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ADV [Gear Stone Software] Nラブ-ネ取りネ取られ生きるのさ- / N Love ~Life is full of stealing and stolen~ (RJ215701)

Hello, the last time I was there was in January, it's been 4 months, has something happened in this time or the developer still doesn't show any signs of activity?
I mean....you could have just gone to the website and answer that question for yourself instead of bumping this thread again....Not like I didn't put the website's address in the OP or anything.

But to answer your question, no. To answer more thoroughly, because I still have hope for this circle if there was any information to be had I would have immediately post about it. Since, as I previously stated, I still check their website once a month, and since I haven't that means there's nothing to share.
I mean....you could have just gone to the website and answer that question for yourself instead of bumping this thread again....Not like I didn't put the website's address in the OP or anything.

But to answer your question, no. To answer more thoroughly, because I still have hope for this circle if there was any information to be had I would have immediately post about it. Since, as I previously stated, I still check their website once a month, and since I haven't that means there's nothing to share.
I also periodically check the website, I ask only in this forum to see if something came out and I have not found out

because some authors that I follow do not publish anything in months or even years on their website, and they publish everything on twitter or another social network
I also periodically check the website, I ask only in this forum to see if something came out and I have not found out

because some authors that I follow do not publish anything in months or even years on their website, and they publish everything on twitter or another social network
Hard to say, some will be active, but not in things related to the games they are making.
How can I avoid bad ending with Touko ? I always have the bad ending after day 8
How can I avoid bad ending with Touko ? I always have the bad ending after day 8
After day 8? Are you sure about that? The game ends on day 9 regularly and day 10 if you're watching one of the two harem endings. There is no ending after day 8 unless you haven't updated your game in awhile.
Do you mean you get her NTR scenes? Cause, it's really easy to avoid that. Just keep the other guys away from her.
Do you mean the nurse room? Cause, if you haven't seen any NTR scenes it's assumed that it's another couple having sex. And that scene takes place after day 9.
website got an update?
Is there hope?

The last post is still the same, so most likely just an update on the website's side and not that the author did it.


Welp, nvm then, new game just got put on DLsite announcement list.
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I decided to give the trial a go and, unsurprisingly, hooking the thing is probably going to be a pain in the ass. Anyone have any luck with it?
The last post is still the same, so most likely just an update on the website's side and not that the author did it.


Welp, nvm then, new game just got put on DLsite announcement list.
lmao, from nothing to "Here's the announcement and demo guys!"
The front page and product page has been changed but yeah the latest blog is still from 2 years ago. This literally came out of nowhere and I'm damn happy for it!

I'll try out demo later and see if I can hook it with anything, sadly busy atm with Counterside x Code Geass collab. I have C.C. but I shall not rest until I have Kallen too! Hate being a F2P player at times....

edit: So ended up playing demo a little and @Deadwings since it's made with tyrano builder you can use Mtool to hook it. However, while dialog, dialog options and choices are translated....explanations, stats and status screen are not.

To explain the game in the little time I played. It's N+ without the fluff. So far, there's only 2 girls and no rival targets. (Edit: This is wrong. If you go too long without interacting with a girl either positively or negatively, she will get a boyfriend. At that point it becomes a voyeur game since as of now, you don't get the option to interrupt them)
In the beginning the main girl asks who you are: The first option is a fellow student (normal mode) and second is a teacher (hard mode?). I do not know the difference between the two modes as of yet.
Next you're told to give your birth month, apparently you get a special scene if the girl's affection is at a certain lvl. So choosing a later month might be the way to go.
You get a small introduction to the girls and your first dialog choices. I don't think either matters since the outcome is the same.
Once past that you get scene selection, pretty much asking if you meet with Girl A, Girl B or neither. I currently don't know what choosing neither does.
When you choose a girl and the scene plays out with some dialog, you'll get some choices and a stat indicator:
The choices on the left side are dialog option, when I played the 2nd and 3rd were both perverted each time. If it goes the same route as N+, the 3rd will lead to H scene when correct stats are gained.
The choices on the right side are touching options: 1A is rub head, 1B is kiss, 2A is rub breasts, 2B is touch nipples, 3A is flip skirt and 3B is rub butt (wanted this one to be 2B for memes).
The stats seem to be:
Mood - I'm guessing the better her mood the more she'll allow.
Horniness (?) - Gained by certain options, the amount gained seems to be based on RNG. This one seems to reset each encounter.
Looking at the kanji, probably Love - I was messing around so never got this one up.
Last one, obtained! This is her preference - It can change! I'm not sure if it's random, if it's scripted to certain scenes or if player choice can influence it!

That's it for now, gotta go back to the grind and personal stuff! Happy hunting!
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I'm trying this demo out but so far I couldn't get any H-scenes, if anyone else is more lucky or knows what to do, please let me know.
I'm trying this demo out but so far I couldn't get any H-scenes, if anyone else is more lucky or knows what to do, please let me know.

Ok, finish what I had to do and decided to seriously play it and.....well, I now know why they give you so much time. For starters, the game is like their other two games, mostly on rails. The amount of stuff you can do is limited, I'll explain more later.

Like previous said, you choose who you are. Student (normal) or Teacher (hard). The difference is that the Teacher starts off with a lower relationship lvl than the Student. Some dialog changes between the two.
Next you choose your birthday, this probably has meaning when you're going out with the girl but the game ends before you can actually achieve this. Ending in July while August would be the earliest you can see something from this.

The game starts on the 2nd week of April and ends after the 4th week of July, so 14 scenes. Which then the game proceeds to give you a bunch of H spoilers before sending you back to main menu.

Status: Now playing the trial for real I can better identify these.
Relationship - How the girl feels about you. Student starts at the second lowest while teacher starts at the lowest. No matter what you do Student will not go down to lowest. As Student, you need 7 positives to go to 3rd lvl and 12 to confess to a girl. As Teacher, you need 7 to progess to 2nd lvl, 13 to progess to 3rd lvl and he cannot confess to a girl (most likely due to lack of points, guessing need 19 in total).

Excitement - How horny she is, gained by being physical with her. If the area is not her preference, seems to gain between 10-20 points and 20-30 points if it is. You need 50 points to activate H scene.

Pregnancy - Yeah, was totally wrong before about this stat. Most likely works like N+ where if it reaches 100 she becomes pregnant. No point in demo.

Preference - Which area she likes to be touched. Once you're her trial boyfriend, she'll only let you touch that area. Same with during H scene. Touching her 5 times on a different area changes her pref to that area. Kissing doesn't work since she stops you before you can. Not worth changing in demo since you won't have enough days to confess, so no H scene.

Choice during scenes:
Top - Positive response, will always gain you a point in relationship.
Middle - Talks about her breast. She will knock you out pre-trial dating and will accept it only once while dating.
Bottom - Ask for H. If not trial girlfriend or stats not enough, she'll forgive you once. Knocks you out if tried again, proceeds to H if you're TB and have stats.

Top Left - Head rub
Top Right - Kissing
Middle Left - Boob grope
Middle Right - Nipple play
Bottom Left - Flip skirt and/or play with pussy
Bottom Right - Ass grope

Guide to trial boyfriend + H:
Choice at beginning after meeting both girls doesn't matter.
Pick one girl and just always choose top green response until you confess, there's a few exception listed below.
5/4 - After choosing top green, you'll be lead to a follow up where MC and girl make a bet on a test. choosing the left option (you winning the bet) gives you a scene of mc groping the girl without lost to relationship points. Choosing the right option ( you losing) simply gains you relationship point.

7/1 - This one starts with MC asking the girl to walk home together. From there it'll give you the same scene choices but now from a side angle. (As of right now only Girl B is available as Girl A leads to a softlock). Your relationship lvl doesn't matter, she'll accept walking home with you regardless.

7/2 - If you got enough points, top green choice will be to confess. After choosing this, it doesn't matter what choice you make afterwards you'll end up dating.

7/3 - If you're going out, you can now touch her pref area twice and choose middle green once. With right amount of excitement can do H scene. If not going out, you can confess.

7/4 - Last day and another walk home together scene. Same stuff apply as 7/3.

H scene: Handjob
You'll get 6 options the scene -
Top Left - Cum
Middle Left - Ask for blowjob (she'll refuse, probably related to relationship lvl)
Bottom Left - Ask for sex (she'll refuse, probably related to relationship lvl)
Top Right - Kiss during handjob (Girl B refuses, probably related to preference)
Middle Right - Grope breasts during handjob
Bottom Right - Play with nipples during handjob (Girl B refuses, probably related to preference)
After cumming once, a blue choice will appear among the existing ones. This ends the scene or you can go into the MC is tapped dry.

Voyeur guide: I would call this NTR but honestly, it's not. the girl doesn't have feelings for you and actually dislikes you at this point. Only teacher has these scenes at the moment.
Up to 7/1 - Ignore one or both of the girls, seems the other guy gains a point whenever you're not dealing with her. It might activate for student if number of days were longer.

7/2 - Will see confession scene.

7/3 and 7/4 - Will see H scene with the two.

H scene: Handjob
Just like with the MC H scene just from a 3rd person view instead of a first person one and no choices.

And that's it. Hopefully the game branches out more with the number of days increasing on full release. Otherwise it's a pretty basic visual novel with some interactive choices. Little addition, from the description teacher give of the boy during the voyeur scene....it might very well be the student MC. If that's so, you play as both guys going after the girls.
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So through using MTool it's possible to get to the H scene with the teacher.

Alas trying to go to blowjob/sex will just softlock the game.
So through using MTool it's possible to get to the H scene with the teacher.

Alas trying to go to blowjob/sex will just softlock the game.
Ah, you played with the values too huh?

A few things I can say:
Teacher voyeur scenes are not in the demo. The selection screen is blank and the student sprite is used during H. But the description further points to you being both the protag and rival.
Like regular H, voyeur scenes doesn't go beyond handjob.
Once you've reached lvl 4 relationship, you can freely touch girl anywhere. Some sprite animation changes if it's her pref spot.
Birthday scene isn't in the demo.
No matter how high you set the values, Voyeur scenes only start as early as July/Week 1. But dating starts as early as April/Week 2 (beginning of game).
Relationship points are gathered in multiple of 3. Student starts off at 0 while teacher starts off at -21. It seemed at first that you gain a lvl every 21 points, but it gets kinda wonky after lvl 3.
There is currently no H scene variation for gym clothes, only: School uniform w/ blazer, school uniform w/o blazer and street clothes. Also no variation with wet clothes, sadness.
If you open up a girl's shirt to play with her nipples, the play with breast option disappeared. More sadness.

Things I haven't tried:
If 3p is possible. One of the "spoiler" scenes suggest yes, but that's probably more an ending than anything. Another thing is how during regular H, different girl is on different side of you.
If voyeur scenes are possible with a big enough gap between student and teacher. I unlocked it for student by lowering his relationship points to -21 but wondering if there's a point gap that will start it for him regularly.
Just noticed it yesterday, but author update his blog with "I'm moving to ci-en" basically.

Just noticed it yesterday, but author update his blog with "I'm moving to ci-en" basically.

That's cool, I just hope we can get a steady progress report now. I also hope when it finally released it's not in the same state N+ was in, that game was a hot mess for it's first year or so.

I can confirm though that the girls aren't freaking morons, if you're dating one the other will know and if you try to go after the other girl she will essentially kick your ass and refuse to interact with you afterwards. There may be a special way to get both, but it's not in the demo.
What a pleasant turn of events. Only thing that can make it better if the Valkaryia dev came back out of nowhere too.
The trial was updated to fix the bug with Girl A. You can now do the walk home together scene, nothing else has changed. But it furthers raises my expectation of 3P since both the going home scene and the H scene are done on the opposite side of Girl B.

Also author raises question about adding in a 3rd person sprite view for H scenes (like the way the voyeur scenes are done), confirms that the rival is just the other playable character and brought up the case of the game being NTR. Pretty much said that it depends on the person and how they view NTR but they personally considers it NTR.
Do you think that now that the author is in ci-en we will have more frequent updates? Everything seems to indicate that he will now report weekly
I'm having trouble with the game this thread was made for. The text appears fine and everything, my system is in Japanese, but for some reason all the scenes give errors and the title screen is just a blank white background with a tiny black square in the top left corner. I have tried redownloading to no change. Is this a video card issue or am I doing something wrong still?