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Scourge of the Silver Marches


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
You stand in a meeting room in the Golden Oak Inn in the Gem of the North; Silverymoon. The room is large enough to easily accommodate twice the number that now stand in it, with flagstone walls and an oak door, now closed. There are no tables or chairs in the room, and so everyone in the room is standing. On a raised area there is a large wooden board, and on it are a group of maps and charts, with one large blank piece of paper in the center.

On the far side from the door stand three men and an old woman, one a lightly tanned human in shining full plate armor, with short dark wavy hair and a short gristly beard; another human in half plate with a tower shield on his back and with a full beard and balding light brown hair; and the third an elf with long blond hair in a ponytail and two swords on his belt. The woman wears the robes of a wizard and has darkly tanned weathered skin, and long graying hair.

The man in full plate steps forward, and looks over the members of the party, scowling slightly at the sight of the apparently demonic, and one that seems to be made of jelly. He glances back at his companions quickly before speaking in a loud, deep voice; "This is a gathering of all those who would participate in the mission, sponsored by the church of Lathander. All those willing to brave great peril in order to end a great evil in our land, I thank thee. Know that you will be well rewarded. We go to face a great enemy, one whom has already done harm to the peoples of our land, and came seemingly from nowhere. We will present to you all the information we have on our quest." He pauses briefly and looks around once again, before stepping to a map of the region, and continuing; "We hunt a group of four, all of whom are apparently quite formidable. However, this is not all, for one of them holds an artifact which grants them power to raise the dead as their slaves. They were tracked going through the Coldwood, to what we believe was once a wizards tower, in the mountains." he points to a spot on the map, on the face of a mountain to the North of Silverymoon. "This is our quest: to find these monsters and purge them from our lands, and destroy this evil artifact which allows them to violate the dead. Before we continue, are there any questions?"
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

The filthy wild-eyed dwarf standing with the party stops wiggling around long enough to drunkenly blurt out, "Yes is there a bathroom near here, me thinks me had one too many ales this morning."

He starts wiggling some more before adding, "As far as the mission goes, I have naught a question about it, yet."
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Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Carella steps forward, looking at the map carefully keeping her distance as she takes down the information, she looks up with her sunken, gaunt eyes and smiles at the man, "Will you provide... neccessities... or will we gather them ourselves...?"

(Btw, Carella isn't made of Jelly... yet, she still looks mostly human, she just really stinks)
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

The dwarf eyes suddenly widen and he dashes from the room...

The group hears a crashing sound from the hallway leading to the chamber, and a few minutes later the dwarf returns with a satisfied look to him. "Ah that be better. -hiccup- I won't be needing any other neccesities. I gots everything I need with me," he says taking a swig from a flask he had in one of his belt pouches.

He moves next to the gaunt girl to look at the map. He sniffs the air for a second before mumbling, "Hmm, I may have to finally take a bath this year. I smell worse than I seem to remember."
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Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

As long as we get paid, I'm fine doing this, but I must unfortunately agree with it about its question. Granth replies with added emphasis on 'it.'
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

(Reminds me that I should have asked for character descriptions. Food probably won't be an issue.)

The man in half plate snickers at the dwarfs comment, and then gives a bellowing laugh as he rushes from the room. Remaining stone faced at the dwarfs antics, the other man says; "We will be carrying three weeks rations to get us to the town of Stonebridge, which is usually a tendays journey. There, we will buy more supplies if necessary and continue on. Basic necessities will be provided for, but anything else you might need I advise you bring yourself." he glances at the dwarf as he says this.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

"Don't worry I've got plenty, a little of this stuff goes a long way." The dwarf says looking back at the man.

"So when do we start fer Stonebridge?"
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Laughs softly as she looks at the two large loaves of bread in her bag, "Perhaps... I brought too much...". She nods at the dwarf, "When... shall we leave?"
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

The elf, slight irritation in his voice, puts in "We leave when we've said what must be said." followed by the man in half plate saying; "Calm down Aramil! If they want a crack at 'em this bad, maybe we'll actually get the job done."

"Enough, lets get through this so we can get going. My name is Trex, Sir Almodeus Trex. My associates here are Aramil and Father Bolm. I'll be leading the mission, and they will be coming with us. Now, this is what you must know."
He finishes, and turns to the old woman, who recites a brief incantation, and a surprisingly lifelike image appears on the large blank piece of paper. It's an elf woman in traveling clothes, holding a red stone. Trex says; "This is Sylvia, leader of the quartet we hunt. She is some kind of sorcerer, for she has been seen growing wings and flying to rain magic upon her victims. She holds one of the items we must retrieve, a stone with incredible power. With it she can control entire armies of undead."
The image changes, now it's what at first glance you would believe was a succubus in a red cloak; "This one is called Lyla, she is apparently some kind of demon, who..." "Bah, she's no demon, just a tiefling with enough black blood to pull up some fire and parlor tricks," Bolm interrupts. "As I was saying," shooting Bolm a glare, "she must be captured not killed, for I'm told that the amulet around her neck will cause great destruction if it is not removed first."
The image changes again, this time to a hulking figure, a goliath in green-blue armor. "This one is called Jecail, and of the group he is the most straightforward to eliminate. Beware though, he is a mighty opponent."
The image changes once more, this time showing a tall thin man in dark clothes under a tattered cloak. "We have no idea what this mans name is, but he is by far the most deadly of the group. He can appear and disappear at will, and can move as silently as if he were made of air. He carries two swords," the image changes to two short swords, one black bladed with a serrated back edge, the other seemingly made of silver and glowing bright "the black blade is a foul weapon, and we would see it destroyed. The other must be recovered, for it is a weapon blessed by Lathander, and such a blade must not remain in the hands of one so foul." The paper becomes blank once more.

Seemingly finished, Trex glances around, and says; "if there are no further questions, we may get under way immediately."
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Nods as she walks away from the map, playing slowly with some materials in her bag as she begins to make a small bottle of acid, "I... am always ready..."

(Action: Make Bottle of Acid if allowed, do I roll or does the GM?)
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

"I have a question or two first. One: If these four are so dangerous, why would you hire a ragtag group such as ourselves instead of using your most skilled people? And two: I heard you mention a reward. I would like to know what to expect, before accepting such a task."
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

With a suddenly lucid look and a slight frown the dwarf growls, "Bah, you humans and your rewards. My reward shall be the death of either me or my enemies. Though I must admit to being a little curious as to why you did assemble such an unusual group."

The dwarf's face returns to it's usual drunken gleam, "I'm ready to leave whenever everyone else is. -hiccup-"
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

(Good questions. The idea is that you're supposed to not fight them, there's a way out that you're supposed to take, that's why I'm actually glad you aren't all lawful good. For item creation, you do the rolling, but for anything else, I do. The mission was posted by a flyer, and the characters read it. I was just too lazy to put that in the opening post.)

"We are all that are available. Do not fear, the Morninglord will see us through. As for your rewards, you will be well payed in gold, and the church will be prepared to offer its services to you at any time that you require it. In addition, any items besides the ones we have described are yours to keep. Now, if that is all..."
"I have a question." a monotonous voice says from the back of the room. "Why do you think this is a good idea?" the voice says, and a man appears, the unnamed man, leaning against the wall.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

The figure leaning against the back wall leans forward. It is obscured by what seems to be multiple layers of clothing as well as a large cowl, but the voice is melodic and unmistakeably feminine.

"You make a bold move, coming here." She states plainly.
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Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

(Shrike currently has 666 posts. And there's a bad guy in the back of the room too.)
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

(Time: 100/495 x 7 = 1.14 days)

Carella smiles as she starts to brew her small potion, she had a good feeling she would be done rather quickly... she looks up at Malacet curiously, but remains silent.
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Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

"Could be a good idea, could not be." Tod shrugs. "But... A job's a job. Not like I have something better I could be doing. Besides, sounds like it's pretty important according to these guys." he sighs, following Carella's example and starting to make an extra acid vial.

(Time: 100/450 x 7 = 1.56 days)
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

(Probably should have made that more dramatic. Oh well.)

"Yeah. I do that sometimes." the dark man says in reply to the heavily clothed woman, and steps away from the wall. Bolm, Aramil, and Trex have already drawn their weapons, but he doesn't seem to notice. He says; "I'm not here to kill you today, only to warn you. You will find little aid in your quest. And you will fail. And you will die. Now, good day to you." he finishes, and disappears again.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

The dwarf's eyes bulged a little at the sight of the bad guy as he fingered his axe, but he says nothing.

After the unnamed man leaves he relaxes slightly, "Sneaky little bugger weren't he."
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

"Huh... Nice of him to warn us I guess. No risk, no fun or reward though. I take it from your drawn weapons that he's an aquaintance of yours?" He asks Bolm, Aramil, and Trex.