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VN/TEXT [Sogna] Viper V-16 Rise

Re: Viper V-16 Rise

i am sure that something is wrong with this game, i couldn't get the english one to work, so i downloaded the japanese one, it worked fine, i installed and played it without incident, but there is no game to this game, all i can do is press enter to make the text go forward, from what i can tell, 3 girls get kidnapped bu monsters, the 3 girls get thrown into a cage and left there, i keep on pressing enter to go through the talkie bit with the girls, then i press enter, the thing goes to a shot of this green thing looking through the bars of the cell, he talks, the screen goes black more talking, then it shows that red head has been raped, then it says game over. WHAT!?
Re: Viper V-16 Rise

Here you´ll find the for this game.

I'm thinking you're just clicking a little too fast to advance the dialogue. It defaults to the choice that gets you the bad end, but there is a choice in the cell after the girls have their conversation.

Re: Viper V-16 Rise

i am sure that something is wrong with this game, i couldn't get the english one to work, so i downloaded the japanese one, it worked fine, i installed and played it without incident, but there is no game to this game, all i can do is press enter to make the text go forward, from what i can tell, 3 girls get kidnapped bu monsters, the 3 girls get thrown into a cage and left there, i keep on pressing enter to go through the talkie bit with the girls, then i press enter, the thing goes to a shot of this green thing looking through the bars of the cell, he talks, the screen goes black more talking, then it shows that red head has been raped, then it says game over. WHAT!?

you missed the part where you get to choose between 2 options for the first time which starts the game
just dont press enter too fast ;)
Re: Viper V-16 Rise

Ok, found my copy of the english version, its On the link below. Enjoy ^^.
Sorry about the size, it's a rar of the entire disc image, since I can't find the no-cd crack:eek:

i just download this one but i need a password to open the files, what is the password?
Re: Viper V-16 Rise

i just download this one but i need a password to open the files, what is the password?

I didn't put a password on it. I'm not sure why it would be asking for one.

And as for why it's not working, I'm not sure. All that should be required is mounting Viper V-16 DISK1.mds with Daemon Tools and double clicking V16.exe, which should give you the options to play off the cd, a drop down menu of languages and to install it to hard disk.
Re: Viper V-16 Rise

I'm glad I found a jewel like this. Sogna's Viper computer series was good. I loved the trilogy the animators put together.

I'm trying to remember the name of it. . . .hmm. . . Viper F-something, maybe?
Re: Viper V-16 Rise

Wow, this is a necro. But since the game is still good, I approve bumping this to front page. V-16 Rise was my favorite from Viper series. There was also a very nice one about two aliens racing to determine whose race is superior by getting an earthly girl, but I don't remember the name.

Since we are at the Viper series, anyone knows which one does the following pic come from? Was it ever released in english?
Re: Viper V-16 Rise

I think it comes from Viper Rsr (which was in japanese).

It was a kind of j-rpg (like the viper were you play as a girl that transform into a sentai).
Re: Viper V-16 Rise

Yes that was RSR, which was the last one Sogna made before going bust.

Wonder if I still have V16 collecting digital dust...
Re: Viper V-16 Rise

I've played some of GTB as well, the sequel to this game. It's a tad boring with how many random battles happen and are so easy to exploit, yet have no real hentai moments. That said, the endings are all pretty awesome.
Re: Viper V-16 Rise

While we're at it, anyone wanna re-upload Rise if they can? Y'know... since megaupload sort of...

That and rapidshare is pure evil.
Re: Viper V-16 Rise

I always have that strange need to play viper rsr, but im sure than it never has been translated
Re: Viper V-16 Rise

I tried the rapidshare link in first post. Got an error when I try to open the rar. Even tried the extract here option and got the same thing. :\
Re: Viper V-16 Rise

you know whats driving me crazy about this game if you want to do a different path they make you restart the whole game, and if you do save it doesn't' start you at your save but a little back.
Re: Viper V-16 Rise

The link worked for me, but I can't read moonrunes. I just end up clicking and eventually get a game over. I don't even know what I'm doing wrong.
Re: Viper V-16 Rise

I'm having a lot of trouble locating any of the viper games. For as popular as they are, I thought it'd be easier. I mean I found a bunch of torrent sites but I never trust those. The only links I can find are using that site that was taken down. Anybody know where a good portion of them can be found?

I've managed to find a couple (CTR, V16) , it'd be really nice if the entire collection was somewhere all together though. Aren't there like a dozen of these games?

Ah they do have sound.
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Re: Viper V-16 Rise

Torrents are usually safer than random uploads somewhere. Just make sure you give the files a good scan with AVG free or something before running it. If it's a bogus file people tend to not continue to share it.