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Re: Mjorna

Meda could see Ilph trying to suppress her laughter, causing her tails to droop slightly and she whispered angrily "It's polite not to laugh. It would've been better if you had informed me directly so I can then understand why your laughing."
Re: Mjorna

Virgil continues through the city, his hands clasped together in front of him in fear, his upper body slightly hunched forward "T-this place gives me the creeps. Let's just get the food and get out." he says, looking across the street and then breaking into a mad dash for the warehouse, anxious to hurry and get out of the open "Hurry up Leon!"
Re: Mjorna

"Right... To the forest then!" Toya says merrily, taking out his knife and making sure it was sharp before turning to head back into the wood. "See you two later. Hopefully with something ready to cook!" He laughs, going decently far out and behind a few rather large trees, gingerly slicing open the boar's stomach and preparing to remove it's entrails.
Re: Mjorna

Hera can see that the way down the street is still free - even though a third beast is slowly circling her to cut that way off as well. If the Lion Kin wants to get away, she should act quickly.

Allready fearful, she didn't realize a piece of armor was sliding out, and soon clattered onto the ground LOUDLY.

This also help shatter her 'deer in the headlight look,' and with a startled squeak, she ran for it down the open street.
Re: Mjorna

Leon was already on edge from just being in this place, so when Virgil broke into a dash for the warehouse, he swore under his breath and ran after him.
Re: Mjorna

"Not laughing at you Meda." she said with a wry grin, "I just think our 'mighty hunter' has a long and merry chase ahead of him."
Re: Mjorna

Meda blushed and her angry countenance disappeared from her face. "I'm sorry I got angry at you Ilph. Just me misunderstanding... I hope Toya can withstand Phay's more then likely helpful advances?"
Re: Mjorna

Tork nods and places his hands on his belt. "Sure is. . . though he generally accepts anybody. There was this one guy though. . ." The badger shakes his head. "I don't know WHAT he told Wulfric, but the Prior was after him like a man possessed. Couldn't believe that he can run this fast." After a brief pause Tork shrugs. "Just don't insult the Gods and you should be fine, I figure."
- - -
The hunt is on. Hera can hear a roar behind her, followed by skipping stones and the telltale sound of running footsteps on hard ground. Maybe the lioness went too far into their territory - or she smells too strongly like dead meat.
- - -
As Virgil runs into the shady warehouse he notices the gleam of metal before him. The Monkey Kin barely has time to skip to a halt. . . Lucky for him too. Another step and he would have impaled himself on the spear pointed in his direction. "Why are you entering my territory?" A voice snarls out of the darkness. Leon, following closely behind, could make out the form of a Taur, though he is not sure on the Kin race.
Re: Mjorna

Ilphstra winked, "No problem. Let's go get more berries then hrm?"
Re: Mjorna

Panicy, the girl kept running, trying to outrun the creatures. She didn't want to be caught by now, definately not now....
Re: Mjorna

(Here's to me hoping I didn't miss anything related to Yulka in that convo rush!!)

Yulka gave a meek nod in response to Tork, before she stayed quiet as the others talked, content with just sawing pieces of wood. Of course, she was careful to not cut herself.
Re: Mjorna

Virgil gasps upon hearing the voice, then notices the spear "W-we're just here to get some s-supplies." the monkey kin says, fear obviously in his voice "Isn't that r-right, Leon?" he asks, looking for the gravedigger and then back into the warehouse at the spear pointed at him "W-who are you?"
Re: Mjorna

The spear withdraws a bit into the shadow, but doesn't disappear entirely. "We've claimed the warehouse for ourselves. When we're done with the food we'll move on, and you can have whatever's left. Leave."
- - -
Hera's steps resound in the ruins as she rapidly approaches the city gate. The large cats are still hot on her heels, though, and they are slowly coming closer. . .
Re: Mjorna

Trying to run faster, Hera panted, her cloak billowing behind her as her bare paws pounded the ground. Only a little bit further, and she'd be out of the city...
Re: Mjorna

Meda nods her head heading to Ilph's home to collect a basket.
Re: Mjorna

Ilphstra also grabbed another basket, and started out to the berry patch.

Phaydra on the other hand, slithered over to the chapel to look for the Prior.
Re: Mjorna

Meda followed Ilph and once more poked her, figuratively, about the village greeting. "Ilph, could you go into more detail about Phay's village and that greeting?"
Re: Mjorna

Ilphstra shook her head, "Not too much. I didn't go there, and the only thing my father told me was they this village was unusual because they didn't use the standard greeting." she furrowed her brow trying to remember, "The way to Nirvana is long, but the path is filled with riches and the reward greater than imaginable. I think that's what he told me the customary greeting was. Not too much of a change. But enough to make them distinct from the rest of the kingdom."
Re: Mjorna

Meda nods her head and replies "They made themselves stand out of individuals? Wouldn't that make some people hate them for doing that?"

(Much convo or little convo chi? Like how quickly do you want to get to the berry patch and back?)
Re: Mjorna

Ilphstra shrugged, "Like I said, I don't know much..."

(Just a few more posts)