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Scourge of the Silver Marches

Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Continues to brew her potion quietly, watching the man appear and disappear, she turns to the trio, "Like I said... shall we get going...?"
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

"Well maybe we don't want to go with the plan we just layed out for them. I don't mind dying in a straight up fight, but it may be kind of foolish to go right where they're expecting us no?" The dwarf says looking over to Bolm, Aramil, and Trex.

"Either way I'm ready to go when you are. The names Holi Stoneshredder, but most just refer to me as bloodystump." He adds with a nod to the rest of the group.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

"I am Malacet." The cloaked and robed woman says, before leaning against the wall again.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

"Tod. Glad to meet you all!" He says with a cheerful smile as he gets back to his potion.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Looks up at the others and smiles briefly, extending a hand to anyone that wanted to shake her hand, "Carella..."
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

(There was supposed to be a trio of ghouls coming in to attack you, but I decided to scrap that because that would probably have pissed off Alustriel, and part of the reason that guy was there was to make peace with her.)

Trex and Bolm shake their heads and sheathe their weapons, but Aramil narrows his eyes and glances around the room before storming out.
Bolm says, after he's gone; "those four killed a group of his people when they passed through the wood. I don't know, but apparently, all were killed by a quick blade, the elf says it was all that ones doing. Well, lets be off then."

Trex nods in agreement, and says; "Indeed."

(Travel time will be done on a day by day basis, with rolls at night and during the day. These rolls will be invisible, but anything relevant like spot/listen I'll put the numbers in the posts from now on. The path to the first town is required, after that you guys basically pick where you want to go from a number of choices. The more you do, the more exp you get and the more you know.)
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

"I agree," Malacet says, before following the rest out the door, sticking near the middle of the group.

((sounds like a plan, anyone else here a completionist? :) ))
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

(I have no problem earning extra exp and making this last longer)

Tod nods. "Ready when you guys are. I can make this while walking..."
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Looks up and follows Malacet closely, lowering her head as she resumes brewing her potion
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Bloodystump moves out with the rest of the party taking a spot as close to the front as he can get. He reaches into his pouch and pulls the flask he was drinking from back out. "Don't know if anyone wants to join me, but it's kind of a custom at the Citadel to start a journey with a drink o' gutbuster." Holi says taking a swig and offering the flask to the others.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Bolm grinning, takes the offered flask, and downs a long swig before returning it to the dwarf. "Good stuff!"

After traveling along a rough, poorly beaten road for the better part of the remaining day, Bolm speaking to everyone in his loud booming voice, Aramil, who had been leading about 20 paces ahead, holds up a hand, signaling a stop. Trex moves up to speak with him, and after a brief quiet exchange, he rejoins the rest of the group, and whispers; "Orcs lie in ambush ahead, Aramil counts less than a dozen of the beasts. He believes they know we're coming, but not how many of us there are."

(If your character ever finds something that everyone else missed, I'll send it to you via a M labelled "you found..." or somesuch. This time the elf found it before any of you even had to roll. It's been about 8 hours of travel, it's currently almost dusk.)
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Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Looks the alcohol with a smile, then shakes her head, "I should... probably not drink while I'm brewing potions..." She lowers her head again as she follows

(So are we basically waiting for phoenix?)
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Malacet nods a little, pulling gloved hands from the folds of her robe and pulling the flask deep under the cowl, though there is a flash of red hair when she tilts her head back. "Thanks, it's... Stronger than I remember." She says, passing it back to the Dwarf.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

(Now we are, I don't want to go into anything like this unless we've got everyone.)
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

"Orcs you say? In that case..." He places his still incomplete brew on the ground and casts a couple spells. "If anyone without armor wants some temporarily, feel free to let me know." He offers, resuming his acid making.

(Cast False Life and Mage Armor on self, in that order if something interrupts.)
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

"How far of a sightline can we get?" Malacet asks, not disturbed at all by the news.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

As the normally drunken look disappears from his face. Holi grips his waraxe in his hands, and it almost seems like he's smiling, "Hmm me blade thirsts for something to hack into, and orcs will do quite nicely. May the Lady of the Fray guide us to victory."
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Orcs? Heh, there is an easy way to deal with orcs: lightning solves all problems. Granth says as he slides towards the front of the group, trying to get a clear line of attack for his first spell before falling back to let others do close in fighting. With a look of glee in his eyes, sparks start arcing between the fingers of his right hand as he draws the mana for his first spell of the night.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

You are joined by Aramil. His expression is almost gleeful, surprisingly. Keeping his voice low; "There are some on each side of the path. Most are on the right, seven by my count, hidden among the trees. Once they come out of cover, they should be easy pickings. There are three on the left, among a bunch of bushes. They're clustered together, but they'll be difficult to see until they charge. The ambush is about 40 feet ahead of us, at a slight bend in the path."
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

So about where would you think would the best place for a nice line of electricity to pass through would be? Granth says, eying up the bend. While he did manage to avoid having the evil nature of the demons his blood is connected to, he does seem to be a slight overzealous in his love of zapping things.