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Fear of the Dark, Modern Day Occult Tentacle Horror RP

Re: Fear of the Dark, Modern Day Occult Tentacle Horror RP

Well if I can still get in, I have a character (I think) set now.

Regina Alvarado

Stats: (21 Points)
Physical: 6
Mental: 6
Spiritual: 6

Combat Value: 4
Attack Value: 5
Defense Value: 5
Health: 60
Energy: 60 (40 additional Spell Points separate from Energy)
Arousal Threshold: 54

Major: Criminal Law - 2 pts
Minor: Foreign Languages - 1 pt

Skills: (4 Points)

Linguistics: 1 point
Technical: 1 point
Medical: 1 point
Meditation: 1 point

Traits: (6 Points)

Occultist: 2 points
Artificer: 2 points
Apprentice: 2 points

Equipment: (6 Points)

Apartment: 2 points
Eagle STI 6.0 Handgun: 3 points. (That is a 9mm btw.)
Cell Phone: 1 point.

Only one last question, the ammo for the weapon, come with or do I need to spend more CP to get ammo?
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Re: Fear of the Dark, Modern Day Occult Tentacle Horror RP

If you have any cancellations I'm very interested.
Re: Fear of the Dark, Modern Day Occult Tentacle Horror RP

Clarissa Annese

Stats: (-21 pts)
Phys:8 (11 pts)
Ment:5 (5 pts)
Spir:5 (5 pts)

Combat Value: 4 (base)
Attack Value: 6 (7 with sword)
Defense Value:5
Combat Focus: +1 to both
Arousal Threshold:57

Flaws (+1pt): Lazy (-2 to drive-related checks)

Skills (-2pts): Athletics, Awareness,

Traits (-6pts): Dexterous (+2 to agility-related checks), Contact (police sergeant who she had become
acquainted with after having been aided in police-related work and cases), Sensitive

Training (-6pts): Sword +5 damage (1pt), Sword +1 attacks (1pt), General +1 attacks (2pts), General +5 damage (2pts)

Equipment (-6pts): 15dmg Sword (3pts), Cellphone (1pt), Single Dorm (1pt), Bicycle (1pt)

This should be perfect now...
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Re: Fear of the Dark, Modern Day Occult Tentacle Horror RP

Someone must protect this girl xD

Carol Ferce

Stats: (21 Points)
Physical: 6
Mental: 6
Spiritual: 6

Combat Value: 4
Attack Value: 5 - 1= 4
Defense Value: 5
Health: 60
Energy: 60
Arousal Threshold: 54

Skills: (7 Points)
Stealth: 1point
Linguistics: 1 point
Technical: 1 point
Medical: 1 point
Meditation: 1 point
Charm: 1
Awareness: 1

Flaw (+3 points)
weak -2 str
-1 attack penalty

Traits: (14 Points)
Perceptive: 2 points
Sensitive: 2 points
Danger Sense: 2 points
Second Sight: 2 points
Object Reading: 2 points
Clairvoyance: 2 points
Mind Reading: 2 points

Woden Baseball Bat weapon lv1 +5 damage owned be Quetz and awareness
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Re: Fear of the Dark, Modern Day Occult Tentacle Horror RP

Hannelore Ritter, Student (studying abroad, originally German)

Physical: 4
Mental: 8
Spiritual: 6

Health: 50
Energy: 70
Arousal Threshold: 54

Combat Value: 4
Attack Value: 5
Defense Value: 6

Major - Biology
Minor - Chemistry
Training - Damage
Training - Attacks
Trait: Skeptical
Trait: Determined


Knife (5 damage)
Single Dorm
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Re: Fear of the Dark, Modern Day Occult Tentacle Horror RP

Innocent, your health should be lower. (7+5) * 5 = 60
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Re: Fear of the Dark, Modern Day Occult Tentacle Horror RP

Alexis Archer

Physical: 8
Mental: 5
Spiritual: 7
(11+5+9 = 25)

Health: 75
Energy: 60
Arousal Threshold: 60

Combat Value: 4
Attack Value: 4
Defense Value: 6


Major: Physical Fitness
Minor: Biology
(3 points)

(2 points)

Fast Metabolism
(6 points)


Running shoes
Cell Phone
(4 points)
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Re: Fear of the Dark, Modern Day Occult Tentacle Horror RP

Sabrina Lockwood, Student

Physical: 7
Mental: 6
Spiritual: 7

Combat Value: 4 Base
Offense Value: 5 (I think)
Defense Value: 5 (I think)
Combat Focus: Balanced (+1 offense and defense)

Health: 70
Energy: 65
Arousal Threshold: 50

Major: Computer Science (2)
Minor: Communications (1)

Skills:(3 Points)

Traits: (8 Points)
Danger Sense

Flaws:(+3 Points)

Equipment: (4 Points)
2GB MP3 Player(1)
Cell Phone(1)
Telescopic Baton (5damage) (1)
Single Dorm(1)
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Re: Fear of the Dark, Modern Day Occult Tentacle Horror RP

Quetzacoutl "Quetz" Rhinehart, Student
Just two things. First, I'm not sure right now if Quetz is a guy or a girl. I'm kind of guessing guy? A physical description would clarify that for me right away. . . probably. :) We should all do one of these or get a picture to go with our characters.

Second, go ahead and apply your Attack Penalty right to your Attack Value, just to make things easier on me with the bookkeeping.

Otherwise, looks fine.

Lilliana Scott, Student
I'm not seeing where you spent your bonus point from Lilliana's flaw (and nervous is a fine custom flaw). Also, your attack value is one point too high; it should be a 4 (unless you intended to buy Training to boost it up to 5; then you would need one more point).

1: Can I use a katana and then if faced with a human, switch to the sheathe for less damage?
You can always choose to deal less damage with a weapon; if you wanted to hit people with the sheathe. . . I think that would be a little strange looking but it's fine. ;)

2: If I specialized training for katanas would that include improvised stick-like weapons? Of course they would do less damage and I guess I could take a lesser benefit from training.
The specialized training would only apply to the specialty. If you take swords you wouldn't get the same bonus with baseball bats or broom handles, sorry. The game isn't precise enough to make that kind of subtle distinction so the specialized training ends up being pretty restrictive.

3: Would regular training stack with specialized training?
Regular training does stack with specialized training, so as written right now Clarissa would deal +10 damage with a sword and +5 damage with anything else.

Clarissa Annese
Clarissa's combat value is too high though. (8+5+5 = 18) / 3 = 6 - 2 = 4 base, +1 from your combat focus makes it 5. Your attack value would get another +1 from general training makes it 6 or 7 with a sword.

Let me know if you want to change her around.

Regina Alvarado
Regina looks fine. I would go ahead and note her bonus Spell Points next to her Energy.

Only one last question, the ammo for the weapon, come with or do I need to spend more CP to get ammo?
Ammo is included for the guns. I'm not going to be tracking that all that closely; it's assumed that you buy ammunition at the same time you buy the gun.

Carol Ferce
Same suggestion as I gave Phoenix, just go ahead and apply your attack and defense penalty to your listed combat values. Othewise, she looks good.

Hannelore Ritter, Student
It looks like Hannelore has 1 point of extra equipment. 2 points for the laptop, 2 point for the 10 damage weapon and 1 point for the dorm room. Other than that, she looks good.

Alexis Archer
Alexis is missing 10 points of Health. (8+7= 15) x 5 = 75. You probably don't want to short yourself there. You guessed right; always round any remainders down. Otherwise she looks good.

Innocent, your health should be lower. (7+5) * 5 = 60
The other 10 points of Health are from Toughness.
Re: Fear of the Dark, Modern Day Occult Tentacle Horror RP

Re: Fear of the Dark, Modern Day Occult Tentacle Horror RP

Righto. Gonna change that to a 1 point weapon.
Re: Fear of the Dark, Modern Day Occult Tentacle Horror RP

Updated above
Re: Fear of the Dark, Modern Day Occult Tentacle Horror RP

Fortunately everything seems to have been fixed to the point where you're satisfied, though I have to wait for you to check my sheet over again. The whole concept behind my character was a girl who had overprotectived parents, the result of which ended up with her learning much self-defense. Really, unless you have another bonus and a base damage of 25, you can't possibly do more damage than me. I made this character with the hope that it would be at least some what overpowered and I'm becoming anxious to test it out. (character creation = almost as exciting as playing for me)
Re: Fear of the Dark, Modern Day Occult Tentacle Horror RP

1) Name: Sarah Miranda Quintex, Schoolgirl (playing her as a different incarnation then the backstory in the OC thread)

2) Buy Attributes:

Physical: 8
Mental: 7
Spirital: 7

3) Figure out derived attributes:

Combat Value: 8+7+7/3= 7-2=5
Attack Value: 7
Defense Value: 5
Combat Focus: +2 Attack
Health: 75+10
Energy: 70+10
Arousal Threshold: 66

4) Spend remaining points on elective attributes:

Major: Graphic Arts
Minor: Gymnastics
Skills: Awareness Lvl. 1, Computers Lvl 1, Stealth Lvl. 1
Training: Handgun Aiming+1 (damage), Bullet Time (+1 Defense, firearms)
Toughness: 1
Focus: 1
Traits: Sensitive
Equipment: Laptop, Unpowered Scooter (Read as a Bycicle for 1 Point), Magnum + Starting Ammo (-2 points-10 damage), Switchblade (-1 point, 5 Damage)
Flaws: Gain more damage from erotic attacks, can be distracted by erotic attacks, Rash, Jinxed, Mundane, Short-Winded (Cannot 'run' for more then 5 turns in one go), Ungaurded

EDIT: Added the level denotations to Awareness, Computers, and Stealth, addid Rash, Jinxed, and Mundane Flaws, reduced the Scooter to Unpowered Scooter and removed the Singles Dorm
EDIT 2: Added Short-Winded and Ungaurded
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Re: Fear of the Dark, Modern Day Occult Tentacle Horror RP

Your combat Value should be 7.3, rounded down to 7. (8+7+7=22. 22/3=7.3333333333..... you get the idea, the 3 goes on forever. Then 7-2=5. If you took +2 to Combat only then it is a 7.))

EDIT: Defense Value would be 5 if you took +2 to combat only, 6 if you took 1 to each, and 7 if you took +2 to defense only.

EDIT2: You spent 29 character points on your attributes, leaving you 11 to spare.

EDIT3: Stealth I think is only 2 points, unless Janna changed that, so make that 2 points spent only for that.

EDIT4: On your elective attributes, you are fine until you reach your second training part, at which point you are one point over the 40, even after the flaws. By that point you are at 41.

EDIT5: Sensitive Trait costs 2 points, so you should add that there.

EDIT6: By my calculations, after all of your gear, skills, traits and attributes, you have spent 53 Character Points. So you are 13 over the cap, so you would need to drop something out of there, perhaps in the main attributes? I believe my math here is correct, I've done it twice and gotten the same thing both times. Hopefully I have been of some use with this.

I'll edit as I find more and try to help ya out myself.
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Re: Fear of the Dark, Modern Day Occult Tentacle Horror RP

Thanks Siphon, will edit

...damn, I really screwed up. I'm gonna wait on Janna and maybe she can set me right >,>; *bonks head*

What makes it even worse was the numbers next to my skills was the level of said skill XP
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Re: Fear of the Dark, Modern Day Occult Tentacle Horror RP

Not a problem bro.
Re: Fear of the Dark, Modern Day Occult Tentacle Horror RP

2) Buy Attributes: 0 pnts? (I dunno if I fucked up or not, could you check it over?)

Physical: 8
Mental: 7
Spirital: 7
Okay, Physical 8 costs 11 points, Mental 7 costs 9 points and Spiritual 7 likewise costs 9. So that's 29 points. 40 - 29 = 11 points remaining for later.

3) Figure out derived attributes:

Combat Value: 8+7+7/3= 17-2=15 rounded down
Combat Focus: +2 Attack
Health: 75
Energy: 70
Arousal Threshold: 66
To figure out combat value, you add all three stats first, so 8+7+7 = 22. That number is then divided by 3 to make 7 (after you round down). Finally you subtract 2 from that number to get the final result of 5.

You select the +2 Attack option, making your Attack Value 7 and leaving your Defense Value at 5.

Health, Energy and Arousal Threshold look fine for the base values. Let's leave them at base for right now since they might change later.

4) Spend remaining points on elective attributes:

Major: Graphic Arts
Minor: Gymnastics
Skills: Awareness 2, Computers 2, Stealth 3
Training: Handgun Aiming+1 (damage), Bullet Time (+1 Defense, firearms)
Toughness: 1
Focus: 1
Traits: Sensitive
Equipment: Singles Dorm, Laptop, Scooter, Magnum + Starting Ammo? (-2 points-10 damage or so?), Switchblade (-1 point, 5 Damage)
Flaws: Gain more damage from erotic attacks, can be distracted by erotic attacks
Major is 2 points, Minor is 1 point. Skills. . . I'm a little confused on what you want there. If you bought one level of Awareness, Computers and Stealt (+2 to each check), that would cost 3 points. Training with Handguns would cost 1 point for +5 damage. Training with defense against firearms would likewise cost 1 point. Toughness is another 1 point (and should then add +10 Health), Focus is also 1 point (and then adds +10 to energy). Sensitive costs 2 points (since it's a trait). The individual equipment costs 1 for the Dorm, 2 for the Laptop, 2 for the Scooter, 2 for the Magnum and 1 for the switchblade, making a total cost for equipment of 8 points.

So to redo the character sheet, just listing point costs it would look like this:

Physical: 8, 11 pts.
Mental: 7, 9 pts.
Spiritual: 7, 9 pts.

Total for Base Attributes: 11+9+9 = 29 points

Major: +5 to Graphic Arts, 2 pts.
Minor: +3 to Gymnastics, 1 pt.
Skill: +2 to Awareness, 1 pt.
Skill: +2 to Computers, 1 pt.
Skill: +2 to Stealth, 1 pt.
Training: +5 Bonus damage with handguns, 1 pt.
Training: +1 Bonus defense against firearms, 1 pt.
Toughness: +10 Health, 1 pt.
Focus: +10 Energy, 1 pt.
Equipment: Single Dorm Room, 1 pt.
Equipment: Laptop, 2 pts.
Equipment: Scooter, 2 pts.
Equipment: Magnum, 10 damage, 2 pts.
Equipment: Switchblade, 5 damage, 1 pt.
Total Elective Attribute Cost: 2+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+2+2+2+1 = 18 Character Points.

Finally the flaws; they're both good flaws. That would add two more character points to your pool.

Total Character Points Spent: 29 + 18 = 47. Total Bonus Points from Flaws = 2. So 47-2 = 45 leaves you 5 points over (and that's assuming you're just buying each of the skills once).
Re: Fear of the Dark, Modern Day Occult Tentacle Horror RP

Sabrina Lockwood, Student
I was wondering why I missed Sabrina, because I forgot that you left a placeholder post. :p She looks okay, except that her Arousal Threshold should be 10 points higher (7+6+7 = 20 * 3 = 60).