. go to guild then go to pub
  21. move out can go to 2 village and Principality, order as you like
SE village ラカ村 :
  1. if SE to ラカ村
  2. lower left talk to woman, in house change clothes 女性服, inside room talk to man has H. Tomorrow talk to him again has H
  3. back to 1st town, guild talk to magic girl, if 友好度 50 (49 fight), menu choice パーソナル > アルティナ記憶の部屋, talk to her has H, 友好度 100 has another H
  4. back to SE village, east to house talk to witch
  5. go to clothes shop
  6. pub talk to master, get 2nd choice
  7. item shop talk to magic girl, then pub talk to her again, get 2nd choice
  8. item shop talk to magic girl, then go east to house report to witch
  9. west to forest, if get 8 Gスライムオイル from slime, report to daughter of village head can get $ and skill point
  10. with magic girl, middle click stone to ruins
  11. B2, if get 8 乾燥クラゲ from jellyfish, report to daughter of village head can get $ and skill point
  12. B3, if get 8 カモミール from werewolf, report to daughter of village head can get $ and skill point
  13. B3 lower left near pond can rest, if choice ☆, then keep fight to 100% has H (later has 2 partner about this pee)
  14. B3 lower right vs boss then deep click stele has fight (GoR)
Principality 公國ランドンカーク :
  1. if NW to Principality, to castle choice the one has ☆
  2. left corridor north to 3F, to left room talk to wife of Duke
  3. castle 3F talk to wife of Duke has H
  4. castle 3F talk to wife of Duke again
  5. town lower talk to woman then lower right house talk to woman
  6. SW to アミット村, item shop buy 船乗りのナイフ, then back to Principality, lower right house give it to woman
  7. report to wife of Duke then tomorrow talk to her again
  8. pub talk to master, get 2nd choice then 1st one, then back of pub, click shining point has H
  9. pub talk to customer (painter), then clothes shop has new armor セラーナの鎧 sale. Equip it then go to pub talk to painter 3 times has 2H
  10. Equip セラーナの鎧, pub talk to another customer 2 times has H
  11. Principality west go エジワ村, church talk to woman in upper left
  12. move out church, follow woman then cave talk to Sage
  13. church talk to woman in upper left
  14. back to Principality, go to guild
  15. south to forest サリテアの森, monster in forest can drop item for make +1 weapon in Principality weapon shop
  16. deep vs thief (GoR)
  17. castle 2F to Duke room
  18. west to wind cave 風の洞窟, monster in wind cave can drop item for make +2 weapon in Principality weapon shop
  19. B3 vs boss then deep click stele has fight (GoR)
Quest (guild talk to receptionist get all quest first) :
  • forest サリテアの森, defeat bat get 5 Fバットの羽. Defeat mantis get 5 Kマンティス. Defeat flower monster get 5 ガーベランのつる, then guild report to receptionist
  • wind cave defeat spider get 5 Aスパイダーの糸. Defeat kobold get 5 コボルトの帽子. Defeat gargoyle get 5 ガーゴイルの牙, then guild report to receptionist
  • if get weapon フォルシオン, 鉄鉱石 (lizardman in forest) , Fバットの羽 (bat in forest) and ワイバーンの皮 (wivern in forest), talk to weapon manager, get 2nd choice then 1st one make weapon フォルシオン+1, then guild report to receptionist
  • pub talk to master, choice 3rd リリィの依頼, then go to house in back of pub, talk to receptionist lady can work in there. After 4H, pub talk to master, get 3rd choice for report, then guild report to receptionist. Castle 1F to west corridor, then down to jail talk to man has H
SW fishing village アミット村 :
  1. if SW to アミット村, upper right house talk to village head
  2. dock talk to man to island, north vs boss (GoR)
  3. after report can get new clothes お祭り法被, dress it talk to boy has H, talk to man in upper left has H
Fire cave again and Goddess clothes :
  1. back to 1st town, pub talk to man
  2. upper right to fire cave 火の洞窟, B2 upper cave click wall
  3. deep click stele has fight (GoR)
  4. back to 1st town, pub report to man
  5. after click 3 stele, SE to village ラカ村, clothes shop can get new clothes
  6. go to start street セムニア街道, keep east can go to capital area
City 都市マリエスラーナ :
  1. east to city, lower right to pub, talk to master, get all choice
  2. south area, upper right talk to man, then go to dance hut 3 times has H and get dancer clothes 踊り子の服
  3. from south area go east to alley area, upper left to dance hut then talk to ppl in alley has H
  4. go to alley's dance hut 2 times has 2H, alley area talk to 3 guy has H
  5. guild talk to receptionist
  6. upper right to arena, talk to receptionist
  7. tomorrow to arena, talk to receptionist for arena fight
  8. then go to arena 3 times for 3 fight, 3rd fight has GoR
  9. equip ソフィアの記憶水晶 then sleep in inn has H
  10. city east to water cave 水の洞窟
  11. B3 has pond can rest, has pee H (3 member has little different)
  12. deep vs boss, then deep click stele vs goddess (GoR)
Quest (guild talk to receptionist get all quest first) :
  • water cave B1 defeat fish monster get 5 サハギンのつめ, defeat ghost get 5 ゴーストのボロ布
  • water cave B2 defeat fish monster get 5 キュリオラのうろこ, defeat will-o'-the-wisp get 5 Wウィスプの残滓
  • water cave B3 defeat water elemental get 5 ウォーターEの結晶, defeat soul flare get 5 ソウルフレアの触手
  • north to village スロント村, vs ogre (GoR)
Ending :
  1. SW to volunteer army hideout 義勇軍のアジト, talk to deputy captain 2 times
  2. SE to capital, 1st choice has H
  3. if click shining point move out, go capital again, get 2nd choice can go to sewer for equip and item make new weapon in Principality weapon shop
  4. in capital, talk to man get 2nd choice can go to castle
  5. 1F mini boss for equip
  6. 2F vs final boss, 2 fight, after ending has H
  7. click book, 2nd choice for back to world, 3rd choice for H-scene room with all H on
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亡国の英雄姫アルティナ v1.04
  • after clear can go H-scene room that all H is on
  • some building cant change clothes. If cant change clothes, go to pub then move out
  • Ctrl can message skip
  • if clothes broken, some event cant start
  • if choice has ☆ for H, enemy has ☆ = has GoR
  • collect item quest can get skill point 1 time only
  • some pee event, if don't want walk round or fight can use おいしい水, $20 only but only up 5%
  • pee event in dungeon, better equip battle dress (バトルドレス) or cant get it
  • skill 自爆 for GoR
Start > 1st town 都市コートベル :
Start :
  1. go north to 2F
  2. vs thief (GoR)
  3. NW to 1st town 都市コートベル
1st town 都市コートベル :
  1. pub talk to master and customer
  2. guild talk to receptionist, click notes and talk to girl
  3. back to street セムニア街道, defeat 10 bat, then report to receptionist
  4. cloth shop click maid clothes, choice 試着する
  5. if get 8 こうもりの羽 from bat or 8 スライムオイル from slime can report to receptionist for $ and skill point
  6. pub talk to master, choice 1st のどがかわいた > 1st それください > 2nd ☆おかわりください > town talk to all ppl > clothes shop talk to manager and customer > church talk to priest > weapon shop talk to manager > guild talk to receptionist > lower left click house door > item shop > pub to left toilet > move out pub, this pee H has battle dress (バトルドレス), maid clothes and 女性服 3 type
Fire cave 火の洞窟 :
  1. NE to fire cave 火の洞窟, B1 upper left vs golem, down to B2 use teleport move out then report to receptionist
  2. to street セムニア街道, south vs boss then report to receptionist
  3. if buy 女性服(1500) and dress it, pub talk to master, choice 3rd バイトがしたい can get job. First day, right order is 2nd choice then 3rd one. Second day, right order is 3rd choice, 2nd, 2nd > 1st choice, 3rd, 3rd, 2ndポーク チキン. Third day, right order is 2nd choice, 3rd, 3rd, 2nd, 2nd, 2nd > 2nd choice, 1st, 2nd > 3rd choice, 4th, 2nd, 1st > 3rd choice ☆ for H
  4. if buy メイド服 and dress it, town left talk to man has H
  5. if fire cave B2 get 8 ホーレットの針 from bee can report to receptionist for $ and skill point
  6. B2 vs golem, then down to B3 use teleport move out, guild report to receptionist
  7. to street セムニア街道, east talk to merchant 商人, then go east, vs thief has GoR
  8. report to receptionist and join magic girl
  9. street セムニア街道 south vs flower monster, fire cave B1 upper right vs rat, B2 north cave vs bee
  10. B2 lower left near pond can rest, if choice ☆, then keep fight to 100% has H (later has 2 partner about this pee)
  11. report to receptionist
  12. guild talk to man
  13. fire cave B3, in road has choice is fight or not only
  14. click box has ! then NE to pond
  15. move out has fight (GoR)
  16. report to receptionist then choice partner, if 友好度 50 (49 fight), menu choice パーソナル > アルティナ記憶の部屋, talk to partner has H (but warrior has bug cant)
  17. dress メイド服 , town left talk to man has H
  18. fire cave B3, NW to cave click stele
  19. town talk to man in pub
  20. go to guild then go to pub
  21. move out can go to 2 village and Principality, order as you like
SE village ラカ村 :
  1. if SE to ラカ村
  2. lower left talk to woman, in house change clothes 女性服, inside room talk to man has H. Tomorrow talk to him again has H
  3. back to 1st town, guild talk to magic girl, if 友好度 50 (49 fight), menu choice パーソナル > アルティナ記憶の部屋, talk to her has H, 友好度 100 has another H
  4. back to SE village, east to house talk to witch
  5. go to clothes shop
  6. pub talk to master, get 2nd choice
  7. item shop talk to magic girl, then pub talk to her again, get 2nd choice
  8. item shop talk to magic girl, then go east to house report to witch
  9. west to forest, if get 8 Gスライムオイル from slime, report to daughter of village head can get $ and skill point
  10. with magic girl, middle click stone to ruins
  11. B2, if get 8 乾燥クラゲ from jellyfish, report to daughter of village head can get $ and skill point
  12. B3, if get 8 カモミール from werewolf, report to daughter of village head can get $ and skill point
  13. B3 lower left near pond can rest, if choice ☆, then keep fight to 100% has H (later has 2 partner about this pee)
  14. B3 lower right vs boss then deep click stele has fight (GoR)
Principality 公國ランドンカーク :
  1. if NW to Principality, to castle choice the one has ☆
  2. left corridor north to 3F, to left room talk to wife of Duke
  3. castle 3F talk to wife of Duke has H
  4. castle 3F talk to wife of Duke again
  5. town lower talk to woman then lower right house talk to woman
  6. SW to アミット村, item shop buy 船乗りのナイフ, then back to Principality, lower right house give it to woman
  7. report to wife of Duke then tomorrow talk to her again
  8. pub talk to master, get 2nd choice then 1st one, then back of pub, click shining point has H
  9. pub talk to customer (painter), then clothes shop has new armor セラーナの鎧 sale. Equip it then go to pub talk to painter 3 times has 2H
  10. Equip セラーナの鎧, pub talk to another customer 2 times has H
  11. Principality west go エジワ村, church talk to woman in upper left
  12. move out church, follow woman then cave talk to Sage
  13. church talk to woman in upper left
  14. back to Principality, go to guild
  15. south to forest サリテアの森, monster in forest can drop item for make +1 weapon in Principality weapon shop
  16. deep vs thief (GoR)
  17. castle 2F to Duke room
  18. west to wind cave 風の洞窟, monster in wind cave can drop item for make +2 weapon in Principality weapon shop
  19. B3 vs boss then deep click stele has fight (GoR)
Quest (guild talk to receptionist get all quest first) :
  • forest サリテアの森, defeat bat get 5 Fバットの羽. Defeat mantis get 5 Kマンティス. Defeat flower monster get 5 ガーベランのつる, then guild report to receptionist
  • wind cave defeat spider get 5 Aスパイダーの糸. Defeat kobold get 5 コボルトの帽子. Defeat gargoyle get 5 ガーゴイルの牙, then guild report to receptionist
  • if get weapon フォルシオン, 鉄鉱石 (lizardman in forest) , Fバットの羽 (bat in forest) and ワイバーンの皮 (wivern in forest), talk to weapon manager, get 2nd choice then 1st one make weapon フォルシオン+1, then guild report to receptionist
  • pub talk to master, choice 3rd リリィの依頼, then go to house in back of pub, talk to receptionist lady can work in there. After 4H, pub talk to master, get 3rd choice for report, then guild report to receptionist. Castle 1F to west corridor, then down to jail talk to man has H
SW fishing village アミット村 :
  1. if SW to アミット村, upper right house talk to village head
  2. dock talk to man to island, north vs boss (GoR)
  3. after report can get new clothes お祭り法被, dress it talk to boy has H, talk to man in upper left has H
Fire cave again and Goddess clothes :
  1. back to 1st town, pub talk to man
  2. upper right to fire cave 火の洞窟, B2 upper cave click wall
  3. deep click stele has fight (GoR)
  4. back to 1st town, pub report to man
  5. after click 3 stele, SE to village ラカ村, clothes shop can get new clothes
  6. go to start street セムニア街道, keep east can go to capital area
City 都市マリエスラーナ :
  1. east to city, lower right to pub, talk to master, get all choice
  2. south area, upper right talk to man, then go to dance hut 3 times has H and get dancer clothes 踊り子の服
  3. from south area go east to alley area, upper left to dance hut then talk to ppl in alley has H
  4. go to alley's dance hut 2 times has 2H, alley area talk to 3 guy has H
  5. guild talk to receptionist
  6. upper right to arena, talk to receptionist
  7. tomorrow to arena, talk to receptionist for arena fight
  8. then go to arena 3 times for 3 fight, 3rd fight has GoR
  9. equip ソフィアの記憶水晶 then sleep in inn has H
  10. city east to water cave 水の洞窟
  11. B3 has pond can rest, has pee H (3 member has little different)
  12. deep vs boss, then deep click stele vs goddess (GoR)
Quest (guild talk to receptionist get all quest first) :
  • water cave B1 defeat fish monster get 5 サハギンのつめ, defeat ghost get 5 ゴーストのボロ布
  • water cave B2 defeat fish monster get 5 キュリオラのうろこ, defeat will-o'-the-wisp get 5 Wウィスプの残滓
  • water cave B3 defeat water elemental get 5 ウォーターEの結晶, defeat soul flare get 5 ソウルフレアの触手
  • north to village スロント村, vs ogre (GoR)
Ending :
  1. SW to volunteer army hideout 義勇軍のアジト, talk to deputy captain 2 times
  2. SE to capital, 1st choice has H
  3. if click shining point move out, go capital again, get 2nd choice can go to sewer for equip and item make new weapon in Principality weapon shop
  4. in capital, talk to man get 2nd choice can go to castle
  5. 1F mini boss for equip
  6. 2F vs final boss, 2 fight, after ending has H
  7. click book, 2nd choice for back to world, 3rd choice for H-scene room with all H on

Do you have walkthrough for this game?